Study Finds Heavy Presence of PFAS in Fracking Chemicals
Researchers called for changes in Pennsylvania regulations to stop the use of PFAS in fracking chemicals.
Researchers called for changes in Pennsylvania regulations to stop the use of PFAS in fracking chemicals.
Researchers traced the increased leukemia risks to chemicals from fracking operations leaching into nearby drinking water supplies.
Millions live near enough to oil and gas wells to be potentially affected by adverse health conditions linked to hydrofracking
The study found the risk of preterm birth and low birth weight increased for women who lived near numerous hydrofracking wells
Hydraulic fracturing has been linked to a variety of health concerns due to both air and water contamination.
Mortality increased for those living both downwind and upwind from fracking sites, suggesting more than air pollutants are at play, researchers said.
Contaminants include benzene, toulene, salts and heavy metals, which are migrating toward water sources from unlined wastewater ponds.