Similac Recall Class Action Lawsuit Filed Over Bug-Infested Baby Formula

A mother has filed a Similac class action lawsuit against Abbott Laboratories, alleging that the company deceptively promoted the infant formula as safe, despite the fact that Similac may be infested with small beetles, which could cause gastrointestinal problems and difficulty feeding. 

The baby formula class action lawsuit was filed by Kathleen A. Bradner in federal court in New Orleans, coming the day after the announcement of a Similac recall for 5 million units that may be contaminated with bugs.

Bradner claims that the company failed to put adequate quality control measures in place to make sure that Similac baby formula powder was safe and free of beetles. The lawsuit accuses Abbott Laboratories of negligence, intentional and negligent misrepresentation, breach of warranty and strict liability, among other charges.

Similac NEC Class Action Lawsuits

Families of premature babies diagnosed with necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) may now be eligible for settlements through a <a href="" target="_blank">Similac class action lawsuit</a> or individual claim against Abbott.

The Similac formula class action is asking the court to grant buyers a refund and seeks punitive, compensatory and special damages, as well as court costs and attorney fees. The lawsuit also asks the court to order Abbott to stop misrepresenting Similac.

Abbott issued a recall of Similac infant formula last week after discovering beetle contamination, which occurred at the company’s Sturgis, Michigan, production facility.

While Abbott claims that testing has shown that 99.8% of the recalled products are free of bugs, concerned parents have swamped Abbott’s website, social media, news and parenting forums across the internet with concerns and fears that their children may have consumed or gotten ill due to eating Similac with insects.

The recall is having a worldwide impact, with Saudi Arabia announcing on Monday that it would ban Similac, despite Abbott limiting the recall to the U.S., Puerto Rico, Guam and countries in the Caribbean.

The FDA has said that the beetle contamination does not represent an immediate health risk, but could cause gastrointestinal discomfort in infants and result in a refusal to eat.

Earlier this week, Senator Tom Harkin sent a letter to Abbott Laboratories, asking them to confirm the FDA’s assessment of the Similac formula health risks, and also asked why it appears the company waited a week after discovering the problem before issuing the recall.

Update from February 2011 and November 2021:

After a number of other individuals filed a Similac class action lawsuit raising similar allegations over problems from the bug-infested baby formula, a motion was filed in January 2011 to consolidate the Similac litigation in the federal court system. However, that request was denied during a hearing of the U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (JPML) on February 4, 2011.

About ten years later, in 2021, Abbott Laboratories faced a new round of litigation with hundreds of families of premature babies pursuing a NEC lawsuit over the failure to warn that the cow’s milk formula may increase the risk of a serious and life-threatening injury in the NICU, known as necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). Similar allegations have been raised in NEC Enfamil lawsuits filed against Mead Johnson, another popular cow’s milk-based formula.

Infant Formula Lawsuit Lawyer - Enfamil and Similac
Infant Formula Lawsuit Lawyer - Enfamil and Similac


  1. michael

    I have had my son on similac until i found out about the recall. He was very ill throwing up and diharia screaming and crying. It has been almost a week now and his stool has not gotten any better even after switching formula. He consumed almost 2 containers wich i refuse to take back to the store incase anything which is longterm comes from this.

  2. Lisa

    my son has been sick and we have documented dr visits trying to figure out why. He has been on this formula and I have the container that we used that was recalled. I’d like to join the suit

  3. jeanny

    My daughter has been drinking this formula since she was born. As soon as this recall came out, I stopped feeding her formula. It is inexcusable to find something like bugs in the formula. Formula should be safe.My baby has been sick and not herself. I will take her to the doctors and go from there.

