Lowe’s Gas Grill Recall: Risk of Irregular Flames or Grills Catching Fire


More than 600,000 Lowe’s gas grills have been recalled after nearly two dozen people suffered burns caused by irregular flames or the grill lid catching fire.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) announced the Lowe’s gas grill recall on Wednesday for the Perfect Flame SLG Series Gas Grills. There have been about 40 reports of irregular flames from the grills, and 23 incidents of the lid catching fire. There have been 21 reports of minor burns, and one person suffered an eye injury that required surgery.

The gas grill recall affects 663,000 units sold in the United States and about 1,700 sold in Canada. Health Canada announced a similar recall on Wednesday.


The Perfect Flame SLG Series gas grills are outdoor propane or natural gas grills. They are made from stainless steel and painted black or gray. The model number can be found in the compartment under the cooking chamber.

Some of the models will only need a replacement burner, while others will need both a replacement burner and a replacement lid. The model numbers for the grills that only need a replacement burner are SLG2006B, SLG2006BN, SLG2006C, SLG2006CN, SLG2007D, and SLG2007DN. The model numbers for units that need both a replacement burner and lid are SLG2007A, SLG2007B, SLG2007BN and SLG2008A.

The gas grills were sold exclusively at Lowe’s stores nationwide from September 2005 through May 2009 in the U.S., and from December 2007 through May 2009 in Canada. The grills were manufactured by Lucas Innovation Inc., of China, and imported by L G Sourcing, Inc., of North Wilkesboro, N.C.

The CPSC recommends that consumers immediately stop using the product and should contact L G Sourcing to receive new, free, replacement burners and lids.


  1. kenneth

    I just looked and I have the SLG2007A.
    Burners and lid
    I am calling now.

  2. Tim W

    Has anyone had luck getting replacement parts?

  3. Juel

    They said parts should be in at the end of December.

  4. randy

    what phone did you contact them at?

  5. Mr. Fuji

    Mr. Fuji once owned a Lowe’s gas grill. I was cooking for my family and grill go boom.

    Never buy cheap asian knock off products manufactured by Lowe’s phantom company known as L.G. Sourcing.

    They sometimes go boom.

    Thank You,
    Mr. Fuji

  6. anthony

    8 month old and well take care of grill (perfect flame) While cooking last summer just standing there it blew /flames from tank area,Startled after
    falling backward I pulled the grill away from the house,as my girlfeind got a fire ext.after dress my wounds and smelling burt hair we call lowes,they said brig it back.the manager met me at the servicedesk .He looked at the grill and said thge regulator blew at the tank.He had two kids take it off the truck put it on a a cart an said cover it and bring it outbac.He gave me a full refund evan a free fire ext.like the transaction never took place.all the while there were other grill that had been returned sitting there.the cashier looked it up and i was informed it had been recalled the month i bought it.the manger said i would be contacted by the manufacature never happened,i thank god it was me and no one else it the houe that got burnt,or the house didn’t catch fire
    sorry for ranting but i think perfect flame did nothing but side step the issue

  7. Terri

    My entire house burned down as a result of this problem. I was grilling burgers and had the grill under an awning because of recent heavy rains. The grill caught on fire while I was inside, and it caught the awning on fire and spread into my attic before the fire dept. could even get water on it. Four hours later I had nothing left. My entire life was burned to a crisp. Major advice. NEVER grill close to your house under any circumstances.

  8. Dino

    Hey Tim W, I got my replacement parts in a bout a week. Keep these things away from your house!!!!

  9. Becky

    I was at the Lowe’s store last week in West Des Moines IA and they had no idea (or at least didn’t tell me) that there was a recall on the grill. They tried to sell me replacement burners at $40-some each. We decided for that much money we would just buy a different grill.

  10. Randy

    I just realized there was a very severe fire hazard associated with this type of gas grill. I own a Model # SLG2007A, which needs the burners and hood replaced according to the recall. I recently removed the existing burners due to large flames plumming from the old ones hoping to be able to replace them. It seems I was one of the lucky ones, all I experienced was an occasional singeing of the eye-brows and slightly burnt hands. I hope Lowe’s will replace the grill or at the very least replace the defective parts.

  11. Mike

    Our SLG2006C caught on fire – lid was completely engulfed in flames. Grill is now junk.

  12. Mike

    I have a Perfect Flame SLG 2007A Grill I purchased from Lowes. The grill is only 2 years old and the burneris totally destroyed, the burner covers are destroyed and the WHOLE bottom of the grill where the propane bottle sits is rusted through. The gas bottle is now sitting partially on the ground while the hose is holding the other side up. This is the worst grill I have ever owned. Has anyone else had these problems?

