Lantus Insulin Side Effects Linked to Risk of Cancer: Study
New research suggests that side effects of Lantus, an artificial form of insulin manufactured by Sanofi-Aventis for diabetes, may increase the risk of developing cancer.
The report, published in the medical journal Diabetologia, found that in studies in Germany and Sweden, there was an increase in the incidence of cancer among diabetics using Lantus insulin. However, editors of the journal and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) caution that the results are inconclusive and that more in-depth studies need to be done about the potential Lantus cancer risk.
Lantus (glargine) is an injection taken once per day, which slowly releases insulin into the blood over time. It has the second largest share of the diabetic drug treatment market and brought in $3.45 billion in worldwide sales last year. The drug was approved by FDA for diabetes treatment in 2000.
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Learn MoreThe new report looked at data from an insurance database of 127,000 German insulin-users and found that diabetics taking low doses of Lantus over a year and a half had a 9% higher chance of developing cancer than people taking traditional human insulin treatments. When patients took higher doses of Lantus, the increased risk of being diagnosed with cancer jumped to 31% over those taking other insulin treatments.
After getting the results from the German data, researchers looked at databases in the U.K., Sweden and Scotland. The Swedish data showed a doubling of the risk of breast cancer, but the U.K. and Scotland studies showed no statistically significant increase connecting Lantus to cancer, prompting Diabetologia’s editors to urge caution at how the results of the studies are interpreted.
Professor Edwin Gale, editor of Diabetologia, and Professor Ulf Smith, president of EASD noted in an editorial accompanying the study that “the characteristics of the groups of patients taking Lantus insulin alone (generally older, higher blood pressure, more overweight) were different to those on other forms of insulin. Thus any difference in cancer risk could be attributed to the pre-treatment characteristics of the groups, rather than the treatment itself. Also, the numbers of cases of breast cancer in the Swedish and Scottish studies were very small, meaning the findings could have occurred due to chance.”
The EASD has said that the studies show an urgent need for more research into Lantus side effects. Smith and Gale say such research should come from more database analysis, as conducting clinical trials would be slow and unethical.
Sanofi officials have called the reports findings inconclusive, standing by the safety of their product. Lantus insulin sales represent about 10% of the company’s pharmaceutical revenue.
Experts stress that patients should not stop using insulin and should contact their doctors to discuss any concerns.
ScottNovember 15, 2019 at 10:52 pm
Lantus attacked my nervous system 2.5 months after taking it. Had a head, neck, upper and lower back MRI to rule out MS. Could barely walk. Had nearly ALL the symptoms of Arachnoiditis, and Doctors laughed and said no..... Well, I DID. So I decided this all started AFTER taking lantus.... so I STOPPED. within 48 hours, things started improving, but some symptoms continue to worsen, but at a much s[Show More]Lantus attacked my nervous system 2.5 months after taking it. Had a head, neck, upper and lower back MRI to rule out MS. Could barely walk. Had nearly ALL the symptoms of Arachnoiditis, and Doctors laughed and said no..... Well, I DID. So I decided this all started AFTER taking lantus.... so I STOPPED. within 48 hours, things started improving, but some symptoms continue to worsen, but at a much slower rate. I'm convinced my nervous system took a major attack when I was on it... It was pure evil, and the worst form of suffering I ever had.
ChaundaJuly 28, 2017 at 2:10 pm
I been taking lantus insulin. When I check my blood sugar my machine blink ketones which ketacidose which is dangerous. What should I do or can do. My doctor still prescribed it for me and I take 60 unit daily
JoeOctober 30, 2016 at 6:00 am
Feet hands swelling with bad nerve pain headaches neropathy bowels cancer spot on liver 2-1/2 years on lantus is poison creasol is poison
GrantApril 5, 2016 at 8:37 am
Hi, I had been on Lantus for a number of years and during this time developed severe shoulder pain, arm pain, shortness of breath. I could not sleep on my side which for me was a biggie. Getting out of the car was difficult, I could not move my arms behind my back etc, but I was only in my 30s! Saw the physio, osteopath, GP etc and it was put down to sitting position at the computer at work, dr[Show More]Hi, I had been on Lantus for a number of years and during this time developed severe shoulder pain, arm pain, shortness of breath. I could not sleep on my side which for me was a biggie. Getting out of the car was difficult, I could not move my arms behind my back etc, but I was only in my 30s! Saw the physio, osteopath, GP etc and it was put down to sitting position at the computer at work, driving position and lack of exercise. All BS of course. It got so bad that one day I Googled diabetes shoulder pain and found a couple of articles about this mentioning Lantus, which I was on, and in desperation called my Diabetes Specialist Nurse and told I wanted to change from Lantus. I went that day to the clinic to get a new prescription and within 1 week all the pain had gone and full mobility returned over time. I am now early 40s and feel human again, I can make love to my wife, I can sleep comfortably and I have no difficulty moving or doing anything normal that a 40 year old should be able to do. IMHO Lantus ruined my life for a number of years and this company should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Nowhere on the packaging did it even mention these side effects, I checked! There is no doubt in my mind what-so-ever that Lantus was the cause of my pain, my sleepless nights, my difficulty moving, my tiredness and my lack of concentration. Most of us didn't suspect Lantus as the symptoms aren't directly related to Insulin per say, and they do take a while to appear. If you don't get these symptoms then good for you, just be wary. People react differently to different drugs.
SonnyJanuary 20, 2016 at 8:32 pm
Hi I have been taking lantus 40 units at night,apdira during the day,i noticed that I am getting lumps on my head,rashes under arms,itches.pls advise a substitute insulin.
KrishnaSeptember 7, 2015 at 1:45 am
My dad has been using this for quite sometime now. He is 73 and has been diagonised for pancreatic cancer. If this particular drug is the cause, i hope some action be taken.
luisaAugust 30, 2015 at 1:54 pm
I been in lantus for two years.I have side effect my legs are tingelin my toes twesly. I feel terrible can't sleep all night cramp in my legs I feel dying . I suspend atarvastatin before gimbribin lozartan but the pain tickling of my legs an bottom of my feet continue. I have to stop lantus I feel the veins basted. Today I feel my brain with same sencetion. The cram Presure tickling us constaly. P[Show More]I been in lantus for two years.I have side effect my legs are tingelin my toes twesly. I feel terrible can't sleep all night cramp in my legs I feel dying . I suspend atarvastatin before gimbribin lozartan but the pain tickling of my legs an bottom of my feet continue. I have to stop lantus I feel the veins basted. Today I feel my brain with same sencetion. The cram Presure tickling us constaly. Please need advice.Dr want me continues lantus and I say no.
MayaFebruary 20, 2015 at 3:34 am
I have been on lantus for a month and I feel horrible. Before this I had a little carpal tunnel but that's about it. Since I started there is pain in both arms, both legs and my mid section. It pains me to sleep. I'm literally clinching my jaws from the pain. Although it helps lower my sugar, the pain is too much.
LPSeptember 7, 2014 at 12:38 pm
I take 28 units of Lantus at bedtime...I have major insomnia and nightmares....possibly because Of an interaction with other meds such as Tegretol.....???? And I have experienced weight gain...but it does control my BG levels....My Dr said that taking Metformin long term is not good....if I have a Carby meal..I can either take Humalog OR I usually take a low dose of Berberine...Do NOT rake a high[Show More]I take 28 units of Lantus at bedtime...I have major insomnia and nightmares....possibly because Of an interaction with other meds such as Tegretol.....???? And I have experienced weight gain...but it does control my BG levels....My Dr said that taking Metformin long term is not good....if I have a Carby meal..I can either take Humalog OR I usually take a low dose of Berberine...Do NOT rake a high you might bottom out QUICKLY!!! Mostly..I just try to limit my carbs....or eat half of what I first put on my full by that time anyway.....but make sure to eat protein often.....and in between meals.. Healthy snacks....such as yogurt or small fruit...occasional protein drinks.... I think as far as the insomnia goes...maybe I will try taking the Lantus a bit earlier in the's hard to get to work on time in the AM when you don't get enough sleep!!!
LucySeptember 2, 2014 at 3:24 pm
I have been taking Lantus pen form 25 units a day for about two years now, Last month I started swelling in my feet and ankles, I also have gained weight. So I am thinking it is on account of the Lantus, I will ask my doctor to change my medicine, maybe it will help me do better. My sister takes metmorfen and does okay.
MarcyMay 22, 2014 at 2:57 pm
Hi folks! I have felt terrible ever since I started Lantus, and I have been on it for a year. I have noticed dramatic swellings in many places--eyes, glands, and lower legs. I feel a crazy itchiness all over me. I am always hungry, which is new for me. I have always been thin, or a normal weight, and now I am gaining weight. Soon after going on Lantus, I developed nodules on my thyroid and hype[Show More]Hi folks! I have felt terrible ever since I started Lantus, and I have been on it for a year. I have noticed dramatic swellings in many places--eyes, glands, and lower legs. I feel a crazy itchiness all over me. I am always hungry, which is new for me. I have always been thin, or a normal weight, and now I am gaining weight. Soon after going on Lantus, I developed nodules on my thyroid and hyper-active thyroid. What is most alarming is the dramatic rise in my tri-glycerides. Of course, the medical community advises statin drugs for that--which may kill you if the Lantus doesn't. Three doctors have denied any connection to Lantus and what is happening to me--without bothering to do an internet search of a site like this. I have found sites like this more helpful than any doctor. To the naysayers? Lantus pharma reps probably put you up to attacking those of us that have problems with it. So? Mind your own biz and go spread your misinformation somewhere else! Now? I have a horrible skin rash on my face! (Found one site that says Lantus causes skin infections, IN SOME PEOPLE, one to two years after starting it!) My primary sent me to a dermatologist that didn't look at my medical history and incorrectly diagnosed me in two seconds. When I tried to mention my other problems, he said "I am not a rheumatologist or endocrinologist." When I went to an ENT for swollen glands on my face and neck, he yelled at me, "I am not an endocrinologist!" When I went to my rheumatologist and showed him the rash on my face? He said: "I am not a dermatologist." So, I know what these doctors ARE NOT, so what are they? Answer: Medical professionals with limited knowledge outside their specialties--that somehow can't grasp the concept that what affects one part of a body system can affect another part of the body, as it is all ONE BODY. I decided I know my body better than any doctor, and to follow what my heart told me. I stopped taking my Lantus two days ago--and I am already feeling better! Perhaps the "man-made" Lantus has chemicals/preservatives that could be causing problems for some, as the body doesn't always respond the same for each person. Others can tolerate being around chemicals while I have a horrible reaction to being around chemical smells/vapors. Summon up your energy and keep looking for a doctor that will listen to you. I have found holistic doctors to be better informed about endocrine disorders than mainstream medicine doctors. (And mainstream docs call them quacks--when it is all the money from pharma drugs that is at stake.) Check out Dr. Andrew Weil's website and look under condition guides and herbal remedies. Dr. Weil started the Integrative Health Institute in Tucson--so people can be seen as a whole body as opposed to their individual body systems. Dr. Weil was called a quack, in the beginning of his career, so he has to "Play" with the mainstream docs, as far as a lot of issues go--but he at least understands our bodies are "integrated." We need to demand FDA approval of herbs/supplements by an entity that cannot profit from the process--so doctors can no longer claim "Supplements are untested and dangerous . . . but here is a man-made drug I want you to take . . ." CA-CHING!
DebbieMay 17, 2014 at 8:30 pm
I have been on Lantus for about a year. It does help keep my sugar levels under control, but I get severe leg and thigh pain. The pain in my left hip is so bad that I cannot function around the house. I stop taking the Lantus the pain stops. I go on it again and the pain begins again. It also gives me urinary tract infections.
JoyFebruary 25, 2014 at 9:58 am
I have been reading a few of the comments of these poor people and it has made me realize that I am not alone and I am not crazy . I don't understand why doctors allways think everyone is the same and that you don't know your own body! I think that our bodies tell us when there is something serious going on and if we are smart we will l isten to it and not let our so called Medical care givers [Show More]I have been reading a few of the comments of these poor people and it has made me realize that I am not alone and I am not crazy . I don't understand why doctors allways think everyone is the same and that you don't know your own body! I think that our bodies tell us when there is something serious going on and if we are smart we will l isten to it and not let our so called Medical care givers put us in a one size fits all catogary. I have found that I can prove my doctors wrong time after time and they will wait until you are almost dead to admitt that you could be right======= Maybe they want to be the God that saves you!!!!! all i'm saying is go with your gut feeling if you aren't feeling as well as you did before you started taking Lantus or any insulin fight the system show them proof if you can and don't give up the fight, There has been so many drugs on the market that have been recalled that iI have refused to take (because of how they made me feel) two years before they even recalled them, I suspect Lantus will be there too but not until enough of us make our Doctors listen to us.
ChrisDecember 15, 2013 at 8:04 am
Joanna.... apparently you need to be educated as well. Your comment about \\\"The lady who wakes up on the floor needs to check bg more to prevent hypo at night....\\\" First of all, if you take the blinders off, you would see that her name is KAREN....not THE LADY Secondly without knowing Karen\\\'s medical history and dosing regime, where the heck do you get off saying that she needs to check b[Show More]Joanna.... apparently you need to be educated as well. Your comment about \\\"The lady who wakes up on the floor needs to check bg more to prevent hypo at night....\\\" First of all, if you take the blinders off, you would see that her name is KAREN....not THE LADY Secondly without knowing Karen\\\'s medical history and dosing regime, where the heck do you get off saying that she needs to check bg more?? This board is for people to post comments about the pros/cons of the meds/side effects, etc that THEY are feeling. It is NOT for us to negate what someone is feeling, just because we may not have any issues with our meds/side effects, lifestyle, etc!