  4. Brittany

    Thank goodness someone is standing up and doing something about this disgusting recall. Having 4 month twins is ruff enough on a mother, let alone making numerous doctor appts and missing work to go to radiology for a scan on the abdomen, becasue my little girl would not eat, and had dehydration from diarreh. And little did I know that I was feeding her beetle larva and parts. The guilt will be apart of our lives forever. And it makes me sick that they acctually waited a week to let us know. I am returning 13 cans to Abbot for a full refund, and I hope the company suffers in a large way. I know people say that many of our foods we consume have some bug parts and such and nothing is done about it, well these are infants! These babies dont have the immunity to fight off investations. And the warehouse should be routingly checked everyday for things like this. Please keep me updated on this lawsuit.

  5. Nina

    My daughter was sick for two weeks because of similac’s negligence. My niece was sick as well and spent three days in the hospital. We trusted this company to feed our babies and give them nourishments, when in fact they did the opposite.



  7. MArilyn

    My now 5 mos old son has been to the Doctor office 3+ times over the last few months due to GI issues that were all misdiagnosed and due to the Similac formula contamination. The doctor said the time line of health issues was right on track with the time that we switched him from Gerber Good start to Similac. He has suffered many rough days and nights and had to endure the changing of 3 types of formula on his little system (Soy , Sensitive and then Regular). The doctors were perplexed as to why he had so much diarrhea, spit up, gassy issues and pain in his abdomen causing extreme fussiness and pain. I am beyond infuriated that my son had to suffer needlessly!

  8. Douglas

    my (7 week old)son was ill with stomach problems for about 5 weeks we had gone to the doctors and they recommended switching to soy we did and that was not working so then we requested a prescription for prevacid and that only made the pain worse.After reading about the recall on the Web we immediately switched formula companys and our baby boy has been fine

  9. Eddie

    we have twins and we feed them a lot of this junk . I am piss off i still have one of the package that is recalled . we dump it in the trash after spending money on this crap . the lot number is also on the 34 oz which they are not tell you that info . I never like the powder i like the can mile but there mom said lets get the powder . I knew i did not like it for some reason now i know i was feeding my kids bugs and bug dodo . i am a parent i did not think i would have to check new milk that comes from a company we feed our babys .

  10. Alexandra

    Will this be an action that other parents can be involved in?

  11. Shonda

    I have a question, not comment. How can I have my 2 containers tested to see if they are infected? I filled out a form on similac’s website and they sent me a box to ship the products back. I have not shipped it off yet because I would really like to find out if mine contained bugs. My
    daughter had a horrible 3 weeks of vomiting, not eating, and fussiness and as soon as I heard about the recall, I went and got the ready made and she has been a different baby. I have daycare that can back me up on this. I took her off the recalled container and she has been a happy baby who loves to eat.

  12. Fatima

    My one month and half baby has been crying and very fussy , also having diahrea all the time , and this week she’s having some rush , am taking her to the doctor friday oct 01 again . It’s not right what happening to all the baby’s ….

  13. Georgie

    Now I understand what could have been wrong with my 7 mth old son, up till I changed his formula and several doctors visits.

  14. Elizabeth

    Grandson ( at 3 weeks old) put on Similac Sensitive powder; began throwing up and having diarrhea. Two ER visits and 2 admissions later, at 7 weeks of age, he underwent surgery to correct sudden onsett pyloric stenosis. When he was discharged from the hospital, we tried the powder again and we had immediate vomiting. I have since found out that the containr we were feeding him from is from the lot that has been recalled. He is now on ready to feed Similac Sensitive and is finally gaining weight, although he is behind for his age. He does appear now to be thriving.

  15. brittany


  16. Jessica

    My son is almost 4 months old and has been on similac since he was born. We have been taking him to the pediatrician and specialists since he was about 2 weeks old because he couldn’t poop! He would go 2 weeks sometimes and he was always in pain because of it the pediatrician sent us to Pittsburgh to childrens hospital trying to find out what was wrong! When I found out about the recall I immediately stopped using it and put him on good start formula… That was about 5 days ago and I’m happy to say he has pooped everyday for the past 3 days I’m furious that all those appts and Dr.s and here it was because of the formula! When I called similac they tried to say they didn’t know If it would cause that but I find it funny that he has not had a problem since switching! I would like more info on this lawsuit because I want them to pay for putting my son in pain for the first 4 months of his life!!!

