FDA Warns About Complications of Surgical Mesh for Pelvic Organ Prolapse and Stress Urinary Incontinence

The FDA issued a public health notification yesterday to warn about a number of serious problems that have been associated with transvaginal placement of surgical mesh that is used to treat pelvic organ prolapse (POP) and stress urinary incontinence (SUI).

According to reports received by the FDA from nine different manufacturers, over 1,000 people have suffered severe complications from the surgical mesh, including reports of infection, pain, urinary problems and bowel, bladder or blood-vessel perforations. Women have also reported recurrences of the prolapse or incontinence, and the need for additional surgeries to remove mesh that had eroded into the vagina.

A pelvic organ prolapse occurs when organs such as the bladder, uterus, bowel or rectum drop and push against the wall of the vagina. This happens when the muscles holding the pelvic organ in place become weak or stretched, often due to childbirth or surgery. The surgical mesh is used to support the muscle.

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Vaginal Mesh Lawsuits

Complications from transvaginal mesh may cause severe injuries.

Female stress urinary incontinence is a condition where urine is involuntarily released during moments of physical stress due to weakened of the muscles that support the bladder and urethra. In repair procedures, the surgical mesh is designed to act like a hammock to reinforce the muscle.

The FDA recommended that physicians obtain specialized training for various placement techniques and that they closely monitor patients for problems with the surgical mesh. They have also indicated that patients should be informed of the surgical mesh risks, so that they understand that complications could seriously impact their quality of life.

No specific groups of patients were identified as being at an increased risk of thee surgical mesh complications. In addition, the notification does not single out any particular manufacturers or types of mesh.

In 2006, a type of surgical mesh used for stress urinary incontinence, known as the ObTape Vaginal Sling, was removed from the market by Mentor Corporation just three years after it was introduced when a large number of women experienced severe problems.

The Mentor ObTape surgical mesh differed from most other mesh devices, since it contained a “non-woven” design. This blocked oxygen and nutrients, substantially increasing the risk of surgical mesh problems, and some estimates suggested that the complication rate could be as high as 17% to 18%.

There are currently 22 ObTape surgical mesh lawsuits pending throughout the United States, which have been filed by women who suffered severe infections, extrusions and urinary tract erosions.


  • maureenSeptember 15, 2014 at 12:47 pm

    I had rectal surgery in 2011 had to go back in 2012 to have 2/3 of it cut away the pain I went through I thought it was in my head pain down my legs across lower abdomen and my back severe headaches loss of interest in sex and now I have developed a cyst in my ovaries bladder is more weaker sometimes no control and pain when making a bowel movement - really thought I was going mad

  • GraceAugust 10, 2014 at 2:42 am

    I had surgery on August 2003, after I was told that it was a simply procedure. That I would be able to resume my regular routine within weeks. Right before surgery I was again told that I could workout and return to jogging, that never happen it's been 11 years and I thank Hod for still being here but life has been in and out of hospitals. Right after surgery I asked the doctor to remove whatever[Show More]I had surgery on August 2003, after I was told that it was a simply procedure. That I would be able to resume my regular routine within weeks. Right before surgery I was again told that I could workout and return to jogging, that never happen it's been 11 years and I thank Hod for still being here but life has been in and out of hospitals. Right after surgery I asked the doctor to remove whatever he put in me. I was told no that it would be better. I hate myself for not pushing for that because I have Boston scientific repliform And no one seems to believe that it cause harsh damage to the body. I had UTI's from the very beginning, I was 36 yrs old and never experienced a UTI before this, which beginning my night mare for the next 6yrs I had infections to the point that I became allergic or rejecting antibiotics. The pain was just awful. The medications I've been on has caused my teeth to crack and break off, due to no been able to take antibiotics dentist would not see me. Finally after three surgeries the infections were under control. But the pain has continued we went for the forth surgery not count all the nerve blocks I've had over ten years things are not better. I get swilling wrist, fingers and palm turn red, my my neck and face and tongue swelled up. Life is been hard for me and my children have stopped breathing I can't work I can't do anything I have to have the kids help me. Has to be a solution to this problem I cannot continue like this

  • MelodyJune 18, 2014 at 6:09 pm

    I had rectal prolapse surgery in 2010 with surgical mesh, I have been in HELL ever since. I have vaginal and anal pain, leg pain, thigh pain, and cannot fully empty my bowels. Some days I have not stop diarrhea and other times it takes all morning of running to bathroom before I can somewhat empty bowels. I cannot ride in car or truck for any length of time and I am in constant pain! I have been t[Show More]I had rectal prolapse surgery in 2010 with surgical mesh, I have been in HELL ever since. I have vaginal and anal pain, leg pain, thigh pain, and cannot fully empty my bowels. Some days I have not stop diarrhea and other times it takes all morning of running to bathroom before I can somewhat empty bowels. I cannot ride in car or truck for any length of time and I am in constant pain! I have been to numerous doctors, with no help in sight. I would rather be dead, than to live like this, but I have a teenage son to think about! I also cannot hold my urine anymore and haven't even thought of having sex. I need help!!!

  • dcMay 23, 2014 at 3:34 pm

    I also suffered severe mesh complications from TOT sling. In my case, it was mostly groin/leg/hope pain, that resulted in my needing a cane and later crutch to walk. I am one of the lucky ones who found a way to get to one of the few doctors experienced with doing full mesh removal. There are now over 70,000 lawsuits against 6 main mesh manufacturers... hundreds of thousands of reported complic[Show More]I also suffered severe mesh complications from TOT sling. In my case, it was mostly groin/leg/hope pain, that resulted in my needing a cane and later crutch to walk. I am one of the lucky ones who found a way to get to one of the few doctors experienced with doing full mesh removal. There are now over 70,000 lawsuits against 6 main mesh manufacturers... hundreds of thousands of reported complications - yet, they are STILL putting mesh in regularly. I started a blog, with a lot of links to FDA warning, support groups, and other info if interested: www.meshmenot.wordpress.com

  • NickieAugust 22, 2013 at 11:45 pm

    During my last c section my doctor said I'm going to have to wrap your uterus in this mesh stuff that would disolve? After this I can not have sex horrible pain. Lots of pelvic pain. Diarrhea all the time 24/7. I have a hiatus hurnia to after all this and gastritis of the stomach all after this mesh crap. Please help the doctors all tell me its just stress. I'm only 29 and have 3 kids brining m[Show More]During my last c section my doctor said I'm going to have to wrap your uterus in this mesh stuff that would disolve? After this I can not have sex horrible pain. Lots of pelvic pain. Diarrhea all the time 24/7. I have a hiatus hurnia to after all this and gastritis of the stomach all after this mesh crap. Please help the doctors all tell me its just stress. I'm only 29 and have 3 kids brining me down fast.

  • SusanJune 21, 2013 at 4:18 pm

    I had a cystocele and rectocele repair done using mesh products in 2008. Symptoms began a year later. The pain became disabling. I saw doctors about my symptoms, but no one made a connection to the mesh including me. Finally, after years of downward spiraling health, I decided to visit the urologist who performed the cystocele repair after seeing television commercials about mesh complications.[Show More]I had a cystocele and rectocele repair done using mesh products in 2008. Symptoms began a year later. The pain became disabling. I saw doctors about my symptoms, but no one made a connection to the mesh including me. Finally, after years of downward spiraling health, I decided to visit the urologist who performed the cystocele repair after seeing television commercials about mesh complications. I got the confirmation I needed and began investigating my options. I have been sick and in pain for so long that my life is now a backlog of missed opportunities and unattended personal business matters. I never leave the house. Walking is a luxury, and I'm unable to stand for very long. I have frequent fevers and am fatigued constantly. My situation (and the situations of so many others) is impossible. My life plans and dreams will never be realized. I planned, saved and prepared for my future, but in one day of surgery, all of that was stolen from me. Once again the greed of those we are expected to trust has outweighed the safety and protection we deserved.

  • LeeApril 16, 2013 at 2:42 pm

    (Revised) Monarch sling 2008. Now experience pain shooting down legs, groin , pelvic bones, bladder, vaginal, and intercourse pain. Urethra and rectal pain/bleeding. Feels like trying give birth to bowling ball. No you are not crazy! Been told need remove sling, but finding a Dr. to remove all of it NONE. They only want to remove part which by reading blogs find that makes it worse . Plenty of gre[Show More](Revised) Monarch sling 2008. Now experience pain shooting down legs, groin , pelvic bones, bladder, vaginal, and intercourse pain. Urethra and rectal pain/bleeding. Feels like trying give birth to bowling ball. No you are not crazy! Been told need remove sling, but finding a Dr. to remove all of it NONE. They only want to remove part which by reading blogs find that makes it worse . Plenty of great info that answers most of our questions by a courageous lady: http://teapapers.com/bladdersling/2012/08/so-much-hope-for-mesh-removal-surgery/#comment-6575

  • DonnaMarch 14, 2013 at 5:44 am

    I had the mesh implant in 2002-2003. I have never had any problems like I have read here. My problems started about 4 years ago when I was diagnosed with IBS and Diverticulitis due to constant diahrea. I did have a colonoscopy to convirm the Diverticulitis. For the past week I am having severe low back and low front pain to the point that I have been in bed for 3 days. I went to my family doc[Show More]I had the mesh implant in 2002-2003. I have never had any problems like I have read here. My problems started about 4 years ago when I was diagnosed with IBS and Diverticulitis due to constant diahrea. I did have a colonoscopy to convirm the Diverticulitis. For the past week I am having severe low back and low front pain to the point that I have been in bed for 3 days. I went to my family doctor and was given 2 anitbiotics for Diverticulitis. Day 3 I was able to get out of bed, but still having sharp low pains. I am wondering if my Mesh has started to create problems after reading all your post. The doctor that put the mesh in can't see me for 6 more days. Is there a test, xray, that can prove what I really have. I feel that my family doctor is taking this too lightly. Any suggestions?

  • jecFebruary 22, 2013 at 8:42 pm

    I am on cipro/flagl after the vaginal eroison allowed e-coli into my pelvis. I am very sick, had a mesh tape, which I now think is infected with the pseudomonas aerugionsa bacterial. As I have RA, I have thought the terrible back and hip pain was due to the disease..now to find..its probably the mesh. And I am very immunesuppresses..and the outcome is not straight forward. I hope I dont have to h[Show More]I am on cipro/flagl after the vaginal eroison allowed e-coli into my pelvis. I am very sick, had a mesh tape, which I now think is infected with the pseudomonas aerugionsa bacterial. As I have RA, I have thought the terrible back and hip pain was due to the disease..now to find..its probably the mesh. And I am very immunesuppresses..and the outcome is not straight forward. I hope I dont have to have surgery to try and remove all the infection..it would take most of my lower bowels. I have had pain and problems since the mesh tape surgery 2007, told I have eroison by the doc who did the surgery, but NO ONE said anything..no warning..nothing until I became ill three weeks ago with this uncontorable infection..all at once..I have been sent to a new doctor..and lots of worried looking medical folks.

  • JamieDecember 4, 2012 at 1:29 am

    I had surgery for prolapsing rectum/bowel October 2011. My husband and I were told that she was going to use a small piece of mesh and inch in size to tack things back up with. However I am now finding out 14 months later a mesh sling was used and attached to each side of my pelvic bone and slung underneith. Since the surgery I have been in and out of the doctors. Right after surgery I was expe[Show More]I had surgery for prolapsing rectum/bowel October 2011. My husband and I were told that she was going to use a small piece of mesh and inch in size to tack things back up with. However I am now finding out 14 months later a mesh sling was used and attached to each side of my pelvic bone and slung underneith. Since the surgery I have been in and out of the doctors. Right after surgery I was experiencing very bad pelvic pain a rubbing/poking/sharpness by my pelvic bone. I was told things were probably not fully healed. Things have only progressed to get worse. I have seen the surgeon who did the surgery several time she told me to try pt that it might be spams. I did that it has not helped. For one thing I know what spasms feel like and this IS NOT a spasm. I am now experiences alot of groin pain also along with the pelvic pain and pain by my pelvic bone. I feel like I am being poked with pins/tacks in my vaginal area and pelvic region. Also feels like I am being pinched. It started out hurting when I would be walking. Now its hurting all the time. I have been crying in pain its been waking me up at night. I cannot get comfortable. Let alone doing things around my house or going to the store. I have had UTI's was peeing blood and clots. The first set of anti-biotics didn't help they had to give me an extra week of anti-biotics. My bladder has been leaking when coughing, sneezing. Intercourse is painful. I feel alot of sharpness,stabbing pains. We have had to stop. Right now it even hurts to wipe myself after using the bathroom. I am having alot of discharge. I was Not like this before the mesh was put in. I just found out I have a large hernia again also. And the same surgeon contacted me and said she could fix it with a mesh patch. I will never let this woman operate on me again. And I absolutely DO NOT WANT more mesh put in me!!! I trusted her, this is my body she should have informed me about what she was doing before she did it. I am 28 and am literally a mess with all of this pain. My g.i. doctor I have had since I was 12 believes its the mesh causing these problems. I have inflammatory bowel disease/UC also. He thinks my body is rejecting the mesh. And is sending me to the Mayo tomorrow. I take lortabs for pain and those are not even helping. This pain is debilitating!!!! I had to have a hysterectamy two years ago also and do not know if she placed mesh in there that time to. I just talked to a lawyer today and they suggested I request to see a uro,gyno. They told me it sounds like the mesh in me is eroding. So when I get to the mayo tomorrow I am going to request I see a uro,gyno asap as I am seeing a different specialist when I get there. What is wrong with doctors they could at least be honest to their patients! How would they like it if this stuff was put in them without knowing. This is a nightmare! I want this mesh gone!!!

  • LandyNovember 26, 2012 at 11:09 pm

    I had the bladder mesh/sling ? put in in 2007 . I was 41, I had been diagnosed with labial cancer and would need surgeryt of the labia, removing part of it, as well as a vaginal hysterectomy for years of abnormal paps. The Dr asked if I had any problems with stress incontincence, I replied not really, but maybe once in awhile if my bladder was full and I coughed hard, I had 3 children. she put a Q[Show More]I had the bladder mesh/sling ? put in in 2007 . I was 41, I had been diagnosed with labial cancer and would need surgeryt of the labia, removing part of it, as well as a vaginal hysterectomy for years of abnormal paps. The Dr asked if I had any problems with stress incontincence, I replied not really, but maybe once in awhile if my bladder was full and I coughed hard, I had 3 children. she put a Qtip in my eurethra and declared "my muscles there were very weak and started promoting the insertion of this "new butterfly" type sling for my bladder that would make sure it didn't progress. Since I had to have surgery anyway for the CA , I thought why not?. I was NOT given any literature on the sling. The sling was actually talked about very little. After surgery I was immediately in so much pain it was almost unbearable, I was given enough medicine that it went enough for me to sleep. When I woke again the pain was there again, just as intense, the odd thing was that the pain was in by low back and right hip. I couldn't even feel where they had removed part of the labia. I assumed the pain was normal and just made sure I had enough pain medication.I was surprised when they released me from the hospital because Iwas having an extremely hard time urinating, and when I did I wasn't able to empty completely. The first night at home I woke up and cried I hurt so bad, my whole house woke up because I hurt so bad and I couldn't stand upright to walk, I chewed percocet and just curled into a ball until the pain went away. Each day the pain got a little better, my low back and right hip continued to hurt and I continued to have a difficult time urinating and retention. My back and hip pain were attrubuted to my profession and I took vicodin daily for the back pain. Every few months it seems as if there is something new, a lot of unprovoked low pelvic pain, UTI's, painful sex, random sharp shooting pains down my right leg, Bladder pain when urine present, urethral pain/burning. I had GYN about the uring retention and pain difficulty starting to go at my 6 week check up. I never went back. Why? Cancer and any place cancer might be was gone, I assumed I just had to live with the urinary problems, the back and hip pain were attributed to my job. Its been in the last year or so that all the other symptoms have come on. I have an appointment with the GYN who put it in and we will see what she says. Do I need/want an ultrasound? to know for sure? Can it be seen on an X-ray or MRI? My pelvis and right hip hurt all the time now. I hate trying to urinate. Just wondering what I might expect from my GYN

  • StefNovember 12, 2012 at 11:59 pm

    In Feburary of 2010 I had the Prosima Gynecare procedure done. This has been the biggest nightmare and mistake I have even done. Please ladies never do this now matter how much your dr tells you that it is safe.

  • A. M. LawsonOctober 30, 2012 at 12:31 am

    I had this type of surgery 20-years ago(rectoseal and bladder repair) and I have been fine with exception that now it has fallen again, but after reading all these comments, I will definitely not have surgery again. I had the best Doctor and had no problem with the mesh. The mesh that was used on me was anchored with something like the old rollers with the wires and anchored through my skin. Some[Show More]I had this type of surgery 20-years ago(rectoseal and bladder repair) and I have been fine with exception that now it has fallen again, but after reading all these comments, I will definitely not have surgery again. I had the best Doctor and had no problem with the mesh. The mesh that was used on me was anchored with something like the old rollers with the wires and anchored through my skin. Some came through the skin but Dr. cut it off and I never hurt, never bled or had problems like these poor people had. I just am complaining now that it has fallen again, but it's been over 20-years. I will just tolerate my problem and not have surgery again.

  • pegOctober 6, 2012 at 5:00 pm

    I know my anger lashes out at everyone, but the bladder mesh , has never put me into a point of not having hope that this nightmare will go away with mesh. Those women that have waited as I have for a doctor and trying to find a doctor that will try to help, is almost impossible and very draining going from on urologist to another, and gynecologist, and being treated not the kindest to answer que[Show More]I know my anger lashes out at everyone, but the bladder mesh , has never put me into a point of not having hope that this nightmare will go away with mesh. Those women that have waited as I have for a doctor and trying to find a doctor that will try to help, is almost impossible and very draining going from on urologist to another, and gynecologist, and being treated not the kindest to answer questions we want answered, Truth is, for them to just say , I don't know, would be better than what women are getting. but at least the words I DON'T KNOW ,IS BETTER THAN LIES. THAT PROVOKE WOMEN TO ANGER, No one wants to be lied to, I know that is't a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation and decision, about taking the mesh out. anti biotics will weaken ammune system and cause problems that take your life, more surgeries , of pain is going to take you , and no hope that the pain and suffering will ever end. Those single , what man wants them for a wife, if married , look also at what their families have to suffer , their husbands , , would lead to divorce with some? I have had to tell possibilty good men wanting a good woman for marriage, and had to tell them I cannot be a comlete wife to you. and would not even try to start a relationship. , the pain of mesh is enough pain , than to go through , and losing a man that I might have fallen in love with. I cannot do that to him or me. Even though I do lash out at people, and sound most of the time , that people want to run away from me, I am sure, I am truly thankful, for those doctors that are trying and having to put up with women in pain with mesh. God love them, 99% of those doctors are not the ones that put the mesh in. They are not to blame or their staff. I know that. I am not getting counseling, because i DO NOT WANT TO BE DRUGGED UP WITH ANTI DEPRESSANTS, THAT COULD CAUSE DOUBLE TROUBLE, KNOWING IN THE PAST THE SIDE EFFECTS OF ANTI DEPRESSANTS DO HAVE SUICIDAL SIDE EFFECTS AND MORE, i do not need double trouble at this point, I would love to get back to the days , even when tired , could go outside and do work, you know those days with a burst of energy as I did before mesh, I do not have that any more, That first year, after mesh implant, I was having infections non stop, and bad, not knowing until a year later the mesh was protruding out in me, I went for months at the end of 2010, after mesh, through infections that caused bad scaring on me, the worst time, after those most severe months , I became so weak and have not got strength back, no energy at all. common sense tells you no one can live long with fighting these infections and anti biotics and times when you have nothing being given by doctors . we are guinea pigs for the rest of our life , for food and drug administration, and medical research. without volunteering. I am 1 that would never had said yes to this mesh, if I had been told of what it MIGHT DO. tHE WORDS GUARANTEE, GAVE ME HOPE THAT BLADDER LEAKAGE WOULD STOP, EVEN THAT HAS GOT WORSE, EXPENSES , FOR ACROSS CUNTER SUPPLIES, PADS THAT i THOUGH WOULD STOP SOME WHAT ARE EXPENSIVE FOR THE SINGLE WOMAN, AND MORE ASPRINS FOR PAIN, SINCE DOCTORS WILL NOT GIVE PAIN PRESCRIPTION FOR PAIN, AND ANTI BIOTICS, , PEOPLE DO NOT EVEN DO ANIMALS THAT WAY, BUT HUMANS THAT CAN SPEAK ARE TREATED LESS THAN HUMANS IN PAIN? OUR LIFE IS DESTROYED AND GONE , AS WE ONCE KNEW. tHE COMPANIES THAT PUT THIS MESH OUT, HAD TO KNOW IF IT HAD BEEN TESTED , THEY WOULD HAVE KNOWN EXACTLEY WHAT WOMEN WOULD SUFFER, the woman that mentioned the sharp pains, what is it? not long after the surgery, I had very severe sharp pains that would start at unexpected times, the pains very sharp through vagina at times, that lasted for sometimes a hour, before going away, and then same sharp pains through anal, that would take me off my feet , would make it to the nearest couch , or bed, and have to lay there in agonizing pain. also that lasted up to an hour. cramps at times in between even last night like menstrual cramp, the worse severe pains I haven't had in a few months. hoping that does not start up again. People cannot live this way. The infection never stop, even if you have a few days , of none apparent , you can still feel what feels like glands swelling, like hemorrhoids , under the skin, down you legs and on you buttocks, etc. I had one doctor say he did not see hemorrhoids , I said you are not listening to me I said it feels like hemorrhoids up by buttocks and down the upper part of my legs. YOU WANT TO SAY WILL YOU PLEASE COMMUNICATE TO ME, SO YOU DON'T PUT WHAT I AM SAYING DOWN WRONG. YOU ARE THE DOCTOR, AND i HAVE TO LISTEN TO YOU, BUT COMMUNICATION GOES TWO WAYS. i AM BEGGING YOU TO HEAR WHAT I AM SAYING. PLEASE HELP ME. YOU ARE NOT WANTING TO GET INTO DISPUTES WITH THEM AT ALL. i AM WANTING A TO GET TO A SOLUTION TO THE MESH MORE THAN THE DOCTORS . POURING MY HEART OUT, AND THE WAY i FEEL, ABOUT THE MESH.

  • westieOctober 1, 2012 at 5:20 am

    Oh yes, I am but another victim of this horrible nightmare. I am 54. A nightmare is what I call my life now. It will be 4 yrs soon. My life has been ruined and I have been forced to come to terms with the fact that I will never, ever be the same as I was before the surgey. The constant searing stinging pain in my lower back, hips and tailbone, the painful intercourse, painful sitting, standing &[Show More]Oh yes, I am but another victim of this horrible nightmare. I am 54. A nightmare is what I call my life now. It will be 4 yrs soon. My life has been ruined and I have been forced to come to terms with the fact that I will never, ever be the same as I was before the surgey. The constant searing stinging pain in my lower back, hips and tailbone, the painful intercourse, painful sitting, standing & walking , the constant stumbling, the slightly funny gait is now the new normal for me. Climbing up the stairs on my hands and knees has become my nightly ritual. Epidurals that don't help and leave me with near heart stopping rectal & vaginal spasms and restless leg sydrome! What I have discovered is, no one really knows WHAT to do for us. Sadly, I can barely remember my life before the pain, it is so consuming. I have heard that the cases for our state will not even begin to be heard until July 2013. And time marches on. Go to work, come home, and crawl up the stairs every night, July 2013 is just a date. Funny thing about constant near debilitating pain, it doesn't really care about July 2013 and I will never trust another Dr again as long as I live.

  • pegSeptember 26, 2012 at 5:53 am

    That was sorry, an icon flashed up saying my first post was not going to be posted, and they did post it. I tried the second and both posted. 4 years disputing with doctors and nurses , is getting to me, for sure, and so long no answers or hope of getting mesh out until next year. This is truly the most cruel medical fields people with F.D.A. AND MEDICAL RESEARCH HAS EVER DONE. i will know[Show More]That was sorry, an icon flashed up saying my first post was not going to be posted, and they did post it. I tried the second and both posted. 4 years disputing with doctors and nurses , is getting to me, for sure, and so long no answers or hope of getting mesh out until next year. This is truly the most cruel medical fields people with F.D.A. AND MEDICAL RESEARCH HAS EVER DONE. i will know before next year, IF THEY DON'T FINISH, MY DEATH, the way I have made a lot of enemies speaking out as I have and I KNOW IT.. i HOPE WOMEN WILL GET THE ANSWERS WE DESERVE TO KNOW AND ARE BEING AVOIDED , KNOWING IT SEEMS, i DON'T THINK WOMEN ARE BEING RELIEVED OF ALL THAT COULD BE DONE, AND TOLD, i AM SURE THEY WOULD ALL WISH WE WOULD JUST DIE ATTORNEYS THEY ARE GOING TO GET THEIR MONEY FOR SURE, DEAD OR ALIVE. AND DOCTORS GET BACK THE REST YEARS OF PERMANENT DAMAGE IF WE LIVE, THAT COST, AND GO INTO MILLIONS, SO THE ONES THAT LOSE ARE THE WOMEN ,

  • pegSeptember 26, 2012 at 5:28 am

    These attorneys and courts careless of what the women are going through, as did the vast majority of doctors and nurses that put this mesh in them , that destroyed their lives , with infections and this mesh sticking out of them. I want answers , as I just read the fda are telling medical field to do more studies more women as guinea pigs, no answers to the women, what in hell are we fighting wi[Show More]These attorneys and courts careless of what the women are going through, as did the vast majority of doctors and nurses that put this mesh in them , that destroyed their lives , with infections and this mesh sticking out of them. I want answers , as I just read the fda are telling medical field to do more studies more women as guinea pigs, no answers to the women, what in hell are we fighting with the bacteria caused by this mesh, was that implanted too in chosen women that is truly killing so many women I believe and will before it is over with. . I WAS TOLD AFTER REMOVAL, NO ASSURANCE OF INFECTIONS STOPPPING. and no assurance that my health will be restored. no answers of more damage, more surgeries , nothing good have I heard yet from the many doctors and nurses , They knew they had to, that women were chosen for this mess without telling them that it was a permanent damage , that will cause death, according to a person's ammunity. I want to know what bacteria the women are dealing with, as doctors do not want to take blood test and tell , what women have and are fighting. this is one one the sorriest things that has ever happened in the usa , to human beings, and those in medical and rich knew , medical research needed human guinea pigs. as one attorney said the other day, she didn't care what women were going through with doctors and cruel treatment given to them, all they wanted to know was about surgeries, for more money, more money for more damn medical research women still being used for medical research , damn their evil souls to hell. 4 yearts of trying to find a doctor that would do something and some doctors lying and some avoiding questions, and no answers, and sarcastic remarks from even medical boards , like you deserve to die and be used for medical research, let me butcher them and see how they like it. as one said , are you going to donate your body to medical science , I said hell no, medical science , and evil people have you used me enough for their damn evil research , I WORKED AND HAD GOOD DAMN INSURANCE YEARS AGO i PAID, AND TRUSTED DOCTORS YEARS AGO , FINDING NOT ONE , GAVE A DAMN IT WAS THEIR SORRY GREEDY MONEY . AND THE REST OF MY STORY PROVES IT. THE WOMEN DESERVE HONEST ANSWERS SINCE DOCTORS AND EVIL PEOPLE HAVE PUT THEIR PLACE IN GOD'S PLACE, , NOT TELLING WOMEN THEY WERE CHOSEN AND LIED TO. EVEN WORDS OF i DO NOT KNOW, WOULD BE BETTER THAN THE LIES AND CRUELTY OF THOSE IN MEDICAL FIELD. SINCE ATTORNEYS LIKE ONE TOLD ME, WE DON'T WANT TO KNOW ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE GOING THROUGH WITH DOCTORS AND NURSES , WE ARE AFTER THE COMPANIES MONEY, BUT WHAT ABOUT THE SARCASTIC CRUELTY OF THOSE DOCTORS AND NURSES THAT ONE EVEN SAID THAT NO SHE WOULD NOT SEE ME, AS DOCTOR UNLESS THE SURGERY WAS COMPLETELY SUCCESSFUL, WHICH SHE KNOWS WOMEN HAVE MORE AFTER SURGERIES. . WE ARE JUST ANIMALS TO SOME DOCTORS AND NURSES, i WANT ANSWERS , AND EVEN WOMEN THAT HAVE DIED FROM THIS MESH, HOW LONG, AS ONE DOCTOR LIED AND SAID IT WAS NOT STICKING OUT, i HAD TEARS RUNNING DOWN MY FACE, WHEN i LOOKED AT ANOTHER DOCTOR THAT CAME IN THE ROOM, i SAID HE IS LYING, i SAID YOU EXAM ME, ANOTHER WOMAN , ASKED IF SHE WOULD, SHE SAID YES, AND i SAID THE METAL HE WAS USING AND INSTRUMENTS OF TESTS ARE NOT GOING TO FEEL THAT MESH, IT HAS TO BE FELT BY HUMAN BEING NOT A MACHINE. SHE SAID SHE FELT IT, IN 2 PLACES TO HIS LIE, THIS IS MORE HELL WOMEN ARE GOING THROUGH THAT ATTORNEYS DON'T CARE ABOUT, UNNECESSARY CRUELTY, GOVERNORS , SEN. CONG. REPS , NEED TO KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON TO HUMAN BEINGS IN THEIR STATES , BUT i WOULD SAY THEY KNOW AND DON'T CARE. this brings out the anger in me, LIKE NOTHING EVER HAS . FDA NEEDS TO HIRE PEOPLE THAT WILL NOT SLAM THE PHONES DOWN TO AMERICA CITIZENS , i CALLED MANY TIMES TO PEOPLE THAT JUST WOULD NOT LISTEN YEARS AGO, EVIL PEOPLE, WHAT ELSE WOULD YOU CALL THEM? 4 YEARS IS TOO LONG FOR ANYONE TO SUFFER TRYING TO FIND SOMEONE IN MEDICAL FIELD TO DO SOMETHING.AND HAVING DISPUTES ,OVER SOMETHING THEIR MEDICAL COLLEAGUES DID . knowingly!

  • judy SSeptember 25, 2012 at 12:44 pm

    I live iin Ohio close to Clev.Clinic and Toledo - Does anyone know of a good Dr. to take the mess out? This is soooo frightening!! Like everyone else - I need to get the mess out and but who does the best job for sure not my Dr.!!