  13. gary

    temp went from preheating of 250 to over 800 degrees in a matter of seconds.I lifted the lid and the entire unit was on fire, I was able to get the gas turned off and let it burn out. Now, I find there is a recall. If I registered my product, why did I not receive a recall notice?

  14. RegistrationLimitations

    Many fail to recognize the sole purpose of product registration is to limit the liability of the manufacturer. Read the fine print. Read the fine print. Read the fine print. I will never again register a product. Your rights are likely outlined in the Uniform Commercial Code, or whatever code your state has adopted. If you are injured by a product, manufacturers/distributors/retailers may be strictly liable. Contact a lawyer who will fight for you. And read the fine print on that little postcard you fill out and send in to “register” your product, no matter what product you buy. – Not a lawyer, not offering legal advice, just a ticked consumer.

  15. Liam

    I have the SLG2008A which needs both the burners and lid replaced. Noticed today that the flames were shooting at least 6 inches out of the burner towards the back. If this is a known problem shouldn’t they also replace the racks since the excess heat causes premature wear? Those things aren’t cheap…

  16. steve

    I just jound out about the recall from a coworker I was telling him about how everthing is rotted away and he told me about the recall have to wait untill Monday to call and see if I can get all new parts my heat plates are all rotted away also along with the burners i see you can buy them for around 33.00 I would like to think they should also be replaced due to excesseve heat from burners not working properly hope not to have any problems gettint parts.

  17. Virginia

    I had a fire yesterday on the fourth of July. Fortunately, we had a fire extinguisher and put the fire out. The grill is a total loss. I had no idea about the recall.

  18. Joan

    I have a SLG2006B grill I purchased at Lowes. This grill was well maintained never in the elements barely used! Last night I started the grill on low to heat up. I then went inside to get the food to be grilled. Within 5 minutes at the most I returned to see my grill in full blown flaming melt down. My son and I threw salt onto the grill as my other son turned off the propane. Turning off the propane was no easy feat, the propane valve was burning hot even with a oven mitt.
    In hindsight one of us should have called our local Fire Department. This grill could have injured or blown up and killed one of my family members. It could have even burn down my house.
    This was a terrifying situation that I will never forget. I am going to contact Lowes today to see what if anything they will do. The grill is a total loss,

  19. Scott

    Preheating my SLG2007A and at approximately the the 7 minute mark, the lid caught fire. Burning metal pieces popped off of the sides while I used the garden hose to keep the propane tank cool. Called the fire department. (I’m a member so the radio got them to the house fast) Propane line burned through after burning metal fell on top of it. Two fire extinguishers (a water and a dry chemical) and two garden hoses required to provide enough water to put the metal out as the Engine was pulling up out front. I’ll call LG and visit Lowes tomorrow to see if they would like to replace my burned hulk of a grill or provide a refund.

  20. Renee

    I have the SLG2007A that requires hood and burners to be replaced. I was in the process of looking for replacement burners (since the mine are rusted and cracked), when I saw the recall! I went to Lowe’s last night and they were told not to take the grill back because the problem is “fixable.” I was also told by Lowe’s that the manufacturer is going to send out a new hood and all four burners, additionally, they will also set me up with a technician to replace the items. This seems to be the dumbest idea ever! My grill was originally $299.99, I paid only $168 for it; the parts and shipping alone are close to $200! Wouldn’t it had made more sense to have people just return the grill for a full refund or a replacement grill!

  21. sander

    When one of my brass burners melted into little balls I took the part to the Lowe’s where I purchased the grill. They denied any recall, after considerable effort on my part and several trips they agreed to order a SS repalcement burner for about $31 my cost. Then a second burner melted through and I stopped using the grill for the past year.
    Now , I see the problems are well known and I will try again. Originally, I just tried to be nice about it like a respectful citizen.

  22. Tina

    Today my grill went up in flames (slg 2007a) 2 fire engines later i googled the grill and found this page, there should have been a recall.

  23. John

    Lowes does not send the entire replacement parts you will need. they only send you the burners (and lid if you need it). the problem with this is that if your burners need replaced then you most likely need to replace the bracket they are screwed to that screws to the grill.
    i cant believe they are not sending these parts. I also cant believe peoples houses are burning down.

  24. Jacqueline

    Today my husband started the grill and immediately noticed that the flames seemed unusually high. On further inspection the entire grill lit up! We are blessed he was not severally burned and that the tank was not completely full.
    Thankful for God’s safety but, displeased with my grill purchase.