ChrisDecember 15, 2013 at 7:51 am
### BILL - I am a nurse, and take exception to your post on here. I strongly suggest that you go to: and read where it says: \"Types of Insulin There are four types of insulin that work for different lengths of time. You and your D-team will work together to figure out which combination of insulins wo[Show More]### BILL - I am a nurse, and take exception to your post on here. I strongly suggest that you go to: and read where it says: \"Types of Insulin There are four types of insulin that work for different lengths of time. You and your D-team will work together to figure out which combination of insulins work best for you. Because everyone\'s body is different and reacts differently, it might take some time before you find the best combination. Rapid-acting insulin like Lispro (Humalog®), aspart (NovoLog®), or glulisine (Apidra®), is the fastest working of all insulins. Once you inject it, it starts to work (onsets) in about 5 minutes and works hardest (peaks) about an hour after injection. These insulin last (have a duration of) about 4 to 5 hours. It is taken right before meals. Rapid-acting insulin looks clear in the bottle. Short-acting insulin like \"Regular\" insulin is sometimes used around mealtime. It takes longer to work than rapid-acting insulin does. It\'s taken about 30-45 minutes before you plan to eat and it peaks about three to four hours later. It can keep working for as long as 6 hours after injection. It also looks clear in the bottle. Intermediate-acting insulin like \"NPH\" is insulin mixed with something that makes the body absorb the insulin more slowly. That\'s why this type of insulin looks cloudy and has to be mixed before it\'s injected. It takes longer (1/2-1 hour) to start working, peaks 4-10 hours after injection, and keeps working for 10-16 hours. Long-acting insulin like Glargine (Lantus®) or detemir (Levemir®) is like a marathon runner – lasting the longest. These insulins start working in 2-4 hours and can stay in the body for 24 hours with little or no peak. These insulins are clear and usually taken before bed. I further suggest that you continue reading to where it says: \"Remember, everyone\'s body reacts to insulin in different ways. The onset, peak and duration times listed above are just averages. It may take you longer to peak on Regular (short-acting) insulin than it might take someone else.\" After both you and your CDE read what the American Diabetes Association says on its site...maybe you could muster up the decency to apologise to the people in this forum.
khanSeptember 27, 2013 at 8:16 am
i took my mum to the doctor yesterday. she is 65. she has been diabetic for the last 13 years but on meds. now the doc recommended to start using lantus. i googled about it and now i m worried whether to put her on lentus or not. so if someone would kindly suggest something better than this, i would really be obliged...i love my mother and don't wanna lose her. please help
RiccardoSeptember 14, 2013 at 11:33 am
I've been using Lantus since side effects...other kind of problems aren't connectable to I think that further research is needed to take a conclusion...
MarieAugust 21, 2013 at 7:14 am
my son would scream when we gave him the lantus shot so we switched to levemir and no we are on the pump so just humalog all the time...I don't know but for whatever reason it burned in the injection.
PattyAugust 2, 2013 at 11:50 pm
I started taking Lantus over a month ago and was on it for three weeks before I told the doctor to take me off of it. After 2 days on it, I started having blurred vision. Even though I have been off of it for two and a half weeks now, the blurred vision remains (seems a little better though). I know it was the Lantus that caused it because before I started taking it, I had no problem with vision. [Show More]I started taking Lantus over a month ago and was on it for three weeks before I told the doctor to take me off of it. After 2 days on it, I started having blurred vision. Even though I have been off of it for two and a half weeks now, the blurred vision remains (seems a little better though). I know it was the Lantus that caused it because before I started taking it, I had no problem with vision. I also researched it and found out that blurred vision was a side effect of Lantus. I am now on 1000 mg. of Metformin twice a day.
JustineJune 10, 2013 at 8:57 pm
People come on here to report problems and side effects they have suffered on Lantus. "Shoulder pains can be due to office work" thanks Joanna for that. Please do not presume that the posters on here are of low intellegence or not managing their condition to the best of their ability. Like you, I manage my condition well,as I have done for 24 yrs. Lantus DID cause me dreadful side-effects, as it[Show More]People come on here to report problems and side effects they have suffered on Lantus. "Shoulder pains can be due to office work" thanks Joanna for that. Please do not presume that the posters on here are of low intellegence or not managing their condition to the best of their ability. Like you, I manage my condition well,as I have done for 24 yrs. Lantus DID cause me dreadful side-effects, as it does for many people. If you don't suffer them then you're lucky, although a month is probably too early to tell. Iit's not helpful to be so rude & dismiss others views, simply because you have not experienced it yourself.
joannaMay 18, 2013 at 4:51 am
Oh yeah. I forgot to mention that I have only been on lantus for one mont but I have had all mentioned ailments way before that.
joannaMay 18, 2013 at 4:48 am
I agree with Bill. I am diabetic, well controlled for over 35 years. I have been suffering from almost every ailment described on this forum. Diabetics are prone to nerve damage which can explain many symptoms away. Bloating, not digesting etc can be gastroparesis. Shoulder pains can be due to office work and poor ergonomics causing degeneration of cervical spine. The lady who wakes up on the [Show More]I agree with Bill. I am diabetic, well controlled for over 35 years. I have been suffering from almost every ailment described on this forum. Diabetics are prone to nerve damage which can explain many symptoms away. Bloating, not digesting etc can be gastroparesis. Shoulder pains can be due to office work and poor ergonomics causing degeneration of cervical spine. The lady who wakes up on the floor needs to check bg more to prevent hypo at night. None of that is the fault of Lantus. My bg is 54 now which is why im up now waiting for a safe # b4 i go to sleep. I would love to know how many of you guys have a1cs of less than 6. Get out of disease denial and take better care of yourselves. And yes you need to cover yur carbs with short acting insulin. Lantus alone wont cut it.
DanielleApril 11, 2013 at 5:52 pm
Diabetes of any type is a bodywide disease that affects many hormones not just insulin output. Reduced bloodsugar especially during sleep will change the hormone output especially cortisol, growth hormone, melatonin and many other hormones. Insulin itself is somewhat androgenic and when it increases cortisol output you will incur more sodium retention which can cause swelling that can affect the j[Show More]Diabetes of any type is a bodywide disease that affects many hormones not just insulin output. Reduced bloodsugar especially during sleep will change the hormone output especially cortisol, growth hormone, melatonin and many other hormones. Insulin itself is somewhat androgenic and when it increases cortisol output you will incur more sodium retention which can cause swelling that can affect the joints. Hormones such as these are specific to the individual which is why one person has these issues but another one doesn't. There are many options in addition to lantus and it is important to weigh all risk factors including heart disease risk and cancer risk.
JustineMarch 31, 2013 at 8:58 pm
Bill, with respect, you are talking absolute rubbish. Lantus is not a natural insulin, it is syntheically produced, and therein lies the problem. Of course long-term diabetes has it's problems. I have been type-1 for 24 yrs and I suffered dreadful problems which I doubt you can even comprehend, during the 4 yrs I was on Lantus. I DO NOT have neuropathy, or any problems associated with long-term d[Show More]Bill, with respect, you are talking absolute rubbish. Lantus is not a natural insulin, it is syntheically produced, and therein lies the problem. Of course long-term diabetes has it's problems. I have been type-1 for 24 yrs and I suffered dreadful problems which I doubt you can even comprehend, during the 4 yrs I was on Lantus. I DO NOT have neuropathy, or any problems associated with long-term diabetes. I was on synthetic "human" insulin prior to being given Lantus & Humalog. I believe that there are thousands of patients suffering from the afore-mentioned side-effects and worse, and believing it's just part & parcel of the disease itself. That is NOT the case, and changing to REAL insulin animal derived, proved that to me. I have no axe to grind, other that these insulins ruined yrs of my life that I should have spent more fruitfully bringing up my children, instead of being cared for and thinking I was dying. Bill, You're comments are clearly put on here to dismiss the problems that people have with synthetic insulins, you don't have a clue what you're talking about , and you need to re-read the whole thread I think :( Jus
barbaraMarch 4, 2013 at 9:59 pm
I have been on laslin for four month and having shoulder and arm pain and also weight gain had xray and not found anything going to have a scan next.
RoseFebruary 19, 2013 at 2:44 pm
Ive been taking lantus and novolog for over a year now. Been diabetic for 28 yrs. And i see am not alone on this i had been tellimg my fiance that ive been experiencing muscle spasm after taking my shot and also very high to very low blood sugar levels my shoulders ache and weight gain do i nd to go on?????....someone help!!!!!!......
ellenFebruary 14, 2013 at 8:01 pm
i have been on lantus and humolog for years now. but over the past few years have been getting all these lumps on my back arms and abdomen. drs. say they are just fatty lumps, i dont know what to believe!now i am developing a systemic itch. oh, also get severe shoulder pain. never associated it with the lantus until reading this and it seems common.
BillFebruary 7, 2013 at 3:23 am
Everyone blaming insulin for all of our comorbid conditions need to make appointments with a CDE through your physician because you have not educated yourself enough with the disease. Regarding all the comments about's called diabetic neuropathy, urination issues...nephropathy. Insulin leaves your body within 5 minutes that's why it can't be measured so prolonged side effects after you s[Show More]Everyone blaming insulin for all of our comorbid conditions need to make appointments with a CDE through your physician because you have not educated yourself enough with the disease. Regarding all the comments about's called diabetic neuropathy, urination issues...nephropathy. Insulin leaves your body within 5 minutes that's why it can't be measured so prolonged side effects after you stop taking it is impossible. It is a natural hormone everyone! We are diabetics, we have micro vascular and macro vascular risks that don't just stop because we are on insulin. We gain weight on insulin because our beta cells have been deteriorating and when insulin is introduced into our body we have normal physiological eating and gaining weight. As far as the cancer issue, do your research. I could really loose all of you here but you will find that this is the most idiotic and impossible thing that can be attributed to insulin use. It's not a cigarette it is a natural hormone which is analogous only because a protein is replaced with another in a steak? Please find an educator to help you. We can not survive without insulin...period. It's the disease that is killing us not insulin.
susanFebruary 5, 2013 at 9:41 pm
I was on Lantus for about 6 months. OMG, My skin erupted like it used to when I was 16. I D/C'd the Lantus the Saturday after Thanksgiving and went completely on diet breads or grains and no sugars of any kind...not even fruit. My blood sugar is 80's to 110 almost all the time and I have lost 22 pounds. The problem is that I still have acne on my face and shoulders like I'm a teen[Show More]I was on Lantus for about 6 months. OMG, My skin erupted like it used to when I was 16. I D/C'd the Lantus the Saturday after Thanksgiving and went completely on diet breads or grains and no sugars of any kind...not even fruit. My blood sugar is 80's to 110 almost all the time and I have lost 22 pounds. The problem is that I still have acne on my face and shoulders like I'm a teenager. It's hideous! I think it was the Lantus that caused the skin problem. The stuff is bad news! It is possible to control blood sugar with diet if you are willing to make the sacrifice. I did. No more meds ever again.
caraJanuary 25, 2013 at 2:05 am
My mother is 84, she has been on Lantus for 5 years, just after being qut on she started a downward spiral in her health. I have just discovered this site and I'm devistated at the thought that this med could be the cause. She has terrible itching rash, she has been to the dermatologist and been given so many anti itch meds, she is now so heavy (weight gain) she cannot exercise.Fatigue , weight ga[Show More]My mother is 84, she has been on Lantus for 5 years, just after being qut on she started a downward spiral in her health. I have just discovered this site and I'm devistated at the thought that this med could be the cause. She has terrible itching rash, she has been to the dermatologist and been given so many anti itch meds, she is now so heavy (weight gain) she cannot exercise.Fatigue , weight gain are tremendous issues, she retains water, (now on meds for water weight gain) The hunger issues are out of control. I dont know what to do. I am my mothers full time care giver and I feel as though I am failing her, BG levels are out of control. I've spoken to her endo. prieviously and he wont back down on the Lantus issue. She's on 46 units before bed and Humalog during the day 12 units ea meal sliding scale type 2 diabetic. Someone plz help, Before its too late ! I am taking her to another Dr. on Monday, What can I expect if I discontinue her Lantus and has anyone out there done this before? Plz help
JohannaJanuary 21, 2013 at 4:21 pm
I am happy to hear that Lantus works for some people. I tried it and had a bad experience wtih it. The posts above pretty much sums up the side effects that I also experienced: fuzzy head, foamy urine, abdominal pain, pressure on the spine from lower back right up to the skull, headaches, sleeplesness and to top it off, my bloodsugars kept going up. Numbers in the 20's is not good. I am now back [Show More]I am happy to hear that Lantus works for some people. I tried it and had a bad experience wtih it. The posts above pretty much sums up the side effects that I also experienced: fuzzy head, foamy urine, abdominal pain, pressure on the spine from lower back right up to the skull, headaches, sleeplesness and to top it off, my bloodsugars kept going up. Numbers in the 20's is not good. I am now back on the Novolin Reg 3X day plus NPH split morning and evening. Still adjusting dosage as now my numbers are as low as 4.5 and 8. Have had diabetes for 26 years.
HenriJanuary 14, 2013 at 5:42 pm
I need help to by my Lantus
joannaJanuary 10, 2013 at 10:15 am
Aged 57 , been on lantus since nov 2003 . weight gain ,eat more, swelling on legs and feet. Up at night .Lumps on fore arm and by rib, at an injection site, after only a few times.shoulder pains ,Memory loss ,getting worse. on a low dose of HRT. TAKE LANTUS IN THE MORNING 60 UNITS. I HAVE BEEN TOLD TO SPLIT IT ,TAKING MORE AT NIGHT. IF I REDUCE LANTUS APPETITE GOES. INTERESTING WEB SITE.
bobDecember 29, 2012 at 4:03 pm
As a diabetic (Tyoe2) for many years i have endured varied meds,, and now on Humalog and recent blood work was disasterous, in that I average readings of 15.0. My health care provider is researcing the possibility of a link between cancers and Lantus. I can tell you the best person to speak with on all side effects and how the drug actually works is your pharmacist. Mine is great and[Show More]As a diabetic (Tyoe2) for many years i have endured varied meds,, and now on Humalog and recent blood work was disasterous, in that I average readings of 15.0. My health care provider is researcing the possibility of a link between cancers and Lantus. I can tell you the best person to speak with on all side effects and how the drug actually works is your pharmacist. Mine is great and he found that weight gain is a side effect, and can be as high as 8kg per month when using speak with the pharmacist they are a wealth of information.