  • YaniSeptember 20, 2012 at 4:57 pm

    I am a 35 year old. I recently went through the operation and got the sling. It has been a week and I have occasional stabbing pains on the groin area that seem to be occasional and when I am walking around too much . I am still spotting as well. I am hoping this is just due to the recent nature of the surgery and that it will go away soon. I have to say that I should have done my HW as after read[Show More]I am a 35 year old. I recently went through the operation and got the sling. It has been a week and I have occasional stabbing pains on the groin area that seem to be occasional and when I am walking around too much . I am still spotting as well. I am hoping this is just due to the recent nature of the surgery and that it will go away soon. I have to say that I should have done my HW as after reading the comments I am extremely concerned. I Asked my doc many questions and she reassured me that the complications were minimal and about 10% suffered a few symptoms but it was uncommon. I am concerned about the trust I placed on my doctor. If I would have done my HW I probably would have not done this. Please pray for me and those still suffering. Thank you for sharing your experience. I have learned my lesson. I just pray that the consequence of my lack of education does affect my health, life, and marriage.

  • CynthiaSeptember 16, 2012 at 1:58 am

    My urologist has suggested that the Monarc sling would be a low risk solution for me for SUI. He also said 'this is not the mesh you may have been reading about in the news'. Is there any possibility this is a different product than the Monarc sling referenced in so many of the posts above? After reading the posts here and the FDA warnings, I am amazed that a compassionate and competent doctor [Show More]My urologist has suggested that the Monarc sling would be a low risk solution for me for SUI. He also said 'this is not the mesh you may have been reading about in the news'. Is there any possibility this is a different product than the Monarc sling referenced in so many of the posts above? After reading the posts here and the FDA warnings, I am amazed that a compassionate and competent doctor would recommend and perform this surgery.

  • PeggySeptember 12, 2012 at 1:34 am

    Judge Goodwin if he is an honorable judge needs to know some women suffering are being lied to by attorneys and doctors and nurses and getting no help, as the greedy get more on their merry go round, doing nothing for mesh sufferers. I thought by letter of attorney i had a case filed in Judge Goodwin's court over a year , found out a couple of weeks back no case was ever filed in federal. and ag[Show More]Judge Goodwin if he is an honorable judge needs to know some women suffering are being lied to by attorneys and doctors and nurses and getting no help, as the greedy get more on their merry go round, doing nothing for mesh sufferers. I thought by letter of attorney i had a case filed in Judge Goodwin's court over a year , found out a couple of weeks back no case was ever filed in federal. and again lied to by the attorneys and no help and also being lied to and treated cruelly by medical doctors and nurses. This is evil , to use humans as guinea pigs and the rich , powerful and greedy are the only ones that will benefit from this evil being done to humans . medical research as evil as hitler , saddam, and in america . I AM NOT AN ANIMAL, I HAVE A MIND, CAN SPEAK, BUT EVIL IN POWER , SEE THEIR SELVES AS GOD TO MURDER . OBAMA IS NOT GOING TO DO ANYTHING, JUDGE GOODWIN PLEASE HELP THOSE WOMEN THAT ARE BEING TREATED SO CRUELLY BY YOUR LAW COLLEGES AND THOSE IN MEDICAL FIELD. SOME SHOULD LOSE THEIR LICENSE AND PRISON TERMS, FOR LYING TO WOMEN SUFFERING. INTERVENE AND STOP THIS ABUSE OF WOMEN ALREADY SUFFERING, AND NO HELP OR HOPE.

  • melindaJuly 17, 2012 at 3:30 pm

    I am 43 years old and had a bladder neck suspension in 2004. I have had blood in my urine for the past three years and i keep UTI's. I have also had surgery to dilate my urethra tubes. This has also ruined my marriage as I cant have sex now due to the pain. I am trying to get a doctor to see me now to solve the problems and they act as if they do not want to get involved after my primary care doct[Show More]I am 43 years old and had a bladder neck suspension in 2004. I have had blood in my urine for the past three years and i keep UTI's. I have also had surgery to dilate my urethra tubes. This has also ruined my marriage as I cant have sex now due to the pain. I am trying to get a doctor to see me now to solve the problems and they act as if they do not want to get involved after my primary care doctor linked the mesh to my complications. This has ruined my whole life. What can we do??

  • Aimee S.June 7, 2012 at 5:42 pm

    I don't know if this is what this is about I was just told today about this and am a little concerned. I had 10cm cysts on both of my ovaries and had surgery in December 2010 they removed them and then they came back again August 2011 and again had surgery. Now I am knee deep in medical bills from this and my pain is back again. Can anyone help me?

  • EmmaJune 4, 2012 at 6:30 pm

    I too had this mesh sling procedure done in 2008, and have had multiple problems similar to all that the other persons experienced. I have recurring bladder infections (I have kept all of my antibodic medical bottles which total to about 50 bottles. The antibodics were prescribed in an alternate/repetetive manner. I also suffer from a bloating feeling in my right side along with an unusal kind of [Show More]I too had this mesh sling procedure done in 2008, and have had multiple problems similar to all that the other persons experienced. I have recurring bladder infections (I have kept all of my antibodic medical bottles which total to about 50 bottles. The antibodics were prescribed in an alternate/repetetive manner. I also suffer from a bloating feeling in my right side along with an unusal kind of pain. I believe it is associated with the retention of urine in the bladder, whereas the bladder does not empty competely. I also suffer from lower back and pelvic pain. I too have had the back pain injections and physical therapy and none has given relieif. I am hesitant to go back to the doctor (Urogynelogist Specialist) who did the procedure because he has betrayed my trust. I also suffer from incontinentance day and night (as many as six or eight time nightly) and must wear depends daily which is very costly, being that they are not reusuable.

  • DebbyMay 29, 2012 at 8:13 am

    I had a bladder lift in May of 2005. I had problems almost immediately that were treated conservately. I was implanted with a Perigee patch and a Monarc sling. In July of 2011 I had the Perigee patch removed as I was advised that it had come "undone" (whatever that meant), plus I was STILL bleeding after dealing with a nonhealing granuloma for 6+ years. Add to that, abdominal pain and bloating, ex[Show More]I had a bladder lift in May of 2005. I had problems almost immediately that were treated conservately. I was implanted with a Perigee patch and a Monarc sling. In July of 2011 I had the Perigee patch removed as I was advised that it had come "undone" (whatever that meant), plus I was STILL bleeding after dealing with a nonhealing granuloma for 6+ years. Add to that, abdominal pain and bloating, excruciating pain in the lumbar, right hip/flank area now radiating down the right leg and causing periodic numbness. Oh yeah, I am having to carry catheters with me when I leave the house because that part of me isn't working either. When the Perigee patch was removed, it caused a hematoma and permanent damage to my sphincter and pudendal nerve. I have had extensive testing that shows permanent fecal incontinence with limited chance of reversal. I am advised to work with a neurolologist to see if electrical stimulation will help. In addition to that news, the difficult removal of the Perigee mesh patch caused a rectocele and cystocele which must be fixed in a subsequent surgery -- but not the next surgery because that is reserved to remove the Monarc sling (there wasn't enough time to remove it in this surgery). In December 2011 I had lumbar back surgery and have been recovering from that. Now I am facing my second mesh removal surgery. I cannot work and am now on permanent disability at age 56. I was advised by my attorney last week that my personal injury case is being prepared for Federal Court. Thank God. I will have my day! Don't give up Ladies!!

  • TammyApril 26, 2012 at 3:03 pm

    '@ Creagle who wrote on April 20th. What did you mean when you said your "stuff" was falling out (bowel etc.)? Were you referring to rectal prolapse? Since my surgery that has happened to me and I have lost all muscle tone to the sphincter. This creates one hell of a problem. Your post was the only one that seemed to mention anything about this. I believe a nerve to my rectum may have been c[Show More]'@ Creagle who wrote on April 20th. What did you mean when you said your "stuff" was falling out (bowel etc.)? Were you referring to rectal prolapse? Since my surgery that has happened to me and I have lost all muscle tone to the sphincter. This creates one hell of a problem. Your post was the only one that seemed to mention anything about this. I believe a nerve to my rectum may have been compromised during the initial sling surgery. Any thoughts? Has anyone else had any issues related to fecal incontinence after transvaginal surgery?

  • MarlaApril 22, 2012 at 9:50 pm

    I had prolapse surgery nov 2011. After surgery I was unable to pee. My gynecologist who did the surgery had me wear a foley catheter for 8 weeks..obviously that was very painful and humiliating. Once a week I would go into his office and have it removed hoping to be able to pee on my own. I would end up going to hospital or emergency room in the middle of the night to have the foley inserted agai[Show More]I had prolapse surgery nov 2011. After surgery I was unable to pee. My gynecologist who did the surgery had me wear a foley catheter for 8 weeks..obviously that was very painful and humiliating. Once a week I would go into his office and have it removed hoping to be able to pee on my own. I would end up going to hospital or emergency room in the middle of the night to have the foley inserted again. Had a lot of infections during this time. The doctor kept telling me this was ok just taking a while to heal. I had told him I was concerned about using the mesh because of all the tv commercials. He had Assured me the mesh he used was not the same kind. After 8 weeks of sheer misery with The foley catheter a friend who is a doctor told me I needed to learn to self cath. I told my gynecologist I wanted to learn and he showed me how. I did not go back to the dr who did the surgery. I got a referral to a urologist. He did several tests and said the mesh was the problem causing the pain and and pelvic spasms. I have undergone numerous painful and embarrassing tests and I am schedule for another surgery June 5 to remove the mesh. I was told I will need weeks mabe months of therapy after surgery to get rid of the pain. Have not been able to have inner course with my husband of almost 44 years. The gynecologist also said the prolapse surgery had shortened my vagina. Not sure what can be done about that. He is sure that is definitely causing me to be unable to have inner course. He said we can talk about that after the surgery to remove the mesh. Scary. I just want to have my life back and be able to enjoy my grandchildren without paying the price in pain later. I would like to know if any of you have sued or are considering suing you dr or the company who made the mesh. I have never sued anyone in my life and not sure if I am willing to now. But I am so frustrated that this was done and my life has totally changed and theirs is going on like nothing has happened. And how many other women are going to be hurt so the drs can have a quick fix and the mesh company's can make millions at our expense. Please let me know what you can. Not sure what to do..

  • creagleApril 20, 2012 at 11:43 am

    Pelvic floor repair I wanted to start this blog so other women can talk about their experiences on this issue. I struggled to find information before and after my surgery. I want to know things like complication and "is this normal" after surgery. So I hope this helps someone that is looking for answers and information. Are you like I was trying to find out info on the Pelvic Floor Repair surgery[Show More]Pelvic floor repair I wanted to start this blog so other women can talk about their experiences on this issue. I struggled to find information before and after my surgery. I want to know things like complication and "is this normal" after surgery. So I hope this helps someone that is looking for answers and information. Are you like I was trying to find out info on the Pelvic Floor Repair surgery? I searched and searched and couldn't find anything. I wanted to talk to other women who have had the surgery and find out the out come. I wanted to read about the issues they may have had. I just wanted to know. I was referred to a Gynecologist by my MD. He is highly rated. I went in for an appointment and discussed my problems and solutions and was told he could fix everything and not to worry after the surgery I wouldn't have the problems any more. And oh yeah I was talked into a hysterectomy. I didn't make the appoint that day for the surgery because I had to get things in order because you need to be pretty much a do nothing for about 2 months. And as we all know we as women have a lot to do everyday. Thanks God for my family and friends I had support. My husband was amazing. So about a month later I got a call fro the Doc's office wanting to set up the surgery and I asked would I be seeing the Doc again before the surgery and her response was, " I guess you can if you want." Well yes I wanted to see him again because I had a ton of questions that I wanted answered and I had only met him once. And I didn't have any luck on the internet looking for the answers after several attempts. My friends also tried to find some info on the matter with little or no luck. So I took my husband and a sheet of paper with my questions and concerns a list of my meds and allergies. I asked all my questions and a few more I thought of while there. He told me he that he had done several hundreds of this type of surgery. And I asked if there any complications and he said he had nicked a patients bowel. I asked about the commercials on the mesh and he said something like, one in ten thousand women have and issue with the mesh and because of that one person they blow it out of proportion. So that lead me to believe there were no other complications. Only later after the surgery did I learn that there are lot more things that can go wrong. My problems include very painful sex and the doc knew that even after 35 years of marriage my husband and I still had a lot of sex because I told him that fact. I still leak when I cough, laugh, sneeze, I feel like I need to have bowel movement all day long almost every day of the week and shortly after the surgery I had bee sting like hives and uncontrollable itching for which he prescribed Xanax and a couple other drugs one that threw me for a loop and I have to work so who can be trashed and work or drive. None of drugs gave may any relief. I started taking Zyrtec on my own which helps about 95% of the itching. Also I had a severe pain in my left butt cheek. It feels like a railroad spike jammed in my butt cheek. He believes he may have caught a nerve and as of right now after my second surgery I still have the problems. Not sure about the sex issue because I can't have it for about 4 to 6 more weeks. The nerve damage may be permanent not sure yet. And trust me it's painful to sit, ride in a car, mow the lawn. It hurts when my jeans just touch the skin. So I went to the Doc because I was leaking when I coughed, sneezed and laughed and my stuff (bowel etc.) was falling out due to childbirth and gravity. He fixed the falling out part, " NOT " the leaking and I have 4 new problems. Does anyone have any idea where to go next?

  • RhondaApril 14, 2012 at 3:59 am

    I had the TVT sling procedure done along with rectocele, enterocele, cystocele in Jan/2009. I fell in June 2011, and in July I started having lower abdominal pain and 4 UTI's. the pain has gradually gotten worse, until Feb this year, my family dr put me in the hospital to do tests. right when they were about to send me home, i stopped being able to urinate on my own, so they transferred me to a l[Show More]I had the TVT sling procedure done along with rectocele, enterocele, cystocele in Jan/2009. I fell in June 2011, and in July I started having lower abdominal pain and 4 UTI's. the pain has gradually gotten worse, until Feb this year, my family dr put me in the hospital to do tests. right when they were about to send me home, i stopped being able to urinate on my own, so they transferred me to a larger hospital. after 8 days total in hospital, no answers. I have gone to a urologist and the gyn that did the surgery. they both think it is coming from my back, yet my gyn did say that the rectocele was back, but only a grade 1. the fact that the same bulge in my vagina has returned meant nothing. i can no longer function. i can't wear jeans anymore because of the excruciating pain it causes. i am scheduled to have a cystoscopy which my gyn said don't do because he did one during the surgery where he repaired a bladder defect. i'm doing it so i can say i did EVERYTHING to find out what is wrong. i'm disabled so i don't work anyway, but if i weren't i would have lost a job long ago. i thought it may be adhesions because i've already had 3 open surgeries, not including POP surgery which was done laparoscopically. the reason they think it is my back is from an injury i sustained in 1981, i ruptured two discs in my low back, one which is linked to the nerve that services our bowel, bladder and entire abdominal area. i've had back surgery and a back fusion. i just don't think that is it. i can't see that causing this much pain to where it leaves a person completely unable to drive any distance, shop for groceries... can't even go out. i would appreciate any comments or helpful information or similar stories from anyone thanks so much, rhonda

  • pattiApril 3, 2012 at 8:20 pm

    I too, had surgury almost a year and a half ago supposedly would make my life "new and wonderful" again. Let me say up fromt- I take some pretty heavy pain meds for Fibromyalgia and 2 kinds of arthritis. Have taken them for years. So, I know I would have feel MUCH more pain if I were not on these meds. But just a few weeks after the surgery I thought things were going better and we waited the 6 w[Show More]I too, had surgury almost a year and a half ago supposedly would make my life "new and wonderful" again. Let me say up fromt- I take some pretty heavy pain meds for Fibromyalgia and 2 kinds of arthritis. Have taken them for years. So, I know I would have feel MUCH more pain if I were not on these meds. But just a few weeks after the surgery I thought things were going better and we waited the 6 weeks to resume sex. Been married with a healthy sex life for 30 yrs. I knew something was wrong immediately! It was VERY painful and I could feel like what felt like a "stitch" in my vagina, so I returned to Dr. She said "oops, seems like one stitch DID flip back over itself" so she clipped it and and gave me a script for bladder spazms as by this time I had started to leak again and vaginal cream. A couple of weeks went by and I could still feel the stitch inside (so could my husband) so I went back. She apologized and clipped the "stitch" again and carterized it, I was bleeding so badly. I told her the med wasn't helping- she said it would. After a few days- I could STILL feel the stitch inside which she says SHE cannot. I now have one coming outside my body right below the pubic hair line. I tried to pull it out with tweezers. It won't budge. Just hurts. As you could imagine at this point- I had lost ALL confidence in my Dr, so I made an appt with a Urology surgeon here in town. He freaked. Said he thinks it's the mesh and has referred me to Duke University Hospital, Head of Urology surgery there. It's five hours away! But, he won't touch me, so what do I do?!?!? He did say "she was not exactly forthcoming with me". Great.... Like the others... I would give ANYTHING to have my "old" life back. But, I know- really.. it's gone. I don't know WHAT is going to happen, but, let's face it.. it can't be good. I would give anything to be able to go back to just peeing when I sneeze or cough. Now, I wear a huge pad 24/7 and have to go through who knows what. I will repost after my appt at Duke in May. I feel SO much for all of you here. I'm SO sorry all of us have had to go through this. God Bless you all.

  • judiApril 1, 2012 at 9:10 pm

    Posterior prolift put in 2/9/2012 with no improvement in my pain. Had MRI in Nov 2011 showed pelvice floor prolapse; had mesh put in; had another MRI still showed pelvic floor prolapse with no improvement plus other bad stuff like rectal tip below line and recommended barium study. I want it out the prolift mesh that is. I'll deal with whatever the problems were before it was put in, but I want [Show More]Posterior prolift put in 2/9/2012 with no improvement in my pain. Had MRI in Nov 2011 showed pelvice floor prolapse; had mesh put in; had another MRI still showed pelvic floor prolapse with no improvement plus other bad stuff like rectal tip below line and recommended barium study. I want it out the prolift mesh that is. I'll deal with whatever the problems were before it was put in, but I want it out. Do you know a doctor that will take it out?

  • LorindaMarch 25, 2012 at 8:29 am

    I had a TOT put in by my gynae in 2007, but it was too tight. Three months later I had a histerectomy and my gynae "loosened" the tape as much as possible. I still had signs of the tape being too tight (difficult to void) but, as my gynae said he loosened it as much as possible, I left it at that. Six months later I started getting chronic pain in my legs & arms as well as severe "knots" in my[Show More]I had a TOT put in by my gynae in 2007, but it was too tight. Three months later I had a histerectomy and my gynae "loosened" the tape as much as possible. I still had signs of the tape being too tight (difficult to void) but, as my gynae said he loosened it as much as possible, I left it at that. Six months later I started getting chronic pain in my legs & arms as well as severe "knots" in my upper back. After numerous tests I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia by a Rhumatologist and spent the next four years trying to find a cure. I even went as far as having nine teeth with root canals extracted in my unrelenting quest to get my life back. I eventually battled to walk as a result of the severe pains in my hip, running through my groins into my legs. Two months ago the pain on the sides of my pubic bone became excruciating. My Urologist was convinced it was the TOT that caused all my problems and offered to remove it transvaginally. I went to two other Urologists who refused to do the surgery as it was too risky according to them. I had the surgery done by my Urologist. He couldn't remove the entire tape, as the part that goes into the obturator cavity is impossible to remove according to him. After two weeks the pain in my pubic bone was increasing day by day. I knew something was wrong. At my follow up, my Urologist said he doesnt understand why the pain was increasing, but that it was still post operative healing and I shoulkd be patient. I flew to another city to see a Spesialist Urologist for a second opinion, and he diagnosed it as Osteitis Pubis. His opinion was that the TOT has been placed too tight all along, and has caused chronic inflammation at the sides of my pubic bone where the tape folded around the pubic bone into the obturator cavity. The chronic inflammation could according to him, have been responsible for all my fibromyalgia symptoms of the last four years. It now turned into a bacterial infection (not sure if that was introduced during the removal surgery or if it was still a result of the inflammation turning into an infection). He put me on a strong course of antibiotics (for bone infection). After a week the pubic pain subsided, but my entire pelvic floor went into chronic spasm as a reaction to the pubic pain. He put me on a three month course of Trepilene and Rivotril. My pubic pain has never been completely gone and I presumed it would take some time to heal. It has been two months since the removal, and my pubic pain (on the sides) is getting worse again as well as my fibromyalgia body pains. It seems like the Fibro pain always coincides with increase pubic pain. I am at my witts end with this. I have severe pain running down the insides of my legs, throbbing pain at the sides of my pubic bone and stabbing pain higher up on the one side. I am wondering if the infection has never been cleared up totally & maybe needs more antibiotics, or whether this is a normal part of the recovery from TOT removal. Has anyone had anything similar or know of the connection between Fibromyalgia body pains & a TOT that was placed too tight, causing constant friction on the pubic bone? The sad thing has been that I went back to my Gynae who originally inserted my TOT, numerous times with the same symptoms and he refused to look at the possible link to the TOT even after I asked him about it.

  • ChristineMarch 20, 2012 at 6:26 am

    I had the TVT sling put in on Nov 6th, 2007. I had a complication with bleeding during the surgery and had to spend an overnight in the hospital. I was a bit taken aback by that because it was supposed to be a "simple procedure", right? I was told I would be able to go right home after it.I started having complications within a few months after the surgery, starting with a tight pulling feeling in[Show More]I had the TVT sling put in on Nov 6th, 2007. I had a complication with bleeding during the surgery and had to spend an overnight in the hospital. I was a bit taken aback by that because it was supposed to be a "simple procedure", right? I was told I would be able to go right home after it.I started having complications within a few months after the surgery, starting with a tight pulling feeling in my vaginal area. It felt as my pubic hairs were being tugged on, even when I was wearing no panties. I thought nothing of it, thinking it was all in my head. I started to notice sexual intercourse was painful, but shrugged it off because I have a tilted uterus. It did fix the incontinence, (the reason I had the surgery to begin with), but almost too well. I had trouble emptying my bladder. Again, I shrugged this off thinking it was supposed to be like this. I have always had very painful periods since the surgery, but because I also had a sterilization surgery done at the same time (also a "simple procedure"-Essure), I always thought it was because of this. I have also had lower back pain for years and hip pain as well. It almost feels like sciatica pain and that is what I was diagnosed with. I now, after reading these comments, think it has EVERYTHING to do with the TVT sling. I never had back issues, sexual pain, extremely painful periods, bladder voiding issues, a tugging or pulling sensation in my pubic area or any other issues related to this prior to this procedure. The Dr. I see now says she cannot see any mesh material perforating anywhere, but I know there are complications that cannot be seen. For the past year, I have dealt with blood in my stool and the incontinence is back as well, to the point where I am now wearing incontinence pads and taking prescription medications again. I want answers! I am so frustrated. I do not trust the Dr I went to to have the procedure so I do not see her anymore. She had no business pushing this on me and not letting me clearly know the risks! I am sorry you ladies have had issues as well. Can anyone relate to my story? I am so annoyed because I am only 30 years old and had the surgery when I was 26.

  • bettyeMarch 17, 2012 at 2:13 am

    Courtney, after my 4th surgery february 6,2012 removing the last mesh which, on September 2, 2011, I only had other removed and another kind thinking the same thing as you . that after all these years it probably would be safe and it would work. Ghee that was a horrible mistake foe me from the return of the surgery room until a top specialist removed it on Feb. 6, 2012 i felt better by the tim[Show More]Courtney, after my 4th surgery february 6,2012 removing the last mesh which, on September 2, 2011, I only had other removed and another kind thinking the same thing as you . that after all these years it probably would be safe and it would work. Ghee that was a horrible mistake foe me from the return of the surgery room until a top specialist removed it on Feb. 6, 2012 i felt better by the time i woke up from surgery. I did not even realize how bad i was until it was removed. It was already fibroid in and eroded again just since september. i don't feel as tired and sickly. i had mesh put in first time to lift bladder, mini arc next so i would not wet on myself evertime i moved which i wasn't even doing before.. then it eroded into my vigina and the mesh rubbing was verrrrrrrrry painful . so immediately he removed that and put the new in sept. and now it is out again inFeb6, 2012. i am so far so much better still wet when cough, laugh, run, sneeze and better be there when i really need to go , BUT i am not hurting like i have been since may 5, 2007. Ruth is right your grandmother needs to check it out and with others that has or has had it?? GOD BLESS YOU and best wishes what ever you decide!!

  • RuthMarch 5, 2012 at 4:43 pm

    Courtney: DO NOT DO IT!!! You will regret it the rest of your life. Your grandma is a wise woman, listen to her, do more research. Google the website Mesh Medical Device News Desk for the most recent information on the procedure. You will see that this procedure has gotten WORSE as it has become more common and promoted as being "safe". It is not, the complications people write about in the [Show More]Courtney: DO NOT DO IT!!! You will regret it the rest of your life. Your grandma is a wise woman, listen to her, do more research. Google the website Mesh Medical Device News Desk for the most recent information on the procedure. You will see that this procedure has gotten WORSE as it has become more common and promoted as being "safe". It is not, the complications people write about in the above posts are extremely common, and most often nothing can be done about them.

  • CourtneyFebruary 26, 2012 at 2:53 pm

    I'm supposed to get the procedure to put the Mesh Sling under my bladder because it has dropped. My grandma told me just to get it tacked because she knows a woman that had the sling done and has had the same problems the above women have. Any suggestions? What should I do? Has anything chnaged with this procedure over time? Please help me decide. I've not been able to sleep since talking to my gr[Show More]I'm supposed to get the procedure to put the Mesh Sling under my bladder because it has dropped. My grandma told me just to get it tacked because she knows a woman that had the sling done and has had the same problems the above women have. Any suggestions? What should I do? Has anything chnaged with this procedure over time? Please help me decide. I've not been able to sleep since talking to my grandma. I don't know what to do.

  • MonaFebruary 13, 2012 at 10:16 pm

    I had bladder prolapse surgery in May 2011 with mesh being inserted in the vaginal walls and a sling for the bladder. Eight week recovery was good. Felt so much better. Then a green vaginal discharge began in June and has not stopped to date. Has anyone else experienced the green discharge? Had another surgery by different doctors in December 2011 to remove the mesh. Still have the green discharge[Show More]I had bladder prolapse surgery in May 2011 with mesh being inserted in the vaginal walls and a sling for the bladder. Eight week recovery was good. Felt so much better. Then a green vaginal discharge began in June and has not stopped to date. Has anyone else experienced the green discharge? Had another surgery by different doctors in December 2011 to remove the mesh. Still have the green discharge and a hole at the apex of my vagina. Urologist and Gynecologist are baffled by the hole that they say is causing the green discharge. They aren't sure if it was caused by the mesh from the first surgery. Haven't had intercourse since June 2011. Thank goodness for a patient husband. He only wants me better and well. So frustrated by this. I just want to be back to myself.

  • CindyJanuary 27, 2012 at 6:29 am

    HELP! My 73 year old mother has been having pain throughout most parts of her body (literally from head to toe depending on the day - some days better than others, but most of them are not very good). Over the course of the last 13 years, she has had (3) different surgeries due to pelvic organ prolapse and some urinary incontinence. I am not sure what devices or methods her surgeon used for her[Show More]HELP! My 73 year old mother has been having pain throughout most parts of her body (literally from head to toe depending on the day - some days better than others, but most of them are not very good). Over the course of the last 13 years, she has had (3) different surgeries due to pelvic organ prolapse and some urinary incontinence. I am not sure what devices or methods her surgeon used for her first vaginal surgery, but she felt very good and had great recovery however, eventually the prolapse happened again. Surgery #2 used some type of sling but not sure of type or brand. She did pretty well after that for a number of years, but then one day she said it felt like it "broke loose" on one side. Hence, Surgery #3 - this one done in November 2010 using the AMS Elevate Prolift and MiniArc Sling kits. The same urologist did all of her surgeries. Since the 3rd surgery using the AMS mesh kits, she has had nothing but 1 problem after another. In her follow-up visits which took place the first 6 months of surgery, she has had alot of pain, several bouts of yeast infections, and an area that her surgeon claimed was "taking longer to heal". She had been on various antibiotics to "prevent infection". In post-op month 7 or 8, she felt very ill, almost like she came down with a terrible flu-like illness (this is not in the normal flu season either.) Her family doc discovered she had extremely low potassium level, had her get 4 bags IV potassium in hospital right away, and continued to monitor her levels via bloodwork over next month. About 3 days after IV potassium, she had SEVERE burning in her esophagus (described it as feeling ulcerated), lost a great deal of her ability to taste anything, had strange nerve type sensations, burning, and itching in her scalp, arms, hands, legs, feet - you name it, she felt it everywhere. She described it as though her body felt like it was "gaulded or burnt inside" and her skin became so sensitive to touch she could hardly stand to wear clothes or let the water from the shower hit her body! She was so weak and frail at this time, I was very concerned that she had some rapid onset of cancer or other ravaging type illness. She would take pain pills and sleep so much that it was hard to believe it was my mother. She was aging very quickly right in front of our eyes. She could hardly walk (this was a woman who seemed just fine 2 months prior other than still healing from her 3rd bladder surgery. Her protein levels were very low as she lost her appetite and couldn't taste her food or drinks. A coffee lover by heart, she was not even drinking that as it burned her esophagus. Several months of this and she finally seemed to be getting on the mend. She also saw an infectious disease specialist who was a good listener and ran every blood test you could think of but the only thing that turned up was evidence of past cytomegalovirus, an elevated white count, and that her body seemed to have signs of inflammation. She did NOT seem to feel it was a reaction to the mesh until I convinced her to do an internet search. By the end, she suspected this as a possibility and even filed a complaint with the FDA. She referred us on to a female Urologist in Pittsburgh, PA, who just did a cystoscopy exam under anesthesia. She said she did not see any mesh erosion and that the bladder looked fine; however, she wants to have a fellow gynecologist do an in-office exam to see what she thinks. My mother is dreading this horribly as she has been in SOOO much pain since the cystoscopy and is again having strange nerve sensations throughout her body. The one thing that has been a constant is she has vaginal pain, a very strong "AMMONIATED URINE" smell, some discharge with a little brownish blood in it, very painful to have sex or even for a doctor to examine her in this area. She has not been able to sleep and is just miserable. I feel so helpless on what to do because she has such random, strange pains and the doctors aren't finding any answers or taking her seriously. I certainly understand after reading all these posts what she means how you go to one doctor after another and no one seems to know how to help you or thinks it's all in your head! Doctors need to be taught extensive lessons in med. school about empathy, honesty and basic skills in HUMANITY! Anyway, I have been researching all about this mesh problem for the last 5 months and came across the website for Atlanta Urogynecology Associates, Drs. Miklos and Moore. It looks like they are the top experts in this field and am wondering if any of you have consulted them or had surgery there or know anyone who has? What was the experience like and were they successful in removing the mesh and alleviating pain? I'm wondering if the mesh is pinching on a main nerve that may be causing her to have all these strange symptoms? Please, anyone who can offer any feedback or has these type of nerve pains or other symptoms like hers, please post and possibly put an e-mail address if you can be of any help to us. WE ARE DESPERATE AND FEEL LIKE SHE IS RUNNING OUT OF TIME! Thanks to all who read my post - sorry it was so long, just had to get it all out there!