  17. Lakendra

    My one month old daughter has been very upset for the past couple of weeks. I took her to the doctor because she was spitting up out of her nose and mouth. The doctor thought it was heart burn, so I started giving her zantec. However, I noticied it was not working and she has started having diaherrea. Then I hear of a recall and I submit my lot number and my batch is apart of the recall.

  18. Lacie

    My four month old has been very sick from this unsanity formula. She’s beeb throwing up has had gas constanly and diarrhea for awhile. I called the company after they recalle it and all they wanted to do is give us some lousy coupons. Ive had my daughter at the Dr. four or five times because she was sick from this formlua and not knowing what was wrong with her is a terrible feeling. Our Dr. couldnt figure out what was wrong with her. These are our children and we’ve beenfeedinfg them bugs for months. And these peoplre are acting like it’s no big deal just because they recalled the formula. I think this company is just horrible they should have been doing there job.

  19. brenda

    This is a shame. My grandson who was born 6 weeks premature has been on similac then had to swith to similac Advance and he has had nothing but trouble direea and refuseing to eat and tummy pain.

  20. catherine

    GOOD! this recall makes me sick. I hope no babies were seriously hurt.

  21. Mistie

    My son is less than four months old and I had been trusting similac since the day he was born. I am a single mom and don’t have much money to support my son but trusted similac enough to pay more for his formula. He is normally a very easy baby but about three weeks ago he started getting very fussy and was spitting up often. Being a first time mom I did my best to comfort him but didn’t give much thought to the possibility that he may actually be sick rather than just fussy. Then the recall came and I immediately changed his formula. Within a few days my son was back to himself again and no longer showing signs of discomfort. I could never trust similac again. My son, as well as every baby out there couldn’t tell me what was wrong, it was similac’s job to make sure he didn’t have to.

  22. Tyler

    amazing how across the boarder this hasn’t even been published yet my son has been has had stomach discomfort been vomiting and has been refusing too. But apparently the canadian formula is fine? this is reminds me of a certain occurance in china…

  23. pauline

    i think this company should pay any one who brought ths similac if it has bugs in it or not how you goin to sell something and cant stand by your word make them pay for this out of their pockets and close down the company for good who want to deal with this company that has a product that can harm babies this is wild open your eyes and mouths we are talkin about our kids lets get something done now lawsuit

  24. jill

    my 17 month old still had a bottle of similac before his nap and at bedtime. In august after opening a can of similac my son became sick. He started experiencing diarrhea. Then a few days later after he had a bottle at bedtime he throw up every where in his crib. He threw up two nights in a row. I started thinking about what was he eating every day. I came to the conclusion that this all started after I opened a can of similac. I threw out the half full container of similac. My son started to get better. I didn’t think any more about it until the recall was announced. I started thinking about the situation that had happened with my son. I was disgusted with this whole situation and the fact they say that it doesn’t cause health risks. But throgin up and having diarrhea can cause dehydration which can cause other issues. My son no longer has similac or a bottle before bed.

  25. Brandy

    I found a bug in my daughters formula 4 months ago I called the company and I sent the bax they told me that there was no contamination now several months later I find out that there is all of the formula that I had several boxes some of them empty were recalled. I am ticked off and want answers.

  26. Tisha

    My 10 month old daughter was very sick from drinking similac. She refused to eat, had severe diarrhea and had to be put on an I.V at hospital. She had abdominal pain and they performed an abdominal ultrasound and x-ray on her. A week later the recall was announced and I realized that is what was wrong with her. She was drinking from a container of recalled milk, I’m so disgusted!! I hope that this will be a wake up call for the company and they really feel it where it hurts most. Their pockets!! They sit around and collect billions of dollars while innocent little babies become sick.