NigelNovember 19, 2012 at 8:21 am
I'm 63 years old male diagnosed nearly 4 years ago and put onto levemir and later lantus and novorapid..HELL followed as I was always tired/fatigued and heavy headed/drugged up feeling. Had to reduce hours at work and consultant blamed everything esle but the insulin. The forums showed me about analogue insulin problems and have now gone onto to Porcine Insulin. It took about 3 months after I f[Show More]I'm 63 years old male diagnosed nearly 4 years ago and put onto levemir and later lantus and novorapid..HELL followed as I was always tired/fatigued and heavy headed/drugged up feeling. Had to reduce hours at work and consultant blamed everything esle but the insulin. The forums showed me about analogue insulin problems and have now gone onto to Porcine Insulin. It took about 3 months after I found out about analogue don't work for everyone and I had to write a letter of COMPLAINT to my local hospital as my consultant and DSN refused to even let me try porcine...Now ALL bad feelings have GONE. I just wish that consultants/DSNs would listen to their patients...after all it's their bodies.
DtormalaNovember 18, 2012 at 12:13 pm
I have been taking Lantus for like over 4 to 5 years now. I really haven't notice anything. I do get headaches but I thought that it was from the cluster headache suffering. But I was given Topimax in the past year and to this date I had virtually no headaches at all. I don't get them cluster headaches or migraines. But I did notice a huge weight gain in the past years but I am on Lantus and oral [Show More]I have been taking Lantus for like over 4 to 5 years now. I really haven't notice anything. I do get headaches but I thought that it was from the cluster headache suffering. But I was given Topimax in the past year and to this date I had virtually no headaches at all. I don't get them cluster headaches or migraines. But I did notice a huge weight gain in the past years but I am on Lantus and oral medication to help control my diabetes. I an generic brand type Actos 45mg and 60 units of lantus at night everyday. As for it causing cancer i kind it hard to believe. Cause if you think of this. Almost everything that we take now has some type of risk for cancer. They just want to remove these type of products that helps us all. I was taken off Avendia cause of liver damage. I can't take Gylgride. I can't take the other insulin cause it never really help my sugar levels. But lantus did. No matter what I will remain on it cause i trust is and it works for me. I advice others to do the same. Good luck.
r chhabraOctober 31, 2012 at 1:41 pm
been on 85 units twice of lantus also 60 humolog 3- 4 times daily byetta metmorphine 2 g daily hba going up and up 8.1 last week blood sugars average 10- 18 mostly lumps every where been seen privately by 2 consultants severe shoulder pain 10 years had 3 operations by private consultants 3 different ones lost tempre at nhs dr last weel also my private dr showed him my legs stomach lunps rash etc c[Show More]been on 85 units twice of lantus also 60 humolog 3- 4 times daily byetta metmorphine 2 g daily hba going up and up 8.1 last week blood sugars average 10- 18 mostly lumps every where been seen privately by 2 consultants severe shoulder pain 10 years had 3 operations by private consultants 3 different ones lost tempre at nhs dr last weel also my private dr showed him my legs stomach lunps rash etc changed me to inslutard 80 unuts twice daily bloody hell sugars never abive 5-8 daily eating well daily amazing and guess what no shoulder pain used to take 6-8 panadols daily had only 2 last week so 10 years of hell 4 different private consultants too busy screwing insurance company and my shoulder disgraceful so beware lantus not a good idea
barryOctober 10, 2012 at 1:36 am
mhg4316August 20, 2012 at 6:00 pm
I had to pick my jaw up off of the floor after reading this forum!! Dr switched me from R/NPH to Lantus/Novalog a few months ago and I feel like I want to DIE!!! Swollen legs and ankles, weight gain of 7 lbs in 2 month, severe headache and insomnia..bloated abdomen, and the foggyiness...groggy and forgetful....Im going back on my old regimen as this new one isnt helping w my BG and certainly is ma[Show More]I had to pick my jaw up off of the floor after reading this forum!! Dr switched me from R/NPH to Lantus/Novalog a few months ago and I feel like I want to DIE!!! Swollen legs and ankles, weight gain of 7 lbs in 2 month, severe headache and insomnia..bloated abdomen, and the foggyiness...groggy and forgetful....Im going back on my old regimen as this new one isnt helping w my BG and certainly is making life harder than it already is as a diabetic.....Thank you everyone for the information and for showing Im not imagining all of this.
WENDYAugust 10, 2012 at 8:20 pm
My husband was a type 1 diabeticfor 46 years. He did everything right. Lots of exercise, healthy eating with mostly organic foods, and he was always under the supervision of a doctor of nutrition, who prescribed supplements for certain vitamins and minerals that diabetics seemed to be lacking. His A1C was always between 5.8 and 6. His specialists said he was the healthiest diabetic they had ever s[Show More]My husband was a type 1 diabeticfor 46 years. He did everything right. Lots of exercise, healthy eating with mostly organic foods, and he was always under the supervision of a doctor of nutrition, who prescribed supplements for certain vitamins and minerals that diabetics seemed to be lacking. His A1C was always between 5.8 and 6. His specialists said he was the healthiest diabetic they had ever seen. In 2006 he was put on Lantus insulin (24 units/day), along with Humulog. He did have a lot of itching on his arms that no one had answers for, and which I see in many other comments.IN July 2010 he was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer and he passed away at age 66 in March 2012. We fought it every inch of the way. He never smoked and there was NO cancer in his family, even though his brother has smoked all his life and is fine. Anybody joining a class action suit?
SJuly 29, 2012 at 10:02 pm
Can't believe they are able to prescribe this sh*t. Been on it for almost 2 weeks i feel like death, sick of being told its a side effect of type 1 diabetes, no it isn't! my control is good but i feel like death. Shoulder pain, short of breath, weak i cannot walk. Can't sit up properly. chest pain, eye ache. i'm 20 years old, healthy before this.
stephenJune 22, 2012 at 3:19 pm
I see a lot of scare mungery going on I have been on lantus at night 28 units have had no problems but that of which is normal for a 58 and ahalf year old male at about 17 stone i also take humalog with every meal of about 20 to 25 units but some one said why do you take insulin when you suger leval is high I had to think and admit i see it on films some one collapse who has diabites type 2 like m[Show More]I see a lot of scare mungery going on I have been on lantus at night 28 units have had no problems but that of which is normal for a 58 and ahalf year old male at about 17 stone i also take humalog with every meal of about 20 to 25 units but some one said why do you take insulin when you suger leval is high I had to think and admit i see it on films some one collapse who has diabites type 2 like me and they give insulin I thought if it is low why take it because it would make it even lower so should it take more insulin if my sugers are low befor a meal? please help an ignorant diabetic type 2 person still confused by the world.
OlivierJune 21, 2012 at 2:56 am
Dear all, I think it is important to make a distinction between symptoms that are or could be related to the disease itself and possible side effects of a medicine prescribed. To get that clear for yourself it is very important to talk about that with a good qualified doctor and/or nurse. Then you can also openly talk about your doubts and possible problems you have, instead of worrying about it [Show More]Dear all, I think it is important to make a distinction between symptoms that are or could be related to the disease itself and possible side effects of a medicine prescribed. To get that clear for yourself it is very important to talk about that with a good qualified doctor and/or nurse. Then you can also openly talk about your doubts and possible problems you have, instead of worrying about it and not knowing for sure what is the cause, making you insecure. The doctor can give you a good overview of possible treatments and there actions and side effects, which is essential to be able to choose what's best for you.
clintonApril 26, 2012 at 3:11 am
I have been taking lantus for about 5 years and I cannot slep until after5-6 hours taking the shot.It has not been helping my blood glucose levels what so ever and when I lay down at night my legs will start twitching and I will awake sometimes because it feels like i am having a seizure.
SheareApril 19, 2012 at 7:02 pm
I agree, this is typical corporate put profit ahead of lives crap. My mom quit smoking fifty years ago. She and my father were healthy and active and ate healthily, they always have. I used to say that she and Dad were spryer than I am, and I'm 59 to their respective 79 and 80. Last August, she was diagnosed with stage IV cancer. By the time it was diagnosed, it was in her lungs and liver and[Show More]I agree, this is typical corporate put profit ahead of lives crap. My mom quit smoking fifty years ago. She and my father were healthy and active and ate healthily, they always have. I used to say that she and Dad were spryer than I am, and I'm 59 to their respective 79 and 80. Last August, she was diagnosed with stage IV cancer. By the time it was diagnosed, it was in her lungs and liver and potentially bones. She died on February 5th. I understand that most people would be traumatized by their mother's death anyway,but Mom was a remarkable human being who should have lived many more years, and reading about Lantus has made me so angry that I can feel my blood pressure rise just thinking about it.
CharlesMarch 9, 2012 at 6:01 pm
I've been on Lantus 30 units at night for more almost 5 years now, and during all my regular and annual check-ups and work-up never did I have a single prostate issue or uritrine track problems, but 4 months ago I had a bladder infection (treated) and again recently another now I think I might have bladder cancer and I fully attribute this to Lantus, also developed annoying rash that comes and goe[Show More]I've been on Lantus 30 units at night for more almost 5 years now, and during all my regular and annual check-ups and work-up never did I have a single prostate issue or uritrine track problems, but 4 months ago I had a bladder infection (treated) and again recently another now I think I might have bladder cancer and I fully attribute this to Lantus, also developed annoying rash that comes and goes, am very worried some one needs to compile data and fast, I'm sure the makers are liable, and certain that they know it and a lot of hush money is being shelled out since its a 4 billion dollar industry.
vickieMarch 3, 2012 at 3:07 am
Comment by Vickie on March 2,2012 I am a type 2 diabetic for the past nine years. I started out on metformin,now Januvia and Humalog with meals and Lantus Insulin at bedtime. My a1c recently was 7.5 which is good for me. I am 57 years young and a nurse. I do have the normal aches and pains from aging and my job as a nurse. I recently have started with itching on my abdomen where i usually give my [Show More]Comment by Vickie on March 2,2012 I am a type 2 diabetic for the past nine years. I started out on metformin,now Januvia and Humalog with meals and Lantus Insulin at bedtime. My a1c recently was 7.5 which is good for me. I am 57 years young and a nurse. I do have the normal aches and pains from aging and my job as a nurse. I recently have started with itching on my abdomen where i usually give my Lantus insulin. Yesterday and today i have started with a rash,hives and intense itching. I have started to use a cortisone cream three times a day with no relief. I am starting to think i may have become allergic to the Lantus insulin. I even have a sore throat which I get when i am allergic to foods and medicines. I will be stopping the Lantus and will call my endocrinologist on Monday am. Was unaware of the possible links to cancer with the possible use of Lantus insulin.
AprilFebruary 23, 2012 at 9:39 pm
My Mom was on this for two yrs she now has pancreatic cancer, her levels were never normal when on this, she ws always having problems all the doctor cld say was oh your not doin what you are supposed to. She ate right exercised the whole nine yards didnt matter, her levels were still out of wack, still no energy, bad weight loss, and now this..I blame the diabetic drugs she was on for this.
nickJanuary 12, 2012 at 11:54 am
Hi all, I have been on Lantus for about 2.5 yrs now at 20-26 units per night dependent on my activity and diet at the time. I know of the slight stinging in my legs upon injection but this does not occur every time. I have put occasional stinging down to the weird way that the OptiPen 2 injects. Its not so obviously mechanical and this means I occasionally twist the needle on entry or exit. Howeve[Show More]Hi all, I have been on Lantus for about 2.5 yrs now at 20-26 units per night dependent on my activity and diet at the time. I know of the slight stinging in my legs upon injection but this does not occur every time. I have put occasional stinging down to the weird way that the OptiPen 2 injects. Its not so obviously mechanical and this means I occasionally twist the needle on entry or exit. However I have not had any other health problems associated with it and my weight seems under control. I did however get some advice on those who maybe experiencing high BG in the mornings. You should split your lantus dosage in two. Half before bed and half at breakfast with perhaps a reduction on the amount of fast acting you may have with breakfast.
mariaJanuary 3, 2012 at 9:23 am
I am a type I for 27 years and i was put on Lantus/Aprida 3 years ago but after 18 months i had enough, i was putting on weight badly even when diet is controlled and the pain in my legs became unbearable. I couldnt move and my ankles were constantly swollen. I moved back to Levemir and Novorapid and with a week the pain in my legs disappeared and my ankles reduced to normal again. Also i was plag[Show More]I am a type I for 27 years and i was put on Lantus/Aprida 3 years ago but after 18 months i had enough, i was putting on weight badly even when diet is controlled and the pain in my legs became unbearable. I couldnt move and my ankles were constantly swollen. I moved back to Levemir and Novorapid and with a week the pain in my legs disappeared and my ankles reduced to normal again. Also i was plagued by vomiting during the use of Lantus.