  • MichelleJanuary 25, 2012 at 8:05 pm

    I had a cystocele and rectocele repair in May 2003. A year later my uterus and bladder had prolapsed again. In 2008 I had a partial hysterecomy and mesh was placed. I have read all about the problems others have had, the pain and such and it is terrible. I'm happy to report that I have had no problems at all except for the occasional stress incontinence accident, which I can live with. My d[Show More]I had a cystocele and rectocele repair in May 2003. A year later my uterus and bladder had prolapsed again. In 2008 I had a partial hysterecomy and mesh was placed. I have read all about the problems others have had, the pain and such and it is terrible. I'm happy to report that I have had no problems at all except for the occasional stress incontinence accident, which I can live with. My doctor was a uro-gynecologist out of Indianapolis and she was fabulous. I feel so lucky that I have had not problems compared to what others have gone through.

  • TinaDecember 5, 2011 at 11:46 pm

    In December '08 I had a complete hysterectomy and a bladder sling done at the same time. When I returned home from the hospital I could barely walk and the pain shooting through my back and hip was just awful. After months of constantly icing my back and hip and taking loads of pain killing narcotics, it eventually went away. A few months later, I went to my colon doctor because I was having troub[Show More]In December '08 I had a complete hysterectomy and a bladder sling done at the same time. When I returned home from the hospital I could barely walk and the pain shooting through my back and hip was just awful. After months of constantly icing my back and hip and taking loads of pain killing narcotics, it eventually went away. A few months later, I went to my colon doctor because I was having trouble going to the bathroom. At that point he wanted to send me to a specialist about 90 miles away because he noted when doing my colonoscopy that my rectum did not respond as it should. I was already leery of more surgeries so I just passed it off as a effect from the narcotics I was still taking. Just recently I noticed that my incontinence was back and so was that horrible pain in my back and hip only now that pain also causes numbness in my hands and down my legs. I used to be a fairly active person and at the age of 52 I think I still should be, but I've had to stop doing several things I used to do because of pain and "accidents" that I now have. I'm ashamed to say that my son is embarrassed of me because I've gone down hill so rapidly. He thinks it's all in my head and I'm here to tell you that it isn't. This pain is REAL...These symptoms are REAL.

  • JudyNovember 29, 2011 at 2:03 am

    November 28, 2011: I am thinking of having the mesh surgery due to a prolapsed bladder. My Urologist gave me the impression that his was an easy surgery and that it would resolve my problem. I have Cystocele with having pain when emptying my bladder and feel like my insides are going to fall out all the time. I feel like someone is stabbing me in the vagina area. Any suggestions on what to do [Show More]November 28, 2011: I am thinking of having the mesh surgery due to a prolapsed bladder. My Urologist gave me the impression that his was an easy surgery and that it would resolve my problem. I have Cystocele with having pain when emptying my bladder and feel like my insides are going to fall out all the time. I feel like someone is stabbing me in the vagina area. Any suggestions on what to do besides surgery?

  • Ohio MomNovember 15, 2011 at 1:53 pm

    I have to ask again, what surgical approaches were GYN surgeons taking decades ago? My mom had a hysterectomy in 1978. I know she didn't have mesh. Is it possible to have a hysterectomy but request that your doctor not use mesh? Very leary to go to my doctor, he will no doubt say it's time for me to have this mesh surgery and I will say - no way. The failure rate is very high I've read. Certainly [Show More]I have to ask again, what surgical approaches were GYN surgeons taking decades ago? My mom had a hysterectomy in 1978. I know she didn't have mesh. Is it possible to have a hysterectomy but request that your doctor not use mesh? Very leary to go to my doctor, he will no doubt say it's time for me to have this mesh surgery and I will say - no way. The failure rate is very high I've read. Certainly not less than 1%, more like 15-20% of women requiring post op surgeries to remove the recently installed mesh. Julie, I related to your concerns for your sister, and a twin at that (I'm sure your connection is very powerful). I don't think I'd want to take a 80% chance my mesh wouldn't erode. No way.

  • ReeseNovember 15, 2011 at 6:10 am

    I had a partial hysterectomy (removal of uterus and left ovary) when I was 22, after 8 years of cyst problems they finally decided it was time to remove it and start HRT. We also discussed MINOR stress incontinence, laughing, jumping, sneezing, light leakage. When going in for surgery we had discussed removal of right ovary and a bladder suspension...but when I came to, the Dr told me they did a U[Show More]I had a partial hysterectomy (removal of uterus and left ovary) when I was 22, after 8 years of cyst problems they finally decided it was time to remove it and start HRT. We also discussed MINOR stress incontinence, laughing, jumping, sneezing, light leakage. When going in for surgery we had discussed removal of right ovary and a bladder suspension...but when I came to, the Dr told me they did a Urethra sling instead. Went home from the hospital with a cathedar to be removed the next day...I was completely black and blue and could not sit at all without shooting pain...2 days later when I climbed out of bed, I peed all over myself with no control, just from standing up- it bottomed out. Went in to see the Dr, told me not to panic, to just wait it out, trauma and swelling could be culprit...this went on for 6 more weeks, I couldnt stand up without spontaneously peeing on myself- Here I was 30 yrs old LIVING in DEPENDS. (Not to mention the humiliation and despression that takes a toll) My Dr. finally got tired of me complaining and handed me off to a Urologist, we did extensive testing, Biofeeedback ect to find my pelvic floor was completely shot and that the mesh was not working, just some useless foreign object left in my body. So after 6 months of being COMPLETELY incontinent we scheduled the 2nd surgery. I wasnt peeing on myself anymore, but now it was done too tight and I couldnt pee at all...it took 4 days to finally pee on my own (without cathedar) and after recover it still felt too tight and sex was out of the question. After months of therapy to build up the pelvic floor muscles, sex became more enjoyable, but the ability to climax was no longer there, this led to more therapy...stimulant transmistters hooked up to a metal tampon inserted and linked to a computer ( I call it electro-shock therapy for your who-ha) it worked and climax is better, but not at all like it was before 2nd surgery. Now to todays problem...severe cramping off and on for the last few weeks...my entire pelvic area (who-ha) goes numb and its been 2 years and I still cant sit a certain way without that shooting pain I experienced right after the first surgery...Im not sure what to do and Im terrified to have another surgery when it took a year to learn how to pee semi normal again....I hate that I didnt research these procedures more before i just said ok, fix it....cause to this day....if I could go back, I would not have had these surgeries. It was minimal stress incontinence that led to "bottoming out" all over myself for months, to losing the ability to pee properly and climax during sex with my husband, Id take peeing on myself a smidge when I sneezed every time over what Ive had to deal with. SIMPLY DONT DO IT.

  • JoyNovember 13, 2011 at 6:44 pm

    JULIE, I spoke with the nurse after I told her of my concerns and she said the Dr. is very confident in the procedure that I am going to have. I'm SURE the Drs are all aware of the "bad mesh" so I'm at ease with it! She told me to ask the Dr. tomorrow before I go to surgery about the % of these kinds of surgeries that DON"T work! I feel much better about having this done tomorrow, now I wish it wa[Show More]JULIE, I spoke with the nurse after I told her of my concerns and she said the Dr. is very confident in the procedure that I am going to have. I'm SURE the Drs are all aware of the "bad mesh" so I'm at ease with it! She told me to ask the Dr. tomorrow before I go to surgery about the % of these kinds of surgeries that DON"T work! I feel much better about having this done tomorrow, now I wish it was just OVER WITH! I will update this message and let everyone know what the progress is!

  • JulieNovember 11, 2011 at 6:55 am

    My Twin Sister has had 4 BIG Children born naturally.She is getting ready to have a rectal , vaginal(something) surgery that u all r talking about on MONDAY. I Woke up last night and felt something bacd about her having this done. ALOT OF TIMES WE CAN FEEL EACH OTHERS PAIN OR THINGS THAT R GOING TO HAPPEN TO THE OTHER ONE. I DON'T KNOW WHY. I GUESS CAUSE WE R TWINS.Anyway they want to put some kin[Show More]My Twin Sister has had 4 BIG Children born naturally.She is getting ready to have a rectal , vaginal(something) surgery that u all r talking about on MONDAY. I Woke up last night and felt something bacd about her having this done. ALOT OF TIMES WE CAN FEEL EACH OTHERS PAIN OR THINGS THAT R GOING TO HAPPEN TO THE OTHER ONE. I DON'T KNOW WHY. I GUESS CAUSE WE R TWINS.Anyway they want to put some kind of (MESH) in her. i have heard some about the mesh, but I think I know ALOT MORE NOW FROM U R STORIES. OMG DO I EVER FEEL FOR U LADIES. I WILL SAY A SPECIAL PRAYER ASKING OUR GOOD LORD TO TAKE TTHAT NASTEY PAIN AWAY. BUT, WHAT DO I DO ABOUT MY 56yr. TWIN SISTER. I TOLD HER TO GET 2nd & 3rd opioins. HELP THE SURGERY IS MONDAY!!

  • Ohio MomNovember 6, 2011 at 2:05 am

    56 colon cancer survivor, hip to hip, navel to pelvic area, I'm a road map and a mess (nearly 2 feet of my lower colon removed 12 years ago but cancer free to this day). That said my GYN doc has been watching my uterine prolapse for years now, long before my colon cancer. My cervix is now very low somedays and I am afraid to see my GYN. Why? He's been saying "someday" I will need a hysterectomy an[Show More]56 colon cancer survivor, hip to hip, navel to pelvic area, I'm a road map and a mess (nearly 2 feet of my lower colon removed 12 years ago but cancer free to this day). That said my GYN doc has been watching my uterine prolapse for years now, long before my colon cancer. My cervix is now very low somedays and I am afraid to see my GYN. Why? He's been saying "someday" I will need a hysterectomy and my colon doc has always said if I had a hysterectomy (tucking everything back up where it should be), my colon probs (chronic, multiple bm's, for life) would improve (guessing by now all these organs are resting on eachother? All I know I am freaked out. Are there any GYN's performing hysterectomies w/o mess, w/o slings? Just curious. For now I am putting up with this prolapse and doing my kegels. Trying to lose 10 lbs too, I know that helps with a uterine prolapse. Sorry to have droned on and on, but so many of you want to warn those of us who may need these surgeries in the near future. I do not want this surgery! Thanks for reading and I wish all of you were not in lifelong pain from this horrid mesh.

  • sissyNovember 4, 2011 at 4:12 am

    I'm sorry to hear about all this grief! I understand because. I have witnessed it too.. in 2008. I had a total prolift. the sling & mesh surgury.my infection & pain started only 3 day's later.which ended me in up in the emergency Rm. since then I have been on antibiotics on & of for 3 yrs had a surgury in 2010 to remove corrouded mesh & a blockage in my vagina now in 2011 the pinc[Show More]I'm sorry to hear about all this grief! I understand because. I have witnessed it too.. in 2008. I had a total prolift. the sling & mesh surgury.my infection & pain started only 3 day's later.which ended me in up in the emergency Rm. since then I have been on antibiotics on & of for 3 yrs had a surgury in 2010 to remove corrouded mesh & a blockage in my vagina now in 2011 the pinching & burning is back. I am on antibiotics for constant infections. I have been to the emergency rm. 3 times in the last 3 yr's now my primary Dr. has found corrouded mesh in the mouth of my vagina again. an as soon as the antibiotic's take care of the infection I am skeduled for surgury by my urologist in a few wk's I am so tired of it. I wish I could go back & do it the old fashioned way.& just get this unnatural thing out of me. I feel nervous all the time. hoping thr doctor can make it right once an for all. pray for me. I will pray for all of you to be healed also . love Sissy!

  • ginaNovember 3, 2011 at 4:42 pm

    i had this surgery about 4 or 5 years ago after the sling was put in i could not pee. I went in and out of the operating room every week for five weeks until it was removed. Then a urologist came into my case and dilated my urethra then i could pee. I had to self catheterize for 5 weeks. I was absolutely devastated and in pain.

  • shirleyOctober 29, 2011 at 1:50 pm

    I had a monarch mesh sling put in about 3 years ago. I have had some leg pains but other than that no problems that I know of. I guess my question is should I be worried about the sling shifting and not being were it is suppose to be? I have read posts of woman finding out it was to close to another organ by going in for another problem. I am thinking about checking into when I had it put in exact[Show More]I had a monarch mesh sling put in about 3 years ago. I have had some leg pains but other than that no problems that I know of. I guess my question is should I be worried about the sling shifting and not being were it is suppose to be? I have read posts of woman finding out it was to close to another organ by going in for another problem. I am thinking about checking into when I had it put in exactly and other information.

  • BelindaOctober 25, 2011 at 8:06 am

    I came to know that i experienced endometriosis complications when i was diagnosed and undergone surgery back in 2008. It is severe that caused infertility in me till today despite the IUI and IVF procedures i have tried after the removal of fyborid tissues from my both ovaries. I wish to know any suppllements which are scientifically proven that is effective on endometriosis. I heard about vev[Show More]I came to know that i experienced endometriosis complications when i was diagnosed and undergone surgery back in 2008. It is severe that caused infertility in me till today despite the IUI and IVF procedures i have tried after the removal of fyborid tissues from my both ovaries. I wish to know any suppllements which are scientifically proven that is effective on endometriosis. I heard about veve gel and progene melIlea. Do both helps? Any side or adverse effects? Or any other recommended supplements? Really appreciate if someone could help me on this. Thousand thanks in advance.

  • AprilOctober 18, 2011 at 1:05 am

    I had a sling put in for my prolasped bladder in 2006. I have to relieve my bladder every hour. I thought having the sling put in would make things better. I can't have relations with my husband too painful.I tried in 2006 & that was the last time we had sex. Were still married & thank goodness I have a patient husband. I would like my life back to normal again. My bladder has prolasped ag[Show More]I had a sling put in for my prolasped bladder in 2006. I have to relieve my bladder every hour. I thought having the sling put in would make things better. I can't have relations with my husband too painful.I tried in 2006 & that was the last time we had sex. Were still married & thank goodness I have a patient husband. I would like my life back to normal again. My bladder has prolasped again. Is there a better sling they have out now? I need to have surgery again. I need a safe way to correct my prolasped bladder.

  • JackyOctober 13, 2011 at 12:26 pm

    I live in the U.K. I had TVT in 2004 was told it would prevent incontinence in old age. I went for a labia trim which was not done, the TVT was. I started with problems 18months later, vaginal infections which got worse each year after and lasted longer each time, at the same time I got cystitus symtoms, but it wasn't cystitus. started to see surgeons in 2007, then in 2009 my right leg started to [Show More]I live in the U.K. I had TVT in 2004 was told it would prevent incontinence in old age. I went for a labia trim which was not done, the TVT was. I started with problems 18months later, vaginal infections which got worse each year after and lasted longer each time, at the same time I got cystitus symtoms, but it wasn't cystitus. started to see surgeons in 2007, then in 2009 my right leg started to hurt, another mystery, then pain in my left buttock. In 2010 my right buttock swelled and has remained, also I have not been able to sit for more than an hour a day since 2007. In 2010 after starting to use the internet I found out other people with the same problems and went to my doctor with this info for help. I got no help I had to try to find a surgeon myself after a year of seeing surgeons here and one of these so called experts was a gynecare rep, I found out later. I decided to use my savings to go to Texas to another so called expert for tape removal, to cut a long story short I am now 9 weeks post op, I find I havent had tape removal, but I have had a small segment removed and tape division? I could have had this done in the U.K. free, I dont know what tape division is? does anyone out ther know. all I have found out is it causes incontinence.I am now in a much worse state of health, my TVT symtoms remain with the addition since this of a uterus prolapse, unable to sit for a minute, stabbing pains in the vagina, constant burning day and night, swelling of the left buttock and thighs and lower abdomin, I also have pins and needle sensation down my thighs to my knees and in my bottom. My left leg is so painful now I cannot sleep with it, this goes down to my left toe. I am unable to wear any previous underwear or clothing in this area, so I am in prision and also when I wee it goes left and right and up my back, and I cannot always empty, I am going more often but only 30 ml at a time. I went to have the tape removed so I could have sex and sit down, this was important to function, I was told I would be back to normal and would be able to have sex again. Well I would have paid this bloke to leave me alone if I had know. I want warn people about having this procedure called tape division, it just makes TVT symtoms worse, I had no idea this was planned for me I am now worse off than before, I am still trying to get my medical records and the small segment removed from me since early September with no luck up to now. Can any tell me what tape division is?

  • KatherynSeptember 29, 2011 at 2:14 am

    I am now 25 years old, I have had cronic pelvic pain since 2007, resulting from a emergency cesarean surgery with my twins. During this surgery Vicryl was inplanted into me. I had horrbile pain for about a year, I saw a gynecologist in 2009 and he diagnosed me with endrometriosis and interstitual cystitas, I was pressured into a full hysterectomy in October of 2009 which was supposed to relieve my[Show More]I am now 25 years old, I have had cronic pelvic pain since 2007, resulting from a emergency cesarean surgery with my twins. During this surgery Vicryl was inplanted into me. I had horrbile pain for about a year, I saw a gynecologist in 2009 and he diagnosed me with endrometriosis and interstitual cystitas, I was pressured into a full hysterectomy in October of 2009 which was supposed to relieve my pain; the surgeon that did my hysterectomy in 2009 inserted Vicryl into me again, Vicryl has been recalled and the makers of Vicryl "Ethicon" are involved in many lawsuits called "trans vaginal mesh" lawsuits. I do not know what to do, I cannot have any more children and I was pressured into a hysterectomy when I was 22 that was supposed to relieve my pain, yet it caused much more pain. I am to the point of not being able to walk from the cronic pain, I have refused to take pain killers as they are so addicting. I am 25 and I feel as if I am an elderly woman, I need help and advise, this pain is making me feel that my life is over, I cannot even go for a walk.

  • ChristySeptember 27, 2011 at 7:46 pm

    Rachel, I had the same problem. I had my A&P repair in July 2008. Bye that november I was back on the OR table because I had mesh extrusion. We didnt' even bother with estrogen cream, it doesn't work, ever! Anyways 4 weeks after that I had mesh exposure due to infection, so back on the OR table to have that fixed. 4 weeks after that, I had another mesh extrusion, doc took care of it in off[Show More]Rachel, I had the same problem. I had my A&P repair in July 2008. Bye that november I was back on the OR table because I had mesh extrusion. We didnt' even bother with estrogen cream, it doesn't work, ever! Anyways 4 weeks after that I had mesh exposure due to infection, so back on the OR table to have that fixed. 4 weeks after that, I had another mesh extrusion, doc took care of it in office and BOY was that awful. A year went by and things were ok. The fall of 2010, I found another extrusion. Hub couldn't feel it luckily so my GYN and I decided that we would wait untill it became a problem then he would just remove the damn mesh. Well I was getting chronic vaginal infections, and had been but didn't realize it was from the mesh. Anyways in Dec. 2010, I had the anterior portion of the mesh removed. That was a very hard surgery for both me and my GYN, and the recovery was slow and painfull. But so far I feel great, no problems. Luckily Ihaven't had ANY problems with the postierior mesh

  • NancySeptember 25, 2011 at 8:40 am

    This is a follow up of my post on 9/13 with results of the CT Scan. It was normal and found no issues. However, I had a colonoscopy on 8/16/11 and now my GYN states that it was the manipulation of the colonoscopy that has caused my pain by moving around the mesh and putting in lots of air into the intestines. My GYN is also stating it may takes months for me to re-heal but he doesn't say what need[Show More]This is a follow up of my post on 9/13 with results of the CT Scan. It was normal and found no issues. However, I had a colonoscopy on 8/16/11 and now my GYN states that it was the manipulation of the colonoscopy that has caused my pain by moving around the mesh and putting in lots of air into the intestines. My GYN is also stating it may takes months for me to re-heal but he doesn't say what needs to be re-healed. Oh, by the way, he did not examine me his nurse practioner did and then she relayed this information to me. Also, it was my PCP that agreed to do a CT Scan, put me on antibiotics and 3 days of steroids with pain medication to help try and find out what is going on since the colonoscopy. My question, and I do hope someone can answer this, what type of imaging would I ask for to see the mesh? My PCP completed a normal X-ray in office and because the mesh is not calcified it cannot be seen. On the CT Scan report, the mesh was never mentioned. So, how does a physician see it if it has migrated or has issues?

  • RachelSeptember 14, 2011 at 9:50 pm

    I had a 4th degree uterine proplapse and a cystocele and rectocele. So October 2010 I had my Uterus placed in a slig and an A&P repair. I was told at the time of my informed consent The only problem i coulkd have would be eveulsion. I ask how would I know that? The Doctor said "He will tell you it felt like a cheese grater".... I had the sugery done and at my 6 week check up the anterior incis[Show More]I had a 4th degree uterine proplapse and a cystocele and rectocele. So October 2010 I had my Uterus placed in a slig and an A&P repair. I was told at the time of my informed consent The only problem i coulkd have would be eveulsion. I ask how would I know that? The Doctor said "He will tell you it felt like a cheese grater".... I had the sugery done and at my 6 week check up the anterior incision was not healing correctly and mesh was exposed so I was put on premerin cream..... No Luck 4 months later I had to have the lower part of the mesh removed and incision repaired....now 6 months later I am having sex and BOOM... Erection gone like i popped a balloon...Went back to the Dr the next day and More mesh is exposed at the top of my incision. More surgery, No Sex, repeated UTI's and Vaginal infections. I have contacted an attorney who specializes in mesh complications. Hope this helps others ....Am I going to have to go back for surgery every 6 months? Geeze

  • SuzzanneSeptember 13, 2011 at 6:47 pm

    On Dec 20, 2010 I was due to have a minor surgery, having the MiniArc Precise Suburethral Sling implanted and ended up having major surgery, a partial hysterectomy as well as having the MiniArc Sling implanted. I had so many complications from the word go. I ended up needing surgery to have the MiniArc Sling/Mesh removed April 1, 2011. The complications were just horrific and the mesh started er[Show More]On Dec 20, 2010 I was due to have a minor surgery, having the MiniArc Precise Suburethral Sling implanted and ended up having major surgery, a partial hysterectomy as well as having the MiniArc Sling implanted. I had so many complications from the word go. I ended up needing surgery to have the MiniArc Sling/Mesh removed April 1, 2011. The complications were just horrific and the mesh started eroding within a month of it being implanted. I have had calls regarding filing a lawsuit and continue to get encouragement to do so. Now I am at the point, where I am not sure if there are lawyer scams out there or not. Just not sure, too many rushing me to sign something. Does anyone have any advise?

  • NancySeptember 9, 2011 at 10:34 pm

    I had the mesh put in place in 2008 due to chronic bladder infections that my gyn stated after doing a urodynamic test, that I had prolaspe. since the insertion I have returned several times back to my gyn and he wanted to cut one side of the mesh as he thought it was too tight, I declined, then he wanted to send me to physical therapy, I declined, he then told me that he had the vagina too tight [Show More]I had the mesh put in place in 2008 due to chronic bladder infections that my gyn stated after doing a urodynamic test, that I had prolaspe. since the insertion I have returned several times back to my gyn and he wanted to cut one side of the mesh as he thought it was too tight, I declined, then he wanted to send me to physical therapy, I declined, he then told me that he had the vagina too tight and I would need to purchase items to stretch it out which would lessen the pain during intercourse and in-between. I did not purchase these things. However, the discomfort went away after about 8 months after the procedure, now here I am three years post-op and I am in some major pain in the vagina area and sex is out of the question for now. I can hardly stand or sit for a period of time without having major discomfort. I have an appointment onn 9/13 and I am going to ask for a CT or MRI to make sure the mesh is not the cause of the on and off again pain.

  • LeslieSeptember 7, 2011 at 9:35 pm

    I had the surgery about 12 years ago. The recovery was very painful and intercourse was nightmarish. The graft itself held up very well at first, but after a couple of years the prolapse returned. I have frequent vaginal and bladder infections, but I can't be sure these are due to the graft. The immune system issues I have had, started almost immediately after the surgery. If my body is rejec[Show More]I had the surgery about 12 years ago. The recovery was very painful and intercourse was nightmarish. The graft itself held up very well at first, but after a couple of years the prolapse returned. I have frequent vaginal and bladder infections, but I can't be sure these are due to the graft. The immune system issues I have had, started almost immediately after the surgery. If my body is rejecting the implant, it could certainly put stress on my immune system. If you are considering getting an implant - DON"T! There are physical therapy specialists who help people with prolapse. I didn't know about them until after I had the horrific procedure.

  • DoloresSeptember 5, 2011 at 4:22 am

    Similar to "Ruth's" (2008) comments, I had bladder sling suspension surgery in 2001 due to leakage and stress iincontinence . After surgery, I had trouble urinating and had to use a catheter for some time. On the advice of my GP, I got a second opinion from a urogynocologist who told me this was not a precise science and it actually could have been too tight. one solution could be to try to go i[Show More]Similar to "Ruth's" (2008) comments, I had bladder sling suspension surgery in 2001 due to leakage and stress iincontinence . After surgery, I had trouble urinating and had to use a catheter for some time. On the advice of my GP, I got a second opinion from a urogynocologist who told me this was not a precise science and it actually could have been too tight. one solution could be to try to go in and remove the sling, (which may or not be possible) which would mean I would be back where I was before the surgery, or perhaps worse. Since then, I have had many urinary tract infections, and really have no idea now what to do, if anything. Actually, I do not know if mesh was used in my surgery or what.

  • claudiaAugust 27, 2011 at 12:13 pm

    had sling done april 2011---works fine had no pain---- the sling is just a small thin tape thing that wrapped around my pl-bone on both sides. was in hospital over night, hope and pray that this is nothing like the mesh in a few years. i do have to use a k-y-jelly every few days, and a viberater weekly to build up muscle tone tom help hold up my bladder. they need a list of all woman here so we [Show More]had sling done april 2011---works fine had no pain---- the sling is just a small thin tape thing that wrapped around my pl-bone on both sides. was in hospital over night, hope and pray that this is nothing like the mesh in a few years. i do have to use a k-y-jelly every few days, and a viberater weekly to build up muscle tone tom help hold up my bladder. they need a list of all woman here so we can sign it and give informateion to f.d.a. praying for all those ladies

  • JulieAugust 15, 2011 at 7:07 pm

    I had the procedure in Ontario,Canada in December 2011. I had a few weeks of sharp pains and numbness on the right side of the pubic bone for which the doctor assured me that it will take some time to heal. Since the procedure, I had to undergoe pelvic physiotherapy because my husband and I couldn't do intercourse due to the vestibule being so painfull. Since the physiotherapy things are better[Show More]I had the procedure in Ontario,Canada in December 2011. I had a few weeks of sharp pains and numbness on the right side of the pubic bone for which the doctor assured me that it will take some time to heal. Since the procedure, I had to undergoe pelvic physiotherapy because my husband and I couldn't do intercourse due to the vestibule being so painfull. Since the physiotherapy things are better but for one thing; orgasm! I can no longer have an orgasm like I used to, before the procedure. I do have circulation issues in my legs but I had that prior to surgery. I do have the odd sharp stabbing pain near and aroung the pubic bone area when I stretch. I had to undergoe a test that they stick barium but the rectum and the vagina to rule out a rectocele because they thought that I had a bowel prolapse; gyne stated everything was o.k. I do have some difficulty passing urine and bm's like if there is always something left inside that's having trouble to come out. I'm thankfull that I don't have problems like most of you for the time being; it hasn't been one year post-surgery yet... To be followed.

  • NJJuly 27, 2011 at 2:06 am

    Wow ...what a travesty against women. Many women if not most women who develop these issues have had difficulties during childbirth. Maybe because in this day and age people insist on childbirth in position that is convenient to physician rather than woman delivering. I am disappointed that there are no safe solutions out here for ladies. So many suffer in silence before seeking help and then to[Show More]Wow ...what a travesty against women. Many women if not most women who develop these issues have had difficulties during childbirth. Maybe because in this day and age people insist on childbirth in position that is convenient to physician rather than woman delivering. I am disappointed that there are no safe solutions out here for ladies. So many suffer in silence before seeking help and then to have this sort of issue arise after what must have seemed like such a hopeful fix. I think everyone on here is so brave to post their experiences. This is a health issue that impacts women and families. Spouses are impacted and livelihoods are impacted when the quality of life of a mother/wife/girlfriend/daughter/sister/aunt cannot function independently and fully . I know we can do better in the USA. I just wish that women were given more priority in research. It seems that so little information is provided. Thanks again for adding all of your posts. It is so hard to go through medical issues without support or proper information. I wish you all well. Be blessed. And may you be supported in all the ways that you need to be.

  • JudyJuly 25, 2011 at 7:34 pm

    To Patricia, you don't have to have this done! Don't let any doctor use a mesh product inside of you. I have been having all these problems that everyone is reporting for 3 years. My doctor just kelp telling me everything is fine just use this hormone cream. My life has been turned upside down. I finally got mad with my Dr. for just blowing me off and changed Drs. Thank God I did. It seems that I [Show More]To Patricia, you don't have to have this done! Don't let any doctor use a mesh product inside of you. I have been having all these problems that everyone is reporting for 3 years. My doctor just kelp telling me everything is fine just use this hormone cream. My life has been turned upside down. I finally got mad with my Dr. for just blowing me off and changed Drs. Thank God I did. It seems that I have a large piece of mesh that had gone through and was inside my bladder. I don't know what is next they are trying to find a specialist that will be able to help me. Don't know what else they might find when they get in there. Not once in 3 years did my doctor say that this might be a problem with the mesh. He never even mentioned there was a mesh problem period.

  • PaticiaJuly 22, 2011 at 10:24 am

    I got to have this done on the the 28th day of july please someone help me to dicide.ty

  • teraJuly 18, 2011 at 2:59 am

    I am frustrated and sad to see so many with same problems as me... I had a hysterectomy removing Uterus w/ AP Repairs (for rectocele & cytocele) also mesh pelvic floor replacement. Since then have had 2 other surgeries to correct the mesh from coming through vaginal wall...the last was not sutured and I am a mess inside. I cannot have sexual relations anymore because of pain to myself AND my p[Show More]I am frustrated and sad to see so many with same problems as me... I had a hysterectomy removing Uterus w/ AP Repairs (for rectocele & cytocele) also mesh pelvic floor replacement. Since then have had 2 other surgeries to correct the mesh from coming through vaginal wall...the last was not sutured and I am a mess inside. I cannot have sexual relations anymore because of pain to myself AND my partner...my doctor said all that is left is to do...is remove it, but I will be in diapers in 5 yrs. I am so devastated in all this and do not know what to do now. I have been like this for over a year.