  27. Alyssa

    My son was sick with diaherra for a week straight. After 2 days of eating good premixed formula and not the powder he finally started getting better. Wish Abbott can reimburse me for my copays to the dr twice, and all the product i had to buy to replace the contaimated formula and the money we spent on pedialyte to settle his stomach and almost the week of work I missed from him being sick.

  28. Yvonne

    My 8.5month old daughter was using the Powder (Similac Sensitive Soy) She had been throwing up, having diarrhea and screaming and crying from a very big, bloated stomach. Her school/day care, called me on a Thursday, sept 17 to pick her up at 10:30am, and I saw her with my own eyes, retching and gagging and obviously in pain and sick. I called the doctor immediately and I went in for an appointment that day. The doctor told me it was a stomach “bug” and that there was nothing to be done but wait it out. I was instructed to give her only pedialyte as she was extremely dehydrated, no food, no formula. So that is what I did for the entire day on Thursday. She was in major pain. Her tummy was bloated looking, she was burping and passing gas that was VERY stinky and foul smelling. Friday we had her with with family, I worked half day and went to her. She was still sick and extremely weak. I thought it was due to the fact that she couldn’t eat. I thought she perked up and was feeling better so I gave her 2 – 4 oz of formula along with pedialyte and well, she started throwing up again in a major way. And retching and gagging. So the entire weekend my baby girl is so sick and not able to eat, she is pale and looking very horrible, I have to take off of work on Monday, Sept 20. All I give her all weekend is pedialyte and every time I think she is getting better I give her a little of her formula. Then she gets sick all over again. It isn’t until Wednesday, Sept 22 when the news is broadcasting this recall and bug infestation. Then they talk about upset stomachs, etc. I freak out, I take a picture of the lot #’s and come to find out we have been feeding our baby this contaminated powder formula for about 2-3 weeks!!!!!!! I called the doctor right away and explain to them why I believed that my baby has been so sick, to which they reply, “oh, that is not the cause of your baby’s sickness. We eat bugs everyday in our lives, so this is not why your baby is sick.” I was furious!! I told them again, my baby’s symptoms and was told “there was a stomach bug going around so that was what was wrong with my baby” I hung up very angry and upset. I called Similac to complain and all they said was, “we are sorry but these beetle parts and larvae digestion have not been reported to cause any problems. And I give them my baby’s symptoms and they only direct me to their website to fill out a form to get a full refund on the powder (3 big 32oz). It is very frustrating. And they directed me to the formula that was not contaminated. (the more expensive, liquid one) I AM VERY UPSET that this had been overlooked by Similac!!!!! And they are the reasons that my baby has suffered all this time. She lost so much weight that at her 9 mos well check she was 2lbs less than her 6mos well check. My poor baby!!!! Who is going to pay for my baby’s pain and suffering!!!???? We went back to the doctor on Sept 29 and explained to another doctor the situation and he said “we were the first case he’s heard of” How upsetting.

  29. Annita

    My 9-month old daughter has also been sick and I am believing it was because of the Similac Sensitve powder that was recalled that she had been on. It started around 9/8. She had been having diarrhea on and off. At times, she would go in the middle of the night and not wake up. As a result, she got a very bad diaper rash. We thought it might be because she was teething and didn’t think nothing more of it. When her diaper rash got better, she had another bad episode and it came back. About a week later, we noticed the rash appearance was changing and would’nt go away. We took her to the doctor for the rash and they treated her for a yeast infection. A few days later, her diarrhea continued, however became more frequent and more watery. She also started experiencing low grade fevers and spitting up. She hadn’t spit up since she was about 5-6 months old! She also began to lose her appetite. Then on 9/23, we heard about the recall and switched out her formula immediately. Unfortanately, she didn’t want Enfamil. I then switched the Similac Sensitive concentrate. I started to think back and realized that when she started to get sick was the time that I opened a new canister of formula. The next day, I was still concerned as her BMs were averaging to be 6+ more a day and her fever was still present. Her doctor could not see me on that Friday but asked that I go buy to collect a stool collection kit. Early Saturday morning, her fever spiked, she continued to have diarrhea, and actually vommited. Her diaper rash came back again. She was clearly in pain because of her rash and fever. I took her to the emergency room. They gave her an antibiotic, Septra. That day Saturday she had 9 BMs and going into Sunday she had 10, however her fever broke and she started to gain her appetite back. By Sunday night, she was more alert and played a little bit. I took her for a f/u appt. on Monday and they decided not to run any test and just let her continue on the antibiotic since her fever broke. By the way, they did check her ears and throat to make sure it wasn’t anything else. She eventually went back to her normal self by Wednesday. So from about the 8th-29th, my poor baby has been going through complete hell. Thankfully, she’s better now. If it was just up to me, we wouldn’t be buying anymore Similac of any brand, however my baby is a picky eater and that’s all she will take. I even tried Good Start. We only have about 2 months until she can go on regular milk. I can’t wait. I did take back all of the recalled formula I had. Unfortanately, I didn’t keep a sample. I just wanted to get rid of it as quickly as possible and get my money back. I did film what I did have and their product numbers before returning it though. Today, 10/4, her doctor called and said her stool sample came back normal but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t because of the Similac.