lizDecember 17, 2011 at 12:20 am
cant believe all these comments about lantus.i was on it for approx 8 years and ive never had so much pain ive had frozen shoulder trapped nerve in my left arm and dupytrens contrapture in my fingers!!!!what annoys me is we cannot prove it was the lantus because doctors say it is because we are diabetics!!!well ive been type 1 since 1970 and have always been very healthy but since the late 1980s h[Show More]cant believe all these comments about lantus.i was on it for approx 8 years and ive never had so much pain ive had frozen shoulder trapped nerve in my left arm and dupytrens contrapture in my fingers!!!!what annoys me is we cannot prove it was the lantus because doctors say it is because we are diabetics!!!well ive been type 1 since 1970 and have always been very healthy but since the late 1980s have really suffered.I know doctors say its because we are diabetic but how do we know its not this synthetic insiulins we have to take what causes all these problems.anyway i know we have to take insulin but we do not know the side effects.i am now on levemir its not much different but what can we do we have to take our insulin otherwise we would not be here.
jeanDecember 6, 2011 at 2:44 am
already sent commints
jeanDecember 6, 2011 at 2:22 am
HI i have been on lantus 50 u morning 50 u night i'm also on humalog slider scale.My shoulder pain is unbearable.Dr.said my rotor cups were gocan't lose weightne needed hip pain was about the same DR.said i needed replacement.have a very bad breathing problem,no matter what i do cannot lose weight,hands were so bad if i picked any thing up i will drop it.I'M so tired an weak. can't l[Show More]HI i have been on lantus 50 u morning 50 u night i'm also on humalog slider scale.My shoulder pain is unbearable.Dr.said my rotor cups were gocan't lose weightne needed hip pain was about the same DR.said i needed replacement.have a very bad breathing problem,no matter what i do cannot lose weight,hands were so bad if i picked any thing up i will drop it.I'M so tired an weak. can't lay down at nite because pain in my shoulder ,can't set straight up because pain in hip.upset stoamic alll t.he time weak in legs.very forgetful.So sore thru my chest at nites can hardly turn on my right side.because of the pain.i am just one big mess. Until 2 weeks ago i took myself off the lantun.i no longer have the hip.shoulder or chest pain..i feel like i can live again.i was using my right hand to lift my left arm i raise my arm straight up in air no pain..i havent told my dr yet but going go see matter what he says i willl never take more thing my eyes are so bad i';m legally blind. GOD BLESS ALLL WHO HAVE TAKEN LANTUS
ConnieNovember 17, 2011 at 1:06 pm
First, to the person on humalog--It doesn't WORK. I have had a hive from time to time at the shot site and some itching after taking Lantus. In 2010, my mammogram came back with a re-call. Something changed from my previous mammorgram. I will be having my fourth mammorgram next week and hope to find something out with this visit. The Dr.s have been keeping information from me and so I have r[Show More]First, to the person on humalog--It doesn't WORK. I have had a hive from time to time at the shot site and some itching after taking Lantus. In 2010, my mammogram came back with a re-call. Something changed from my previous mammorgram. I will be having my fourth mammorgram next week and hope to find something out with this visit. The Dr.s have been keeping information from me and so I have recently changed my clinic and where I will have my next mammorgram taken. I found the information interesting in regards to lantus and breast cancer. I have been taking Lantus for years now.
toneyOctober 22, 2011 at 12:42 pm
i been taking lantus for about a year now along with novolog all of a suddon the lantus stopped working and my blood sugar run in the high 200. lantus worked so good for a while i was off the novolog for about 6 months, the last batch i got of lantus is like taking a water shot, i think they cut out something in the insulin , i read a lot of you have shoulder pain i have hip pain so bad sometimes [Show More]i been taking lantus for about a year now along with novolog all of a suddon the lantus stopped working and my blood sugar run in the high 200. lantus worked so good for a while i was off the novolog for about 6 months, the last batch i got of lantus is like taking a water shot, i think they cut out something in the insulin , i read a lot of you have shoulder pain i have hip pain so bad sometimes i cant lay on it, and fatigue is so bad sometimes, along with dizziness is unreal.i think the FDA needs to look into this crap.
GeriSeptember 13, 2011 at 7:06 pm
My sister used Lantus for 8 years+ and developed breast cancer stage 3 and passed away in 2007. The form of cancer in the breast was very odd than normal types that the hospital took samples. I asked for the results to which they oddly lost... right!! I believe the contributing factor was Lantus as my sister was very active, ate the right foods and conscious.
VernaAugust 14, 2011 at 4:04 am
My husband was on lantus for several years before his death. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and it had spread to his lung and liver before it was dected. He suffered with very bad headaches and had neoropthy in both lower limbs.
davidAugust 2, 2011 at 3:23 am
ahha here i was thinking it was the onset of arthrits ,,,,but to be honest i suspected the lantus because they occured together i been on lantus 1 month and my shouders and elbows have been hurting exactly that long we have an alternative for lantus someone plz contact me if so thank u in advance
mattJuly 2, 2011 at 3:30 pm
Hi, i have been a diabetic for alomst 27 years my diabetes birthday haha is in august was diagnosed at 18 months old. I have been taking lantus since 2005 after i got off my insulin pump. Didnt have any problems with this till just recently(i also use humalog 15 units approx a day). I usually use 30 units in the morning and now like down to 15 units seems like its crazy good thing i didnt give [Show More]Hi, i have been a diabetic for alomst 27 years my diabetes birthday haha is in august was diagnosed at 18 months old. I have been taking lantus since 2005 after i got off my insulin pump. Didnt have any problems with this till just recently(i also use humalog 15 units approx a day). I usually use 30 units in the morning and now like down to 15 units seems like its crazy good thing i didnt give myself that full 30 haha and sugars are alway pretty consistant my last H1c reading done about a week ago was 5.8 i keep tight control and i have been feeling these sholder pains just recently lack of concetration and fatigue and headaches in the back of my head and move to the front. The Doctors think i am crazy but am working to get back on my insulin pump especially after reading all these comments.
NancyJune 18, 2011 at 10:21 am
I've been on lantus since it came out,I feel awfuls.have joint pain,pain in the stomach swollen feet and ankles ,hungry all the time,weight gain,low platelets,night sweats,I worry about cancer from this insulin.I tried to talk to my doctor but he won't listen to me.maybe it's time to fine a new Doctor.does anyone notice these side effects.
TinmeMay 19, 2011 at 11:40 pm
I had just started on Lantis injections in march. Since then, I have had itching, swelling of ankels, rash AND FAT and WEIGHT GAIN!! Now I hear about cancer? I am stopping this stuff.
JenApril 5, 2011 at 9:09 pm
Forgot to mention the insomnia and night sweats. The were a real problem too.
JenApril 5, 2011 at 9:07 pm
I took lantus for 9 months. I had carpal tunnel symptoms, joint pain and stiffness, gained 50 lbs, wheezing, water retention, hunger, increased blood sugar, depression, couldn't concentrate, in a fog, loss of energy, planters faciitis and muscle pain. I hurt so bad no one could touch me. It took everything I had to get out of bed. The joint and hand pain was unbearable and I couldn't walk correctl[Show More]I took lantus for 9 months. I had carpal tunnel symptoms, joint pain and stiffness, gained 50 lbs, wheezing, water retention, hunger, increased blood sugar, depression, couldn't concentrate, in a fog, loss of energy, planters faciitis and muscle pain. I hurt so bad no one could touch me. It took everything I had to get out of bed. The joint and hand pain was unbearable and I couldn't walk correctly. The final straw was when I swelled up. My feet and lower legs were huge. I was wheezing from the fluid retention. The only thing I had done differently was taking Lantus. I went to my doctor and demanded to be changed back to Humulin 70/30. Of course he told me Lantus is the miracle drug and it couldn't be my problem. Even a miracle drug isn't going to help everyone. Two days after I went back to Humulin 70/30 the fluid staring coming off and the pain started to subside. Now, a month later I have none of the symptoms listed above. I am exercising, active and feel like myself again. Not all people respond to the same medications. If your doctor doesn't want to change your medication then find another doctor. You know your body better than anyone else and you know when things are not right. Be an active participate in your own health care.
rnj1March 27, 2011 at 3:58 pm
I started Lantus about one month ago after being "borderline" diabetic 2 for several years. I work full time as a teacher and am a single parent of a 6 year old autistic son. I am also in my 50's. Soon after the Lantus began working, I was amazed at the difference I felt. I used to have a very full day that I managed to get through but with a stuggle. Now I feel more energetic, more alive, and[Show More]I started Lantus about one month ago after being "borderline" diabetic 2 for several years. I work full time as a teacher and am a single parent of a 6 year old autistic son. I am also in my 50's. Soon after the Lantus began working, I was amazed at the difference I felt. I used to have a very full day that I managed to get through but with a stuggle. Now I feel more energetic, more alive, and a bit of a depression I had has lifted. Unfortunately, there have been things happening that I didn't attribute to Lantus until I read some of the comments posted here. I've been wheezing a lot, have a increase in hunger, increased urination and weight gain. 20 pounds in about a month. I'm a large woman to begin with, and the extra weight could be the reason for the wheezing, so I have to consider that. Still and alll, I will be talking to my doctor soon about the things I can do to counteract these effects. I like what one reader wrote, about splitting up the Lantus into two doses. Also, I think he may be right that I will need a shorter acting dose before meals. I guess I'll find out as I try different things over the next few months. Thank you to all of you out there who took the time to write these things down. Wish me luck.
JusMarch 23, 2011 at 4:28 pm
Hi kathy, Many people cannot tolerate analogue insulins not just Lantus. Your daughter may well be one such person. Side effects are more common on these insulins than any previous variety, even previous synthetic human insulins.. My suggestion would be to speak to your GP about trying your daughter on an animal insulin. Also contact the Insulin Dependent Diabetes Trust (IDDT)for more info. bes[Show More]Hi kathy, Many people cannot tolerate analogue insulins not just Lantus. Your daughter may well be one such person. Side effects are more common on these insulins than any previous variety, even previous synthetic human insulins.. My suggestion would be to speak to your GP about trying your daughter on an animal insulin. Also contact the Insulin Dependent Diabetes Trust (IDDT)for more info. best of luck
KathyMarch 21, 2011 at 8:48 pm
My daughter took LANTUS insulin for about two months and had very strange side effects, Could not sleep, severe lightheadedness, like in a fog all of the time and thought she would faint, severe anxiety, shakiness, feeling like her blood sugar was low but it was not low, fatigue, blurry vision, lack of concentration, and confusion. After 5 different doctor visits, finally an ENT asked if we had c[Show More]My daughter took LANTUS insulin for about two months and had very strange side effects, Could not sleep, severe lightheadedness, like in a fog all of the time and thought she would faint, severe anxiety, shakiness, feeling like her blood sugar was low but it was not low, fatigue, blurry vision, lack of concentration, and confusion. After 5 different doctor visits, finally an ENT asked if we had changed any medications recently and of course it clicked. YES WE did change her from HUMALOG to LANTUS when all of this seemed to start. We immediately took her off of LANTUS and put her back on her insulin pump with humalog. MY QUESTION IS THIS>>>> She still seems to be suffering from these symptoms but not as bad. Has anyone out there had similiar symptoms and stopped their lantus... only to find out that the damage seems to be ongoing but not as severe??? Please... I AM a Mom and want to see my daughter restored. Any information shared would be appreciated..
JudyFebruary 25, 2011 at 6:24 pm
I have been on lantus for about 2 i/2 months. I have gained 5 lbs. I have swelling in my ankles, joint pain , and sholder and neck pain. This week I found a lump in my breast. I am really scared of this insulin.
andreaFebruary 14, 2011 at 12:46 am
i have been on lantus for one month and it makes me feel so nausea slighty weight gain always hungry
CindyFebruary 9, 2011 at 11:29 pm
I was diagnosed with Diabetes 3 weeks ago. Taking Humalog at meals on the sliding scale and taking 18 units of Lantus at night. I am experiencing bad headaches at night , I have gained weight, am feeling bloated and pain in the stomach all the time. I will be contacting my doctor as I am concerned with all the comments regarding side effects.
waleedFebruary 9, 2011 at 9:01 pm
I was on Lantus for 5 months, during which severe left arm pain and shoulders stiffness made me wish die. To make things worse I couldn't sleep for more than 90 minutes before this burning sensation in my neck and shoulders disrupted my sleep. Now I am back on human Insulin, and all thepain and discomfort is subsiding like magic. Lantus has 6-8 folds more similarity to another hormone called IGF-1[Show More]I was on Lantus for 5 months, during which severe left arm pain and shoulders stiffness made me wish die. To make things worse I couldn't sleep for more than 90 minutes before this burning sensation in my neck and shoulders disrupted my sleep. Now I am back on human Insulin, and all thepain and discomfort is subsiding like magic. Lantus has 6-8 folds more similarity to another hormone called IGF-1 &2, and I think it is this effect that is producing this side effect. Finally, a small knob on my forehead also enlarged when I used Lantus and seems to be disappering now after I discontinued it. My advise to all; All insulin analogues are very risky business, and better be avoided.
HelenJanuary 26, 2011 at 9:54 pm
I am on Lantus and scared stiff no real problems with this but be ringing my nurse in the morning I am coming off this !!!
DavorinJanuary 25, 2011 at 5:29 pm
Health pro(vascular surgeon,45 y.o.), but also a patient since Nov.2009. On Lantus ever since, NO side efects so far. If occasionaly hadn't read about possible link of LANTUS with colonic ca. would be perfectly satisfied with it. It's not very nice to hear and should be checked further(RCS).
JosephineJanuary 5, 2011 at 9:27 am
I take lantus insulin and get bumps that itch likje crazy and are painful. Perhaps this could be coming from my insulin as well. I noticced after taking 50 units of lantus and 20 units of Humalog I would have probl;ems but just thought I needed an adjustment. Had breast cancer twice and very concened about taking something that would cause any kind of cancer. Been on Lantus for about 4 years. I w[Show More]I take lantus insulin and get bumps that itch likje crazy and are painful. Perhaps this could be coming from my insulin as well. I noticced after taking 50 units of lantus and 20 units of Humalog I would have probl;ems but just thought I needed an adjustment. Had breast cancer twice and very concened about taking something that would cause any kind of cancer. Been on Lantus for about 4 years. I will contact my pcp and ask for a different medicine.