  • CobyJuly 13, 2011 at 10:07 pm

    I had one of these placed after my complete hysterectomy about 12 years ago. I'm fairly certain mine would be the type that is in question. I have had numerous problems since my surgery. Painful sex has been the least of them. This explains numerous health problems I have been dealing with. My bladder sling was completely precautionary...I had no previous problems with incontinence, etc. My doctor[Show More]I had one of these placed after my complete hysterectomy about 12 years ago. I'm fairly certain mine would be the type that is in question. I have had numerous problems since my surgery. Painful sex has been the least of them. This explains numerous health problems I have been dealing with. My bladder sling was completely precautionary...I had no previous problems with incontinence, etc. My doctor said he was doing it to avoid the possibility of organ prolapse.

  • DianeJuly 13, 2011 at 8:21 pm

    I had my hysterectomy in January of 2009. Everything seemed fine after the initial healing process. About a year ago I began experiencing severe constipation. To this day, I still have the problem, no matter how much fiber/water/supplements I use. In addition, over the course of the last six months I have developed EXTREME pain during intercourse. My husband even told me that he could actuall[Show More]I had my hysterectomy in January of 2009. Everything seemed fine after the initial healing process. About a year ago I began experiencing severe constipation. To this day, I still have the problem, no matter how much fiber/water/supplements I use. In addition, over the course of the last six months I have developed EXTREME pain during intercourse. My husband even told me that he could actually feel the mesh while we had intercourse. The pain seems to be getting worse and I realize I obviously need to get this checked out. My husband told me he had seen something on TV about this and encouraged me to do some checking, and WOW---I was not prepared to see that this problem has been going on for so many years with so many affected women! It looks like this problem has cost many of you your relationships and thank God I am not (yet) in that situation.

  • deborahJuly 12, 2011 at 11:16 pm

    I had 'this thing', mesh surgically placed in me in 2002. My doc botched the surgery, and had to go back in and redo it after not being able to urinate on my own, or completely empty my bladder. i had a foley catheter for 2 months, had to work, and missed quite a bit of work. I had to pay for the surgery all over again, and when all was said and done, the pain was very great. My doc dumped me ba[Show More]I had 'this thing', mesh surgically placed in me in 2002. My doc botched the surgery, and had to go back in and redo it after not being able to urinate on my own, or completely empty my bladder. i had a foley catheter for 2 months, had to work, and missed quite a bit of work. I had to pay for the surgery all over again, and when all was said and done, the pain was very great. My doc dumped me basically, had no interest anymore, like go away type behavior. I now at 53 years old, have rectocele, much embarrasement, cannot have sex, due to the pain, and it has destroyed my relationships since. I am alone and will never be the same. i could go on........ divorced.

  • jenningJune 16, 2011 at 8:21 pm

    My story is like most of the rest listed above, I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad but at least I know I'm not crazy anymore. I had 3 back to back surgeries in 5 months starting in Aug 2010, Oct 2010, & Dec 2010. Within days of the 3rd surgery I felt better than I had in years. Slowly I began to get minor pains on my right lower side and in my back. They didn't happen together one day I would[Show More]My story is like most of the rest listed above, I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad but at least I know I'm not crazy anymore. I had 3 back to back surgeries in 5 months starting in Aug 2010, Oct 2010, & Dec 2010. Within days of the 3rd surgery I felt better than I had in years. Slowly I began to get minor pains on my right lower side and in my back. They didn't happen together one day I would have one a few days I would have another. It's been 6 months since my last surgery and now I have continual horrible pain on my lower right side and in my left lower back that goes all the way down my left leg that settles in my foot or knee. I can't sit, or stand in any one position for any length of time, getting in or out of the car is horrible or just unloading the dishwasher is a challenge. I can't sleep without the help of a RX. Problems "not going" to the bathroom (not constipated I just don't go). I am currently seeing my GP, I thought that all three of these problems could be related now I'm pretty sure they are. Now I just have to get someone to listen to me. This Blog has helped tons... Thanks

  • DebJune 15, 2011 at 10:04 pm

    I had a complete Hysterectomy in May of 2009 and also the Miniarc bladder was put in. I had been having some incontinence and the doctor had showed me a brochure about the sling and said it would help and no problem to put it in during the hysterectomy. I was released from the doctor at my 6 week check up. All seemed fine. In August I felt plastic in my vagina and called the doctor who performed t[Show More]I had a complete Hysterectomy in May of 2009 and also the Miniarc bladder was put in. I had been having some incontinence and the doctor had showed me a brochure about the sling and said it would help and no problem to put it in during the hysterectomy. I was released from the doctor at my 6 week check up. All seemed fine. In August I felt plastic in my vagina and called the doctor who performed the surgery. Sure enough the sling had eroded through my vagina. September I had surgery to remove the sling. The doctor told me that he cut the mesh down to the metal clamp thingies and sutured tissue over the clamps. Things weren't to bad for a while but here we are almost 2 years later and my incontinence is worse than ever. It is embarrassing and annoying and uncomfortable. I have been having pain in my pelvic area as well. I wish I had never had the sling put in. I am miserable!! I am having other stomach issues now as well and in the back of my mind I wonder about those clamps perhaps causing something. It could be totally unrelated but the concern is still there. I am finally going to contact a urologist because I wont go back to the gynecologist thet did the surgery. I have hesitated because I cannot afford the 25% my insurance doesn't cover.

  • LaneJune 15, 2011 at 4:17 am

    In July of 2010 I had a partial hysterectomy and the Gynecare Pro-lift for my prolapsed bladder and rectum. My dr was also very encouraging before surgery, claiming that there were rarely any issues with this mesh. I suffered from pelvic and lower back pain for months after the surgery, my dr kept saying she didn't see a problem. The past 4 months the pain has gotten so much worse. I can hardly ge[Show More]In July of 2010 I had a partial hysterectomy and the Gynecare Pro-lift for my prolapsed bladder and rectum. My dr was also very encouraging before surgery, claiming that there were rarely any issues with this mesh. I suffered from pelvic and lower back pain for months after the surgery, my dr kept saying she didn't see a problem. The past 4 months the pain has gotten so much worse. I can hardly get out of bed in the morning because my pelvis and lower back are killing me. If I happen to roll over in the night and sleep on my stomach awhile I wake up from the pain. I've been to the ER a few times and every time the drs have found blood in my urine and said I probably had a kidney stone. My gynocologist had also claimed that several months ago when I complained about the pain to her and she referred me to a urologist who ran tests and said I had no stones and my kidneys were fine. So I felt like my gyno was just trying to brush me off. Anyway, with the ER drs finding blood in my urine, and this constant, uncomfortable pain I am miserable and tired of drs acting like I'm making shit up. This pain is absolutely real and I hate having to hurt like this. I have 4 kids, 2 toddlers that require constant lifting and this is really putting a damper on my life. I had NO IDEA there were so many complications possible from this mesh. Had never even heard of mesh erosion or anything!!! What the heck is wrong with drs not giving us all the pros and cons??? Ugh.

  • MargieJune 7, 2011 at 7:08 pm

    I was so relieved to see this site, I have had complications from the moment I had my Coloplast Aris bladder sling procedure. I have had pain and UTI's and bladder spasms and lower back pain and the list goes on and on. After going from one specialist to another (5 different doctors) I was finally told what was causing all my symptoms: bladder sling. I had the procedure done almost 2 years ago and[Show More]I was so relieved to see this site, I have had complications from the moment I had my Coloplast Aris bladder sling procedure. I have had pain and UTI's and bladder spasms and lower back pain and the list goes on and on. After going from one specialist to another (5 different doctors) I was finally told what was causing all my symptoms: bladder sling. I had the procedure done almost 2 years ago and now my urogynocologist tells me she can TRY to remove it but has never done a complete removal before. She has only seen it done on video!!! I'm really scared now, not sure what to do. I would really like to have my life back, like most of you have said. I would love to know if any of you know any doctors in South Carolina who have experience in removing the mesh. My prayers are with everyone.

  • LindaJune 2, 2011 at 10:43 pm

    Please respond asap. My 73 yr old Mother is sceduled to have this surgery June 7. Last year she had the bladder tack and 8 days later she ended back up in the hopsital with MRSA on the inside where the stiches were. She almost died. The ID Doctor, said there was 95% chance she got the MRSA in the operating room during the surgery :( Six months later her bladder has dropped again. Her doctor sug[Show More]Please respond asap. My 73 yr old Mother is sceduled to have this surgery June 7. Last year she had the bladder tack and 8 days later she ended back up in the hopsital with MRSA on the inside where the stiches were. She almost died. The ID Doctor, said there was 95% chance she got the MRSA in the operating room during the surgery :( Six months later her bladder has dropped again. Her doctor suggested this sugery. She was al for the surgery until she talked to a woman today and she warned her not to do it. Any comments will be grateful. I was concerned about the MRSA coming back and not the mesh itself, but from the comments above, now I am worried, period!

  • sherylMay 7, 2011 at 1:45 am

    Is there anything that we women can do to help others from going through the misery that we have had to and continue to go through due to being misled about these mesh implants. So many women's lives are being torn apart (as well as marriages). With this many comments on this site.....where are the television stations? Gosh...you hear more about recalls on household appliances that you do the[Show More]Is there anything that we women can do to help others from going through the misery that we have had to and continue to go through due to being misled about these mesh implants. So many women's lives are being torn apart (as well as marriages). With this many comments on this site.....where are the television stations? Gosh...you hear more about recalls on household appliances that you do these......this is so wrong!!!!

  • JosieMay 4, 2011 at 9:35 pm

    WOW!!! To relive those horrific years, days, and moments in telling your stories but I can't thank you enough---for you have helped all of us who are now at that door of decision. Now we can think deeply, research, and consult wisely before we open the door. You have given us insight and incentives to approach the situations correctly and follow through. Women unite against this insanity and let[Show More]WOW!!! To relive those horrific years, days, and moments in telling your stories but I can't thank you enough---for you have helped all of us who are now at that door of decision. Now we can think deeply, research, and consult wisely before we open the door. You have given us insight and incentives to approach the situations correctly and follow through. Women unite against this insanity and lets put an end to this GIANT WRONG!!! GOD SPEED.

  • CTApril 17, 2011 at 11:49 pm

    I had my hysterectomy and tvt sling March 9, 2004. I was having bladder leakage when sneezing, coughing or laughing. I mentioned to my Gyn these issues and asked if they could be corrected. He praised the TVT bladder sling and the mesh so much that I never even thought twice about it. Didn't research or anything just put my faith in my Dr. I have not had near the issues that most of you have.[Show More]I had my hysterectomy and tvt sling March 9, 2004. I was having bladder leakage when sneezing, coughing or laughing. I mentioned to my Gyn these issues and asked if they could be corrected. He praised the TVT bladder sling and the mesh so much that I never even thought twice about it. Didn't research or anything just put my faith in my Dr. I have not had near the issues that most of you have. However, since the surgery I have bladder/kidney infections about once a month or so and numbness and pain in my lower back and groin area on the left side. My Gyn says I have no erosion and the TVT is not the issue. Since my surgery where they tacked to my pelvic bone there has always been a numb area and I can feel it pulling on my bladder as well. Sex with my husband is very painful most of the time since surgery as well. I have been told it is from lack of hormones. I am on 2 different hormones. But still have issues. I think something has pulled or moved with the TVT sling in the last week. The constant pull that I have felt since the surgery has gotten severly worse. It feels as if someone has slit me with a razor and attached a rope and pulling as hard as they can, causing ripping inside. After about 3 days of this I began experiencing a burning sensation after unination. In the last few days I have been drinking tons of water, but retaining it like crazy. The intense stabbing pain is getting more frequent. I am making a dr. appt. tomorrow but just finding this site has confirmed my suspcions that this tvt mesh is most likely my problem. I am so scared I do not want to have surgery again but I can't deal with this for much longer either. I am hoping and praying that it is just a really bad bladder infection, but I have never felt one like this before. Has anyone experienced these sort of problems?

  • jlApril 7, 2011 at 12:36 am

    I had a hernia repair and bladder sling done in 2005. The first sign of problems a piece of plasic poking through the vagina, then was discharge as this symptom worsened, there was soon itching, rash and a massive outbreak of excema any where it choose to be. Fatique and abdominal pain were also a constant condition. I have had three attempts to remove the various types of mesh present. At th[Show More]I had a hernia repair and bladder sling done in 2005. The first sign of problems a piece of plasic poking through the vagina, then was discharge as this symptom worsened, there was soon itching, rash and a massive outbreak of excema any where it choose to be. Fatique and abdominal pain were also a constant condition. I have had three attempts to remove the various types of mesh present. At this point the condition has worsened, required changing tampons 5 to 10 times daily. I am preparing for a forth attempt at removal. Life has been an agony for six long years during which my so-called husband abandonned me to a hugh work load, the accumulation of debt and a large house and property that cannot be sold which I am sure to loose. At 72 it is difficult to see my way out of this. I am attempting to sue and that will take years.

  • MindyApril 4, 2011 at 5:54 pm

    I had infections with kidneys, bladder and immune system got so low the CMV virus' and epstein barr took over I live in terrible pain even after surgeries had morphine patch, vicodin, and any other pain meds I could fine do not know I survived all these surgeries in one year but I feel better getting most of the mesh out. Do not do this surgery look for all other alternate sources these mesh kits [Show More]I had infections with kidneys, bladder and immune system got so low the CMV virus' and epstein barr took over I live in terrible pain even after surgeries had morphine patch, vicodin, and any other pain meds I could fine do not know I survived all these surgeries in one year but I feel better getting most of the mesh out. Do not do this surgery look for all other alternate sources these mesh kits do not make you better. Try your own skin or pig skin. Get to Houston Baylor Urology Dr Appell if at all possible. I credit him with saving my life. Even he was amazed after so many surgeries to still be taking out pieces of this mess the size of his hand. I would have him perform any surgery you need for remaoval or repair he is the only one anyone knew who would attempt it.

  • MindyApril 4, 2011 at 5:43 pm

    Do not do it I had 7 surgeries to remove this mesh and it almost killed me still have problems and pain with sex ever since. The mesh was for bladder prolapse and came through vaginal wall. Cut my husband while having sex. All the removal surgery was extremely painful last my job lost my husband lost my home all because of this mesh. They can grow your own tissue in lab or use pig tissue much safe[Show More]Do not do it I had 7 surgeries to remove this mesh and it almost killed me still have problems and pain with sex ever since. The mesh was for bladder prolapse and came through vaginal wall. Cut my husband while having sex. All the removal surgery was extremely painful last my job lost my husband lost my home all because of this mesh. They can grow your own tissue in lab or use pig tissue much safer at least a better choice I was never given those options or even told about it. I credit my doctor with saving my life at Baylor Med Center in Houston. Thank goodness I lived in Houston or I would be dead.

  • SherriMarch 28, 2011 at 9:42 pm

    In 2006 I had a cystocele, rectocele, hysterectomy; bladder sling etc.I had surgery in 2008 to repair mesh erosion, granuloma formation, scar tissue formation. Have had chronic UTI's infections, scar tissue formation, granuloma formation, infections, pelvic pain, urinary incontinence and development of urinary retention, dysuria, dyspareunia, I also cannot completely empty my bladder unless I sta[Show More]In 2006 I had a cystocele, rectocele, hysterectomy; bladder sling etc.I had surgery in 2008 to repair mesh erosion, granuloma formation, scar tissue formation. Have had chronic UTI's infections, scar tissue formation, granuloma formation, infections, pelvic pain, urinary incontinence and development of urinary retention, dysuria, dyspareunia, I also cannot completely empty my bladder unless I stand up. I am now resistant to most antibiotic's. I am about to undergo another surgery to remove some of the mesh that is causing horrible pain as well as replacement of the bladder sling and right ovary removal (3.5mm cyst). Have not had sex with my husband for 3 years, to painful!

  • MarionMarch 28, 2011 at 1:28 am

    This is my 4th or 5 comment? An update on my previous surgery May 9th, 2008. I am still in pain and guess I have to live with it? My stomach is still bloated, my back hurts all the time and I am feeling miserable. I am still on warfarin. I take 8mgs 4 days a week and 10 mgs 3 days a week. I have been going to the lab more times than I can remember. I have had another colonoscopy, endoscopy to s[Show More]This is my 4th or 5 comment? An update on my previous surgery May 9th, 2008. I am still in pain and guess I have to live with it? My stomach is still bloated, my back hurts all the time and I am feeling miserable. I am still on warfarin. I take 8mgs 4 days a week and 10 mgs 3 days a week. I have been going to the lab more times than I can remember. I have had another colonoscopy, endoscopy to see why my stomach and back hurts. The only thing the doctor can figure is that I must have adhesions from all the surgeries since my original surgery 5-9-08. The doctors say it is too serious to remove the adhesions because my organs could be damaged. Has anyone had any attornies contact them on this problem? I feel there should be a lawsuit against the mfg. of this mesh and the doctors that are still using this mesh and injuring us thru surgery. My life will never be the same. I hope we can prevent other women what so many of us have gone thru. I have warned women about the problems of this surgery.

  • SummerMarch 12, 2011 at 5:42 am

    I must say, hearing everyone's stories has made me feel like I am not alone. I too, have suffered from several surgeries, 3 partial hysterectomies and one being the Monarc Hammock. My quality of life has diminished over the last couple of years since my vaginal mesh surgery. I have lost precious time with my young daughter, lost my marriage, lost a job, lost a house, lost everything in a bankruptc[Show More]I must say, hearing everyone's stories has made me feel like I am not alone. I too, have suffered from several surgeries, 3 partial hysterectomies and one being the Monarc Hammock. My quality of life has diminished over the last couple of years since my vaginal mesh surgery. I have lost precious time with my young daughter, lost my marriage, lost a job, lost a house, lost everything in a bankruptcy because I was not able to function. I could not explain my pains to anyone and make them understand. I have an appointment on 3/14/11 with the Uro/Gyno that put in my vaginal sling. I'm going to insist that he removes it at once. Then, maybe, I can get back to enjoying life as the 32 year old woman that I am, not feeling like an 80 year old!! I am also looking for legal representation since I asked the doctor about complications and he assured me there were none, even at follow-up visits when I told him I was feeling pain. If anyone can help, please let me know: summerlee55@cox.net. Thank you!!!

  • VeronicaMarch 9, 2011 at 8:36 pm

    I was wondering if anyone here has contacted an attorney over this situation. I only realized this was a problem with so many women today. I have been in severe pain for years and my life with my husband feels hopeless and I feel for all of you. I have had numerous surgeries and they are still going on and will continue. I just realized last night about the problems with the mesh I have never once[Show More]I was wondering if anyone here has contacted an attorney over this situation. I only realized this was a problem with so many women today. I have been in severe pain for years and my life with my husband feels hopeless and I feel for all of you. I have had numerous surgeries and they are still going on and will continue. I just realized last night about the problems with the mesh I have never once thought about that being what is going on with me. I feel violated and feel someone should have to pay for all of us being in such pain and loss of life. If anyone has contacted an attorney I would love to hear from you.

  • Armen, Las Vegas , NevadaFebruary 24, 2011 at 11:26 pm

    hi.accidentely i saw the add about pelvic mesh surgery and complication afrterwards,my surgery was performed in 2003 in la and was used mesh.the consequances are very simmilar to the comments posted above(burning sensetion during urinatig,pain till now,huge discomfort during sitting and terrible experiance during sex act,urinary incontinence as well....)..complain was filed by me right after the s[Show More]hi.accidentely i saw the add about pelvic mesh surgery and complication afrterwards,my surgery was performed in 2003 in la and was used mesh.the consequances are very simmilar to the comments posted above(burning sensetion during urinatig,pain till now,huge discomfort during sitting and terrible experiance during sex act,urinary incontinence as well....)..complain was filed by me right after the surgery but was denied and was explaned that everything was according to medical standards...i would like to know if i can persue this case and go further on with case(i have all the necessary documents and information ).thank you. email: agn1966@yahoo.com

  • DEBBIEFebruary 21, 2011 at 8:05 pm


  • LettieFebruary 20, 2011 at 10:40 am

    I started to write a response and explanation 2 days ago for this blog. It took me that long to read the posts! (I just cannot sit comfortably for long.) But my response turned into a book! I don't want to bore you with my life story so... I had cystocele, rectocele, and vaginal hysterectomy in Oct. 2006. I have had severe problems from this since, quite similar to all the above mentioned, masked[Show More]I started to write a response and explanation 2 days ago for this blog. It took me that long to read the posts! (I just cannot sit comfortably for long.) But my response turned into a book! I don't want to bore you with my life story so... I had cystocele, rectocele, and vaginal hysterectomy in Oct. 2006. I have had severe problems from this since, quite similar to all the above mentioned, masked by arthritis pain. With one exception, after the surgery when I went for my follow ups, the urologist ripped my vaginal stitches. I already had severe scarring. I believe he broke the mesh and it collapsed into my vagina, which is all of 2 inches deep now. I just learned of this recall via an email in Jan. 2011. It may be too late for me to have corrective surgery. My quality of life seems very bleak. No man wants to hold a woman whose abdomen is distended. No man wants to live with a woman who cannot have sex. I have been so very lonely and sad. There has got to be real help out there for all of us somewhere! Someone please restore our faith in humanity!

  • DebraFebruary 19, 2011 at 2:09 pm

    I was 49 when I had the Perigee Mesh Repair done on 3 September 2008 in Bundaberg Queensland Australia. There was servere pain in my lower back from the time I came out of sugery, this did settle down so that I could manage and live with it then an infection set in within a few days of leaving hospital. Things didn't really settle down after that. I always had pain or just didn't feel right. A G[Show More]I was 49 when I had the Perigee Mesh Repair done on 3 September 2008 in Bundaberg Queensland Australia. There was servere pain in my lower back from the time I came out of sugery, this did settle down so that I could manage and live with it then an infection set in within a few days of leaving hospital. Things didn't really settle down after that. I always had pain or just didn't feel right. A GP sent me to have a 2D scan locally but the Specialist sent me for 3D Scans and these showed that one of the arms of the Sling was detached but was told just to wait and see. Once intercourse started, that was a nightmare when penitration (not deep) happened the pain was incredible, it felt like my bowel was being ripped out. I went bad to the Dr who did the prceedure and was told, there was nothing wrong, the vigina was not shortened during the operation and to give it time . The pain in my left side was really getting to me, intercourse wasn't happening, the pain was to great. I went back to my GP, he sent me back to the original Gymo who did the operation. He believed the operation was a success because the bladder wasn't leaking. I left there feeling very rejected.This was at the end of 2008. I then started my journey to find an answer. How could this operation be successful if my sex life had come to an end< I was happy before the operation, now I had pain on my left side that felt like tooth ache all the time and my social ilife was being reduced to nothing even going to work was hard. 2009 - my GP sent me to another Bladder Specialist who listening to me and did an internal examination, yes something was not right so he sent me off to a female Bladder specialist in Brisbane. Because I was so sore and she was unable to do very much in the surgery, I was put in hospital Day Surgery, when I was her that afternoon, She told me she had just the Dr I needed to see. Home we went, which I might add was 6 hiours away, too wait for the call to say she had contacted the Dr and told him about my case. By the time I could get into see him it was near the middle of 2009, after more examination and testing he told us that the mesh had penitrated the vigina. At the beginning of March 2010 I was suicidal and put on medication plus visits to a Psychosocigist, and a month off work. In May 2010, the first operation took place to remove the mesh from the left side of the vigina. It was amazing the difference it made. The pain from my left side was gone. But then came the crunch, intercourse. What a disappointment, this time with deeper penitration, my anus felt like it was being riped out and back into me. The pain was undescripible. We did try again but each time it was painful. Back to the Specialist Dr in Brisbane again, as I had sent him an email stating what had happened and how I was feeling. I had an other mental breaking down in June of 2010, change of depression medication. This time I was at work but on resricted duties. Saw the Specialist in Brisbane again in September of 2010, the 2nd operation was set down for the 8 December 2010 to remove more of the Mesh from the right side of the vigina. After the operation the Specialist told us that he had to remove more mesh then he thought once he was able to see the area of concern. Things seem to be settling down now. Intercourse is full filling again for both of us. But my mind is still not at rest. On my last visit back to the Specialist in Brisbane, he told me that my mental breaks downs and the pain I have had is very common with the mesh, if it isn't done correctly and that for every 1 woman that looks for a second opinion there are a 100 that accept that this pain is normal and live the rest of their lives with it. When I told the Specialist that I was angry with what I had to go through, his response was, "I am angry and sick of having to remove the mesh".

  • ZeltaFebruary 1, 2011 at 9:22 pm

    I am so sorry for all of your pains and sufferings! My mom is in the hospital as I write this blog and they don't know what is causing her swelling in her ankles,feet, pain in her knees and shoulders! She has been in the hospital since Saturday and they are still doing tests! My family feels that it is from this MESH! A little over a month ago, all of a sudden my mom had problems with circulation [Show More]I am so sorry for all of your pains and sufferings! My mom is in the hospital as I write this blog and they don't know what is causing her swelling in her ankles,feet, pain in her knees and shoulders! She has been in the hospital since Saturday and they are still doing tests! My family feels that it is from this MESH! A little over a month ago, all of a sudden my mom had problems with circulation to her feet.... like some sort of shock syndrome, and to find that they were blocked arteries in her legs! What would cause such a dramatic occurence in both legs at the same time!!! My mom was very active and walking is almost a daily routine for her! I am trying to research the Manufacturers now, while my mom is in the hospital and also contact her lawyer! Her Dr. performed this surgery with this MESH after there were a Recall and Warning Alerts! Ladies..you must join together and seek action for your pain and suffering! Go back to the Drs that performed these surgeries if you can and asked them for the manufacturers they purchased these MESH from! Posted it here along with the states that your in, so to join together in this quest to seek justice for you and your family who all are being effected by this! Join together ladies by state and if possible by city! It is better to have a few people that one trying to seek justice from these manufacturers and drs! My mom is from Paterson, NJ and I think it is the Pro-lift that was used...but I will followup and get the name of the manufacturer and post it here later!Take Care All! I will keep you all in my prayers!~,~

  • SusanJanuary 31, 2011 at 12:52 am

    At the age of 56 I had the same surgeries done in May and October 2006 and May 2009. While intercourse was difficult at first we persisted and eventually got through and enjoy a great sex life. However, I started with hip pain this past spring which I thought was due to the exercises my trainer was putting me through. I went to see my chiropractor twice weekly and continued with my deep tissue [Show More]At the age of 56 I had the same surgeries done in May and October 2006 and May 2009. While intercourse was difficult at first we persisted and eventually got through and enjoy a great sex life. However, I started with hip pain this past spring which I thought was due to the exercises my trainer was putting me through. I went to see my chiropractor twice weekly and continued with my deep tissue massage all at my expense as my insurance does not cover either. I gradually got back to exercising but still continue to have a problem with the left hip and thigh - a problem most of you indicate as a post surgery symptom. I'm beginning to wonder if this could be a symptom of upcoming problems even 5 years after the initial surgery. Why would the hip be affected by this surgery? Has anyone's doctor suggested why? BTW, my sister had a similar surgery done at the same time in 2006 in a different state. Her doctors would not do the mesh because they said there were too many risks and possible complications. She had a natural leather lift which was tied off to ligaments. Evidently this type of implant has been used successfully for years without complications. For those of you facing this surgery ask your doctors about it. I would obtain a 2nd and third opinion before doing anything. Even though I have not had the complications and pain all these women have had, if I knew then what I have learned today in reading this info I would run as fast as I could from any doctor recommending the use of mesh implants! My heart goes out to all of you and especially those of you whose husbands offered little or no support and eventually left. There is a class action law suit being pursued now and hope those compensations will be of some help.

  • confusedJanuary 16, 2011 at 2:17 pm

    I had the TVT surgery in Sept. 10. Surgery went well, released same day. Pain in groin area was terrible. Now in Jan 2011 i am still having lower back pain and cannot have intercourse due to the pain, its impossible, after trying i have pain for 3 or 4 days, also i've noticed a odor that i cannot explain its not bad but its there. I'm not sure what to do. Like i said i had surgery in sept a[Show More]I had the TVT surgery in Sept. 10. Surgery went well, released same day. Pain in groin area was terrible. Now in Jan 2011 i am still having lower back pain and cannot have intercourse due to the pain, its impossible, after trying i have pain for 3 or 4 days, also i've noticed a odor that i cannot explain its not bad but its there. I'm not sure what to do. Like i said i had surgery in sept and seen my dr at 6 weeks, but he said everything was fine and didnt need to see me anymore until my regular check up which is in July.

  • lindaDecember 14, 2010 at 3:22 pm

    Please order all your medical records both from the doctors office and the hospital and have them sent directly to you. You have a right to read them and when you do, it will make you stronger for the fight ahead. I just received the doctor's records only and I am waiting on hospital records. Record departments will make you wait so be prepared to call more than once to find out where they are.[Show More]Please order all your medical records both from the doctors office and the hospital and have them sent directly to you. You have a right to read them and when you do, it will make you stronger for the fight ahead. I just received the doctor's records only and I am waiting on hospital records. Record departments will make you wait so be prepared to call more than once to find out where they are. I had to go to the doctors office in the end to get them and I may yet have to go to the hospital. I had TVT and rectocele surgery on March 9th 2010. I was a self pay patient with no insurance and only my good credit to pay. Like you all who have had this surgery, I was told it was minimally invasive and I would be back to work and life after six weeks. Nine weeks after surgery she admitted I was not fine and asked me how much money I could come up with to have a second surgery to cut the tape. I said none! I was broke and had reached my credit limit and was unable to work. In the end it was done at no cost to me. To continue to read my story and symptoms and how I have worked hard to get my surgeon to recognize what has happened whether she wants to or not click here. http://bladderslingsurgerymystory.blogspot.com Don't sit back. Take control of your situation. I should make note of the fact that immediately after the first surgery I felt what I can only describe as an annoyance in my groin. I felt it was due to the catheter against my groin, but it bothered me so much I could not wear underwear and could not sit. After the second surgery I began to limp and had pain down the inside of my right thigh, which would come and go. Now I have difficulty walking and a great deal of pain but I am not about to give up a fight. I am living a life of hell and I don't know where to turn but I have gathered a collection of symptoms and cases to verify my case. If you want to read up and decide if you can help yourself in anyway from all my research, feel free to check out my blog.