  30. Need Help!

    My almost seven month old was on similac part time during the 1st 4.5 months of her life. At 2 weeks, she projectile vomitted which lead the docs to believe she had acid reflux. I could never figure out why she wouldn’t eat. The older she got the less she ate and of course the less she slept. Trouble pooping, fussy, irritable, and clearly miserable. Most of the docs blamed this on acid reflux and treated her with medication for that. But the medication has made very little difference for her. I started her on a different brand of formula around 4.5 months and ever so slowly is getting better. After the recall came out I still had 11 cans of EMPTY used similac around the house since they are the plastic reusable containers. EVERY single one of them on the recall list. So I fed my child 11 cans of this crap. I’m searching for people with similar situations and what you’ve done. I’m not getting anywhere with doctors or similac. They won’t blame it on the formula… of course… It can’t be good for these babies right??? Can’t anyone in America address this issue that possibly, just possibly this could do harm to our babies? Any comments?? I am truly frustrated!!!

  31. Brenda

    My son has been on Similac Sensitive since he was 1 month old. I was unable to breast feed. I have 9 containers with the recall numbers, 8 of which had drank from. I switched to Enfimil Gentleease when I found out about the recall and he is more normal now than he has ever been. His stools are normal and he doesn’t wake up screaming with gas pains in the middle of the night.

  32. Jennica

    My almost 3 month old was on the similac sensitive powder since he has been about a week old…we started him out in the first week on the advance but it wasnt working out so we thought that the formula was just too strong for his new belly when we went to the sensitive we still had trouble…not thinking a thing about the formula we went on for weeks trying to get his belly to stop hurting him i am a mother of three and i know that the pull up of the legs and extensive grunting while screaming is a good sign of belly pains not to mention the fact that he couldnt poop…i ask his dr about what it could be and she simply thought that it was probably just gas and gave me a few ideas on how to ease it and that was by gently starting at the right side of his belly and using my fingertips to tap his belly working the gas out of his intestines…well again that didnt work…and they dont want to call it constipation til they havent went for 7 days…you try not going for 7 days and see how it feels…i tried the otc suppositories and everything i was up for nites at a time he cried i cried…when the recall happened i immediately went to the ready to feed he has been sleeping longer eating less frequently but more at a time he goes right on schedule…lets just say his first 2 months of life was miserable for him and being that innocent i think everyone is right not just with similac but we trust all of these companies with our lives when it comes to food and essentials and that may be their source of income but they need to look past the money and stop being so ignorant we are these peoples family, friends, neighbors and so much more so why not admit they made a mistake and clean up their acts…what if this was your children and family it wouldnt be something you would just want to push under the rug and protect your image you would want lawsuits and shut downs…and lets not forget about all the egg recalls and the tylenol, benadryl, and motrin recall…and the johnson and johsnon hip replacement recall and the shampoo and the fisher price recalls and cribs…people we deserve better quality of things than this…to tell the truth u never know what you are going to eat, rub on your skin take for a headache and set your child down to play with to be bluntly honest these companies need to watch their behinds and also need to be inspected more thoroughly…i could go on and on about this kind of stuff but what good is that going to do these people are setting back reading these comments and getting mad at us for giving our opinions well the only thing that i have left to say is “if the truth hurts CHANGE IT!”