JanetDecember 30, 2010 at 1:04 pm
Thought I has done something to my back 12 months ago when oving snow when my thighs started aching and stopping me from getting up and down - I experienced pain ecery time I stood up or sat down. He told me to stop injecting in my thighs as I was developing fatty deposits which where causing the pain. The problem is no better & is showing no signs of improving - in fact it is getting worse. S[Show More]Thought I has done something to my back 12 months ago when oving snow when my thighs started aching and stopping me from getting up and down - I experienced pain ecery time I stood up or sat down. He told me to stop injecting in my thighs as I was developing fatty deposits which where causing the pain. The problem is no better & is showing no signs of improving - in fact it is getting worse. So much so I left my job in the summer as I could not do it any longer. I have also developed muscle pain in my shoulders and back which I thought was a result of putting pressure on my arms and shpulder when I literally heave myself up out of a chair or bed. My thighs are painful and I feel they are not going to support me and allow me to walk and am now being monitored for a potential eye prblem. All these symptoms have developed since I started taking Lantus with humalog. I have ben advised to split the Lantus dose between am and pm and I inject humalog at every meal time all in an attempt to lower my blood sugar levels. I was waking in a morning feeling like I had a severe hangover - I now know this was a result of going hypo during the night - now my blood sugar can just drop at any time without any particular reason resulting in my blood sugar rising very high for the next 24 hours. I have been diabetic for 47 years and never had such erratic blood sugars or experianced all these problems until the last 12 months while taking Lantus. I was able to run up and down stairs in the summer of 2009 - now I can't step over the back door step without agonising pain. I thought I was alone with all this but the reports here tell me different. I have now made the decision to have a long discussion with my consultant and I am determined not to leave his consulting room until I get some answers. Sorry if I hold up the queue. Watch this space.
derrickDecember 29, 2010 at 5:11 am
Im scared to i have been taken lantus for about 4 years. Im a 17 year diabetic and not sure what to do. I continue to pray JEHOVAH for help and guidance and he helps me threw whatever im going1 threw. I also get headaches all the time. I also have bad vision and narapoty. I have a wonderful doctor but doctors makes errors to.
JimmyDecember 1, 2010 at 11:58 pm
I have been a type 1 diabetic for 22 years. I am now 51. In 2006 I was given Lantus and Novorapid. In 2009 I experienced Symptoms of Arthritis in my knees and hands and have developed IBS. Like Greg I also developed retinopathy even though my A1C's have been 6.2 and below. Although it cannot be proved by a scientific method that these symptoms were caused by Lantus. You'd have to be a complete idi[Show More]I have been a type 1 diabetic for 22 years. I am now 51. In 2006 I was given Lantus and Novorapid. In 2009 I experienced Symptoms of Arthritis in my knees and hands and have developed IBS. Like Greg I also developed retinopathy even though my A1C's have been 6.2 and below. Although it cannot be proved by a scientific method that these symptoms were caused by Lantus. You'd have to be a complete idiot not to see the obvious link. Sanofi Aventis will not admit to any problem because Lantus accounts for 10% of their overall business about 3.5 billion dollars. If I was them, making this kind of money I probably wouldn't care about patients either. Just let them suffer and die is their policy. Most doctors are also obviously taking back handers . Nobody is that stupid are they ! They seem to have conveniently forgotten that little thing that they learnt when they first became a doctor , the Hippocratic oath "Thou shalt do no harm". Unless of course somebody buys you a Mercedes or some other extravagant gift. Or pays for your kids college fees. Then they just look the other way and lie their heads off.
yvonneNovember 30, 2010 at 2:19 am
i would appreciate a description of the bumps ,from anyone saying they have them. My 83 year old mother has been on lantis for 2 months and has hard white blister like bumps on her abdomen. I have had her to a doctor who says its nothing and gave me cream for her that is not helping. They also say it is not from the insulin, but they are not healing thank you.
MaryNovember 21, 2010 at 5:56 am
I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes several years ago. I have been on Metformin 4 tablets a day at 500MG each. My sugar levels in the last few months kept rising. In addition to the metformin on November 8/2010 I was put on Lantus. I take 20 units a day at nighttime. This is very new to me but I have experienced headaches each time I use it, I have also gained nearly 4 lbs. just using this[Show More]I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes several years ago. I have been on Metformin 4 tablets a day at 500MG each. My sugar levels in the last few months kept rising. In addition to the metformin on November 8/2010 I was put on Lantus. I take 20 units a day at nighttime. This is very new to me but I have experienced headaches each time I use it, I have also gained nearly 4 lbs. just using this insulin for a week and a half. The thing is I have drastically implemented healthy eating since I statrted taking Lantus. Why am I gaining weight? I just lost 42 lbs prior to Lantus. How much weight can I expect to put on? After reading all the input on this insulin I am very afraid to continue with it. The cancer correlation with Lantus terrifies me. Glad I decided to check Lantus out online. All the input from other Lantus users is very eye-opening. It sounds like big trouble coming if I continue with it. What should I do?
lynnNovember 18, 2010 at 12:05 am
Where to from here? The reason I got on the net was that I visited my endocronoligist and he mentioned cancer related to Lantus. I have already had breast cancer. I have shoulder pain arm pain severe headaches and UTI problem. These symptoms were not classed as being connected to the Lantus. I have stopped taking this insulin but where to from here? I am 55 and have been on lantus for years I have[Show More]Where to from here? The reason I got on the net was that I visited my endocronoligist and he mentioned cancer related to Lantus. I have already had breast cancer. I have shoulder pain arm pain severe headaches and UTI problem. These symptoms were not classed as being connected to the Lantus. I have stopped taking this insulin but where to from here? I am 55 and have been on lantus for years I have felt unwell for years very tired physically and very tired mentally of always feeling unwell and having to organize my life around feeling like this. I have learnt over the years that diabetes is difficult to control and we have to do our part and that most drs do do their best to try to help. I often wonder however if their loved one had these difficulties and concerns would they be so quick to use some of these prescriptions or would they take a little more time to really workout individual needs and long term side effects.
angelaNovember 2, 2010 at 7:55 pm
just returned from seeing consultant-type one diabetic past 12 years -have only just gone onto this website -cannot believe symptoms- i was diagnosed aug 2009 fibromyalgia after complaining to diabetic clinic + gp for couple years -since discovered on info leaflet for lantus -in rare cases can cause myalgia -muscle pain ! have tried various insulins in past 8 weeks all with their own side effects [Show More]just returned from seeing consultant-type one diabetic past 12 years -have only just gone onto this website -cannot believe symptoms- i was diagnosed aug 2009 fibromyalgia after complaining to diabetic clinic + gp for couple years -since discovered on info leaflet for lantus -in rare cases can cause myalgia -muscle pain ! have tried various insulins in past 8 weeks all with their own side effects -have now been told lantus not problem or i must be 1 in a 100,000-according to crosshouse hosp i am the only person to have suggested any problem with lantus !!!
GregOctober 31, 2010 at 6:25 am
I took Lantus from around 2001 to Feb. of 2010. I took any where from 38 units a day, dropping down to 22 in Feb. of this year. it was my doctors who keep telling me over and over to lower the dose of Lantus. They actually wanted me to drop my Lantus dosage down to 18 units a day and increase my Novolog to compensate, almost pushing me to lower my dosage like they knew something was up, I am not s[Show More]I took Lantus from around 2001 to Feb. of 2010. I took any where from 38 units a day, dropping down to 22 in Feb. of this year. it was my doctors who keep telling me over and over to lower the dose of Lantus. They actually wanted me to drop my Lantus dosage down to 18 units a day and increase my Novolog to compensate, almost pushing me to lower my dosage like they knew something was up, I am not sure of this but they really pushed me to lower my dose. My diabetes has always been fairly well controlled, A1C's of 6.8 to 7.3. The funny thing is I now have diabetic rentinopathy which spung up really quickly out of now where. I have switched to Levimere. Has anyone heard anything about this Insulin. I also have a few lumps in my stomach which my doctors say is nothing, and they did seem to get a little smaller after a while. I am 49 years old, been diabetic for 28 years now. Please post your age and how long you have been diabetic please. This will help the rest of us.
BettyOctober 30, 2010 at 5:08 pm
Thank you, Jus, Just wanted to let everyone know, after 4 months on Lantus, I now have been diagnosed with colon cancer. what a shock! I start radiation and chemo in a few days.... Everyone be careful. I am now taking levimer.....don't know how it will work.
JusOctober 22, 2010 at 9:02 am
Karen, We do have a choice of types of insulin treatment Lantus is an analogue insulin and the cause of many problems previously unreported by type-1s. I changed to animal insulin, following 4yrs on Lantus and felt like a completely different person, I know of many who report exactly the same feeling. The most immediate change I noticed was that the anxiety/tremor disappeared as did the pain in[Show More]Karen, We do have a choice of types of insulin treatment Lantus is an analogue insulin and the cause of many problems previously unreported by type-1s. I changed to animal insulin, following 4yrs on Lantus and felt like a completely different person, I know of many who report exactly the same feeling. The most immediate change I noticed was that the anxiety/tremor disappeared as did the pain in my arms & shoulders. I believe Lantus has damaged my body and regret ever agreeing to going on it. If the medical profession accept drug side-effects as being part & parcel of the condition, we are heading down a very rocky road. These problems need to be recognized soon, before the choice of insulin treatments decreases further. Jus
karenOctober 21, 2010 at 3:16 am
since on 20 units of Lantus joint pain was intolerable ... went to a rheumatologist who prescribed Mobic 7.5 mg daily ...pain gone functionally well... but Iam still concerened... I researced... found Insulin is s fat producing hormone. So I think that whatever insulin we use, because our bodies do not produce it naturally.. when we inject insulin we have to realize and deal with how [Show More]since on 20 units of Lantus joint pain was intolerable ... went to a rheumatologist who prescribed Mobic 7.5 mg daily ...pain gone functionally well... but Iam still concerened... I researced... found Insulin is s fat producing hormone. So I think that whatever insulin we use, because our bodies do not produce it naturally.. when we inject insulin we have to realize and deal with how our bodies distribute it... I think it takes time for our bodies to adjust to this hormone being injected into our system and not producing it naturally.... we have no choice..
RichardOctober 19, 2010 at 3:25 am
I have a rash on my sides, chest, stomach and arms. I take Lantus 70 units at bedtime. I itch all over. Is it realated to the Lantus??????
ReubenOctober 13, 2010 at 1:04 pm
i started on lantus in dec 2009 by july 2010 i noticed a slight swelling on right abdomen. It was slightly painful, with the itching around the same side. i went to the emergency room, lots of blood tests and CAT scan. they could not diagnose the problem. I went to 3 other doctors, 2 GP and a surgeon. nothing. meanwhile the itching became worse and so did the pain. swelling grew to the size of a f[Show More]i started on lantus in dec 2009 by july 2010 i noticed a slight swelling on right abdomen. It was slightly painful, with the itching around the same side. i went to the emergency room, lots of blood tests and CAT scan. they could not diagnose the problem. I went to 3 other doctors, 2 GP and a surgeon. nothing. meanwhile the itching became worse and so did the pain. swelling grew to the size of a football. i went to the web and found out the side effects of lantus. i stopped taking the drug immediately, swelling is still there and the itching is still ongoing but the effects are lessening.
jraOctober 11, 2010 at 7:42 pm
I decided to go off my lantus. My Dr. told me to go ahead and try it and be on a strict no carb diet. I lost 5 pounds in 5 days. The gas stopped completely. Less confused/dizzy feeling, less tired, less hungry and today no shoulder pain. Wow. But I can tell my sugar is too high after I eat and feel sick to my stomach. I still take Symelin 30mg before meals. My monitor's battery is dead, so I canno[Show More]I decided to go off my lantus. My Dr. told me to go ahead and try it and be on a strict no carb diet. I lost 5 pounds in 5 days. The gas stopped completely. Less confused/dizzy feeling, less tired, less hungry and today no shoulder pain. Wow. But I can tell my sugar is too high after I eat and feel sick to my stomach. I still take Symelin 30mg before meals. My monitor's battery is dead, so I cannot measure my sugar- will be getting that replaced asap. She may switch me to something else. I forget the name.
jraOctober 7, 2010 at 6:41 pm
Since being on Lantus, I too have had the shoulder pain, numbness and weakness in the arms/hands, loss of concentration, and weight gain of 30lbs. Byetta mad me really sick as did the oral medication. What other alternatives are out there?!
JusOctober 4, 2010 at 7:08 pm
Hi Betty, I had dreadful bowels and digestion generally. I could usually tell when I was going to have a "bad" day when I had to rush to the loo in the morning, funniliy enough soon after I took my Lantus injection. Didn't make the link till I came off it. As for tired and depressed, they are typical Lantus side-effects. Contact the IDDT, they have a webstie. x
BettyOctober 3, 2010 at 11:51 am
I have been on Lantus for about 5 months now. I have noticed I stay tired and depressed, along with weight gain. Another problem, I started having a problem with bowels. Going to bathroom 8 to 10 times a day...cramping..I have a colonoscopy scheduled now..........any one else have this problem after starting Lantus?