  • KarinDecember 13, 2010 at 5:00 am

    Wow. Reading all these posts is both comforting (in knowing I"m not alone in this) and disheartening (in knowing there are so many of us out there suffering like this..... Too all of you out there, my heart goes out to you. I truly understand how this can devastate your lives. I had a vaginal mesh installed in 2007 to repair a prolapse. The doctor also recommended I have a bladder sling install[Show More]Wow. Reading all these posts is both comforting (in knowing I"m not alone in this) and disheartening (in knowing there are so many of us out there suffering like this..... Too all of you out there, my heart goes out to you. I truly understand how this can devastate your lives. I had a vaginal mesh installed in 2007 to repair a prolapse. The doctor also recommended I have a bladder sling installed as a preventative measure even though I no history of any incontinence and a urodynamics test confirmed this. He said "as long as we are in there, it would be a good idea," because my 86-year-old mother has mild stress incontinence. I asked about complications and he said the only complication is a sling installed too tightly but he had done thousands of these operations and never encountered that problem. I believed I was in good hands, trusted in his recommendation and I agreed. Biggest mistake I have ever made. Following my surgery I actually DEVELOPED incontinence. I mentioned this to the doctor, however he told me that I had probably had this all along and it was "masked" by my prolapse. He referred me to his incontinence clinic, gave me incontinence medication and told me I'd have this problem the rest of my life but that it couldn't possibly be due to either the prolapse or the sling surgery. The doctor I went to was highly respected in his field and came so well recommended I did not question this. So I went on with my life, resigning myself to the fact that I was incontinent and that any pain or urinary problems I had were just something to live with. Simple tests such as a pap test were painful, but I assumed that was due to the mesh and was just a consequence that couldn't be avoided. I had been warned there might be some discomfort in the vaginal area. So didn't pursue anything legally or medically. But a few years later I developed a problem with back pain and during a routine x-ray for that they found something odd going on with my bladder and sent me for an ultrasound. The ultrasound showed only a distended bladder, nothing to worry about I guess, but it also showed an ovarian cyst so I had to go back from another ultrasound a few months later to check that. The cyst had disappeared but the test was EXCRUCIATING! The original test really hurt and I wondered about that. But the 2nd test..... oh boy... They had to attempt the vaginal ultrasound three times because my bladder simply wouldn't empty. I was retaining way too much urine. And each time it hurt even more. I was just jumping off the table... And I was in pain following that test for days.... So I began to suspect that maybe something was wrong with either my sling or my prolapse surgery and went to see a different urogynecologist. A urodynamics test now revealed urinary retention and they suspected the sling was too tight. A cystoscopy confirmed that. Surgery to release the sling is scheduled in 9 days. But when I asked the Dr. if the surgery will "fix" me, make me better, she replied, "that all depends on your definition of better. You may experience some relief from retention and pain, you will never be the same. You see the mesh is now too melded with my natural tissue and there is too much scar tissue to remove it. ALL for a surgery i NEVER needed!!!!!!!!!! I did some research recently and found out that bladder sling surgery is a last resort for people with stress incontinence. That first medication and incontinence therapy are tried. THEN surgery if the others don't work. So WHY did he put this awful mesh in me in the first place? I will never be the same... all for a surgery I never needed. And because the statute of limitations in Wisconsin, where the surgery was performed, is three years, I am just a few months beyond that limit. How very sad that is that I have no recourse. I have heard that there is something called the "law of discovery" which allows you one year past the point where you discover you have a problem due to a botched surgery. I wonder if there is any hope. Has anyone experienced anything like this or have any suggestions for me. I'm so angry this has been done to me. At the very least I want to expose this Doctor and have him be aware of what has happened to me. Also wondering if part of the problem could be the mesh? I have developed pain in my hip and back, but the Dr. I'm seeing now says the mesh appears to be holding and there is no visible sign of erosion. Could the tight sling actually be caused or aggravated by the mesh?

  • reneeDecember 10, 2010 at 10:30 pm

    I am scheduled to have surgery for total hesterectomy with rectocele and cystocele repair on Tuesday and am now scared to death to do it. Is there any positive stories out there to justify for me to go ahead with it.

  • TraceyDecember 4, 2010 at 1:14 am

    In April 2009 I had a total abdominal hysterectomy due to endometriosis. Mesh was used to repair my abdominal and pelvic wall. For the first year after the surgery I felt like a new woman except for what I chalked up as hormonal related problems such as hot flashes, etc. But over the last 6 months I have experienced severe pain in my left hip and leg as well as my lower back. About 2 months ago[Show More]In April 2009 I had a total abdominal hysterectomy due to endometriosis. Mesh was used to repair my abdominal and pelvic wall. For the first year after the surgery I felt like a new woman except for what I chalked up as hormonal related problems such as hot flashes, etc. But over the last 6 months I have experienced severe pain in my left hip and leg as well as my lower back. About 2 months ago, following an intense day of pain I noticed a huge sore knot protruding on the left side of my midsection. It lasted about a week and then just disappeared as quickly as it came. Since then I have declined in physical health. Lower back, left hip and leg pain continue and worsens daily. There is numbness in my left pelvic and vaqinal area that I notice when washing myself or having intercourse. Intercourse had also become very painful as of late. I also keep a sore throat and have generalized weakness as if my immune system is hard at work fighting off something. I am in between jobs and don't have health insurance right now but will follow up as soon as I do. I found this blog after trying to find answers to my symptoms, never dreaming it may be because of the mesh. Thanks for sharing.

  • AngieNovember 30, 2010 at 7:56 pm

    I had a total hysterectomy that included removal of both ovaries in 2000. In the last few months I have been experiencing some light vaginal bleeding (off and on). I have also experienced the severe hip pain that you ladies are speaking of. My most recent complaint is severe abdominal pain right above my belly button. It actually feels like something is tugging inside my abdomen. I don't know if [Show More]I had a total hysterectomy that included removal of both ovaries in 2000. In the last few months I have been experiencing some light vaginal bleeding (off and on). I have also experienced the severe hip pain that you ladies are speaking of. My most recent complaint is severe abdominal pain right above my belly button. It actually feels like something is tugging inside my abdomen. I don't know if they placed a mesh barrier inside when they did my surgery, but the things I'm reading have me really scared. I don't have any insurance and because my husband is self employed we can't get government assistance. I don't know what to do! I had pre-cancer vaginal cells prior to my hysterectomy and I am sure that I needed the surgery but the constant pain, the decreased desire, bloating, abdominal pain, etc. make me wonder was it worth it?

  • CandaceNovember 29, 2010 at 2:26 am

    Hello Ladies. I went through my hysterectomy in Dec of 09, and during that surgery I had a bladder sling and vaginal/rectum wall mesh operation also. It is now one full year later and I am suffering from pain in my hips, pelvic and back areas. The pain is so intense that I have jumped online to do some research on my pain since my surgery and I found this blog site. I am sitting here crying becaus[Show More]Hello Ladies. I went through my hysterectomy in Dec of 09, and during that surgery I had a bladder sling and vaginal/rectum wall mesh operation also. It is now one full year later and I am suffering from pain in my hips, pelvic and back areas. The pain is so intense that I have jumped online to do some research on my pain since my surgery and I found this blog site. I am sitting here crying because it is not all in my head. I told my children over Thanksgiving that something is causing this pain. I never go to the doctor, I am tough but these symptoms are real and they are affecting the quality of my life. I am 40 years old and for the last year I have felt like I am 80. I cannot sleep through the night now due to the pain in my hips and lower right pelvic region. My knees are constantly aching like tooth aches. I cannot sit for long periods of time now. I am having night fevers I think. Something is going on with my body and I am going to see another doctor asap. Maybe I can find someone who will give my some answers to all of these new symptoms since my surgery has taken place. I wish that I would never have agreed to this surgery but my doctor made it sound as if it would fix my issues for long term. I am now living in another state, and I am due for my first annual exam. I just want out of this constant pain.

  • RhondaNovember 28, 2010 at 3:25 pm

    My mom, age 72, had this surgery on Oct. 29, 2010. She had already had surgery for vaginal prolapse, but was now having to wear a diaper all the time. The urologist said he needed to tie up her bladder with a mesh called Gynecare TVT. He said the only proplems were that sometimes the mesh would erode, and he would just have to take it out, and inject a "silicone like substance". No big deal! It[Show More]My mom, age 72, had this surgery on Oct. 29, 2010. She had already had surgery for vaginal prolapse, but was now having to wear a diaper all the time. The urologist said he needed to tie up her bladder with a mesh called Gynecare TVT. He said the only proplems were that sometimes the mesh would erode, and he would just have to take it out, and inject a "silicone like substance". No big deal! It seemed as though everything was going to be great! Now, almost a month after her surgery, she is having extreme bloating, like she's nine months pregnant, and lower back pain. And now last night, she had me look, and there is white, thin, strings coming out of her vagina. Does anyone know, is this the mesh coming out? Is this bloating, that she has had for a week now, and making her so miserable, she can't stand to wear clothes, caused by this surgery? Is this the mesh coming out of her? PLEASE, PLEASE, someone let me know your thoughts. I am desperate! My mom has always been the most active woman I've ever seen, and is now almost bedridden, because she is so miserable!

  • ChristyNovember 12, 2010 at 9:06 pm

    I'm just curious. Does mesh extrusion have anything to do with chronic yeast infections?? I had an A&P repair back in July 2008. I had 2 more surgeries a few months later for mesh extrusion. I had a 3rd mesh extrusion and the doctor just snipped it in the office. Well I have mesh extrusion again. I've decided i'm getting the mesh removed but want to wait untill finances are a bit better.[Show More]I'm just curious. Does mesh extrusion have anything to do with chronic yeast infections?? I had an A&P repair back in July 2008. I had 2 more surgeries a few months later for mesh extrusion. I had a 3rd mesh extrusion and the doctor just snipped it in the office. Well I have mesh extrusion again. I've decided i'm getting the mesh removed but want to wait untill finances are a bit better. But I am getting chronic yeast infections, every time I sit in the hot tub, take a bath, have sex, I get yeastie beasties. It's really getting on my nerves

  • SusanNovember 9, 2010 at 2:23 am

    I was just told I have a prolapsed bladder, uterus and rectum. My doctor informed me that he was going to use the "mesh." I don't know what manufacturer, but I asked him what other solutions are there other than the mesh. He told me there was a ring, like a diaphragm, that is inserted into the vagina to help hold up the organs. I am still doing my research. Most of the surgeries have been fr[Show More]I was just told I have a prolapsed bladder, uterus and rectum. My doctor informed me that he was going to use the "mesh." I don't know what manufacturer, but I asked him what other solutions are there other than the mesh. He told me there was a ring, like a diaphragm, that is inserted into the vagina to help hold up the organs. I am still doing my research. Most of the surgeries have been from Aug 2009 or earlier. Have things changed? Did they improve the mesh and if not, how in gods name could this "renown" doctor offer this as a solution? I am so saddened to read your stories! I pray that each and everyone of you heal from this horrific ordeal.

  • JeanetteOctober 26, 2010 at 2:30 am

    I cried when I read all the problems as I relate to many of them and have wondered about what could be wrong with me. In Feb 2006 I had my ovaries removed due to a large growth on my left ovary, they thought it could be cancer and the only way to be sure was to remove everything in there. It was not cancer. Thank God. I was 61 years old, always been very active, loved my yard work even the he[Show More]I cried when I read all the problems as I relate to many of them and have wondered about what could be wrong with me. In Feb 2006 I had my ovaries removed due to a large growth on my left ovary, they thought it could be cancer and the only way to be sure was to remove everything in there. It was not cancer. Thank God. I was 61 years old, always been very active, loved my yard work even the heavy stuff. I developed vaginal prolaspe within 2 months after that surgery, so, open abdomial surgery again. next I developed bladder drop, then hernias, surgery this time with mesh to hold everything in, then developed a hernia below that mesh and a very large mesh inserted. New surgeon said the sugery was "intense:" Since the bladder surgery did not work because of all that happened after the last mesh was input I had to have collegen inserted by a specialist to control my urine which was coming out like a spigot constantly. It has been 9 months since the collegen but the doctor said it may only last 8 to 18 months and when it no longer works he will inject again. It has been good not to wet everthing all the time. My weakness, pain in my hips and legs started Aug 2008, 78 months after my last surgery, when I ran a high fever and was really out for 3 days so sick I could not move, My WBC was very high. My doctor diagnosed polymyalgia rhematica and put me on steriods. I have been on them for over 2 years now. I have so much pain in my hips, unbelievable weakness, severe lower back pain and a funny feeling and pain in my legs, I can no longer pull my body weight up to get out of a car nor climb steps without pulling on something. I have often wondered if the mesh is pressing on the nerves where they feed into my lower body or is my body trying to reject. I am so sick of beiing sick. I am on Ambien CR to sleep, antidepressants, I take a lot of Advil and Hydrocodone. I don't blame my surgeon but whoever makes this (mesh) foreign body for us knows something must be wrong with the stuff.Is my body trying to reject this stuff? I am so afraid this is only the beginning of troubles with this mesh. Do any doctors out there have any answers as to how these problems can be fixed. I hate the thought of another surgery to remove this stuff and worry it is all cutting into something, my stomach has blown up in the last few months.. I had 7 surgeries from Feb 06 to Dec 07. My health just keeps getting worse. To all of you I relate and hope we all find some relief. Or must we survive like this. I am so sorry for all of you out there. I happened on this site while researching my medical problems I had no idea so many have had so many problems with this mesh. My thoughts and prayers are for all of you suffering, so many of you sound much worse than me, May tomorrow be a better day for all of us.

  • AmyOctober 4, 2010 at 8:11 pm

    I had a polypropylene sling placed, unknowingly, as I only consented to a cystocele repair. Utah doesn't require doctors to disclose risks. I have had nothing but problems, I finally changed doctors and was told the sling needs to go. Surgery scheduled 11/15/2010. I have to cath myself to urinate multiple times a day and now the mesh comes out in my stool. Please visit my blog, to learn more o[Show More]I had a polypropylene sling placed, unknowingly, as I only consented to a cystocele repair. Utah doesn't require doctors to disclose risks. I have had nothing but problems, I finally changed doctors and was told the sling needs to go. Surgery scheduled 11/15/2010. I have to cath myself to urinate multiple times a day and now the mesh comes out in my stool. Please visit my blog, to learn more of this unethical law in Utah. http://themarginalmom.blogspot.com/2010/09/treatments-for-stress-incontinenceutah.html?spref=fbe

  • julieSeptember 23, 2010 at 1:02 am

    I am a 48 year old woman living in Australia who gave birth to kids who are now 4, 6 and 8. My problems began with the forceps delivery of my first child in 2002. After completing our family, I needed to get the rectocele and cystocele repaired. I had Surgisis (bio graft material) for the rectocele and Gynecare Prolift mesh for the bladder (which was bulging out of the front of my vagina) put i[Show More]I am a 48 year old woman living in Australia who gave birth to kids who are now 4, 6 and 8. My problems began with the forceps delivery of my first child in 2002. After completing our family, I needed to get the rectocele and cystocele repaired. I had Surgisis (bio graft material) for the rectocele and Gynecare Prolift mesh for the bladder (which was bulging out of the front of my vagina) put in in August 2008. I was in extreme discomfort for weeks and couldn't stand up straight do the pressure it was place on everything when I did. The prolift mesh has been the start of an extremely bad nightmare..as I am going on Oct 5 to have my 5th major surgery. In a nutshell, I had two surgeries with the first surgeon ...my problems were many, including vaginal erosion, recurrent prolpse, chronic discomfort in general, chronic fatige due to the constant inflammation the mesh caused in my body, painful sex,constant urine leakage, inability to exercise and restore normal physical activities...my marriage nearly broke up and I feel so guilty that I cant be the mother I want to be for my children. After the first surgeon did not treat the vaginal erosion with the seriousness I felt it warranted, (it was getting worse after oestrogen treatment) , I found my self a new surgeon. He removed the mesh in a surgery that took over 8 hrs...I lost 2.5 litres of blood as two major arteries, my urethra and other organs were all embedded in the mesh and the surgeon had to painstakingly dissect it all out. My cervix was removed as is was so badly ulcerated and eroded and the inflammation of the surrounding tissues was bad. After removing most of the mesh(he couldnt get the "arms" out initially), he used Surgisis biograft material to restore bladder support...this material worked well for my rectocele in the first op...my body accepted it and liked it. So we are continuing working with the Surgisis and I will also be having a "sling on a string", using my own fascia to make the sling to correct the positional incontenence I have . My journey is still going on, but I would never have mesh put back in my body...I can't believe so many women's lives have been turned upside down .......it is disgusting that we are the guinea pigs....

  • DeeSeptember 13, 2010 at 2:07 am

    I am scheduled to have daVinci surgery using a mesh sling to reposition my uretha so I can more fully relieve myself when urinating. I currently need to start out in a sitting position on the toilet and rising to a squatting position to fully relieve myself. Does anyone else have to void that way? I had a vaginal hysterectomy about 5 years ago and had to have a catheter for about 3 wks. afterwar[Show More]I am scheduled to have daVinci surgery using a mesh sling to reposition my uretha so I can more fully relieve myself when urinating. I currently need to start out in a sitting position on the toilet and rising to a squatting position to fully relieve myself. Does anyone else have to void that way? I had a vaginal hysterectomy about 5 years ago and had to have a catheter for about 3 wks. afterward until I coul urinate on my own. Any advice I would appreciate. Should I have the surgery? I am 75 years old and in fair to good health. All advice will be appreciated.

  • CarolSeptember 9, 2010 at 9:22 am

    Same old story. The first surgery for cystocele/rectocele with the Apogee and Periee mesh was Feb. or March 2005. When I woke from surgery my posterior left leg was numb and I was released two days later still throwing up. It was difficult to sit down because I could feel the mesh in my butt cheeks. The Gyno refused to return my calls until the Urologist called her and told her he had examined[Show More]Same old story. The first surgery for cystocele/rectocele with the Apogee and Periee mesh was Feb. or March 2005. When I woke from surgery my posterior left leg was numb and I was released two days later still throwing up. It was difficult to sit down because I could feel the mesh in my butt cheeks. The Gyno refused to return my calls until the Urologist called her and told her he had examined me and she need to call me that day, 10 days post op. She called but was very rude and said the only problem was I wasn't taking enough pain medication. On my 6 week post op visit she attempted to cut out the mesh that was eroding thru my vagina. I cried out in pain. I went to another Doctor that surgically removed the eroding mesh just 2.5 months after the first surgery. Of course that did not fix the problem and the cervix prolapsed about an inch out of the vaginal vault the original urologist said I should see a specialist. So on October 2007 I drove 3 hours to see a specialist at UC Davis. He said I need physical therapy and hormone cream and I should come back in 6 months. After the Doctor left I asked the NP how physical therapy was going to put my cervix back in my body and she said it won't. The Doctor was getting ready to have surgery himself and in the years she had worked for him she had never seen anything like this and she would try to find me another Dr. so I didn't have to wait. I asked what went wrong and I was not given an answer.After years of pain and unable to have intercourse I contacted another urologist and he refered me to a doctor at UCLA urology Dept. over 500 miles from home. March 2009 he removed the mesh eroding thru my vagina, removed my cervix, and cleaned up the mesh that was eroding into the bladder and bowels. He said it was one of the most difficult surgeries of his career, on a scale of 1-10 it was a 14 in difficulty. I continued to have problems with urination and again mesh was eroding thru the vagina. Good News the bowels were working much better and no problem with constipation. But sex continued to be just to painful for both my husband and I. Sept 15,2009 I asked the Doctor just what went wrong and he stated "You went to the wrong Doctor" "they should not be using that mesh" and I was scheduled for the next surgery Dec. 2009 to remove mesh and correct the narrowing of the vagina and lift the bladder. Now I leak and still have painful intercourse. My next surgery is scheduled for Oct. 7,2010. This will be my last surgery and probably the last Dr. visit as I am losing my health insurance and can not afford the travel and Doctor appts so far from home. What I think is interesting is the Gynocologist that did the first surgery has no doctors that will cover for her and 4 surgeons that did work with her have left the state.

  • AGSLCAugust 31, 2010 at 4:26 pm

    I was stunned after having so much pain and complications following my hysterectomy, rectocele and cystocele repair, to learn I had a sling with mesh placed after I requested my OR report. I had to self-cath for four months every time I had to pee, then after another surgery to remove a polyp created by the trauma of cathing and surgery in my urethra and in office dialation I could kind of urinate[Show More]I was stunned after having so much pain and complications following my hysterectomy, rectocele and cystocele repair, to learn I had a sling with mesh placed after I requested my OR report. I had to self-cath for four months every time I had to pee, then after another surgery to remove a polyp created by the trauma of cathing and surgery in my urethra and in office dialation I could kind of urinate on my own. I learned to deal with it and occasionally found myself in need of cathing to this day (my surgery in 2007) I have told my husband I will not be intimate with him the pain is progressively worsening. The mesh is sluffing through the vaginal wall and I can feel chunks of thready material in my labia. Studies were available in 2007 that indicated 1 in 4 patients that received these slings would require second surgery and removal. I meet with a more experienced and kinder surgeon later this week, I suspect I will need removal. This had been a nightmare. Do not have this surgery.

  • LauraAugust 21, 2010 at 5:09 pm

    Last year I had a repair for a prolapsed bladder and bowel , in addition to a vaginal hysterectomy.They used mesh to support the bladder.After coming home from the hospital I developed severe lower back pain that has radiated into my hip, in addition to abdominal pain. The doctor thought that it was because my ovary was attached to my bowel by adhesions- requiring yet another surgery to remove the[Show More]Last year I had a repair for a prolapsed bladder and bowel , in addition to a vaginal hysterectomy.They used mesh to support the bladder.After coming home from the hospital I developed severe lower back pain that has radiated into my hip, in addition to abdominal pain. The doctor thought that it was because my ovary was attached to my bowel by adhesions- requiring yet another surgery to remove the ovary-this time requiring that they open me up.The back pain increased and I was told that it was most likely my SI joint- which attaches the spine to the pelvis. I have been going to pain management for a while now and the doctor had me on several different medications. I became depressed from the pain and was reduced to walking with a cane.I have had several spinal injections, which didnt help, and recently an SI joint injection which has relieved some of the inflammation, but I can still feel the pain if I move the wrong way. I started passing blood in my urine and my bowel leaks.I have also developed decreased bladder sensation and have had several infections.I can feel the mesh with intercourse and keep asking my husband if he can feel it, but he hasnt yet.I am terrified that it is going to come through my vaginal wall if he hits me just right. Until now- I thought I was going crazy. I have been in so much pain- unable to sleep through the night because the pain in my back wakes me up.The pain became different gradually including a severe burning sensation in my abdomen.I went to a new Urologist, and he put a camera in my bladder explaining that it is inflamed as well as putting me through a test to check its function.I go back to him in a week. I am so sorry for those of you that are suffering...stay strong.

  • FrancineAugust 19, 2010 at 7:13 am

    I have been diagnosed with a "stage 4" cystocele and rectocele and was making inquiries about surgeons who are in my insurance network when I came across this site. My 86 year-old mother just had these procedures done in May 2010 and she urged me to do it "sooner rather than later" but after reading these comments, I have grave misgivings about proceeding. Are there any statistics available about[Show More]I have been diagnosed with a "stage 4" cystocele and rectocele and was making inquiries about surgeons who are in my insurance network when I came across this site. My 86 year-old mother just had these procedures done in May 2010 and she urged me to do it "sooner rather than later" but after reading these comments, I have grave misgivings about proceeding. Are there any statistics available about how many of these operations go bad? Maybe it's just simply not worth the risk. Depend on Depends?

  • SusanAugust 15, 2010 at 1:30 am

    I'm scheduled for a supra cervical hysterectomy in October. The doctor says I will have the best possible result with mesh being used to prop everything back into place. The doctor is renowned in our state for performing urogyn surgery of this type. After reading several of the comments posted, I am reluctant to proceed with surgery. Just a few hours ago my biggest worry was if I would have a[Show More]I'm scheduled for a supra cervical hysterectomy in October. The doctor says I will have the best possible result with mesh being used to prop everything back into place. The doctor is renowned in our state for performing urogyn surgery of this type. After reading several of the comments posted, I am reluctant to proceed with surgery. Just a few hours ago my biggest worry was if I would have a normal sex life after surgery. Wow, there is so much more to worry about regarding complications from the use of mesh, and failure of the surgery to correct the original problem. Had not heard about the FDA warning on surgical mesh. Now that I've read the FDA warning and several of the posts here, I see how serious the problems can be as a result of the use of mesh. It is horrifying. I feel for all of you who have had complications and suffered so much.. I will probably have the surgery, I'll report back on how it goes, if I go through with the surgery.

  • LineaAugust 7, 2010 at 4:37 pm

    I can't believe I am reading this...In January 2007 I had my first colonoscopy. I discuss with the doctor that my hemorrhoids had been bothersome and I sometimes had difficulty with bowel movements. He suggest that I follow up with a colon/rectal surgery. The surgeon stated that I did indeed have problematic hemorrhoids, but also stated that I should see a uro/gyn since I had a prolapse. In M[Show More]I can't believe I am reading this...In January 2007 I had my first colonoscopy. I discuss with the doctor that my hemorrhoids had been bothersome and I sometimes had difficulty with bowel movements. He suggest that I follow up with a colon/rectal surgery. The surgeon stated that I did indeed have problematic hemorrhoids, but also stated that I should see a uro/gyn since I had a prolapse. In March of 2007. It was the most godawful surgery. However, four weeks after I felt so much better and I could have a bowel movement without straining. In May of 2007 I was scheduled for what was said to be a "fairly simple surgery" to repair the prolapse. When I went in for the surgery, I had no idea what my life would be like after this "simple" procedure. Like so many others, I had a foley cath for two weeks after the surgery, numerous infections, an unbearable pain,foul odor when urinating, painful intercourse and then just when I thought I might be through the worst of it, I could not urinate at all. I need to self-cath numerous times a day. This went on for two months. In January 2008 I was scheduled for another surgery to for loosen the "tape". It seemed to help with my voiding problems however I was still unable to have bowel movement without severe pain often vomiting from the pain. The doctors at the practice that performed the surgery told me that my symptoms were due to stress, depression, not enough fiber, not enough fluids, not enough exercise. For over a year I suffered and they could find nothing. After over a year of complaining and getting no where I left the practice. I had been humiliated by numerous procedures and therapies including biofeedback. I started seeking out other doctors. One of them requested I obtain previous records. I requested that copies be sent to me so I could keep them in my files, well, low and behold, when I read the biopsy reporting CHRONIC TISSUE INFLAMMATION - TVT SAMPLE. I didn't know what the TVT meant and after researching found out that my issues are not unique, however there is not a lot of mention in regards to the issue of bowel dysfunction and constipation. Also only after a year my previous symptoms have returned - I pee all the time, can't hold it and my hemorrhoids are back. By the way after all of this, I received a survey asking me to answer questions regarding my satisfaction with this procedure. I had complained about my symptoms for over a year and they have the nerve to send me a survey. I am furious and I am sure that they have not reported this to the FDA. I am sadden to read these posts and wish everyone the best, but your words help me to realize that the symptoms that I have been describing are not in my head as it has been implied. This simple procedure has destroyed my quality of life. Yesterday was my last day at work - a job that I absolutely loved but was often too sick to work. I am so tired of being sick and so sick of being tired. I honestly don't know what I am going to do. One final note, December of 2008 my oldest son suffered a traumatic brain injury and was in a coma for six months. He has significant challenges and requires 24 hour care. I struggle to find the time to take care of him while taking care of myself. This should not be the case. This procedure has taken so much from me and I hope that there is someone out there who might be able to help. Sending light, Linea

  • LoisAugust 6, 2010 at 5:54 pm

    My 1st surgery was May 25,2005. Procedures:abdomminal sacral colopexy, retopubic urthropexy(burch procedure), paravaginal repair, cystoscopy, posterior repair, usinng mesh. My 2nd operation June 30, 2005. Procedure:(Lower bowl slipped out of mesh) Lappparotomy with manipulation of bowel without resection and closure of peritoneal window I have had numerous problems since including, pains in stomac[Show More]My 1st surgery was May 25,2005. Procedures:abdomminal sacral colopexy, retopubic urthropexy(burch procedure), paravaginal repair, cystoscopy, posterior repair, usinng mesh. My 2nd operation June 30, 2005. Procedure:(Lower bowl slipped out of mesh) Lappparotomy with manipulation of bowel without resection and closure of peritoneal window I have had numerous problems since including, pains in stomach that dosent go away, pain in my hips, buttocks, back, urinary problems, bowel problems, and pain and bleeding when having sex, so no sex. My stress was so bad and my family Dr. put me through multiple tests, I went of on disability in Nov. 2007 and went to see my gynocologist, she told me to do more kegal exercises and go to pelvic phyysiotherapy. My family Dr. still thought it was in my head and sent me to a phyciatrist. On April , 2008 got severe pain in my left buttock, lower back and left hip, resulting in I couldnt walk, left foot wouldnt straighten out, had more exrays with no explanation.Had an appt. to see my gynocologist again and family Dr. said, it wouldnt be any use, so cancelled it.Meanwhile my stomach has bloated and I look like Im 9 months pregnant. I continue to have pain, now my L4 and L5 are not aligned on my spine, and Im waiting to see a surgeon. When I walk, I feel prolapsed again with lots of pressure and excutiating pain on my lower back feeling pulling, on my tailbone. I am waiting to hear from the surgeon. I waiting to hear from the gynocologist. Im going in for a complete physical on Sept 8. Have a cat scan for Aug 20.Been working on this now for 3 yrs as I went on disability in 2007. I am in the process of going on permanet disability. I was a *nursing attendant*. Everything is such a time game. I take celebrex for my arthritis as they say, Oxycodone, tylenol 3, Im well doped up. I live in Alberta, Canada, thank heavens for the computer or I wouldnt have known that it isnt all in my head and that Im not the only one. MY heart just goes out to everyy one on these women suffering from this terrible mesh. God help us all!

  • CarrieAugust 5, 2010 at 6:13 pm

    I am going through this same thing right now. Someone told me the other day that they can reattach your bladder. There has to be some other way than the mesh or sling. Waiting to hear from the doctor now. I just want it out after reading all these horrible things, and my heart goes out to all of you.

