Mentor MemoryShape Lawsuit Over Breast Implant-Associated ALCL Risk Cleared To Move Forward
A federal judge rejected a request by manufacturers to dismiss a Mentor MemoryShape lawsuit brought by a woman diagnosed with breast implant ALCL
A federal judge rejected a request by manufacturers to dismiss a Mentor MemoryShape lawsuit brought by a woman diagnosed with breast implant ALCL
Allergan faces more than 1,000 breast implant ALCL lawsuits, as researchers continue to work to better understand the risk women face from certain designs
Capsular contraction and implant ruptures are far more common causes for complications and surgical revisions than breast implant illness, researchers reported
The FDA is aware of 22 cases of squamous cell carcinoma and lymphomas linked to breast implants, which are unrelated to prior breast implant cancer warnings
The survey was designed and sent out after an Allergan textured breast implant recall due to the risk of breast implant associated ALCL
Increases in mammogram screening results in early detection, but also "overdiagnosis" of cancers that never would have caused harm
Women continue to be diagnosed with BIA-ALCL and other health problems more than two years after Allergan's Biocell breast implants were recalled.
Requirements include a Boxed Warning about breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), and a mandatory patient decision checklist, among others