BenSeptember 27, 2010 at 3:04 am
sugar is needed to feed every cell in your body. insulin works with sugar by opening pathways into cells. if your sugar is high even with loads of insulin from injections, it is called insulin resistance. insulin resistance means your cells refuse to open pathways for sugar even with abundant insulin. this is caused by another substance attaching to the insulin receptors on the cells or from damag[Show More]sugar is needed to feed every cell in your body. insulin works with sugar by opening pathways into cells. if your sugar is high even with loads of insulin from injections, it is called insulin resistance. insulin resistance means your cells refuse to open pathways for sugar even with abundant insulin. this is caused by another substance attaching to the insulin receptors on the cells or from damage to he receptors so that insulin can not attach. itching, burning, stabbing, and any and all pain you feel is real. it is very real and your doctors should damn well know it. the pain is caused by cell starvation, cell death, muscular atrophy including the heart muscle, and nerve death. if insulin can not bind to cells then sugar can't enter and the cell gos hungary. you feel hungar and pain just the same and as a result of this. it is the cause of the weakness, fatigue, dark eyes, swelling or edema in ankles feet etc. being careful and slowing increasing insulin dosage before meals and at night will help. STOP taking lantus. our sugar levels are ment to rise and dip, that is how a healthy persons works. what we must do is keep the rises from going too high. when doing so we must not dip too low either. but they must go up amd down quite a bit. if your insulin level stays high for a long time you will develope more and more resistance, more and more swelling, weight gain etc. if you always have insulin in your blood, you CAN NOT burn fat! fat will only burn in the absence of insulin as insulin tells the body to use sugar first and foremost. if everyone starts questioning their doctors and demanding different methods of treatment, then it will come. my father's sugar was between 150 and 200 on lantusis and he was on 100 units. he felt horrible, was in pain, tired, dark eyes, and could not loose weight. he stopped lantus and now his sugar dips to 140 and rises to 380 but he has NO more neuropathy, no more weakness or fatigue, his eyes have brightened and he looks and acts happier, healthier, younger than in quite some time. he now takes real insulin short action injections at meals and at night and is doing great. now he has to get a doctor to come off their high horse and prescribe more insulin. best of luck to all and I hope this was helpfull to someone.
SayraSeptember 24, 2010 at 2:15 pm
I took Lantus for several years - 50 units each night before bed. It was keeping my A1c around 5.8 - 6.0. I felt great and was very happy takin Lantus. About 6 -8 months ago my doctor took me off Lantus and put me on 50 units of Levemere because of the so-called cancer connection in studies done in Germany and Sweden. Since then my A1c has been 7.9 -8.8 and my blood sugar fluctuates to the poi[Show More]I took Lantus for several years - 50 units each night before bed. It was keeping my A1c around 5.8 - 6.0. I felt great and was very happy takin Lantus. About 6 -8 months ago my doctor took me off Lantus and put me on 50 units of Levemere because of the so-called cancer connection in studies done in Germany and Sweden. Since then my A1c has been 7.9 -8.8 and my blood sugar fluctuates to the point that in the A.M. it will run from anywhere between 85 up to 298. I have since increased my dosage to between 80-90 units a day and am still not getting any better readings. I am tired most of the time and feel awful. I have tried to talk my doctor into putting me back on Lantus but so far he hasn't.
SamSeptember 24, 2010 at 5:26 am
I have been using lantus insulin for the past 3 years.30 units every night.No sisde effects so far. I only want to know whether prolonged use causes cancer
vincentSeptember 20, 2010 at 6:04 pm
Well I called the doctors office..and told the nurse what was happening with me. She replied wow, I have never heard of the sypmtons I decribed to her. I should have told her..about this site and said gee...seems to me I am not the only one who has had the neck spasms..swelling of the feet...and the tiredness..etc....I figured if I did she would just say I shouldnt read those forums because i woul[Show More]Well I called the doctors office..and told the nurse what was happening with me. She replied wow, I have never heard of the sypmtons I decribed to her. I should have told her..about this site and said gee...seems to me I am not the only one who has had the neck spasms..swelling of the feet...and the tiredness..etc....I figured if I did she would just say I shouldnt read those forums because i would just imagine the symptons. I had a heart dr. tell me that and I had alergic reactions to lisinoprol and then isosobride bp pills. Well I am all done with Lantus as of today I cant take the pain anymore...I dont intend to keep takin ib profum to ease the neck spasms rest of my life
VincentSeptember 18, 2010 at 5:57 am
I just started lantus at 8 units and have raised my dosage to 48 units. I have this pain in my neck and shoulder. My feet ankles are swollen my sugars are not that good. I just took it now 2 am 330 blood level. To be fair i do cheat in eating its hard for me not to I always get that constant craving for food. The pain in my neck and shoulder seems to go away by mid-day...then around 10 pm starts t[Show More]I just started lantus at 8 units and have raised my dosage to 48 units. I have this pain in my neck and shoulder. My feet ankles are swollen my sugars are not that good. I just took it now 2 am 330 blood level. To be fair i do cheat in eating its hard for me not to I always get that constant craving for food. The pain in my neck and shoulder seems to go away by mid-day...then around 10 pm starts to hurt again....I take my 48 units at 9 pm. I think its the lantus that is causing this pain. I am sure if i stay on this drug more symptons will follow. I am so tired and depressed and i couldnt figure out why because i have stopped taking my blood pressure pills which were making me tired and depressed and i had an alergic reaction to lisiniprol. I didnt understand why i was starting to swell up again till I read the articles on this site. I just thought I was tired because i couldnt sleep well at night...etc. but I guess the culprit is lantus.
joySeptember 8, 2010 at 10:07 pm
I have been on lantus since 2007 and less than 3 months later I started having eye problems resulting in bleeding behind the eye and eventually to surgery. TOLD MY OPTHALMOLOGIST OF MY CONVICTION THAT THERE WAS A CORRELATION BETWEEN THE INSULIN AND MY DETERIOTING VISION. of course he and 2 others (also opthals.) said there is no connection. Anybody with similar experience?
JusSeptember 1, 2010 at 5:03 pm
Like the above posters, I suffered debilitating exhaustion,joint pain, particularly shoulders and no strength in arms. Digestive probs, anxiety, tremor, depression, feeling like being in a fog which led to a mis-diagnosis of Fibromyalgia. Can only describe it as feeling like I was being poisoned, some days were better than others but most days were hell. I felt lke I would faint and got scared goi[Show More]Like the above posters, I suffered debilitating exhaustion,joint pain, particularly shoulders and no strength in arms. Digestive probs, anxiety, tremor, depression, feeling like being in a fog which led to a mis-diagnosis of Fibromyalgia. Can only describe it as feeling like I was being poisoned, some days were better than others but most days were hell. I felt lke I would faint and got scared going out on my own because of this-didn't know what was happening to me. My blood sugar was not controlled on Lantus, despite seeing 3 Diabetes Specialist Doctors, no-one helped me. Lantus DOES cause these problems, anyone who is affected would be wise to get off Lantus as soon as possible and change to NPH or animal insulin. I was on Lantus for over 4 years and still have the ectopic heart-beats that started while I was on it. Similar problems reported here can also associated with other analogue insulins. With everyone being changed to, or only offered these new "analogue" insulins and older varieties being discontinued, I am really concerned for the future health of insulin dependent diabetics :( WE ALL SHOULD BE!
ErnestineAugust 29, 2010 at 3:54 am
Type 2 Diabetic for i don't know can't seem to remember i do know that i have SWELLING OF MY FEET AND LEGS SHOULDER PAIN JOINT PAIN NUMBNESS IN RIGHT FOOT HEADACHES BACK PAIN MEMORY LOSS LOSS OF CONENTRATION AND CO-ORDINATION FATIGUE AND MOST OF ALL I AM DEEPLY DEPRESSED when i try to talk to the doctor about this she acts like she can't hear me why are they giving us junk? Yours truly user of LA[Show More]Type 2 Diabetic for i don't know can't seem to remember i do know that i have SWELLING OF MY FEET AND LEGS SHOULDER PAIN JOINT PAIN NUMBNESS IN RIGHT FOOT HEADACHES BACK PAIN MEMORY LOSS LOSS OF CONENTRATION AND CO-ORDINATION FATIGUE AND MOST OF ALL I AM DEEPLY DEPRESSED when i try to talk to the doctor about this she acts like she can't hear me why are they giving us junk? Yours truly user of LANTUS
VanessaAugust 27, 2010 at 6:19 pm
I have been diagnosed as a type II diabetic since January 2010 after being on mega doses of steroids and was then started on lantus. Initially it did well but now I have been noticing a skin rash to both arms, numbness and tingling radiating from bilateral shoulders to bilateral finger tips upon awakening, increased joint pain in bli knees. I have been excessively hungry and have noticed a weight[Show More]I have been diagnosed as a type II diabetic since January 2010 after being on mega doses of steroids and was then started on lantus. Initially it did well but now I have been noticing a skin rash to both arms, numbness and tingling radiating from bilateral shoulders to bilateral finger tips upon awakening, increased joint pain in bli knees. I have been excessively hungry and have noticed a weight gain since being on lantus. What will happen next ! I am calling my physician today to see if I can be started on something else. I also had an abnormal pap this year!!!!
JaniceAugust 26, 2010 at 1:59 am
I've been a diabetic for seven years. About a year ago I started Lanuts. I told my doctor that the areas that I was injecting were very sore so I stopped taking from Friday to Monday so I could call the office. The doctor had the nurse call back to tell me to either take the medicine or call another doctor. I started back, but I have survere headaches on the top left side of my head-very senitive [Show More]I've been a diabetic for seven years. About a year ago I started Lanuts. I told my doctor that the areas that I was injecting were very sore so I stopped taking from Friday to Monday so I could call the office. The doctor had the nurse call back to tell me to either take the medicine or call another doctor. I started back, but I have survere headaches on the top left side of my head-very senitive to touch. Weaken in the knees and swelling in my feet. Suggestions?
MauriceAugust 20, 2010 at 7:39 am
I,ve been diabetic since 1992. About 3yrs ago my Dr. put me on lantus.I,ve noticed that 2 lumps appeared on my left arm,then one on my stomach,then 3 on my left leg. Oh yes when i ask my Dr about this he said Oh its nothing. But after reading these comments.i believe that the lantus is causing this.
agnesAugust 17, 2010 at 3:33 pm
since I've been on Lantus I have swollen feet, swollen and painful fingers that have burning pain. also scabs and sores on my head. headaches on my left side of my head. I gained weight. I am hypothyroid and have have always had weight problems.
WoodAugust 11, 2010 at 2:27 am
Have been diagnosed as Diabetic Type II for 10 years. First Dr started me off on Pills then Pills and Lantus then he put me on Aspirin regimen, then he also added Lidopril.(sp) (hi blood pressure med) . <---- this Hi blood mediciene only lasted 1 week as I go Pancreatis Had Pancreatitis for 2 weeks had to have liquid diet for 3 weeks !!! Still Pancreas was inflammed. Then referred to GI Doc[Show More]Have been diagnosed as Diabetic Type II for 10 years. First Dr started me off on Pills then Pills and Lantus then he put me on Aspirin regimen, then he also added Lidopril.(sp) (hi blood pressure med) . <---- this Hi blood mediciene only lasted 1 week as I go Pancreatis Had Pancreatitis for 2 weeks had to have liquid diet for 3 weeks !!! Still Pancreas was inflammed. Then referred to GI Doctor . G I Doctor took over he order CatScan, Ultrasound, Stress Test etc. All the things the primary Dr should have done. Well it seem GI Dr says 1st Dr had me on too much medicine . He cut me back to No Pills , exercise (must Sweat every day) & 70-90 units of Lantus . Sugars are still in control & now with increased activity I am losing weight (age 56) Hope to drop weight to 200 lbs in 16 months. [BTW I changed Doctors from the first one.. My GI Dr said he would that was enough for me]
RebeccaAugust 7, 2010 at 6:58 pm
HI all, well I have been reading all of you comments tahnks it has been very interesting! I am type one Diabetic for 29 years and have been on Lantus since it came out, I also take humalog and humulin at meals and to cover high blood sugars! my problem is horrible headaches!! I can take 13 units but the minute I add more even 1 more unit I get them. this is also A problem with levemir I need mo[Show More]HI all, well I have been reading all of you comments tahnks it has been very interesting! I am type one Diabetic for 29 years and have been on Lantus since it came out, I also take humalog and humulin at meals and to cover high blood sugars! my problem is horrible headaches!! I can take 13 units but the minute I add more even 1 more unit I get them. this is also A problem with levemir I need more insulin but just can't tolerate it.. Has anyone had this problem and what have you done about?
TinaJuly 24, 2010 at 2:10 pm
I have been on Lantus for thee and one half mos.I feel terrible..I have joint and shoulder pain and stiffness,,I have little pimples on my scalp that are filled with fluid is this a side effect...I have had perfect a1c levels but my Dr switvched me from humulin N to lantus because I had a few low numbers on the humulin N and thought I would not wake up in the morning if I had a low blood[Show More]I have been on Lantus for thee and one half mos.I feel terrible..I have joint and shoulder pain and stiffness,,I have little pimples on my scalp that are filled with fluid is this a side effect...I have had perfect a1c levels but my Dr switvched me from humulin N to lantus because I had a few low numbers on the humulin N and thought I would not wake up in the morning if I had a low blood guess what ? I have had a few low's 70 and 80's on lantus..and my blood sugars are higher now on lantus ..I am so confused because I never had over 200 and now I do in the morning and long does it take for your body to regulate to this? I am so tired and I believe it is becaUSE MY #'S ARE TO HIGH ALSO i HAVE(MY mOTHER) DIED OF BREAST CANCER WHEN SHE WAS 40 YRS.OLD
GeorgeJuly 18, 2010 at 5:25 pm
I have been taking Lantis about a month and have started breaking out in big bumps that itch and want go away. Was wondering if this could be a side effect?