  25. Marc

    Well I guess when something bad happens you find out about recalls. Tonight (10/21/10) we had just got done cooking dinner and were getting ready to sit down to eat and my wife heard a noise out on the deck. I opened the door and the grill was blowing flames out from the area around the tank. The fire was spreading to the deck. (Guess which grill I had) I am a firefighter so I went and grabed the garden hose and tried to keep water on the tank to keep it cooled down. other people showed up and used Dry powder extenguishers to help put out the burning metel. The only reason that we were able to get the fire under control was the tank ran out. the fire damaged the screened in porch and a section of the deck. If I didn’t know what to do it would have burned down the deck and screned in porch. The fire department showed up just as I was able to get the fire out…..

  26. Mike

    The product recall phone number doesnt work anymore and I am just getting the run around. I cant believe that Lowe’s is just washing their hands of the problem. I will never buy ANYTHING from Lowes again!

  27. Kim

    Try this # Mike. 18006430067 @ MSG Services Corp. I received my replacement parts in Dec of 2010. This is the # i have on my picking slip. Good Luck.

  28. Mike

    We had the above grill burst into flames last year. We got the new parts and replaced them. Last week we had the grill burst into flames again. While shopping for a new grill at lowes, we were told that Perfect Flame is out of business. However, the salesperson told us that the new line of grills at Lowes, Master Forge, is Perfect Flame merged with another company. Needless to say, I did not buy a Master Forge grill.

  29. Don

    I received new burners and lid to replace on my SLG 2007A grill purchased at Lowes. Now I cannot get the screws out that hold the burners to the bracket. They need to send bracket with burners..

  30. Nat

    I just found out the grill was recalled a few weeks ago when I was searching on line to find replacement burners since ours were burning irregularly. Now that I have the parts, like the above post, I cannot get the screws out to replace them. Also has anyone had any luck getting new burner covers since those are demolished as well from the bad burners? I’m not sure why those parts were not part of the replacement.

  31. Mike

    I returned my whole grill yesterday, I told them I was not comfortable using a grill that was recalled or should have been. They are looking for a UPC # for dollar value to give me, at which time I will settle for nothing less than a new grill. I am prepared to get the local Pittsburgh News stations involved which I do not think they would appreciate, bad PR.

  32. David S.

    I have been cooking on about 3/4 of my grill for the last year, because of flames only coming out the back, then this spring all but one burner went bad. Never realized there was a recall. I, like others can’t get the screws off. I plan to drive it up to Lowe’s tomorrow and promise to keep coming back every Saturday morning with my grill until they resolve this for me. In fact, my entire unit is rusting out. I had them send me a new back section within a year of purchase. because of rust. It is incredible that they had my contact information and never bothered to contact me about the recall.

  33. David S.

    Went to Lowe’s yesterday after trying unsuccessfully to get through to the grill company by phone. Spoke with a manager, he spoke with his area manager, and today I got a $250 credit toward a new grill. Needless to say, I was quite impressed with Lowe’s. Picking up my grill on Saturday, finger crossed the Huntington will be a better option.

  34. Al

    I too have a SLG2007B grill one burner blew a hole in itself about the size of a pencil. Also the heat plates rotted out I tried to remove the rotted burner and could not get the scrwes out and the rail along the back that supports the back of the burners is totaly rotted and like the burner screws the small bolts that hold it to the back of the grill are impossible to get off. that piece of sheet metal just because of where it is is way too thin.. Every place I got to tells me to go to LG Sourcing ,LG Sourcing tells me to go to LOWES im real tired of all the run around

  35. heath

    the number i got from lowes was 888-840-9590 open m-f 9-5 eastern time. spoke to someone there who emailed me a form to fill out for new burners and a new lid for my slg2007a. not sure if i want to send it back in though. I want a new grill, not a “new and improved” version of the same one.

  36. Jeff

    Same as Al above, this thing is total crap, burner tubes rusted out and the deflecter grids a loss also along with the support structure and screws… it never cooked right from the onset and really agree with Heath, just not worth th effort for more problems and thank-you David S. I will print out these pages and take some pictures and angle for a NEW grill, anything but a UN-Perfect Flame! Thank you Gentlemen for sharing

  37. steve

    I had bought my dad the SLG2007A for fathers day and it was awful. I called the number and filled out the form they gave me. I had the replacement parts in under 10 business days. Thanks to this web site I saved some coin on buying a new grill.

  38. Bill

    I got the five replacement burners for my SLG2007D, but now these produce a strange problem which makes the grill nearly useless. I can only turn on two burners. If I turn on a third burner, the flame on all three go so low as to be unusable – barely any flame at all. And then, to go back to using two burners, I have to turn them all off and start over. Turning off just the third burner leaves the other two still burning low. Very strange. If I turn on 4 burners, the flames go out altogether (though I can smell gas). When I first got it, I had no problem using all five burners at once. I thought it might be the gas, but got a new tank from a second reliable source, and it makes no difference.