  • LeaAugust 3, 2010 at 10:56 pm

    I have just made the date for surgery with the Prolift mesh for cystocele...bladder prolapse and after reading all this I am going to cancel! Is there anyone who can offer information on other procedures to correct this problem without using the mesh? Anyone with any success? This info is so valuable! I was involved for years in the breast implant lawsuits and certainly don't want to be a guinea p[Show More]I have just made the date for surgery with the Prolift mesh for cystocele...bladder prolapse and after reading all this I am going to cancel! Is there anyone who can offer information on other procedures to correct this problem without using the mesh? Anyone with any success? This info is so valuable! I was involved for years in the breast implant lawsuits and certainly don't want to be a guinea pig again!!! God bless every one of you and thank you for your postings.

  • LindaJuly 27, 2010 at 8:00 pm

    I had surgery in Nov. of 2009 to lift my bladder, vagina and rectum. It was done wtih American Medical Systems mesh slings. Using the apogee and perigee procedures. Three months after my surgery, I had to have a repair surgery, because the mesh was eroding into my vaginal area. The doctorn said he wasn't sure he could repair it, but after surgery told me he was able to repair it, and put in extra [Show More]I had surgery in Nov. of 2009 to lift my bladder, vagina and rectum. It was done wtih American Medical Systems mesh slings. Using the apogee and perigee procedures. Three months after my surgery, I had to have a repair surgery, because the mesh was eroding into my vaginal area. The doctorn said he wasn't sure he could repair it, but after surgery told me he was able to repair it, and put in extra sutures to hold it. He told me to use the Premarin cream everyday for a few months to help strengthen the vaginal wall. After using the cream for a few weeks, I had severe burning and chunks of white stuff were coming from my vagina. So, on my own I backed off using the cream so much and resorted to only using it once a week. I haven't felt any more mesh in my vaginal area. But, I am now having pain in my lower back and into my left hip and down my leg. I thought the back pain could be from my herniated discs, so I didn't pursue this with my doctor. But now, the pain has gone to my hip and down my leg. My husband and I thought it might be sciatica pain. But after reading all these things on this site today, I am wondering if it has to do with my mesh surgery? If the pain gets worse should I go to the doctor that did my surgery (urologist)? I am wondering now if the mesh could be continuing to erode but is not coming out because of all the extra sutures he put in when he did the repair surgery? I welcome any advice.

  • ANNIEJuly 25, 2010 at 12:38 am

    The term barbaric can be used to describe the pain fromthis procedure--and I even had the latest "greatest" kind--Omnisure is the brand. I too was told it was "nothing" and no mention was made of pain or complications. i described the sensation exactly as this person did--like sitting on barbed wire. I am very unsatisfied; and very sick with multiple infections resulting from this entire fiasco[Show More]The term barbaric can be used to describe the pain fromthis procedure--and I even had the latest "greatest" kind--Omnisure is the brand. I too was told it was "nothing" and no mention was made of pain or complications. i described the sensation exactly as this person did--like sitting on barbed wire. I am very unsatisfied; and very sick with multiple infections resulting from this entire fiasco.

  • sariJuly 21, 2010 at 1:46 pm


  • JuliaJuly 20, 2010 at 4:04 pm

    I had surgery on July 6, 2009 to install 2 prolift implants (cystocele & rectocele). I had prolapsed bladder, prolapsed rectum and prolapsed vaginal wall. I have been in pain since the surgery and the pain continues to get worse. I had another surgery on May 4,2010 to have an epidural injection up inside the vaginal area for pain. While the surgeon was doing that he decided to "cut" the im[Show More]I had surgery on July 6, 2009 to install 2 prolift implants (cystocele & rectocele). I had prolapsed bladder, prolapsed rectum and prolapsed vaginal wall. I have been in pain since the surgery and the pain continues to get worse. I had another surgery on May 4,2010 to have an epidural injection up inside the vaginal area for pain. While the surgeon was doing that he decided to "cut" the implant at the site of the "arm" to try to rid me of the horrible I have been experiencing for a year now. The surgery did nothing except cost me dollars. I have no relief of pain in anyway. In face the pain is worse than ever. I have horrible deep stabbing pain in my left buttock down my left leg. I have pain in my left hip now that continues to get worse. I have not had relations with my husband since the first surgery, over a year ago. My is over as I know it. I was a very active, healthy 66 year old woman before this surgery. Now I cannot sit, I cannot walk very far, I am in pain constantly. My surgeon says he just has no idea what is wrong with me. He give me pain meds and says come back in 2 months. I don't want to live on medicine of any kind especially pain med. I want my life back. I have a spot on the side of my thigh that is contantly in pain even to the touch. It sounds like inflammation to me, I have told him about this at every visit. He has not looked at it nor even felt it. He HAS done vaginal exams each time and says "He just doesn't know what is wrong with me". He says he has done hundreds of these surgeries and I am the only one that has a problem. I just want my life without pain. I cry everyday and I pray for relief from this horrible pain. I just want to find someone who can help me. I have thought about suing the the pro-lift company for allowing these implants to be used inside women. I want some kind of relief and if a surgeon can't help me maybe a lawyer can. Thanks for listening, I feel so alone in this. and I feel so sorry for my husband who has to live this with me.

  • RickieJuly 10, 2010 at 7:48 pm

    My bladder had dropped and the doctor said that he was going to tac it with alittle mesh and that I would be just fine. He didn't explain anything to me.After surgery I hurt so bad that I kelp going to him asking him "Do I suppose to still be hurting this bad?" He said that I wasn't healed yet to give it more time. Well during a shower I felt in my viginia and I had 2 holes. So when I went back to[Show More]My bladder had dropped and the doctor said that he was going to tac it with alittle mesh and that I would be just fine. He didn't explain anything to me.After surgery I hurt so bad that I kelp going to him asking him "Do I suppose to still be hurting this bad?" He said that I wasn't healed yet to give it more time. Well during a shower I felt in my viginia and I had 2 holes. So when I went back to the doctor he had to cut some skin apart that was growing together. I haven't had sex with my husband because it hurt to bad. I have went back to the doctor many of times and he just gives me and excuse. Now it has been a year and I still hurt. I can't sit up in a chair for so long, my hip hurts I have knife stabbing pains and when I use the restroom I have such a bad oder even after a year and I can't hardly do exercise without hurting. I mowed our yard yesterday and boy I can't do that anymore. I'm hurting so bad. I told my husband that it has been a year and I can't even mow the yard. I thought it was just me that was hurting this bad but after seeing all these comments I see I'm not the only one going through this. I wish I could contact some of you. But anyway I don't know what my rights are. I know I signed the rights for the doctor to do the surgery so do I have any rights at all? Please if anyone is reading this that is having bladder problems PLEASE don't have the mesh put in!! Never let a doctor talk you into something that you don't understand. Read and study about what a doctor is about to perform on you. My sister-in-law is having bladder problems and her doctor said that he wouldn't dare do that surgery with the mesh. There has been to many complications. Thanks for listening.

  • MarionJune 30, 2010 at 1:16 am

    It is now the 29th of June, 2010. I have written 3 or 4 articles on this prolift mesh issue. I had another surgery on Oct. 21, 2009 to have the mesh removed by my woman specialist over 100 miles away at UCI in Orange Co. in Ca. The mesh had eroded in my body. She removed 85% of the mesh but was unable to remove the 15% because of the way it was put in by the original doctor on May 9th, 2008. I[Show More]It is now the 29th of June, 2010. I have written 3 or 4 articles on this prolift mesh issue. I had another surgery on Oct. 21, 2009 to have the mesh removed by my woman specialist over 100 miles away at UCI in Orange Co. in Ca. The mesh had eroded in my body. She removed 85% of the mesh but was unable to remove the 15% because of the way it was put in by the original doctor on May 9th, 2008. I was put on high doses of anti-biotics for 10 days and then another anti-botic for30 days in hopes that the 15% would not re-infect. I am still in pain every day. My back is killing me. My left leg/hip still gives me problems. My stomach is so large, I look like the baby is due any minute. (by the way I am 82 and not expecting a baby) It really isn't funny. Thank the Lord, my surgery was paid even tho it was out of my HMO region. I was sent to a gastro specialist doctor a couple weeks ago. This was out of his relm. He said I should see the woman specialist that did the surgery on Oct. 21, 2009. I am still on warfarin 8 mgs every day except Fri it is 6. I was going to the lab 3 times a week for weeks, then 2 times a week and this week i go once a week. All I have to do is bump myself, and I turn black and blue. I try to wear long sleeves as it looks like I have been beaten by my husband. I have an appointment on July 12th with my primary doctor. My back is still killing me and bothers me to walk as it bothers my stomach to move. I am at my wits end. I have cancelled all trips out of our region as I am feeling so miserable. I have missed family reunions in N.Y. and other trips. As I have said before, "If only I could turn back the clock before May 9th, 2008. I may be lucky in a way as my husband is mot that interesed in sex as he knows how miserable I am. I would be scared to death to have sex. I am not over weight. I weigh approximately 126 but look much heavier because of my big stomach. I wear all smock type clothes to cover my stomach. I feel so bad for the many womens that have gone thru this ordeal. I will keep you all posted and pray something can be done to prevent other women from going thru this misery i

  • EsmiJune 18, 2010 at 7:24 pm

    I had the surgery on March 2010 and I read an article about these issues going on with women that had this procedure done, I have experienced lower back pain, constapation and pain during sex I was leaking urine and was told that this surgery would do great things for me, I took the doctors word and I ended up haviing complications during surgery, she cut into some of my blood vessels that she sta[Show More]I had the surgery on March 2010 and I read an article about these issues going on with women that had this procedure done, I have experienced lower back pain, constapation and pain during sex I was leaking urine and was told that this surgery would do great things for me, I took the doctors word and I ended up haviing complications during surgery, she cut into some of my blood vessels that she states weren't there and that everyone is differetn but I was in surgery for almost 4 hrs and had to get a blood transfusion because of all the blood I lost during surgery. I have felt lack of sex and interest and also pain in my vaginal area, she told me I heald very well that it's like I am an 18 yrd old woman, wow that is great but if I can't live my life like I should then what good does that do for me, I am totally scared with this and this mesh inside of me and wondering how in the heck am I going to get this resolved, I have also looked into legal assistance.

  • SusanMay 25, 2010 at 2:17 am

    Let's face it ladies, we are all just being used as experiments for Big Pharma and idiot,greedy doctors. I had 95% of my anterior prolift removed Mar 31. I am slowly getting better, but am still not pain free. I have this weird stabbing pain just above my pubic bone(bladder?). I am going to a urologist in a couple of days to have a cystoscope to see if there is more mesh inside my bladder. I am [Show More]Let's face it ladies, we are all just being used as experiments for Big Pharma and idiot,greedy doctors. I had 95% of my anterior prolift removed Mar 31. I am slowly getting better, but am still not pain free. I have this weird stabbing pain just above my pubic bone(bladder?). I am going to a urologist in a couple of days to have a cystoscope to see if there is more mesh inside my bladder. I am sure he will want to blame it on interstitial cystitis. I also still have weird anal pains, can't figure that out since the mesh was between my bladder and vagina. It did however attach itself to the lining of my bowels, but none was found adhered to the bowels itself. Just a nightmare! I feel like a castrated female. This is so wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why can't anyone do something to keep this mesh from being implanted? Also, what good are FDA warnings, if our doctors don't tell us about them?

  • DianaMay 20, 2010 at 7:56 pm

    Ladies, I have read some of the comments and I understand what this mesh has done to our lives. I work at a plant and stand on concrete. I had to have something done because my bladder litteraly feel out of me and rubbing on my panties. I went to my OB/Gyn doctor. He introduced me to the mesh. I didn't know anything about it. He let on like this was such a fabulous product and he has had onl[Show More]Ladies, I have read some of the comments and I understand what this mesh has done to our lives. I work at a plant and stand on concrete. I had to have something done because my bladder litteraly feel out of me and rubbing on my panties. I went to my OB/Gyn doctor. He introduced me to the mesh. I didn't know anything about it. He let on like this was such a fabulous product and he has had only one small complication with it regarding a patient of his. So I thought this would be okay (putting all faith in the doctor) This surgery involved the TVT lift and bladder lift. After the pain lessoned in a week I had this pain on my left side. Constant. Nothing seemed to stop it. I made an appt. two weeks from surgery which was on Oct. 30 2008. Doctor saw me. Said it is slowly healing. What is giving me the pain could be that the tissue is not getting enough blood flow. The tissue may die. But lets give it somemore time and he put me on this vaginal cream to help keep tissue healthy. The pain kept getting worse and on six weeks from the first surgery I had to have another. This time he cut out the tissue and mess in that one peticular area because the tissue had died and the mesh would be exposed. I waited to heal, but never did get rid of the pain. This surgery was done Dec. 2008. In January I started have severe abdominal pain. Cutting pain. All across my abdomin. I called the clinic when I could not stand the pain anymore . I got in right away and a ultra sound was performed. My cervix was full of blood. I have not had a period for over five years. Where did the blood come from? The doctor tried to open the cervix while I was in the clinic. Wow! you talk about pain. I screamed and he backs off and said, obviously you cannot handle the pain. So I had to go to the hospital, they sedated me, and they opened the cervix and drained the blood out. A week went by and the pain came back. Again, the cutting pain and I went back to the clinic and another ultra sound was done. This time the uterus and the cervix was full of blood. This time they spotted a tumor in my uterus. This was in Feburay of 2009. I am then scheduled for a complete hysterectomy. Because of scheduling my surgery couldn't get done until March 30, 2009. After the surgery was done and I am home healing from that surgery the pain in my right side does not go away. I complained to the doctor when I went back for check-ups to see how I am healing with the hysterectomy surgery. He examines me lightly and just says give it more time to heal. On April 23, 2009 I am having severe chest pain. Like really painful pluresy pain. I call my medical doctor and get in right away. With testing done he discovered I have a blood clot in my right lung. This clot had gone through my right ventracule and lodged into my heart. I am even lucky to be alive! I am home on blood thinner. Healing from a hysterectomy and having all this pain on my left side. I return to my OB/gyn and still complaining. He then scheduled for me to come back and he would pull on the mesh to get it to come out. What! That is when I ask my medical doctor for a second opinion. I finally found a doctor at Northshore University in Chicago. After thoroght examination and testing he states the mesh has to come out. The mesh is eroding into my vaginal area. The mesh had eroded into the vaginal area. The surgery he performed envolved removing large section of my vagina with new tissue. The mesh was destroying the walls of my vagina. The mesh left me with large areas of scar tissue as well. This surgery was done March 1, 2010. I just went back to the doctor yesterday for a check-up. I had complained of pricking in my vaginal area and I am bleeding. He has found more mesh that has eroded and I have to have another surgery. I complain to him about the left side hurting all the time that has been there since the orginal surgery in 2008. I would like to know what happened to this area. It is very painful. It just feels like a large sore that will not heal and the outer skin burns when you rub acrossed it. I can walk very far, sit, push vaccum clearner. Chicago doctor claims it is nerve and muscle damage from the first surgery while placing the mesh in. I do have good insurance and good benefits at work. I feel so sorry for you ladies that do not have that. I know one thing my quality of life is like this. I am in constant pain. No matter what I do it is there all the time. I have not been sexally active since 2008. During this time my man strayed on me and I found out. My home was flooded and I lost it because of mold. Abdominal pain, mesh erosion, scare tissue, blood clots, five surgeries going on the sixth one in June for this damn mesh. And I have a strong feeling it is not over yet.

  • BobbiMay 13, 2010 at 8:07 pm

    I was looking today trying to find some kind of answers to what was going on with my body when I ran across this site. I had the surgery done in Aug. 2005 and due to complications with the Mesh and going back and forth to the doctor, depression from the pain in general and painful sex.... I was asked for a divorce in November 2005. When he left he took his insurance with him. I have suffered f[Show More]I was looking today trying to find some kind of answers to what was going on with my body when I ran across this site. I had the surgery done in Aug. 2005 and due to complications with the Mesh and going back and forth to the doctor, depression from the pain in general and painful sex.... I was asked for a divorce in November 2005. When he left he took his insurance with him. I have suffered for going on six years because no one wants to touch what the other doctor did. I now have severe lower back pain, leg pain severe bloating and major constipation as well as pain during sex. I was told that I have a bladder disease and that was causing all of my problems...... Just a coverup.... I want my life back

  • anneMay 13, 2010 at 4:48 am

    I had a hysterectomy (for uterus prolapse) with AP Repairs (for rectocele & cytocele), TVT & bladder sling in December 2008. Gynecologist informed me he would use mesh to do all the repairs, as my urologist said he would use mesh as well for my bladder lift. After surgery I had severe bleeding issues which resulted in a long stay in the recovery room, and much more bleeding to follow. Stay[Show More]I had a hysterectomy (for uterus prolapse) with AP Repairs (for rectocele & cytocele), TVT & bladder sling in December 2008. Gynecologist informed me he would use mesh to do all the repairs, as my urologist said he would use mesh as well for my bladder lift. After surgery I had severe bleeding issues which resulted in a long stay in the recovery room, and much more bleeding to follow. Stayed 2 nights in the hospital, went home with a catheter, and still lots of bleeding. After 2 days at home, major pressure in my bottom, large blood clots falling out of me, I called the doctor. He said to come in. He told me I had developed hematomas at the incision sites in my vagina, but they are bleeding out, and that is what they are supposed to do. He sent me home and said to come back in a few days. I called him again the next day to tell him the bleeding is not any better and the pressure was really bad. He said he thinks it will all be ok, but I could come back the next day if I felt it worsened. I was in his office the next afternoon, and I remember feeling like I was going to die in pain. After examining me, he asked me what I had eaten that day since I was to go immediately over to the hospital for surgery. The hematomas had gotten much larger (3 of them)… I woke up from surgery in excruciating pain!! This was just the start of all the trouble I have had since. My recovery was long, and painful. I had areas that did not want to heal, as well as exposed mess. I had weekly visits to his office for him to trim the mess out of my vagina. I also developed hernias on both sides immediately following my surgery. Another surgery I would have to undergo. I have suffered from severe fatigue and muscle weakness. I am a runner, and if you knew me prior to surgery, nothing slowed me down. I have occasional bleeding/spotting, loss of sensation all over (my skin), some pain with sex, frequent urination, hyper pigmentation in groin area (perfectly round circles reddish-brown, all different sizes), and I am gaining weight . I would do anything, and I mean anything to feel like I did prior to this surgery. Could all of this be a side effect from the mesh used? I have read many of the postings, and my case is a little less severe, but curious if anyone has experienced this severe weakness.

  • TomApril 27, 2010 at 10:31 pm

    I know that everyone here appears to be female. I appologize for disrupting but I am deperate. I had mesh surgery in Dec of '08. (After protate surgery). The doctor ripped my urethra to shreds. It later had to be rebuit using a piece of my cheek. I am left completely incontinent and in pain daily. I am having a hard time finding an attorney with an expert willing to take my case and time is runnin[Show More]I know that everyone here appears to be female. I appologize for disrupting but I am deperate. I had mesh surgery in Dec of '08. (After protate surgery). The doctor ripped my urethra to shreds. It later had to be rebuit using a piece of my cheek. I am left completely incontinent and in pain daily. I am having a hard time finding an attorney with an expert willing to take my case and time is running out. Any suggestions?

  • JanApril 25, 2010 at 2:25 pm

    I just had surgery 2 weeks ago using Prolift M mesh to correct a severe bladder prolapse. I have pain in my left buttock and my legs ache now, whereas they never did before; but I am waiting to see how everything turns out, as stitches have not yet been removed and I've only had 2 weeks to heal. I, too, trusted my doctor (a urogynecologist) without doing any research. DUMB! I think everyone he[Show More]I just had surgery 2 weeks ago using Prolift M mesh to correct a severe bladder prolapse. I have pain in my left buttock and my legs ache now, whereas they never did before; but I am waiting to see how everything turns out, as stitches have not yet been removed and I've only had 2 weeks to heal. I, too, trusted my doctor (a urogynecologist) without doing any research. DUMB! I think everyone here who has had a negative result should go to the FDA site at http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/Safety/AlertsandNotices/ucm142636.htm and scroll down to click on the Med Watch voluntary reporting forms (either online or mail-in types) to report these side-effects. Do it!

  • SusanApril 20, 2010 at 8:12 pm

    I know, I am almost 3 wks post op from having the anterior prolift removed. I too had to find my own specialist, urogyn to remove it. My gyn that placed it was clueless. He did not tell me any of the FDA warnings, or complications! I am 49 and was very active. My husband and I also had a great intimate life. We are hoping that will return! The urogyn was able to get all but the arms! They are too [Show More]I know, I am almost 3 wks post op from having the anterior prolift removed. I too had to find my own specialist, urogyn to remove it. My gyn that placed it was clueless. He did not tell me any of the FDA warnings, or complications! I am 49 and was very active. My husband and I also had a great intimate life. We are hoping that will return! The urogyn was able to get all but the arms! They are too close to nerves. I am feeling better, but still have rt hip, groin and buttocks pain, rectal pain. I am praying the arms won't be an issue with all the nerves there. I still have trouble sitting. This has been a made-caused disaster. If I had been allowed to make an informed consent, I would not have chosen this prolift, I only had a supposedly stage 2 prolapse of the bladder with bladder spasms! So far, the bladder is staying in place without the mesh! I am taking it easy and praying to get my life back. I am so sorry for any others who have gone or are going through this nightmare. By the way, my gyn who placed the mesh is no longer doing them, it is a little too late for me, but glad he isn't maiming other women! When is the FDA going to grow some balls and pull this stuff from use. If it was a man's problem, I am sure it would have been pulled from use long ago! I have been raped of my womanhood, praying to get it restored.

  • DoraApril 19, 2010 at 7:01 pm

    I had surgery in 09/12/2008, prolift posterior and anterior. After 3 months the prolaps of my uterus was back, pain from the first day of the prolift operation! in 17/04/2009 the uterus(hysterectomie) was removed, and the posterior prolift also!(not the arms) 09/10/2009 The anterior prolift was removed (schrinck from 13 to 3 cm.) Today i have buttock pain, constipation, ... and the prolaps is ther[Show More]I had surgery in 09/12/2008, prolift posterior and anterior. After 3 months the prolaps of my uterus was back, pain from the first day of the prolift operation! in 17/04/2009 the uterus(hysterectomie) was removed, and the posterior prolift also!(not the arms) 09/10/2009 The anterior prolift was removed (schrinck from 13 to 3 cm.) Today i have buttock pain, constipation, ... and the prolaps is there again:cystocèle+rectocèle= operation on the 15/05/2010 is planned. When will it be stopped, the doctors put those things insite of us, but when it has to be removed, we must do a surch for experienced doctors, because the others can not handle the complications! (Sorry i am from Belgium, ans my Englisch( American ) language is not good! We are not alone with our problems, they want us too believe that we are a single suferer, but we are not alone!!!!!!!!

  • LisaApril 3, 2010 at 10:26 am

    i had surgery in Decemmber of 2009 and I was having an easier time with this before the surgery. I had vaginal, bladder and intestinal wall prolapse. After surgery I had to keep going back to the surgeon because of complications and he kept telling me everything was fine. Stitches kept falling out of me for 2 months and sexual intercourse is excrutiating my left side of my buttock hurts all the ti[Show More]i had surgery in Decemmber of 2009 and I was having an easier time with this before the surgery. I had vaginal, bladder and intestinal wall prolapse. After surgery I had to keep going back to the surgeon because of complications and he kept telling me everything was fine. Stitches kept falling out of me for 2 months and sexual intercourse is excrutiating my left side of my buttock hurts all the time and my left leg is giving me lots of problems when I stand or walk for long periods of time. I can't get any help. I hate telling my husband it hurts because he thinks he did something to hurt me. I told him it has hurt every since I had the surgery. I feel like I will never be normal again. It feels like metal is scraping the inside of my vagina when I have sexual intercourse. I am also having trouble having bowel movements and I can't go until it finally has its way with me and then I tear because I got so constipated. Urinating someitmes takes forever to get it started and then I don;t feel empty. Have any of you had these problems?

  • KarenApril 2, 2010 at 5:46 pm

    I had a Mentor vaginal sling inserted for slight incontinence at the same time as a vaginal hysterectomy in October 2004. I have been sick for 6 years with chronic vaginal drainage, urine leakage, and lower back pain and never suspected that there was any problem caused by the sling. I was always told all of my problems were normal and nothing to worry about. What really makes me angry is I jus[Show More]I had a Mentor vaginal sling inserted for slight incontinence at the same time as a vaginal hysterectomy in October 2004. I have been sick for 6 years with chronic vaginal drainage, urine leakage, and lower back pain and never suspected that there was any problem caused by the sling. I was always told all of my problems were normal and nothing to worry about. What really makes me angry is I just received a letter from my GYN written March 5, 2010 notifying me that a law firm was had just made them aware of legal action against Mentor for women having complications from the vaginal sling that was used. They then go on to say, since they have not heard from me they assume I haven't had any complcations.....unbelievable. I went this week to see a UroGynecologist; hopefully I can get some relief. Mentor should have at the very least let those of us who had received this implant know of potential problems. I have already been contacted by an attorney and plan to pursue legal action with punitive damages for the pain and suffering, not to mention the medical costs.

  • HollyMarch 30, 2010 at 6:56 pm

    I have gone through a bladder sling, bladder sling removal, mesh patch, mesh patch removal, and am still suffering from what both of those things have done to my body. It started as just a basic hysterectomy and then I was persuaded that I needed the sling as well. Within five months, the sling was out and a mesh patch was placed in by a urologist. About a year after that, MANY bladder infectio[Show More]I have gone through a bladder sling, bladder sling removal, mesh patch, mesh patch removal, and am still suffering from what both of those things have done to my body. It started as just a basic hysterectomy and then I was persuaded that I needed the sling as well. Within five months, the sling was out and a mesh patch was placed in by a urologist. About a year after that, MANY bladder infections, constant pain and suffering and lots of doctor bills, I was referred to Emory Univ. Hosp in ATL and had the patch removed. The patch had literally cut into my bladder wall and I have tons of scar tissue that will never allow me to be the same again!!! I currently see a pain doctor every month and have gone from a very active person to one who has to watch from the sideline. I would NOT recommend this surgery to anyone unless it is a life or death situation because it has really messed up that part of my life.

  • sandyMarch 23, 2010 at 11:21 pm

    Hi ladies, i am absolutely horrified to read all this. I just wish i had read it two months ago. I had the sling fitted 13 days ago, and although everything in the abdominal area is pain free, i have severe left leg pain. It's only when i am mobile, and it is to the extent that i feel like vomitting. I have approached my surgeon who advised a utrasound to rule out a DVT, which i was grateful for. [Show More]Hi ladies, i am absolutely horrified to read all this. I just wish i had read it two months ago. I had the sling fitted 13 days ago, and although everything in the abdominal area is pain free, i have severe left leg pain. It's only when i am mobile, and it is to the extent that i feel like vomitting. I have approached my surgeon who advised a utrasound to rule out a DVT, which i was grateful for. However after no DVT, she advised she did not know why i ws in so much pain, and reffered me to a physiotherapist. Iam wondering if they have trapped a nerve during this op. does anybody else suffer from mobility pain like mine.

  • Mary LouMarch 22, 2010 at 4:42 am

    I had surgery with the mest about 2 years ago and had to have another less than a year later because the mesh failed. The Dr. removed as much of the mesh that she could, but did not get it all. After that I started with pink blotches on my upper chest and arms. I was just diagnosed with Lichen Schlerosus and autoimmune disease. I have a mild case, but the treatment is extensive. Is there anyone wh[Show More]I had surgery with the mest about 2 years ago and had to have another less than a year later because the mesh failed. The Dr. removed as much of the mesh that she could, but did not get it all. After that I started with pink blotches on my upper chest and arms. I was just diagnosed with Lichen Schlerosus and autoimmune disease. I have a mild case, but the treatment is extensive. Is there anyone who has experienced an autoimmune from the mesh?

  • SusanMarch 17, 2010 at 11:58 pm

    Although I asked for a doctor, just trying to check out all my options, to those of you who are lookin for a good one as well, I have found one doc to actually sympathize and care, his name is Kevin Stepp, of the Cleavland Clinic in Clevland Ohio. I contacted him by email and he phoned the next day, he himself. I just dont have the $ to have the surgery and no insurance. Its awful to be in these s[Show More]Although I asked for a doctor, just trying to check out all my options, to those of you who are lookin for a good one as well, I have found one doc to actually sympathize and care, his name is Kevin Stepp, of the Cleavland Clinic in Clevland Ohio. I contacted him by email and he phoned the next day, he himself. I just dont have the $ to have the surgery and no insurance. Its awful to be in these shoes, cant wait to get some new ones!

  • SusanMarch 17, 2010 at 11:50 pm

    Everyone, STOP THE MADNESS AND GO HERE TO SIGN THE ONLINE PETETION TO REMOVE THIS POS FROM THE MARKET!! http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/-the-danger-of-surgical-mesh-and-the-push-to-have-it-removed-from-the-market%20

  • SusanMarch 17, 2010 at 11:45 pm

    I too have had all the above problems with this crap called mesh!! My hips hurt, my back hurts, my pelvic area hurts, it all hurts, Everything has changed for me as well. Its horrible. No pain like this ever untill now. The mesh is eroding out of my vagain, I just want this crap out of my body. Anyone want to Refer a GREAT surgeron who can get it out the 1st time and get it ALL??