DianeJuly 15, 2010 at 7:16 pm
I have been on Lantus for 5 months. I have never felt worse in my life. I have no quality of life now. Need to get off this poison. I wake up in pain and go to bed in pain! I feel as though I've been hit by a mack truck! Joint pain is so bad and now my co-ordination is off. Can't sleep, even bought a new mattress. Lantus worked great in the beginning and now my life is hell, sugars are slowly cl[Show More]I have been on Lantus for 5 months. I have never felt worse in my life. I have no quality of life now. Need to get off this poison. I wake up in pain and go to bed in pain! I feel as though I've been hit by a mack truck! Joint pain is so bad and now my co-ordination is off. Can't sleep, even bought a new mattress. Lantus worked great in the beginning and now my life is hell, sugars are slowly climbing, severe headaches, mood swings, irritability, and muscle tremors to go with the pain. And now I have to worry about getting cancer while on this "wonder" drug. Weight gain was especially heartbreaking especially after having worked so hard to get the weight off. This stuff is poison to my body. I know not everyone suffers from all these side effects but I get tired of being treated like I'm crazy when I hear from other people taking Lantus that they don't have all these side effects. Some of us do react with all the aforementioned side effects so please don't write us off just because something works for you and not others. To those of us in pain, get off this poison! Find an alternative.
ReneeJuly 15, 2010 at 12:27 pm
I have been taking Lantus for two months. My weight has increased over 10 pounds eating the same diet as before. I am tired from the moment I wake up until I go to sleep. I have developed a lump by my belly button, and the Doctor says it is all right. However, I feel queasy throughout the day and my concentration time is quite limited. I notice my blood sugar fluctuates and there really is no[Show More]I have been taking Lantus for two months. My weight has increased over 10 pounds eating the same diet as before. I am tired from the moment I wake up until I go to sleep. I have developed a lump by my belly button, and the Doctor says it is all right. However, I feel queasy throughout the day and my concentration time is quite limited. I notice my blood sugar fluctuates and there really is no noticeable change from my last results, however I did notice complete fluctuation without changing my diet in any way, and I am depressed a lot of the time.
RachelJuly 1, 2010 at 6:33 pm
I take care of a man, hes 69 he get the 20 units of lantus in the am,then I check his blood sugar threw out the day a total of 4 times til bedtime...and then if its over 150 at any time in those checks he gets the Novolin shot...its a long sustaining insulin.....he may get anywhere from 3 to 10 units of the novolin.....yes and I agree with the above commenter...the Tumeric is the Indian "red dot" [Show More]I take care of a man, hes 69 he get the 20 units of lantus in the am,then I check his blood sugar threw out the day a total of 4 times til bedtime...and then if its over 150 at any time in those checks he gets the Novolin shot...its a long sustaining insulin.....he may get anywhere from 3 to 10 units of the novolin.....yes and I agree with the above commenter...the Tumeric is the Indian "red dot" peoples food is this country look see men that look like they are 8 months pregnant...with that change your diet,then get wiend off that or any drug...asta la bye bye
NoelleJuly 1, 2010 at 6:27 pm
Physician heal thy friend from India,cut someones insulin in half, by them eating her indian food...they use tumeric,and corriander,all of their herbs are very beneficial for health...also, its very important to get not use any kind of white food stuff..sugar bread,etc..also diet and cokes are the worst,even for a healthy person, coca cola changes your DNA...look it up..[Show More]Physician heal thy friend from India,cut someones insulin in half, by them eating her indian food...they use tumeric,and corriander,all of their herbs are very beneficial for health...also, its very important to get not use any kind of white food stuff..sugar bread,etc..also diet and cokes are the worst,even for a healthy person, coca cola changes your DNA...look it like a cave man...fruits,veggies,small amount of meat, nuts and can do it...lots of water...good luck...
Christy TJune 27, 2010 at 2:11 pm
A lot of consumers don't know, but YOU can turn in your side effects to the FDA on your own. You can go to the FDA website, or call their number for side effects. DOCTORS rarely turn in side effects. We have the power to turn them in ourselves.
AndyJune 23, 2010 at 1:24 pm
I've been on one shot of Lantus at night time, and three shots of Apidra for about a month now. I had to change over because I was on two injections a day of mixed Actrapid and Insulatard which, over the last 5 years, created life-threatening hypos for me. I've been Type 1 since I was 4, in 1971. The Apidra seems to be doing it's job of quickly lowering sugar, but the Lantus just seems like a pi[Show More]I've been on one shot of Lantus at night time, and three shots of Apidra for about a month now. I had to change over because I was on two injections a day of mixed Actrapid and Insulatard which, over the last 5 years, created life-threatening hypos for me. I've been Type 1 since I was 4, in 1971. The Apidra seems to be doing it's job of quickly lowering sugar, but the Lantus just seems like a pile of shit so far, as it simply doesn't seem to exert any blood sugar control whatsoever, no matter what the dose. Although I'm not experiencing any of the mentioned side-effects so far, the system was sold to me on the pretext that it was so Versatile and, The Control Would Improve and, the Hypos would disappear. Well in terms of versatility, I'm now carrying around more medical equipment than Dr McCoy. In terms of improved control, well that may be possible if you have the eyes and concentration of a hawk, prepared to do literally a dozen or more blood tests per day. My sugars have been very varied so far, and particularly high at night when I'm trying to rely on the Lantus to do something. And in terms of Hypos disappearing, yeah they have disappeared, BECAUSE MY SUGAR IS REPEATEDLY HIGH!!! One of the things that really gets me about this Apidra-Lantus system is the fact that you can really, literally, only eat if you're prepared to do an injection. I feel like a fucking junkie if I just want to go and have a bacon sandwich in a cafe. I've raised all these issues with my diabetic nurse, yet she says regular meals without snacks are manageable by anyone. I think she was kind of mistaking me for a Robot or a Prisoner. Like everyone here, I'm stuck in Catch-22. The old system could have killed me. The new system could kill me over time. And the health officials I deal with generally think that the onus is on me to manage my condition like a military operation FOREVER. As Insulin has been well understood since the 1920's, can't someone just invent a truly versatile regime which actually fucking works, and results in us being able to just lead normal fucking lives without being focused on all this shit 24 hours a day??
TONIAJune 18, 2010 at 8:17 am
I have been on lantus for about 4 years and every time I take 50/60units at bedtime I have severe numbness in my arm and pain in my right shoulder I told the doctor he said sometime its the nerves I am not crazy something is wrong. mation you wish to be published on this page...
AnnJune 9, 2010 at 7:10 pm
I have been on Lantus since about 2003, along with Novolog. I read about the possibility that it promotes cancer growth, and stopped using it last week, went back on NPH. I'm stunned at the symptoms that have stopped, that I never thought had anything to do with Lantus! Swelling of legs and feet Shoulder pain Joints pain Depression Weight gain Fatigue Loss of concentration Cancer I was diagnose[Show More]I have been on Lantus since about 2003, along with Novolog. I read about the possibility that it promotes cancer growth, and stopped using it last week, went back on NPH. I'm stunned at the symptoms that have stopped, that I never thought had anything to do with Lantus! Swelling of legs and feet Shoulder pain Joints pain Depression Weight gain Fatigue Loss of concentration Cancer I was diagnosed with uterine cancer a year after starting Lantus. Related? Don't know. But I gained 40 pounds after starting Lantus, and all those other symptoms developed over the past 7 years. I didn't know they were related to Lantus, but they have all been going away since I stopped the Lantus. I wake up with no joint pain, I have energy and interest in my life now, I no longer sit on the couch vaguely depressed, I can concentrate on work, my shoulders are no longer stiff! The edema is getting better, and I have lost 5 pounds already without any effort. I also kept increasing my doses of Lantus without effect -- I started with 40 u, and was up to 90, and still found it hard to control my blood sugars (I was taking Novolog for meals). I have now gone back to NPH and Novolin Regular. The regular stays in my system longer, doesn't disappear as fast as Novolog, so it controls my PP better. Going back on NPH, I am taking the same dose I was back before I was switched to Lantus -- 30 in the am, 15 in the pm. So the high dose of Lantus that didn't work has been replaced by half that much NPH, for much better control. I'm a happy camper now -- just need to ask my doctor to switch my prescriptions. But NPH and Regular are also available OTC, and cheaper than those new analogue insulins. I had no idea Lantus was doing all this to me! I have a new lease on life!
BithiaMay 31, 2010 at 11:47 am
I cannot believe these symptoms and have not related them to the Lantus - I am absolutely dumbfounded. Pains in my arms and shoulders, severe nausea which I wake up with and does not go away until I eat something, increased appetite and weight gain and now after 3 months on the Lantus, my sugar is uncontrolled again. Please help us all - I am sure we have legitimate complaints
PhilMay 28, 2010 at 2:02 am
Started Lantus/Humilog combo in January. Shoulder pain yes. I was shocked to see others with that. Weight gain and bloating yes. That side effect is on the box. I drink Elations and organic apple cider vinegar that helps the shoulder and joint pain quite well. I am getting very itchy all over, especially around my neck, inner arms, and face. Scratching to the point that my skin is beet red. Doctor[Show More]Started Lantus/Humilog combo in January. Shoulder pain yes. I was shocked to see others with that. Weight gain and bloating yes. That side effect is on the box. I drink Elations and organic apple cider vinegar that helps the shoulder and joint pain quite well. I am getting very itchy all over, especially around my neck, inner arms, and face. Scratching to the point that my skin is beet red. Doctor says its all unrelated. I stopped my insulin and it started to fade, twice. Came back once I started again, 3 times. Doctor still says it's unrelated. Think I'll get a new doctor.
DawnMay 27, 2010 at 10:17 am
My daughter started on Lantus at the age of 18. Whilst it seems to control her diabetes ok there seem to be some severe changes that have occured to her since the start of Lantus. Weight gain, mood swings and irrational aggression, severe depressiom and finally , occasional epileptic like seizures upon awakening in the mornings. Neurosurgeans have diagnosed her as epileptic, but the severe persona[Show More]My daughter started on Lantus at the age of 18. Whilst it seems to control her diabetes ok there seem to be some severe changes that have occured to her since the start of Lantus. Weight gain, mood swings and irrational aggression, severe depressiom and finally , occasional epileptic like seizures upon awakening in the mornings. Neurosurgeans have diagnosed her as epileptic, but the severe personality and physical changes happened when she started Lantus..?? seems related to me!....looking for similar reactions on-line to take references to medical prefessionals!!!!
LindaMay 26, 2010 at 1:44 am
I noted a very obvious increase in hunger after starting Lantus and gaining about 7 lb. I stopped it. My weight went back down to my norm. Went to PCP, HgbA1c 10.1. Started the Lantus again. Hungry again, craving sugar, shoulder pain - both shoulders, lack of concentration and EXTREME FATIGUE. I do have slight bursitis in right shoulder but that is in addition to and different from the bilat[Show More]I noted a very obvious increase in hunger after starting Lantus and gaining about 7 lb. I stopped it. My weight went back down to my norm. Went to PCP, HgbA1c 10.1. Started the Lantus again. Hungry again, craving sugar, shoulder pain - both shoulders, lack of concentration and EXTREME FATIGUE. I do have slight bursitis in right shoulder but that is in addition to and different from the bilateral shoulder aching. The only different thing I have done is to start the Lantus again and these symptoms are synomous with re-instituting this drug. I just cannot live like this. There must be Quality of Life which I certainly do not have on the Lantus.
MICKIMay 22, 2010 at 11:53 pm
My mother went to the hospital and they switched her from her diabetes medication to Lantis. She took 50 units in the morning.Her blood sugars wre out of control and in the high 300 constantly for 2 months. She got a urinary tract infection,shouldr pain and died within a week from Septsis.Her Doctor failed to adjust hr dos or her concerns.She was a Kaiser Patient and they absolutely did not give h[Show More]My mother went to the hospital and they switched her from her diabetes medication to Lantis. She took 50 units in the morning.Her blood sugars wre out of control and in the high 300 constantly for 2 months. She got a urinary tract infection,shouldr pain and died within a week from Septsis.Her Doctor failed to adjust hr dos or her concerns.She was a Kaiser Patient and they absolutely did not give her any standard of care. Please make sure your Doctors follow up on dosing. i blame Kaiser for my mothers passing and her Primary care for not adjusting her dose. I took her in at last 4 times and sh begged him.
BarbMay 21, 2010 at 12:36 pm
I started taking Lantus on 4/13/10 at 6units and now have increased to 13units.. About 4 weeks ago i developed a rash on my legs and arms. Went to dermotoligist and they said it was not a reaction to the lantus..He gave me a steriod cream and in 1 1/2 weeks the reash disappeared. Last night I went to a tanning bed and this morning the rash is back!!!!!! Has anyone had a problem with lantus and[Show More]I started taking Lantus on 4/13/10 at 6units and now have increased to 13units.. About 4 weeks ago i developed a rash on my legs and arms. Went to dermotoligist and they said it was not a reaction to the lantus..He gave me a steriod cream and in 1 1/2 weeks the reash disappeared. Last night I went to a tanning bed and this morning the rash is back!!!!!! Has anyone had a problem with lantus and tanning beds or the sun? Im on lantus and humalog and they are not controlling my sugar very well.. Help
MarthaMay 17, 2010 at 9:56 pm
I am on 33 u of Lantus at night. My dosage has been increased rapidly and, perhaps coincidentally but I doubt it, I now have strong burning from the shot. Worse, I have severe rash on my chest which is especially bad at night: no relief, but I will skip my shots until this is solved.
MarvinMay 16, 2010 at 2:21 pm
I have been a diabetic for about 15 yrs. recently I stopped Actos(45 mg) completely and increased Lantus to 130 mg/day. No problems.