  33. Dionne

    This is really bad! Our daughter is now 7 mo. I started nursing her. About a month later started feeding her similiac, she would always spit up, through her nose and mouth. We started using sensitive. She would scream and cry as if something was hurting her really bad! A lot of gas, diarrhea, strange loops, w/ foul smell. I thought it was colic. As she got older we thought it she was teething. She would refuse the bottle. Two days ago I went to switch formulas, and found out about the recall. Every can she’s ever drank has the recall number on it! She is nursing right now. Since I stopped the screams, and stomach crenches have subsided. I’m not sure about another formula that’s safe. Good luck to all u parents with infants. I hope our babies all feel better!

  34. Dionne

    ‘@ Yvonne. My dr tried to convince me of the same thing. I believe they just don’t want to get involved. These are babies, and its very frustrating when your baby is screaming in like their in pain and u don’t know why? Or can’t soothe them! Get a second option, I am! My daughter was born 6.6 lb. She. Now was 14 lbs! She is going on 8 mo. She is not gaining good. She was 15 lb @ 2 mo! I feel your frustration. Hang in there!

  35. Candace

    My daughter was on similac in 2009 and has had digestion problems ever since. I called Abbott labs today and they have no idea how long the formula has been contaminated! She was recently hospitalized for stooling blood! I want a lawyer! Abbott labs says “Abbott is taking this action so that parents know that we deliver the most quality product!” Quality…. These people made us feed our sweet, innocent, precious babies BUGS!

  36. Laura

    My son is on this formula and has been sick to his stomach every since I bought it. I have been up everynight with him with a bellyache and now I see that the product is recalled. Needless to say I’m not happy!!!

  37. John

    People, please stop blaming a product that has been on the market for so many years… Do you or your kids eat fruits? I am sure that you have eaten a bug a number of times without knowing it! Guess what, there were many times that my baby was fussy, threw up a number of times, so should I blaim it all on Similac? Or you are implying that the FDA and the US doctors are incompitent???

  38. Kim

    My son is Nine months old and has used simalac since he was 2 months. i have been very pleased with up until the recent recall! my son became very ill vomiting and diahrea whick all started on the 23rd of september and his diahrea has yet to go away! i am still using similac just in the already mixed. Before the recall i took him to urgent care they didn’t know what was wrong with him then i took him to his doctor and she didn’t know what was wrong She gave us some sensitive formula which turned out to be recalled ass well. Then the recall came out so i threw all recalled formula out and started him on the already made the vomiting didnt go away so i took him in to the ER and they gave me medication to stop the vomiting but his diahrea has yet to go away!!!!

  39. Anyone?

    Have we become such a society that we think the FDA, the doctors, and big companies are so high and mighty they don’t make mistakes? They DO!
    Clearly there are enough parents even on this site that have had major issues with their babies. It is not just the fact that there are bugs in formula. Maybe a bug or two probably won’t kill us.(except that our littlest ones don’t have well developed digestive and immune systems yet) BUT…Was there pesticide used to kill them? Why is there a possibility of larvae also in the formula. What diseases might the bugs be carrying on them… Dead or alive… These are real questions. Are there researchers, doctors, anyone that could truly address this? Lawsuits or not. Come on Similac, FDA, doctors, and those of you who think this is just about fussy babies, throwing up a few times!!! There are people here with REAL concerns and VERY ill babies!!! Tell us what the true possiblilties could be and how we can help our babies get this junk out of their systems and feel better. What kind of long term issues could we really be in for… A little honesty instead of blowing everyone off that have real concerns would be helpful!!!