  39. Nick

    I have a SLG2008A and last night it exploded in flames. At first I thought it just a bad flare-up from the meat I was cooking but the fire was shooting out of the holes in the side of the hood. I went to get an extinguisher and by the time I got back the side panels of the hood were literally burning in a white hot flame and dripping down on to my deck. How could they possibly make a grill with a hood that will burn. I am assuming my regulator malfunctioned and caused the fire.

    The grill was really a piece of junk that I rarely used. The burners and flame diffusers rusted out within a couple of years. When I called the manufacturer for replacements under the warranty they did not tell me about the recall. The bottom pan that holds the propane tank rusted out even though I always kept it covered. I was very very fortunate I saw it happen, if I had been inside I’m certain my deck would have caught fire. This product should not be on the market.

  40. Brian

    got the GD4825 for fathers day, used many times woked ok but,i reciverd the recall notice, called an was advices not to use the pit until they had shipped out the replacement parts. its been over two weeks and no part have arived,i asked for email esponse/confermation
    I have confirmed the LP hose is damaged

  41. Luke

    This Grill does heat up very good, but after this weekend our grill burst into flames for no apparent reason.I dont want replacement burners I want a refund or at least a credit toward a new grill at lowes. I paid almost 500 dollars for this grill i deserve more than burners.Im just thankful noone was injured besides the meat and the grill.

  42. Frank

    After having problems the last couple of years with burners leaking and not working right, I decided it was time to order new ones. That’s when I found out about this recall. I wonder if they still honor the recall.

  43. Diana

    They do still honor the recall I just found out about the burner recall. I did have a fire and it included the lid but the lud on my 5 burner unit was not recalled and I’ve not been able to fine the replacement lid for purchase either. I calked lowes and they had no idea but stated they would put together/ install the burners for me for free at least. More parts should be made available because the fires destroy so much

  44. Jason

    2014 – Lowe’s is refunding $199.00 for the grill, and I don’t even have my receipt! very happy with the customer support team via email. I will be picking up my new grill tonight.

  45. William

    I just purchased an SLG2007A from Craigslist for $50.Upon bringing it home looked up the model online and realized it was recalled. I called the recall hotline and they are sending me a new lid and burners. Is it worth trying to get it running? Has anyone here had success with the replacement parts?I live in an apartment complex and would be using this on a patio.I’m thinking it might be better in the trash.

  46. chris

    I pulled out my grill for the fourth model slg2006b and walked away to let it heat up and get the food to grill but when I walked back outside flames were shooting out of it like a Chinese Dragon lol . I was able to put it out with the hose with little damage. But I will never be comfortable ever using this $500 piece of typical Chinese junk again. I’m just glad my 5 year old daughter wasn’t outside playing near it. I’m going to Lowe’s tomorrow to give them a proper ass chewing.

  47. Chris

    William, just call Lowe’s and tell them you purchased the grill around 2008 and it caught fire recently. Be sure to talk to a manager and they will refund you the amount that was paid back in 2008. Around $300. Hope this helps. You really don’t want to use that grill especially in an apartment building . Your endangering many lives for a gamble.

  48. Jason

    CAUTION! I purchased the SLG2007b Perfect Flame grill from Lowes back before the recall. When the recall went out, I was sent all of the replacement parts and basically rebuilt most of the grill using these new parts. This was back in 2010, if memory serves. The new parts seemed to do the trick and we never had any problems.

    Recently we had our patio redone. I had to move the grill into the garage for a few weeks. We just set it back up and used it for the first time last night, and all the black coating on the underside of the grill lid started falling off into the burners. The grill thermometer peaked out at over 800 degrees and I needed a potholder to open the lid. All the gas was shut off but the temperature maintained at 800+ for over 5 mins as the black coating burned on its own! I grabbed a hose and put the flames out and the grill is now going in the trash.

    Long story short, just because you received and installed the replacement parts, this grill is still dangerous! Check before grilling that there’s no flaking of the black material underneath the lid – ours had started to flake, possibly because of being moved across a rough patio!

  49. Christine

    The SLG2007D was purchased at Lowe’s and we slowly lost the use of the burners. Upon closer inspection at least three of them are rotted with holes in them so we are only used the last 2 working burners. Looked online for replacement parts last week and saw the recall. They are sending me 5 replacement burners, but as Steve said above, the heat plates ( or “flame tamers”) also need to be replaced and that’s not part of the recall. I expect to have issues with the screws and installing them as others (Don & Nat) have written about. Thanks for everyone writing about their experiences. Be safe and take precautions with all grills (but especially this one)

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