  • NANAFebruary 23, 2010 at 6:08 pm


  • CindyFebruary 22, 2010 at 8:29 pm

    To all my sisters in life. I had my first surgery in Feb 2005. , My Dr. said great things about this mesh that would provide great relief to my prolapsed bladder. He performed the surgery, the nurse taught me how to catherize myself and I was sent home the same day. The pain was unbearable, or so I thought. I soon learned it would get alot worse. I had erosion through my vaginal wall within 2 mont[Show More]To all my sisters in life. I had my first surgery in Feb 2005. , My Dr. said great things about this mesh that would provide great relief to my prolapsed bladder. He performed the surgery, the nurse taught me how to catherize myself and I was sent home the same day. The pain was unbearable, or so I thought. I soon learned it would get alot worse. I had erosion through my vaginal wall within 2 months. I went back to my Dr. and he sat me in a chair, retrieved a pair of scissors and :trimmed " the mesh. Looking back I was sooo stupid and naive' to go along with that. This continued for months. I could not have any sexual activity with my husband, he was such a happy camper. LOL After numerous visits with my Dr. I eventually realized he had no idea what he was dioing or how to fix it. I lived for another two years with the mesh protruding thru my vagina. Then I went to my reg. Gyn. and explained to her I couldn't live this way anymore. The pain was unbearable, I leaked urine, had no sex life, couldn't be active and was just not feeling good all over, not to mention the monthly UTI's. She performed the surgery to try t clean up the first surgery and was very hoprful. Needless to say, Bumpkass, I had the erosion in the vagina the UtI's the backaches the pain, etc,After going back for follow ups I gave up and just maintained my lifestyle doing very little activities. As time went on the erosion got worse, the pain was constant and with my age (46) my body was producing less lubrication which made the mesh more painful. Well as of last Tuesday , Feb 16, 2010 I had my third surgery. Thsi Dr,. hhas been very straught up, which I appreciate. He explained he couldn't dialate my cervix because I had too much mess and scar tissue, that he would have to "just start cutting". He said the mesh and dissentigerayed and turned mre into chunks of cement . Well the surgery was performed, he did at one point have to call in another surgeon because he found pieces of mesh in my lower intestines and bowels. He doesn't do that area. I respect that. He did advise I still probably won't be able to have sex, the vaginal skin is too thin and the scar tissue has narrowed the opening. He also warned me i may have severe incontinence, great fun... and of course more pieces can move around and materialize in the future. Not the best outlook on my future. I have had my future limited by a Doctor who did not infrm me of any of these potential problems, The manufacturer who dares to make a product that can maime a woman so severe and the FDA who approved this product when so many complaints were aware f these problems. I truly feel someone needs to apologize to me and compensate me for the last 5 years of my life that I have endured this pain.and for the unknown of my future. One last question to the aforementioned.. Would you let your wife ,your mother, your daughter have this mesh surgically implanted in them? Think about this, and if this reaches just one person and stops them from this surgery my experience won't be in vain

  • YvonneFebruary 5, 2010 at 4:01 pm

    I thought I would share with all of you my outcome regarding removal of the Monarc and Perigee slings. I am 8 wks post op and have had significant relief from the hip and low back pin. Not complete resolution, yet but remain hopeful. I have had 100 % resolution in the burning pain while urinating and bladder pain with having urine in my blabber. I have not had resolution with having to push to uri[Show More]I thought I would share with all of you my outcome regarding removal of the Monarc and Perigee slings. I am 8 wks post op and have had significant relief from the hip and low back pin. Not complete resolution, yet but remain hopeful. I have had 100 % resolution in the burning pain while urinating and bladder pain with having urine in my blabber. I have not had resolution with having to push to urinate, but this is likely a retraining issue. I have significant post op vaginal scaring and shortening of the vagina from the first two surgeries, not the final mesh removal. This will take pelvic floor physical therapy to improve the physical pain I experience with sexual intercourse. This may never completely resolve as well. The final report to me and most concerning of all, is that I was told by the Urogynecologist prior to removal of the mesh that any amount of prolapse I had as well as incontinence would return once the mesh was removed. I said I could live with the prolapse retuning and stated I NEVER had any urinary incontinence before the original surgery so I was not at all worried about having any afterward. I also had reviewed my medical records from the first Urologist who said I had a grade I prolapse on one visit and then the next visit it had changed to a grade III-IV in a matter of less than a few weeks. This raised questions for me and there was other inconsistent documentation as I know as a healthcare provider, a prolapse should not progress in this manner over this period of time. After the removal of the mesh, I was told I have NO PROLAPSE... I kept saying No Prolapse at all, he repeated: None. My exam also shows NO stress urinary incontinence of which I also knew and had stated as well as documented prior to having the original placement of the Mesh. The bottom line is the Mesh was pulling up on my bladder and urethra so much, it caused extreme pain and inflammation and difficulty urinating. The mesh I am also told NEVER incorporated and peeled away very easily with a small exception of where the ARMS are placed in the most upper portion at the obterator thus could not be removed and is my continued source of inflammation and pain. I must say, I was speechless when I was told I had no residual prolapse because I was told before having the Mesh removed, I would have everything go back to pre- Mesh prolapse status. The Urogynecologist who I hired to take over my case for the removal of the Mesh, had no idea that the records were not accurate until he removed the Mesh and found I had NO Prolapse at all. I had also stated to him I had never had incontinence prior to my first surgery and I think he did not believe me, but when he examined me post- Mesh removal, and I had no signs of stress incontinence or otherwise, he knew I was being honest with him. I also told him I had never documented incontinence on my new patient records to the urologist, I saw him for a Biopsy of my urethra for a caruncle only and then was told I had all of these additional problems while "Under Anesthesia". I just kept stating, "I suffered for 14 months with serious pain for a surgery I did not need", "I almost lost my marriage for a surgery I never needed." For the first time in my life I felt chilled to the bone and speechless, I softly cried... For doctors to continue to put the Mesh products in patients at a rate in which they do, there must be "Incentives" by the Pharmaceutical Companies to do so. These mesh products are not benign and are injurious in the wrong hands especially when used in a careless, non-selective manner especially if not diligently and aggressively monitored and when problematic removed promptly. Patients quality of life suffers in the hands of incompetent, ill-prepared, and indifferent professionals who chose to use these products who are not adequately prepared to deal with the serious complications that are occurring when using these products. It is my hope that all of you here of this site as with the many out there who suffer, will find a compassionate professional who is willing to help and believe that you have the serious complications related to such a flawed product used at the hands of unscrupulous medical providers who are not willing to stop causing HARM to their patients at the hands of another Pharmaceutical Company.

  • jenniferJanuary 11, 2010 at 3:08 pm

    in 2004, i had tvt sling surgery i was 18 at the time. i am now 24 and about to go through my third surgery. i had no clue why i was haveing so many problems.twice in 2005 i had to have mesh removed from my vaginal wall because it protruded out. in 2008 they removed my sling and did a different surgery. i didnt know why they did this but i didnt question them, in that same year i had to get a hys[Show More]in 2004, i had tvt sling surgery i was 18 at the time. i am now 24 and about to go through my third surgery. i had no clue why i was haveing so many problems.twice in 2005 i had to have mesh removed from my vaginal wall because it protruded out. in 2008 they removed my sling and did a different surgery. i didnt know why they did this but i didnt question them, in that same year i had to get a hysterectomy ( that was very hard).now bringing in a new year once again i am haveing more problems it is as if i didnt even have the surgery i am leaking again, i have had many uti which got so severe that it made it to my kidneys, i dont have the urge to pee once again , i was diagnosed with cystitis, i am not emptying (voiding) once again and i could keep going.i am tired of all my problems i just dont know what to do. i dont want to even go out with friends or family because im scared i might pee or the pain will get me.i have one child of my own and 2 step kids and cant even get up some days to do things with them.

  • valerieDecember 15, 2009 at 5:54 pm

    In June 2006 I had to have an emergency hysterectomy with bladder repair and rectum repair with mesh as I was in third stage prolapse of everything. June 2007 I needed to undergo more procedures for more prolapses. I had prolapsed rectum, bladder, small intestines and the vaginal prolapse. In September 2007 I underwent surgery again, this time through the abdomen for prolapsed bladder and vagin[Show More]In June 2006 I had to have an emergency hysterectomy with bladder repair and rectum repair with mesh as I was in third stage prolapse of everything. June 2007 I needed to undergo more procedures for more prolapses. I had prolapsed rectum, bladder, small intestines and the vaginal prolapse. In September 2007 I underwent surgery again, this time through the abdomen for prolapsed bladder and vaginaul vault repair. In September 2007 I was hospitalized yet a 4Th time but this time for hemorrhaging. In September 2008 I had a 2Nd stage prolapse again, so I quit housekeeping. I got a desk job and t went down to normal. In November the doctor told me everything was back to normal, but keep to restrictions. In December my job description changed and I did too much, my bladder went to 2Nd stage prolapse again. In Jan. I was fitted for a pessary. In February I had to go on sick leave due to stress at work and suffered extreme depression and anxiety disorder due to workplace bullying, discrimination and harassment. I am going through court proceedings with this issue. I just went for a checkup again and found out that the pessary is holding up the bladder, but there is 2 more prolapse again and nothing can be done but keep to limitations to decrease my risk and lose weight. I have poly ovarian cysts, and extreme pain in the rectum and stomach if i stand for more than an hour, or sit for more than 2 hours. My stomach swell 3-4 inches daily between wake up and bedtime. My limitations are no physical excursion, no standing for long periods, no sitting for long periods, no lifting more than 20 lbs. I called my physio therapists and now sh says no aerobics or high impact activities. I can come twice a week for the bike and that's it. I am at such a loss. weight loss will decrease my odds of prolapse, and help my poly ovarian cysts, but how and what can I do?

  • LORENA mDecember 15, 2009 at 8:37 am

    I had a bladder ling put in after my gyn, sent me to this urologist, to see if he could tell where some blood in urinewas coming from next thing i no i am having out patient surgeryfor a bladder sling ,could not void afterwards had to e catherized ain, discomfort bloating i was told all that would go away ani would feel like a new woman........... wrong.....i had to go to ers to be catherized so m[Show More]I had a bladder ling put in after my gyn, sent me to this urologist, to see if he could tell where some blood in urinewas coming from next thing i no i am having out patient surgeryfor a bladder sling ,could not void afterwards had to e catherized ain, discomfort bloating i was told all that would go away ani would feel like a new woman........... wrong.....i had to go to ers to be catherized so many times ,i would complai to him that i couldn,t void only dribble i was never emptying my bladder an a year later i still can,t empty and i have to catherze myself 5 an 6 times aday. my life is a nitemare i was told by my doc. that perormed this surgery, that i was the ony one thats complained and i would have to learn to live with it . i topped seeing him and suffered an had to learn to catherize myself so i didn,t explode from urine. isuffered,cried, and mentaly and emotionally sufered really badly.i finally found a doc to take a look at me an i have a blockeage and other problems. i ws a happy always on the go doin diffeent things and now i can,t even enjoy my grandkids or do any thing because i,m so miserable , the new doctor wants to schecule surgery but, im so scared. i don,t want to live like this, its horrible, my grown kids are seeing me suffer and they are furious that this doctor did this to me an now wats to sugar coat things he said in office.my stomach is so swollen i cant wear none of my clothes this s over a year later.surgery was june 08 please somebody help me please. my sling was progene tvt im swollen all the way under my breast severe presser all the time. when i went to this doc. i had a flat stomach and weighed 116lbs oh an had to fight tooth an nail to get my records because, he handles his on and i,ve all ready seen things in there that not true. where do i go for help the doctor an the pharmceuical co needs to be accountable for my suffering and all other women thats had this bladder sling surgery . i hope you can hep me soon i can,t do this on my on

  • PennyDecember 14, 2009 at 8:10 pm

    Yes, I had mine removed last year one year after it was put in. The 1st dr told me the same thing yours did and it did not get better. Go to a good womens pelvic surgeon and have the surgery done right.

  • SusanDecember 12, 2009 at 11:38 pm

    I had the prolift for my prolapsed bladder on Oct 10th. I am still in severe pain and have mesh eroding into my vagina. My doctor said I need to use estrogen cream for 2 wks and then he may have to excised the exposed mesh and repair the vaginal tissue. I want to get it all out of me. If anyone has had experience with getting the mesh removed entirely, please let me know. I wish I had of rese[Show More]I had the prolift for my prolapsed bladder on Oct 10th. I am still in severe pain and have mesh eroding into my vagina. My doctor said I need to use estrogen cream for 2 wks and then he may have to excised the exposed mesh and repair the vaginal tissue. I want to get it all out of me. If anyone has had experience with getting the mesh removed entirely, please let me know. I wish I had of researched this mesh procedure before getting it placed in me. I was in such pain with my low bladder that I jumped at anything that would left it back up in its place. I am only 49 and was in great shape, I can't even stand without pain. I have been in pain since the first of Oct.!

  • AnonymousNovember 27, 2009 at 5:43 am

    I had the anterior prolift surgery after several traditional surgeries failed about 2 years ago. I went back to the Urogynecologist complaining that I'm having excessive vaginal discharge. He said right away that they would presume it is erosion until proven otherwise. He examined me and said that he saw a grandolouma (sp?) on the side of my vaginal wall but everything was where it was supposed[Show More]I had the anterior prolift surgery after several traditional surgeries failed about 2 years ago. I went back to the Urogynecologist complaining that I'm having excessive vaginal discharge. He said right away that they would presume it is erosion until proven otherwise. He examined me and said that he saw a grandolouma (sp?) on the side of my vaginal wall but everything was where it was supposed to be and he didn't see any erosion. I've never felt the mesh or anything but there is so much excess discharge that I have almost no sensation during sex now. (My husband noted that it has been even heavier lately). I'm beginning to think that I've had a failure in another area that wasn't covered. I'd had multiple traditional surgeries that failed. I originally had a recetocele (sp) and a cysteocle but different compartments had failed. Sex was a little painful when we first tried again but then it was wonderful for a while. Slowly the discharge got to the point where it make sex not pleasurable at all. I'm only 32 years old and I'm just getting so depressed. I called my regular OB and then they want me to have an ultrasound to rule out an adrenal mass. From everything I've read, that doesn't really seem to explain the vaginal discharge. After reading the posts here, I feel somewhat relieved that I'm not having pain like many of the women here but I'm devastated and I am not going to accept "some women produce more discharge than others" blah blah. If these doctors won't help, I will find one that will!

  • YvonneNovember 26, 2009 at 7:05 pm

    Today is Thanksgiving morning and I wanted to take the time to update you with my progress because I have a lot to be thankful for today. I am one week post removal of my Monarc and Perigee mesh. I am so thankful for the wonderful Surgeon who was willing to listen to me when I told him I had another erosion and horrible pain associated with these products. I am grateful that he took seriously the [Show More]Today is Thanksgiving morning and I wanted to take the time to update you with my progress because I have a lot to be thankful for today. I am one week post removal of my Monarc and Perigee mesh. I am so thankful for the wonderful Surgeon who was willing to listen to me when I told him I had another erosion and horrible pain associated with these products. I am grateful that he took seriously the fact that I had pain when he showed me where my pain was originating from while he performed my pre-op cystoscopy and urodynamics even though they were so painful, not dismissing and actually acknowledging that I had TRUE pain. I have post operative bleeding/drainage vaginally like menstruation from peeling the mesh from all of the tissue, but for the most part I have no NEW pain. By this, I mean I still have the inflammatory pain from the slings which I am told will take time to resolve. I still have pelvic pain and will have to have Pelvic Floor therapy with dilators afterward due to the significant tissue that the first Ugologist removed from my vagina. I had specifically asked that he NOT remove any before I had either of the surgery's (original and the 1st erosion repair) which he did. I requested all of my records when I went to the New Uro-GYN who did my final removal just one week ago. I also requested the op reports from the first surgeon which showed he "removed extra vaginal tissue." I was shocked! None of the vaginal tissue is considered extra! I am a licensed healthcare provider trained in female anatomy. I understand how necessary this is for comfort stretch during intercourse, etc. I am so angry because I specifically asked for this to remain intact and was assured it would be. It was not, then I was never told it had been removed, why, or otherwise. I had to find out on my own. Other inconsistencies were in the records, like tests he said were performed in clinic to confirm incontinence-which I did not have. These where never performed. I was fully awake. I would know. This Thanksgiving day is a day for healing and being thankful, I am on the long road to recovery however long this takes. I have a wonderful husband who is committed to helping both of us heal. I can give thanks to the Physician who saw that I needed help and was willing to do the right thing, be compassionate, uphold the medical oath of Do No Harm, and take the challenge and risks of fixing a colleague's wrong doing. God bless those of you who are still suffering from this nightmare. My heart goes out to you. I hope that you will find a compassionate Physician as I have, be strong and persistent. You will get through this.

  • BridgetNovember 19, 2009 at 1:08 am

    I had the treatment where they went through my vaginal wall and wrapped (or taped) my urethra to make it smaller. After about 3 years, I began having vaginosis. I don't think I had even a week since then that I didn't have an infection in my vagina. I have been to see so many doctors and specialists, it's pathetic! Finally, while reaching for a tampon string, the tape had broken through the vagin[Show More]I had the treatment where they went through my vaginal wall and wrapped (or taped) my urethra to make it smaller. After about 3 years, I began having vaginosis. I don't think I had even a week since then that I didn't have an infection in my vagina. I have been to see so many doctors and specialists, it's pathetic! Finally, while reaching for a tampon string, the tape had broken through the vaginal wall and was hanging in my vagina. 6 years of bacterial vaginosis and mileage to doctors and specialists. Unbelievable. Now they have to find out if it's all out or not and will most likely do surgery to do that.

  • KristineNovember 5, 2009 at 6:32 pm

    Yesterday I talked with a woman who goes to the same Bible study as Me and she had sythetic surgical mesh sling put in to prevent "small accidents" She had part of that sling removed 3 years ago due to pain and due to the fact that the sling wore a hole into her urethra. but they coudnt remove all of it.3 years later and my goodness, she has had some serious problems ever since that initial surge[Show More]Yesterday I talked with a woman who goes to the same Bible study as Me and she had sythetic surgical mesh sling put in to prevent "small accidents" She had part of that sling removed 3 years ago due to pain and due to the fact that the sling wore a hole into her urethra. but they coudnt remove all of it.3 years later and my goodness, she has had some serious problems ever since that initial surgery. She has a severe chronic 'burning' pain in her hips and this is unbearable. She is constantly on pain medication so that she can work. Now she has an appointment set up a month from now with a gynecologist. Please, ALL women: Avoid this surgery at all costs!!! Have you heard of any good long term benefits....After reading this page I am convinced that there are no good benefits. And You are in my prayers....Those on this page who deal with all these awful complications. May the Lord be with You.

  • RhondaNovember 3, 2009 at 1:46 am

    I am suppose to have surgery in Jan 2010 for {pop} pelvic organ prolaspe and complete hysterectomie.They are suppose to use a mesh sling !!! I am trying to do my research and find out resources on this issue.I am glad I found this website on these issues.Thanks.

  • KimOctober 24, 2009 at 4:41 pm

    on July 29th 2009 I had cystocele and rectocele surgery to repair my prolapsed bladder and rectum. I was given 2 mesh slings, one for the bladder and the other one to lift every thing up. I don't know what kind of mesh slings were used and as you can see I am not even sure where the second one is. I am so mad at myself for not researching everything that was being done to me and being an informed [Show More]on July 29th 2009 I had cystocele and rectocele surgery to repair my prolapsed bladder and rectum. I was given 2 mesh slings, one for the bladder and the other one to lift every thing up. I don't know what kind of mesh slings were used and as you can see I am not even sure where the second one is. I am so mad at myself for not researching everything that was being done to me and being an informed consumer. I like so many other people trust the doctor and the system. What was I thinking! Since my operation I have had non stop issues. Right after the procedures I suffered unbelievable pain in my rectum. The pain got so bad that my doctor readmitted me to the hospital for pain control. Then my doctor decided to reoperate see what was going on and fix the proplem. She ended up taking the retocele down, which fixed the problem. Now 8 weeks later my bladder has dropped and there is a piece of mesh coming through my uterus. My doctor wants me to have an MRI and then come back and decide what to do. She is not sure what to do because this has not happen to her and she has done many many many of these operations. She is a urologist and is the best at this in my area. Now I am finally doing the research and I find this web site. I have had hip pain since the operation and thought I was getting it from my morning walks. I can not believe that there are so many people with my same symptoms. After reading everything on this page I think the best thing for me to do is try to get the mesh removed. Other than that it appears this could go on for ever. Hopefully because the mesh has not been in that long it can be removed. I will let you know what happens

  • YvonneOctober 24, 2009 at 12:34 am

    Hello to all . I am back to update you regarding the Mesh issue. I have had the opportunity to see my new surgeon and have surgical plans set for three weeks from now while I arrange my own patient schedule. The plan is to remove as much of the two Mesh slings as possible by peeling them from my urethra, bladder and other surrounding tissue. The urodynamics and cystoscopy tests I endured were extr[Show More]Hello to all . I am back to update you regarding the Mesh issue. I have had the opportunity to see my new surgeon and have surgical plans set for three weeks from now while I arrange my own patient schedule. The plan is to remove as much of the two Mesh slings as possible by peeling them from my urethra, bladder and other surrounding tissue. The urodynamics and cystoscopy tests I endured were extremely painful when normally they are not due to the nerve damage found that I now have from the mesh erosion and original surgery. Oh, did I mention from my records review received from my previous Urologist, I was told by my new surgeon that I never needed to have the urethral sling based upon the fact that I never had incontinence and I never needed to have the bladder mesh because I never had anything more than a 2 plus prolapse bladder but told I had a 4 under anesthesia, therefore; was documented as such and told I needed to have it fixed. I discovered my previous Urologist embellished the records so that he would get authorization to do the procedure by my insurance co. That was when I had insurance. Now I have none. I was laid off and now work part time, so I now have to pay cash out of my home equity to have the extensive repair for a surgery I never even needed which has left me injured and with permanent nerve pain. I am so very sorry to hear that there are other women who have been injured by these products and by the medical providers who see fit to continue to use the products despite the complications. There must be a pay-off somewhere! God Bless you all!

  • MaryOctober 17, 2009 at 9:23 pm

    Dear Sisters, I feel like I know you all and I could have written most of these articles. I had a rectal and bladder sling surgery for what I thought was bladder infections. The operation was a failure and I couldn't hold my urine at all. The dr. said she'd have to redo the surgery. Before the surgery she said you're going to be so happy with the surgery. So after two surgeries now I have mes[Show More]Dear Sisters, I feel like I know you all and I could have written most of these articles. I had a rectal and bladder sling surgery for what I thought was bladder infections. The operation was a failure and I couldn't hold my urine at all. The dr. said she'd have to redo the surgery. Before the surgery she said you're going to be so happy with the surgery. So after two surgeries now I have mesh protruding through my vagina at two places. I have terrible back pain and a different dr. said I'd need surgery to repair the tears. I am bleeding, spotting and have a bladder infection. I'm still working and it's so hard. My bowels are terrible and I'm always straining and constipated. I'D GIVE ANYTHING IF i'D NEVER WOULD HAVE HAD THIS OPERATION DONE. I was much better before. Now I'm facing more surgery and this awful back pain. I cry lots with pain and I want this mesh OUT. Is there any help???? How can so many have been treated so badly. So sorry. Love you all. Wish I could help. We must band together so noone else will suffer.

  • sterreOctober 13, 2009 at 9:12 pm

    Dear women, I'm living in Europe and also a victim of Gynecare mesh. In decmber 2006 I've had a total Prolift. Since that time lots of pain. In a few weeks I will visit another surgeon to ask for removal. I don't know if that is possible. Now I'm feeling sad and it is impossible to do my work.

  • CindyOctober 5, 2009 at 1:56 pm

    Just found out over the weekend that Gynecare mesh was used in my surgery Aug '08. Have another appointment with a surgeon but not feeling like he is the one to do the removal and fix the prolapse that never was fixed by the mesh. Would love some input on where to go if living in Maryland.

  • marthaOctober 3, 2009 at 2:09 pm

    HELP! I've undergone TWO surgeries this year for vaginal prolapse and more and problem just keep getting worse while doctors say they can no longer help. HOW CAN I GET THE MESH REMOVED and a doctor who cares!

  • lyndaSeptember 28, 2009 at 10:51 am

    I had a monarc sling in 2005, terrible pain in leg, swelling still now in 2009, didn't help the leaking,, also i was on pain pills which may have caused the leaky but they never said that , just wanted to do the sling, sorry I ever did still haveing pain and swlling in the upper inner part of my thigh, also had blood transfusion, doc said there was a point I should have stopped, sorry, ha, I trie[Show More]I had a monarc sling in 2005, terrible pain in leg, swelling still now in 2009, didn't help the leaking,, also i was on pain pills which may have caused the leaky but they never said that , just wanted to do the sling, sorry I ever did still haveing pain and swlling in the upper inner part of my thigh, also had blood transfusion, doc said there was a point I should have stopped, sorry, ha, I tried to sue but attorneys said I still have both legs, and then destroyed all my paper work and took it to the out to the statue of limitations

  • CindySeptember 22, 2009 at 3:37 pm

    Comment by Susan H on 18 August 2009: It is Susan from above. I have been wondering, if anybody had been diagnoised with fibromyalgia before this surgery , or any type of arthriitis. Since having this mesh placed, I believe that it has worsened by symptoms of these disease. I ache and hurt all over, and it seems that my bones and muscles hurt much worse, and the pain seems to be progressing. Su[Show More]Comment by Susan H on 18 August 2009: It is Susan from above. I have been wondering, if anybody had been diagnoised with fibromyalgia before this surgery , or any type of arthriitis. Since having this mesh placed, I believe that it has worsened by symptoms of these disease. I ache and hurt all over, and it seems that my bones and muscles hurt much worse, and the pain seems to be progressing. Susan, now that you mention it, I have had all over aches and pains and have wondered if I have fibromyalgia. I do have arthritis in my lower back anyway, but the pain in the back has been lower since my surgery a little over a year ago. I had uterine prolapse, rectocele, and cystocele surgery resulting in my uterus and cervix (found out was precancerous) removed and mesh being used to repair the rectocele and cystocele. Now a year later and a urogyn says the mesh needs to come out and the prolapse (both rectocele and cystocele again) would have to be addressed in another surgery. Although he could help the leaking issue in the first one.

  • rebecca cSeptember 22, 2009 at 1:29 am

    IN RESPONSE to SUSAN H.... I too was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia prior to my pelvic surgeies.I had my surgeries done 6 days ago and feel so uneducated on what the recovery REALLY is like. I have given myself two enemas due to the constipation (due to surgery and narcotics). My back pain is almost unbearble. I take Tramadol for my Fibromyalgia and now since surgery the Tramadol dont even ease the p[Show More]IN RESPONSE to SUSAN H.... I too was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia prior to my pelvic surgeies.I had my surgeries done 6 days ago and feel so uneducated on what the recovery REALLY is like. I have given myself two enemas due to the constipation (due to surgery and narcotics). My back pain is almost unbearble. I take Tramadol for my Fibromyalgia and now since surgery the Tramadol dont even ease the pain for a moment. I am helpless and in major pain. I am a tough cookie, 2 kids, work full time, and with this Fibromyalgia and NOW constant low back pain, I am becoming depressed. I felt rushed out of the hospital after 3 days. I was not given an antibiotic after I left hospital and fear infection, due to constant pain in pelvic area and fever. Dr says all is fine and when I asked "could I be infected", he laughed and said :no, silly"..HELP

  • LanaSeptember 20, 2009 at 6:24 am

    These doctors who deny the complications are mesh are pathetic. They are so interested in covering their fannies, they tell any lie necessary. I am so sorry everyonei is suffering so. I have taken action and contnue to fight for all of you. Truth in Medicine is leading the charge to get this stuff off the market. Our website is www. truthinmedicine. us. com Our first conference is this coming wee[Show More]These doctors who deny the complications are mesh are pathetic. They are so interested in covering their fannies, they tell any lie necessary. I am so sorry everyonei is suffering so. I have taken action and contnue to fight for all of you. Truth in Medicine is leading the charge to get this stuff off the market. Our website is www. truthinmedicine. us. com Our first conference is this coming weekend. We have a good group of medical professionals who will be speaking and who we are bringing together to help women like the ones on this site who have been abandoned. Hope you find the solutions you are looking for.

  • MarionSeptember 18, 2009 at 6:09 am

    I wrote a comment several weeks ago. My surgery was on May 9, 2008. Since my last report, I have had 2 ct scans, several ultra-sounds, blood tests and put on depression medicines to calm my nerves. Before the surgery, I was in great health but since, I have fallen apart. I had severe heart palpitations and put on another blood pressure medicine. I am taking 3 different b/p medicines. I am also[Show More]I wrote a comment several weeks ago. My surgery was on May 9, 2008. Since my last report, I have had 2 ct scans, several ultra-sounds, blood tests and put on depression medicines to calm my nerves. Before the surgery, I was in great health but since, I have fallen apart. I had severe heart palpitations and put on another blood pressure medicine. I am taking 3 different b/p medicines. I am also on warfarin which is a blood thinner. I was sent to a heart specialist and now am going to a pulmonary heart doctor. My stomach is still so bloated as I stated in my last blog. I look like I am pregnant and due any minute. It still bothers me to walk without holding my stomach so it won't giggle due to the pain. I am seeing my woman specialist again for a consultation as to what is causing all this problem. If she finds all of these problems are caused from the mesh, she is going to have surgery done to hopefully correct what was done to me. My back hasn't stopped aching since my surgery over 16 months ago. She suspects my body is rejecting the mesh. My primary doctor says all of these tests and specialist visits are to cover all the avenues. (in other words, cover their a_ s) before a law suit is maybe done? My heart goes out to all these women that have reported their problems as I am in the same boat without a paddle. If and when I have the surgery I will keep everyone posted on my results. I pray that I will return to normal once again like I was before the prolapse surgery. I regret not doing research on the prolift mesh before I had the procedue done. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine what I have gone thru. By the way, the collagen helped the incontinence for about 7 months but it has slowly worn off. My woman specialist said when it didn't help anymore, she would inject a new type of medicine into my uretha which would help the incontinence.for a longer period of time. I NEVER had incontinence before the prolapse surgery. She also has me using Estrace Cream to help with the bleeding. I appreciate reading the coments as I know this is not all in my head.

  • KellySeptember 18, 2009 at 1:34 am

    I lost my relationship and my job because I was so sick post, prolift placement. I was to have an A and P repair. The DVD that I received to view as a learning tool made it look like I was going on a holiday.They kept saying how much better the sex would be. (I never ever had any problems with it.) 7 weeks post surgically everything fell out. My uterus was literally sitting in my panties. The pain[Show More]I lost my relationship and my job because I was so sick post, prolift placement. I was to have an A and P repair. The DVD that I received to view as a learning tool made it look like I was going on a holiday.They kept saying how much better the sex would be. (I never ever had any problems with it.) 7 weeks post surgically everything fell out. My uterus was literally sitting in my panties. The pain was terrible and I was driven into a terrible depression which I still haven't overcome. I have never been treated for dpression. A month after the failed procedure I had to have a laproscopic hyster and was out 5 hours to have the mesh removed. I still have a piece in my rectum. 3 weeks after that I developed a hematoma inside my anterior wall as the porcine mesh the Dr. placed to support the wall was decaying and it had to be removed that afternoon. I am in pain every day. I can't have a whole relationship with a man and may never be able to again without pain. I have only just now been able to wash there without feeling like a freak. The hospital wishes to offer me a settlement. They had better make it good because I have reached the point that I would sooner see it tried in court and not win a penny than have any other woman have to endure this. I wouldn't have done this to my dog. My heart is broken. This product need to be removed from the market. Guess what the Dr. used to support my bladder after the mesh came out. MY OWN LIGAMENTS! DUH! Thanks for offering me that in the first place. I can't say the Dr's name but she sure took my money. I hope she rots in ----. I have to have pelvic floor physio and have been referred to a sexual therapist. I'm just so devastated. I tried to have relations and ended up in the bathroom with the door locked sobbing.