  40. Kathy

    My baby was on Similac Advanced, Sensitive and now Alumentum. Now on RX Zantac for GI problems. Was miserable from the 1st week on formula..Was told by Similar to go to sensitive and then to alumentum. She now has to take rx 3 x day vs 2 x. I have the recalled containers. She has been to the doctors a lot..Numerous calls to the peds doctor..Did mylicon, grape water and nothing was helping. She is now sleeping at night but she never smiles and looks like she is in pain. The peds doc said acid reflux but from what? She spits up white stuff..regergitates all the time and cries when awake. She only looks good when she is sleeping. That is not normal.

  41. Te’Aira

    My 11 month old ingested the larvae filled formula and after taking him to the doctor twice, he was misdiagnosed as a stomach virus or possibly, because I was introducing Vitamin D milk, the doctor told me to put him on the toddler formula for 9-24 month. My son takes the Similac soy in the red can, but I couldn’t seem to find it and they switched the WIC product to the beetle product. My poor son had 8 bloody bed sores on his behind from the acidic poop. He rarely wanted to eat. His stomach rumbled. I couldn’t even use baby wipes on his bottom, I just got a spray bottle with no rinse soap because he couldn’t bear to be touched. I started letting him sleep in a towel so his poor bottom could heal. He had diarrhea for 2 weeks straight. He has scars from where the bloody sores have healed. I will be participating in the law suit because my poor baby suffered and suffered. He screamed just to be put in the bath.

  42. Kathy

    My daughter is 2 months and let me just tell you these past months have been horrible. We started out on Similac Advanced and all she was doing was crying like she was in pain. I couldn’t understand what was wrong with her. She wasn’t spitting up but had horrible diahrea, just crying in pain. She would have the worst gas smell ever. I than decided after two weeks of her crying through bottles, I switched her to Similac Sensitive. I had called similac asking what I should do, they suggested i try the sensitive. When she switched to the sensitive it just was the same. She was just not happy and would constantly arch her back in pain and cry. We tried car rides, walks, nothing seemed to work. I called Similac again and they suggested I put her on Alimentum. I did and she still was not 100%. I was than told by the doctors she has acid reflux. I now have her on the most expensive formula and axid 3times a day. I still don’t think she is right. I than one day found pieces in her formula witht he alimentum, so I called and they said that is not recalled. Well than explain to me how there are pieces of anything in powder. They told me they would send me cases of formula but at this point I don’t want them, I want my money for all medical bills etc that I have lost and the time with her that I lost due to their formula. I had to go back to work knowing that my baby was still not better. It just really sucks

  43. Edward

    My 8 month old consumed two (as far as we know) of the 2lb. containers of the Similac Advance that were recalled. About 1 week prior to the recall my son’s eating habbits and bowel movement changed. He became not intersted in eating. Normally he is a very good baby as far as beign fussy and sleeping through the night. The last 3 weeks that hasnt been the case. He wakes up 2 to 3 times in the middle of the night somtimes crying like he is in pain. wich causes my sleep to be interupted as well. We had a hard time finding a formula that agreed with him when he was born and found that the Similac Advance worked the best for him. So now with having to change it up again has caused our family disarray and my son discomfort. This has not been a good three weeks for our family.

  44. autumn

    been on similac since she was born has gotten sick a lot

  45. Shera

    My daughter who is ten months has been having issues for about a month with this formula. I had six conatiners which all had the contaminated bugs. She has thrown up, diarrhea, refusal to eat, and cause a rash because of the constant bowel movements. So they just made it appear as if it was only one week but it has been much longer. I want to make sure that I join this class action lawsuit. She even has had nightmares during the nighttime and her diahrea has yet to stop.