JoanMay 13, 2010 at 2:30 pm
I have been on Lantus for a little over a month. I love it. No problems. Occassionally I have some burning when injecting but it is not bad. My blood glucose levels have gone from 400 to less than 120 anytime of day. I have changed to low carb eating leading to a 34 lb weight loss in a little over a month. I am not hungry like I was before starting Lantus but I really feel that Lantus is onl[Show More]I have been on Lantus for a little over a month. I love it. No problems. Occassionally I have some burning when injecting but it is not bad. My blood glucose levels have gone from 400 to less than 120 anytime of day. I have changed to low carb eating leading to a 34 lb weight loss in a little over a month. I am not hungry like I was before starting Lantus but I really feel that Lantus is only as good as what you put in your mouth.
clareApril 17, 2010 at 6:32 pm
iv been diabetic for 13years and iv got a 8month old on lantus twice a day (morning and night) and i feel terrible.i struggle to control my blood sugars,i go to bed with it within normal range then first thing in the morning they are in the late 20's then all day long i battle with my sugars to get them normal again.every day i do this and it getting me also constantly hungery,putt[Show More]iv been diabetic for 13years and iv got a 8month old on lantus twice a day (morning and night) and i feel terrible.i struggle to control my blood sugars,i go to bed with it within normal range then first thing in the morning they are in the late 20's then all day long i battle with my sugars to get them normal again.every day i do this and it getting me also constantly hungery,putting weight on (im now heavier than i was when i was pregnant)can anyone suggest anything as im getting now where when i go to my gp
MollyApril 13, 2010 at 10:13 pm
I have had diabetes (type 1) for over 45 years. My mother has had diabetes (type 1) for over 75 years (she just received a medal for it). We both take Lantus and Humalog to control our blood sugars. We have been taking Lantus ever since it came on the market. We are both doing extremely well, with no side effects.
SharonApril 10, 2010 at 5:42 pm
Having been on various insulins for more than 30 years ... I've felt that some of my issues of complaints have been somehow connected with insulin. I have been having severe weakness in both shoulders and arms. Now I'm also having the same weakness in my hips. I am quite challenged with both arms and hips for any activity ... and I mean challenged! For some reason, I have had the opinion that [Show More]Having been on various insulins for more than 30 years ... I've felt that some of my issues of complaints have been somehow connected with insulin. I have been having severe weakness in both shoulders and arms. Now I'm also having the same weakness in my hips. I am quite challenged with both arms and hips for any activity ... and I mean challenged! For some reason, I have had the opinion that there has been some type of an allergic reaction to whatever insulin I was on at any given time. This thought has been disputed by my family physician. After reading some comments in regard to Lantus (which I'm back on again) ... I feel that maybe I'm not alone with the crazy feelings that I have. I am now being tested for Myasthenia Gravis and have been diagnosed with Parkinson's. I am truly wondering if the insulin regime for so many years has brought on these suspected and known conditions.
RaeApril 7, 2010 at 7:40 am
I started on 10 Units of Lantus in October, 2009. I have had to increase my Lantus to 30 units at night (because I had to start taking prednisone for an autoimmune problem) and also have experienced severe itching all over. I have not found any way to relieve it. It keeps me awake sometimes at night. Also have had pain in my left shoulder. Not too severe but definitely noticeable. Never asso[Show More]I started on 10 Units of Lantus in October, 2009. I have had to increase my Lantus to 30 units at night (because I had to start taking prednisone for an autoimmune problem) and also have experienced severe itching all over. I have not found any way to relieve it. It keeps me awake sometimes at night. Also have had pain in my left shoulder. Not too severe but definitely noticeable. Never associated it with Lantus until reading these comments.
RichardMarch 28, 2010 at 5:58 am
I've been on Lantus since July 2009 and have had terrible itching all over my body. It drives me crazy at times. Has anyone else experienced this? I am also on Humalog and take a shot before each meal and that also causes terrible itching. They both seem to work in regards to keeping my blood sugar levels between 75 and 120 as long as I stick to a 45 carb diet per meal and 30 carb snack 3 times a [Show More]I've been on Lantus since July 2009 and have had terrible itching all over my body. It drives me crazy at times. Has anyone else experienced this? I am also on Humalog and take a shot before each meal and that also causes terrible itching. They both seem to work in regards to keeping my blood sugar levels between 75 and 120 as long as I stick to a 45 carb diet per meal and 30 carb snack 3 times a day. The itching has to stop please help and share if anyone has the same side effect and has found an answer. Thank you!
MattMarch 24, 2010 at 7:21 pm
I have taken Lantus 10 units per day at night. Shoulder pain has appeared, skin rash is now beginning to appear. i may be allergic to this product. I am not sure. I am going to see my doctor soon to discuss these issues.
NannieMarch 16, 2010 at 7:56 pm
Started Lantus Oct. 2006 . Had urinary track infection until Feb.2010 3 Specialest could not find a reason . doctor changed insluin and infection cleared up in five days.Had togo on long term antibotics urination was painful. urine had a foul odor. began to have trouble urinating. DIFFERENT INSULIN BLESSED RELIEF
KarenFebruary 24, 2010 at 4:01 pm
I was on Lantus for perhaps 1 1/2 years. The most important aspect of it was I felt great. This of course changed. I began waking up being unable to move and once woke up face down on the floor not knowing how I got there. After about an hour or two I was essentially fine except with very high blood sugars after these episodes but it did encourage me to go to the hospital and get checked out. The[Show More]I was on Lantus for perhaps 1 1/2 years. The most important aspect of it was I felt great. This of course changed. I began waking up being unable to move and once woke up face down on the floor not knowing how I got there. After about an hour or two I was essentially fine except with very high blood sugars after these episodes but it did encourage me to go to the hospital and get checked out. The first night there the nurse found me unresponsive with very dangerously low blood sugars and my insulin was changed. Over the past 5 years anytime I hear of a diabetic especially a fairly new diabetic having serious problems I just ask "Are you on Lantus?" Unfortunately I have been right on too many occassions.
GaryFebruary 22, 2010 at 3:56 pm
I do have shoulder pain taking 80-90 units of Lantus twice per day.
TomFebruary 22, 2010 at 3:47 pm
As a type -1 for almost 50 years I switched to Lantus as my long term med—in combination with Humolog at meals—soon after it was released and have had NO PROBLEMS with it for all these years. I find that it works extremely well AND I am running A1cs of 5.8 to 6.1 for at least 5 years. Of course, such control inevitably requires that SHORT ACTING INSULIN at meals and, franklly, those who think they[Show More]As a type -1 for almost 50 years I switched to Lantus as my long term med—in combination with Humolog at meals—soon after it was released and have had NO PROBLEMS with it for all these years. I find that it works extremely well AND I am running A1cs of 5.8 to 6.1 for at least 5 years. Of course, such control inevitably requires that SHORT ACTING INSULIN at meals and, franklly, those who think they can maintain decent glucose numbers on ONE shot of long acting insulin alone—while still eat a fairly normal diet—are usually fooling themselves. One important thing I learned was to to divide my Lantus dose, taking PART in the morning—8 units—to work through the day and a second dose—5 units—at dinner time to help through the night. The numbers will vary from person to person but the dose splitting "idea" is the key. The problems people have reported MAY be due to the Lantus OR the manner and location of injecting OR failure to follow dietary controls OR something in the indivdual's system that is just not tolerating the drug. It slso may be an easy out to blame so many problems that might appear on just this one medication. Diabetes has never been a "snap your fingers and you're in control" condition. It takes time and work...lots of work...but it can pay off in the long run.
ChristineFebruary 21, 2010 at 6:14 pm
I have been taking Lantus at nigh for the past 4 years. There is weight gain but been insulin dependent has several side efects...The question is how can you survive without insulin?
JamesFebruary 20, 2010 at 3:08 am
I was started on Latus, on December 13,2007. At first it was working fine for two weeks. Then it stopped. I told my doctor' and all they could say was it was my fault. I was on it for 2 years when another doctor took me off and put me on Janumet. That worked for about 4 months. ow i am back on lantus and i am haveing horrible pain, in my arms, chillis i can ot get ride of, and it burns at my[Show More]I was started on Latus, on December 13,2007. At first it was working fine for two weeks. Then it stopped. I told my doctor' and all they could say was it was my fault. I was on it for 2 years when another doctor took me off and put me on Janumet. That worked for about 4 months. ow i am back on lantus and i am haveing horrible pain, in my arms, chillis i can ot get ride of, and it burns at my injection points. If you look and the box or een the paper work, it dose not list any of these side effects. I dont know what to do. My doctors keep tell ing me it is in my head ans that lantus is the only thing i can take. what will it take for them to see something is wrong. Do i need to be in the hospital for them to take abetter look. Is there ayone out there that can offer ay help.
DAWNFebruary 17, 2010 at 11:49 pm
My mother was on lantus, one day she woke up and stop taking all her medicines, she no longer has diabetes, high cholestrol, no high blood pressure and no neuropathy. She had a miracle and will never take prescription medicine from any doctor. God Bless Her!
jessicaFebruary 14, 2010 at 6:40 pm
How do you join the clas action against Lantus - please let me know thank you
MaryFebruary 8, 2010 at 11:12 pm
I am experiencing many of the side effects listed. I have SEVERE headaches, the worst with an insullin called 70/30. Also muscle spasms, extreme shoulder pain. What worries me the most now is this link to cancer. It's tough enough to have diabetes and all the side effects, but please I don't want to go for chemo on top of everything.
rodgerJanuary 24, 2010 at 9:43 pm
i have been a diabetic since 1992' i have been on orall medication up till 2006 the medicine i take is actos -glyburidemetforum' well it quit working so my doctor added lantis plus my oral meds.i have been taking this medicine since2006 'i take 20 units a day and it still does not keep my blood really good' so the doctor want's to keep increasing the lantis i have done come to this conclusion if [Show More]i have been a diabetic since 1992' i have been on orall medication up till 2006 the medicine i take is actos -glyburidemetforum' well it quit working so my doctor added lantis plus my oral meds.i have been taking this medicine since2006 'i take 20 units a day and it still does not keep my blood really good' so the doctor want's to keep increasing the lantis i have done come to this conclusion if diabetes dosen't get me the medicine will'think about it if they found a pill that would cure you the pharmecitical s would loose a lot of money.
nancyJanuary 12, 2010 at 9:52 pm
I have been taking the Lantus, once daily, just 22 units, for about three months now. It is interesting as I have such pain in my shoulders too, and at night it gets much worse. I have found if I take a magnet to each shoulder at night, it helps tremendously with the pain. If you get the magnet in the wrong place, it will cause more pain - just move it around until you can feel relief. I didn'[Show More]I have been taking the Lantus, once daily, just 22 units, for about three months now. It is interesting as I have such pain in my shoulders too, and at night it gets much worse. I have found if I take a magnet to each shoulder at night, it helps tremendously with the pain. If you get the magnet in the wrong place, it will cause more pain - just move it around until you can feel relief. I didn't even think about the Lantus till reading these comments.
clementineJanuary 11, 2010 at 2:56 am
I am in my first month of lantus, 30 units at bedtime. started after been hospitalized for Sacardosis and being on steriods for 7 days. The lantus was unsed in hospital to control steriod elevated blood sugar. But was sent home on it with 1000mg of metformin twice daily with GlipiZide 10mg daily. But now I am constantly craving sweets, excessive weight gain and uncontrolled hunger as well as a blo[Show More]I am in my first month of lantus, 30 units at bedtime. started after been hospitalized for Sacardosis and being on steriods for 7 days. The lantus was unsed in hospital to control steriod elevated blood sugar. But was sent home on it with 1000mg of metformin twice daily with GlipiZide 10mg daily. But now I am constantly craving sweets, excessive weight gain and uncontrolled hunger as well as a blood sugar of 379 lowest one in seven days was 189. My upper shoulder behind left lung are has been hurting non-stop since i got started on lantus. the pain feels like its tearing right through my heart like muscles and nerves fighting eachother. the pain is nearly unbearable. Could this be my lantus?
CarrieJanuary 4, 2010 at 7:59 pm
I have been taking lantus about 10 months .Shortly after starting I developed very bad bilateral shoulder pains which get worse at night.Like throbbing toothaches. I can hardly lift my arms they feel tired.I stopped taking the lantus about a week ago and the night shoulder pains are better.,but my arms are still weak.I want to know if anyone else has had this experience.?Also I have gaind an uncom[Show More]I have been taking lantus about 10 months .Shortly after starting I developed very bad bilateral shoulder pains which get worse at night.Like throbbing toothaches. I can hardly lift my arms they feel tired.I stopped taking the lantus about a week ago and the night shoulder pains are better.,but my arms are still weak.I want to know if anyone else has had this experience.?Also I have gaind an uncomfortable amount of weight especislly around the midsection.
DonnaDecember 6, 2009 at 4:42 pm
I have been a diebetic for 15 years and tried Byetta but made me very sick and now they have put me on Lantus for two weeks and have BAD headaches... and notices a weight gain and swelling in fingers and feet? anyone have any answers
SuzanneDecember 2, 2009 at 5:38 am
HELP im so scared,i am taking Lantus 1 shot a day it has been working pretty well,but i get they want to change me to pills and byetta and i hear that ia so bad also....
JuneNovember 2, 2009 at 3:54 pm
shahidOctober 8, 2009 at 12:39 pm
I Have Been Switched Since 8 Months To Lantus Insulin, But Now I feel It Work 12 Hours & Increase Blood Sugar Again.
LauraSeptember 19, 2009 at 1:19 am
Started on Lantus approx in 2000. I now have breast cancer
DR.Nabil AbdelhamidAugust 18, 2009 at 4:34 pm
more than 5years ago..i was prescribing Lantus insulin to my patients..their blood sugar well side hypoglycemic episodes.....all patients tolerate Lantus.
OmarAugust 5, 2009 at 6:19 pm
I have been taking Lantus Insulin for the past 4 years and I have not come accross any side effects. We would like Sanofi-Aventis to research more about the results from Germany and Sweden to ensure our safety.
daveJuly 13, 2009 at 4:21 am
i was on lantus for only one week and i have had lumps that are growing for the lst 6 months...doctors just lie and say its nothing,bullshit