  46. Frank

    I am going to have to agree with John on this one. There are millions of infants, my daughter included, that have consumed the recalled product. My daughter has been fussy, uncomfortable and has refused a couple of meals, but I can’t immediately jump to the conclusion that it was because of the formula as it seems all of you are. The unfortunate fact of the matter is, infants get sick. I am not trying trivialize anyones situation, but all a law suit is going to do is put a huge amount of financial strain on another American Corporation. Besides, it was a voluntary recall. If they were trying to put one over on us, they would have waited until someone busted them for it. If you want to be mad at someone, why not Johnson and Johnson who paid a third party to buy potentially contaminated Tylenol, Motrin and Benedryl from supermarket shelves. At least Similac is owning up to the potential problem (or at least the .02% chance of a problem.)

  47. Candice

    My son is 13 weeks was also on this all the containers i saved were recalled my son was in and out of hospital. pooped blood. vommitting, dehydration, diarea, fussy, in pain you name it all of these symptoms i am reading above he has also gone through. meanwhile we have switched him he is also now lactose intolerant cause of it.. and he is doin a little better it has not fully turned around yet.

  48. Kathaleen

    My infant was refusing the milk all of a sudden. He just kept crying as if something was hurting him. He lost weight and was very ill due to the contaminated milk. He is still sick and have to take medicine for 10 days. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. Its hurts me because I trusted the company and allowed my son to drink it since he been born and this is the thanks they give us.

  49. Amanda

    My baby used the formula for the first year of his life- had all the GI issues, put on prevacid, zantac, projectile vomiting, diagnosed lactose intolerant, etc.

    My question-
    The old container I was using for odds and ends- over a year old- was contaminated! Meaning my son has been ingesting this crap for an entire year!

  50. Sherrie

    I feel this problem goes back further than the complany want to admit. My grandson was born in 2009. My daughter due to unfortunat circumstances was unable to breastfeed. So as recommend by the pediatritian, he was placed on Similac. After a few weeks he started to develop gastric problems, severe gas, diahrea. After three days of 6-8 hours of screeming from this little one – I came to help. My daughter was exhausted no sleep and a baby who could not be consoled. We went to the doctor and was told it was cholic. Well the first time we wen to the doctor I agreed. By the second time again after numerouse days of endless screeming by the young infant little or no sleep – same symptoms and now vomitting. I went with her again and told the doctor. If the doctor kept good notes – it is on record that I state back in June on 2009 there was something wrong with this baby. Again told it was colic. My daughter had colic -for over a year when she was born – I know a baby with colic – this was so different. Long story short – we switched to similac with soy. No change in behavior – again more trips to the docotr – baby refusing to eat – little or no weight gain. Medication after medication to help this little guy – nothing would help. My daughter even made her own baby food with organtic vegetables and fruit to help relieve his pain – since we did not suspect the formula -his symptoms continued. He felt the PAIN until he was weined off the formula in June of 2010. His last few bottles at night he refussed to take – I think he knew that it made him hurt. To bad the little guy could not just tell us – to stop giving him milk. Don’t we feel like idiots. We kept him sick. Do you have any idea how that makes us feel. We made him sick. I say again we made hiim sick by continuing to give him a formula that we trusted. He has been good as gold on whole milk and symptom free since similac was no longer part of his diet. I urge mothers who experienced these symptoms in early 2009 to think of the possibilities that it could have been going on that long. I know that it is costly for the company to have to face a law suit. But this should serve as a wake up call to keep their product safe. A belly ache in 2009-2010 might turn into an unknown cancer or tumor in the intestine later in life after laying dormant for years. We just don’t know. What we do know is that these little ones deserved better. They should now and forever be compensated for their pain. Just bcause these little ones are to young to speak for themselves – they expereinced some severe pain thorugh their first few months of life. The joy of bonding with mom and the joy of motherhood was definately tarnished by the days and days of endless crying and sufferning. This law suit isn’t for the parents it is for the ones who suffered and can’t speak for themselves. This is a very sad time for Abbott. I am sorry for them. What we went through and the toll it took on my family was unnesessary. Abbott – step up and compensate these young lives. A free container of formula is not enough. Show them you care about them and the future of their children who you will want as consumers in the years to come.

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