  • YvonneSeptember 7, 2009 at 4:55 am

    Hello again. I thought I would update you to the latest regarding the erosion of the mesh with extrusion given my initial report that my Urologist/surgeon denied the second repair failed. I recently was seen by my Primary care MD who is female and does OBGYN care as well. She examined me thoroughly and found the erosion and the extrusion with the fistula. She also found that there were two similar[Show More]Hello again. I thought I would update you to the latest regarding the erosion of the mesh with extrusion given my initial report that my Urologist/surgeon denied the second repair failed. I recently was seen by my Primary care MD who is female and does OBGYN care as well. She examined me thoroughly and found the erosion and the extrusion with the fistula. She also found that there were two similar small areas of erosions as rough in the most upper portion of the vaginal area on each side where the "arms" of the sling are attached, a part I did not were a problem as the Urologist never said anything to me. My Primary care MD confirmed this needed to be addressed as I had been distressed and tried to convey to the Specialist who basically ignored two weeks earlier. I lost trust in him. I told her I would not return to see him and wanted a referral to a Urogyncologist who could handle such complicated cases. Her response to me was compassionate and firmly stated: "You gave him an opportunity to address this now, twice. When there was a continued problem and he did not acknowledge this, I agree it is time to move on." I can only surmise from the sample of cases I am reading and the cases that will continue to be posted that women will find they too are not alone when they investigate what has happened to them with placement of the transvaginal meshes and the post operative complications. There are likely thousands of other women who will eventually find their way to this very site just as we have. I hope they too will report what has happened to them in the same manner. It is my belief that there is significant under reporting by the Physicians. The reason I say this is because I believe the patients are reporting the symptoms and having repairs done, but not all and in fact few of the repairs are being reported or the FDA would be taking more notice than they have and would look into this more seriously than it would appear they are doing at this time, or at the very least insist on forcing the various manufacturers of the "Meshes" to re-call their products due to lack of safety until further investigation can be performed. Today, I filled out a survey sent to me by the hospital and the surgery center where my surgeries have been performed and I questioned them in the comments section if my surgeon has properly reported to the FDA the complications related to the meshes as required are to be reported. I placed them on notice that I am aware of the proper reporting procedures.

  • GeralynSeptember 2, 2009 at 8:52 pm

    Amy I am not a doc. BUT it sounds like you need to find another doc. But before you even do that. GO to an emergency rooom and complain abuot the pain so somebody will take an x ray.

  • AmySeptember 2, 2009 at 1:29 pm

    I was scheduled to have a partial hysterectomy, laprascopic, in July of 2009. I was told I would be off work one week. That didnt happen. I woke up in recovery with a catherter and severe pain. While performing the hysterectomy, my surgeon said I had quite alot of scar tissue that he began to remove. Doing so, he accidently knicked my bladdar and had to then had to open me up and repair my bladde[Show More]I was scheduled to have a partial hysterectomy, laprascopic, in July of 2009. I was told I would be off work one week. That didnt happen. I woke up in recovery with a catherter and severe pain. While performing the hysterectomy, my surgeon said I had quite alot of scar tissue that he began to remove. Doing so, he accidently knicked my bladdar and had to then had to open me up and repair my bladder. He also mentioned that he placed "mesh" inside me so the scar tissue wouldnt grow back again. I also was required to have a catherter for 2 weeks which alone with the pain from the incision was too unbearable. About two weeks into my recovery I noticed a horrible odor. I called the doctor and was diagnosed was a bacterial vaginal infection. I returned to work on the 24th of August thinking I finally had a clean bill of health. I was wrong. I began having these horrible sharp pains near my pelvic bone on my right side of my body. The kind of pain that would bend me over trying to catch my breath. The pain would gradully go away and suddenly and unexpectantly happen again. It feels like someone in stabbing me over and over again. I cannot hold my urine anymore either and sex with my boyfirend is horrendous. It is so painful! I went back to my surgeon and he told me is all a part of recovery and maybe I returned back to work too soon. Prescribed me some toradol and excused me from work another two weeks. I have read some of these blogs and I am wondering if anyone has any knowledge of what is happening to me and if I am going to continue to have these problems. I am a single mom working two jobs, raising two teenagers and need some answers.

  • LauraAugust 24, 2009 at 9:13 am

    Susan, I had a hysterectomy with A&P repair in 2006. Immediately following the procedure had terrible pain in my spine. It was so bad I couldn't turn over in bed and had to carefully work my way out of the bed. I found that I had arthritis by having an MRI, but these symptoms were not present to my knowledge as such prior to surgery. I had an accute attack of arthritis, and I spent the last two an[Show More]Susan, I had a hysterectomy with A&P repair in 2006. Immediately following the procedure had terrible pain in my spine. It was so bad I couldn't turn over in bed and had to carefully work my way out of the bed. I found that I had arthritis by having an MRI, but these symptoms were not present to my knowledge as such prior to surgery. I had an accute attack of arthritis, and I spent the last two and a half years seeking and getting help for arthritis symptoms after the hysterectomy with A&P repair.. Further, The gynecological surgeon essentially blamed my bodies autoimmune (ARTHRITIS!!!!), problem for causing me to have 11 months of bleeding vaginally after the hysterectomy and needing to be burned and coterized several times removing granuloma tissue before he pulled out a long suture vaginally. WA LA!, it seemed as if that problem was gone, but it layed beneath the surface until this year. My husband left me during the continual bleeding thing. I had no sex for nearly three years, and therefore did not have erosion vaginally that I could detect, nor did I have any symptoms other than severe back pain that went thru to my hip. Diagnosis, Osteoarthritis.. I have been standing up and falling to the floor, feeling as if my hip is giving out, this started a year after the surgery. Scans were done and no doctor was able to give any explanation for my hip failing me!!, reading this blog has been eye opening. Then it finally happened, The bio arc sling got ugly enough to portrude vaginally and I found it over 2 1/2 years later!, The surgeon who did the surgery, said that I would probably have a tiny knot of string needing removal. A second surgeon went in and found a huge mess!!!, an infected ball of granuloma tissue, the sling had broke and rolled up like a taco in two places, one going vaginally and one toward my pelvic bone. I cannot sit for more than an hour and three colonal rectal doctors say I can do nothing. I am currently trying to get help for pain that has continued possibly due to the posterior portion but still could be remaining mesh. After the sling removal I tried to work until I couldn't bear the pain any longer. The mesh is supposed to dissolve right, no worries!!!,..The posterior part is not operable?!, I am now unemployed and paying for Cobra health insurance. What is it going to take for the FDA to stop allowing doctors to have women be put at risk and for doctors to be quietly sitting aside not telling women the truth after the slings and mesh implants have been put in as to the problems that might occur. I suppose its ridiculous to consider a recall of the slings? Or is it. Were IUD's recalled at some point? I think all women who have ever had a mesh implant ought to be contacted by the FDA as to the warnings of complcations that could arise assuming the medical community is too scared to do it. Also, we need to be given avenues to get immediate help! from doctors who are knowledgeable if seroius implications of damage arise. Why are we left out here to suffer,?!, The last three years of my life have been spent with suffering and maybe, the erosion wouldn't have caused so much damage if I could have been INFORMED and TREATED sooner. I went thru HECK of a process and was given warnings forward backwards and sideways in order to begin taking the drug accutane!, WOMEN there ought to be fair warning given to us regarding complications, especially after having ANY SUSPICIOUS SYMPTOMS after an implant has been done!!!, Can the FDA somehow help the doctors so they can become a women's best advocate and start treating women quickly who could possibly be having mesh complications? I need a surgeron, can anyone help me?,

  • PennyAugust 24, 2009 at 1:15 am

    At 52 I had a prolapsed bladder and a uteris full of fibroids. With my gyn we made the decision to do a complete hystorectomy and she recommend the use of "this great new mesh" that would make the bladder stay in place longer. I had the first surgery in Sep 07. I did not have many issues at that time but within months my husband could feel the mesh and then I began to feel it. I went back to m[Show More]At 52 I had a prolapsed bladder and a uteris full of fibroids. With my gyn we made the decision to do a complete hystorectomy and she recommend the use of "this great new mesh" that would make the bladder stay in place longer. I had the first surgery in Sep 07. I did not have many issues at that time but within months my husband could feel the mesh and then I began to feel it. I went back to my gyn and he cut some of it away and told me if it continued to be an issue I would need to have surgery so they could cut it closer to the tissue. I thank God that when it did continue I decided to find a new doctor. I had gone to the office of a Womens Pelvice Surgeon for tests before the first surgery so I decided to go back to him. Based upon what I know now that was probally one of the best decisions I have ever made. He explained that my body was rejecting the mesh and that my bladder was already falling again. He also explained that the mesh was created so that more doctors could do this surgery. He also told me that he was seeing a lot of women with mesh problems and removing it for most of them. I was set to retire in January 09 so I wanted to go ahead and get this fixed before I changed insurance. Another great decision as when he performed the surgery he found that the mesh had mostly balled up inside me and had created a "Steril Absess". I have no doubt that had I not acted as quickly as I did I would have suffered as many of you have. My recommendation is to find a good "Womens Pelvic Surgeon" and get a consult. Also to tell every women we know to never allow anyone to use the mesh on her.

  • YvonneAugust 23, 2009 at 4:02 am

    This is Yvonne from above. I read my lengthy paragraph and found spelling errors and omissions. I wanted to clarify a couple of things. My Urologist never agreed that the second and more serious erosion and extrusion has occurred. I am now in the process of seeking another MD for yet another repair due to the pain of the material that is falling out and rough. The other omission is that my life h[Show More]This is Yvonne from above. I read my lengthy paragraph and found spelling errors and omissions. I wanted to clarify a couple of things. My Urologist never agreed that the second and more serious erosion and extrusion has occurred. I am now in the process of seeking another MD for yet another repair due to the pain of the material that is falling out and rough. The other omission is that my life has been completely change by this and certainly not for the better. My husband and I have not been able to be sexually active due to this since November 2008. Before this we had a fulfilling intimate life which has been destroyed. Prior to the sligs, I never had back, hip or buttock pain the radiated to my posterior thighs. I have trouble sitting and even lying down due to throbbing and shooting pain. I had this pain gradually come on and it has grown in intensity over the past 9 months. The pain is in the entire pelvic girdle and is deep bone pain it is like nothing I have ever experienced before and I have had a c-spine fusion multiple levels anterior and posterior of which I take no pain medications. I had a fused ankle. This pain is far greater in intensity.

  • YvonneAugust 23, 2009 at 3:40 am

    On November 5th 2008, I had the Monarc and Perigee slings placed without complications. For two weeks I could barely walk due to bilateral hip and groin pain, but otherwise things seemed to run the usual course. The one problematic thing I did notice was a constant greenish vaginal discharge that never went away even after my two month check-up. I saw the Urologist at two weeks post -op and he sai[Show More]On November 5th 2008, I had the Monarc and Perigee slings placed without complications. For two weeks I could barely walk due to bilateral hip and groin pain, but otherwise things seemed to run the usual course. The one problematic thing I did notice was a constant greenish vaginal discharge that never went away even after my two month check-up. I saw the Urologist at two weeks post -op and he said he did not want to see me back for four months. I was subsequently laid off and lost my insurance. During that time, my husband and I remained abstinent due to the severe discharge and the fact I felt the anterior mesh. I continued the cream daily as the Urologist had instructed, but by the end of May 2009 when this did not close and pieces were hanging out of the opening ass well as the hip pain and buttock pain continuing and increasing, I went back to the Urologist paid him cash and said FIX this! I then had the excision of the eroded and extruded mesh and take down of the necrotic tissue around the area of the opening where the mesh was eroding out from. Then at 5 by six weeks the mesh had eroded out again, so I went back to the Urologist to show him. He looked in there and said to me, "I only see two small areas at the very top where the arms are that are not healed that I can feel" . " I The suture line is intact and there is no mesh exposed." I told him back up to the anterior repair that you did because there is again a piece dangling on the left and the entire line again exposed my husband can feel this and I can feel this it is even larger than before and more rough. The piece hanging is larger. He had his MA glance over his shoulder and quickly concur and that was that. I am a medical professional who performs pelvic exams on women, so I know what to look for, how to examine them and he did not perform due diligence. I was appalled. He would not listen to me and wanted no part of another problem, it was very clear. I was never given any literature about the meshes and the possible failures nor was I counseled about the fact that i likely was not a good candidate for the meshes given that I have extremely thin vaginal tissue due to having had hysterectomy at the age of thirty two and being fifty now with estrogen levels having been depleted long ago. I would have never had the mesh placed having known this. I only learned about all of these things by researching this the day of my appointment to evaluate my second erosion and extrusion. I have been told like many of these other women to go home and use the Premarin Vaginal cream. Well, I can attest to using this faithfully and compliantly for a daily regimen for many months without any success. It is my belief that the surgeons resort to telling the patients to use this as a back-up so they have something to hang their hats on in court when it comes to patient compliance when they have nothing else to place blame on and have to come back to the patient when something fails.

  • Susan HAugust 18, 2009 at 12:14 pm

    It is Susan from above. I have been wondering, if anybody had been diagnoised with fibromyalgia before this surgery , or any type of arthriitis. Since having this mesh placed, I believe that it has worsened by symptoms of these disease. I ache and hurt all over, and it seems that my bones and muscles hurt much worse, and the pain seems to be progressing.

  • D'AnnaAugust 16, 2009 at 9:46 pm

    I had bladder and rectal repair due to the tissue being thin in both areas. I had some incontinence and was told by my doctor that the surgery would not be a walk in the park. What she didn't tell me was it would be a long walk through hell! The gynecare was used placed in my body on Oct 22,2008. I wnt home with a catherater and one week later the cath was removed. I could not urinate on my own. F[Show More]I had bladder and rectal repair due to the tissue being thin in both areas. I had some incontinence and was told by my doctor that the surgery would not be a walk in the park. What she didn't tell me was it would be a long walk through hell! The gynecare was used placed in my body on Oct 22,2008. I wnt home with a catherater and one week later the cath was removed. I could not urinate on my own. For 3 months I self cathed and had repeated infections. On January 15,2009 the same doctor went back in and cut the mesh away from my urethra so that I could urinate on my own. On May 28, 2009 I had my vagina pulled back up because it had "fallen". This surgery was done by one of the best in Ohio. I am now experiancing buring, vaginal yeast infections and lower stomach cramping. Sex is very painful and I am trying to continue to keep my job. If you have a doctor that is telling you to have thias surgery, do your reseach and have a secondary game plan. I am 50 years old and wish I could turn back time to Sept 2008 when I thought it would help me to have this reapir surgery.

  • VendlaAugust 16, 2009 at 9:33 pm

    I've now had 3 surgeries related to Apogee & Parigee systems. I'm appalled when I read everything on this site! It is like all of us were in the same place with this. Not a fun way to try and have a problem addressed and have it fail due to a product! The last surgery was a abdominal, not vaginal thanks to all the problems created by this.

  • Susan HAugust 16, 2009 at 3:17 am

    I had anteroir/posterior lift in May 2007, several months after I had several heavy periods and then stopped having them. I also starteded feeling stuff that was sticking me, and sometimes very painful intercourse. I went back Dec 2008 for heavy bleeding, and had a DC, and a sling revision,I was not told by my physican that there were these complications with the Prolift Sling. Feb 09, I had a [Show More]I had anteroir/posterior lift in May 2007, several months after I had several heavy periods and then stopped having them. I also starteded feeling stuff that was sticking me, and sometimes very painful intercourse. I went back Dec 2008 for heavy bleeding, and had a DC, and a sling revision,I was not told by my physican that there were these complications with the Prolift Sling. Feb 09, I had a ruptured ovary on my left side, with a cyst on the lright ovary, this resulted in a total abdominal hysterectomy. For nine weeks I kept telling my OB that I felt something sticking me, sex was painful, my lower abdomin hurt, and up in the left side at my kidneys. I was put on Premarin Cream 1Mg every night for two weeks, at my follow up visit I informed him that it felt as if something was comming out, I was told my vagina was swollen and irritated from the cream, and to cut back. Every office visit I have told him about the pain, my husband penis was actually cut from the mesh, I informed my OB, who told me he did no't see any more mesh protruding, but my husband looked with a flashlight and found a piece sticking out that looked like a candle wick, why my doctor could not see this I do not know. It has caused a lot of misery in my life, and has affected my mental state. As I sit and write this I still feel as if something is sticking me. I want this fixed and to be my self again, sex is getting non-exsitence due to the factt, my husband, and I can feel the rough edges of this. I want compenstated for this pain and misery. This has caused a great distress in my life

  • laura s.August 11, 2009 at 8:55 pm

    I am another victim of the surgical mesh. I suffered for almost a year before I had the straps of the mesh patch surgically released. The surgeon that did the original surgery told me twice that the mesh was not the problem, which delayed my diagnosis by many months filled with pain, embaressment, and depression. I am asking anyone who has experienced this horrible result from the mesh to pleas[Show More]I am another victim of the surgical mesh. I suffered for almost a year before I had the straps of the mesh patch surgically released. The surgeon that did the original surgery told me twice that the mesh was not the problem, which delayed my diagnosis by many months filled with pain, embaressment, and depression. I am asking anyone who has experienced this horrible result from the mesh to please, please, report this to the FDA and don't give up on finding a urologist or specialist surgeon to help you with your condition. Don't let the pharmacuetical companies ruin your life by giving up on this fight to bring an awareness of their dangerous products into the publlic eye. Also, don't be too trusting of some of the misleading surgeons that don't explain the complete side effects of the unnatural substances that they are putting in your body for their own profit. Be a voice for yourself as well as our future generation!

  • MarionJuly 1, 2009 at 5:11 am

    This is Marion again ( see the above). It is now July 1st and am still just as miserable. The bloating is getting worse, my back is killing me, I still have leg pain. The collegen helped at first but my incontinece is coming back. I wear pads day and night. Oh how I wish I could turn back the clock. I would rather have the prolapse than what I have gone thru since May 9th, 2008. By evening, my sto[Show More]This is Marion again ( see the above). It is now July 1st and am still just as miserable. The bloating is getting worse, my back is killing me, I still have leg pain. The collegen helped at first but my incontinece is coming back. I wear pads day and night. Oh how I wish I could turn back the clock. I would rather have the prolapse than what I have gone thru since May 9th, 2008. By evening, my stomach feels like it is going to burst, my back feels like it is going to break, and I have pain in my left kidney area. My female doctor has removed peices of mesh and I am now having her save the peices of mesh she has removed. I am waiting for the results from my primary doctor to see what is going on. Please, please tell others of the problems that can result from this surgery. I have gained weight due to not being able to be active like I was before the surgery. Reading over the other comments, it all sounds so familiar! I have been contacted by attorneys but am waiting for the results of all the test that I have had in the last 2 months. I will then decide what steps I should take.

  • MarionMay 24, 2009 at 7:57 pm

    I had surgery on May 9, 2008 for uterine prolapse. What a mistake!!!! I had no incontinence befoere the surgery. It was just my bladder coming out of my vagina. I was referred to a gynacologist which recommended surgery. My mom and sister had it done over 40 some years ago and never had a problem after thar. My gynacologist did the surgery after taking lessons from a docter in Las Vegas. He used [Show More]I had surgery on May 9, 2008 for uterine prolapse. What a mistake!!!! I had no incontinence befoere the surgery. It was just my bladder coming out of my vagina. I was referred to a gynacologist which recommended surgery. My mom and sister had it done over 40 some years ago and never had a problem after thar. My gynacologist did the surgery after taking lessons from a docter in Las Vegas. He used a prolift mesh which he said was a new procedure. I had the surgery May 9th, 2008. The hospital neglected to do an ultrasound which was recommended by the doctor after the surgery. It was not done! I was in such pain during the nights following the surgery I actually asked the nurse to give me something to let me die. They said they could not do that. They gave me morphine and also a morphine pump to help with the pain. I was trying to vomit all night with nothing to come up. They gave me something to help the vomiting but still nothing helped. My stomach hurt so bad from the dry heaves, I could hardly move. When the doctor came in, which was Mothers Day 2008, a nurse was with him to check how I was feeling. I told him my suffering and wanted to die. He asked if I had had an ultrasound. I told him I had not had one. No catheter was put in after the surgery. He and the nurse inserted a catheter and their comment was "no wonder you were in such pain, your badder was full and over flowing". They catherized me. I filled the bag and it over flowed. They drained 700 to 800 cc. I told the doctor I couldn't go home as I was in such pain. He recommended I stayed an extra day and was released May 12 around 6:30 P.M. From that time, I have had NO control of my bladder. I have had pain in my left hip/leg, back pain and severe stomach aching. I went for therapy for my incontinence and back/leg pain with 2 sessions a week for 10 weeks. Nothing has helped. I have had bloating which feels like I am going to burst. I have had 2 CT-Scans, sent to a urologist specialist, and finally to a female specialist 100 miles away in Orange County. I was "home bound" because I could not control my bladder. I was put on antibiotics for UTI's one after another. My female specialist has done many many procedures, removed mesh several times. She finally injected collegan for my incontinence on March 10th, 2009.. That has helped the incontinence but not the bloating, leg, back pain and the severe pressure on my stomach. The past year has been a night mare. I just had a series of blood tests, am going for a series of ultra-sounds and a heart doctor for more tests. I get light headed and feel like my heart is skipping. I think the stress is getting to me. I felt like I was a healthy 80 year young person before this surgery and now feel like I am a 180 year OLD person. If any person has had all these problems, please let me know. If anyone has any ideas what else can be done, please let me know. I am at a loss. My female specialisrt in Orange County said when the collegen wears off, she will put me in the hospital and do some type of mesh procedure.

  • SueMay 19, 2009 at 9:51 pm

    In Nov. 08 I had a full hysterectomy due to bladder prolapse and the mesh. I have had 2 surgeries since to correct and remove alot of the mesh but my bladder is falling out again! I still have pain in sitting, sex of course and the more active I am the more my bladder hangs. My doctor told me about a devise I can insert for activities, has anyone tried it? I also am looking at these lawsuits a[Show More]In Nov. 08 I had a full hysterectomy due to bladder prolapse and the mesh. I have had 2 surgeries since to correct and remove alot of the mesh but my bladder is falling out again! I still have pain in sitting, sex of course and the more active I am the more my bladder hangs. My doctor told me about a devise I can insert for activities, has anyone tried it? I also am looking at these lawsuits against the Mentor Corp. or whoever; this needs to stop or be corrected. I'll never be the same again. I still see my doctor every couple of weeks; keep going till they fix you.

  • SallyMay 15, 2009 at 3:22 pm

    I had surgery in Ocotber 2008 to repair a grade 3 bladder prolapse and prolapse of the lower bowel. I have had rectal, pelvic and lower back pain since the surgery. I am having a colonoscopy on Tuesday to find out if the issue is my colon or if the sling is causing the problem. Readiing all of the emails with similar complaints really frightens me. My prolapse was really bad but the pain now is e[Show More]I had surgery in Ocotber 2008 to repair a grade 3 bladder prolapse and prolapse of the lower bowel. I have had rectal, pelvic and lower back pain since the surgery. I am having a colonoscopy on Tuesday to find out if the issue is my colon or if the sling is causing the problem. Readiing all of the emails with similar complaints really frightens me. My prolapse was really bad but the pain now is even worse. I hope that this can be corrected without complications. I can literally feel two hard nubs that feel like platic at the back of my vagina. This cannot be normal and scares me.

  • KimberlyMay 14, 2009 at 2:42 pm

    I had a total hysterectomy in May of 2006. I also had surgery for pelvic organ prolaspe using the surgical mesh. My incontinence has not improved and I have pain during intercourse. I was not advised of the FDA alert until last week. I had not been back to my doctor because I thought it was just me and there was nothing to do to fix my problems. I went for a three year check up (doctor recmme[Show More]I had a total hysterectomy in May of 2006. I also had surgery for pelvic organ prolaspe using the surgical mesh. My incontinence has not improved and I have pain during intercourse. I was not advised of the FDA alert until last week. I had not been back to my doctor because I thought it was just me and there was nothing to do to fix my problems. I went for a three year check up (doctor recmmended a three year wait for pap test) and complained that I still had urinary problems and pain with sex. The doctor who performed my operation had moved out of state and I saw a new doctor. He told me that the pain was due to the fact that I wasn't taking hormones and if used hormones that would help. It didn't. I have a schedule appointment next month to review my "urine diary" to see what can be done. The letter from my doctor's office with the FDA alert was not sent to me until after I went in for my check up and had complaints about the same problems that were discussed in the FDA alert.

  • KarenMay 14, 2009 at 6:44 am

    I had a partial hysterectomy back in 1998 also a bladder repair the surgeon used some kind of mesh back then. Everything was fine I had no problems. Then in 2006, I had to have a rectal repair and also a vaginal repair. I also had a benign cyst on my left ovary that was then removed. The second surgery was done by a different Dr. He had to do another bikini cut like I had the first time. There w[Show More]I had a partial hysterectomy back in 1998 also a bladder repair the surgeon used some kind of mesh back then. Everything was fine I had no problems. Then in 2006, I had to have a rectal repair and also a vaginal repair. I also had a benign cyst on my left ovary that was then removed. The second surgery was done by a different Dr. He had to do another bikini cut like I had the first time. There was alot of bleeding and he said he had a hard time with all of the mesh that was put there from the first surgery. I have had nothing but pain alot of pain. Intercourse with my husband is unbearable. I had been using the premarin vaginal cream, but it does nothing. I just have not been myself since this surgery, also a bloated abdomen, It is like he stitched my abdomen up so tight. Also, my vagina was stitched up very tight. I kept going back and back to this Dr. He informed me every time he does not know why months after I was still feeling that way. He thought it was all in my head, so frustrating. I did not go back to him. Since then my new family Dr. cannot figure out why it is so painful. My lower abdomen is painful also. I'm a mess and I just need some answers, I feel like I'm falling apart mentally and physically. I'm only 48 yrs old and did enjoy an active sex life with my husband. Now we very rarely have intercourse, too painful. Is there anything that can be done. My rectal repair is falling apart and my bladder repair needs a lift again. Sorry if I'm going all over the place with this but I was just searching through the info and I think I finally found my answer. Maybe the mesh.

  • RhondaMay 12, 2009 at 9:27 pm

    I had the TVT sling surgery in July 07. I am 35 years old. My gynecologist told me how great it was....and acted like it was an easy fix....and no big deal. Oh how I wish I would have done more research on my own! I started having pain about 6 months after the surgery...a pinching feeling when sitting and walking....and sex was very painful. In July 08 I had my first revision....by this time, th[Show More]I had the TVT sling surgery in July 07. I am 35 years old. My gynecologist told me how great it was....and acted like it was an easy fix....and no big deal. Oh how I wish I would have done more research on my own! I started having pain about 6 months after the surgery...a pinching feeling when sitting and walking....and sex was very painful. In July 08 I had my first revision....by this time, the mesh was nearly coming through my vaginal wall....my dr trimmed a piece of the mesh on the right side of the sling. I got through this.....maybe feeling a little better at first. Within a few months, the pinching pain was back. Sitting comfortably was not possible. Sex-painful again. I have had sooo many UTI's since having the initial surgery. This Feb. (2009), I had my 2nd revision. This time I saw a urologist, not my gynecologist like with the first two surgeries. She removed all the mesh she could from the right side (which has always been my problem area). She said the band was so tight that she understood why I was in pain. After this surgery...I was a new woman! I felt better than I had felt in almost 2 yrs. I felt like I had lost my life before...and now I had it ALL back. I'm talking answered prayers from this nightmare. Don't know how many nights I cried over all of this. Unfortunately, about a week and a half ago, I started experiencing pain on the right side and frequent urination. I went to see my urologist today. The sling seems to be in place, but she thinks I have inflammation of my pelvic bone (and I had another UTI). Sitting is painful and when I bend over....I feel the pinching and pulling in my vaginal area. I go tomorrow for pelvic xrays and possibly a bone scan. Has anyone else had this problem? It's like people can't really understand how this has affected our lives.......I just want my life back.....I don't care if I pee on myself!!!! Just give me my life back!

  • rosemaryMay 11, 2009 at 10:50 pm

    I had surgery on 11/10/06. I had an A&P repair with the Gynecare Prolift Mesh. I had terrible pain in my left hip and leg upon awakening in the recovery room. I stayed all night in the center, and had awful pain all night. I was told it was probably my back from the position I was in during surgery. The pain lasted for 15 months. I had multiple procedures for mesh erosion, Epidural Steroid Inj[Show More]I had surgery on 11/10/06. I had an A&P repair with the Gynecare Prolift Mesh. I had terrible pain in my left hip and leg upon awakening in the recovery room. I stayed all night in the center, and had awful pain all night. I was told it was probably my back from the position I was in during surgery. The pain lasted for 15 months. I had multiple procedures for mesh erosion, Epidural Steroid Injections for back and hip pain that did not help because it was not my back causing the problem. I experienced terrible pain with intercourse every time we tried. I was told to wait a few weeks and try again, but the pain was too severe. I eventually had to have part of the mesh removed. I still was no better for a few months. I now have some pain in my hip, but things are some better. I put my trust in my Doctor and a product that he believed in and it ruined my life. PLEASE TELL ALL THE WOMEN YOU KNOW THAT IT IS NOT WORTH IT. MY RECORDS ARE NOW AT A ATTORNEYS OFFICE.

  • Lana KeetonMay 10, 2009 at 4:25 am


  • LanaMay 10, 2009 at 4:21 am

    Jennifer, It is better to be incontinent than to suffer life-long complications and pain from the implantation of sythetic surgical mesh. If a doctor is going to implant a "sling" in you, what is it made of? Most slings nowadays are synthetic....be sure to ask the question... blessings, Lana

  • louApril 28, 2009 at 5:49 pm

    I work for a urology group...I know that we rarely use mesh for the sling procedure. I also know that there are manufacturers out there who have done lots of clinical studies to ensure the safety of their product. I think it is a safe procedure, but I would make sure the doctor doing it has done enough that you would feel comfortable about it..... If you are having problems I would go to a doctor.[Show More]I work for a urology group...I know that we rarely use mesh for the sling procedure. I also know that there are manufacturers out there who have done lots of clinical studies to ensure the safety of their product. I think it is a safe procedure, but I would make sure the doctor doing it has done enough that you would feel comfortable about it..... If you are having problems I would go to a doctor..if the one who performed your procedure won't see you then go somewhere else There is always a good doc around to help you...don't give up if you are in pain..go out of state if you have to just get some help and some advice

  • JenniferApril 9, 2009 at 6:16 pm

    I actually have a question and for some advice.I saw a urologist for the 1st time yesterday,and he advised after examaning me to get this surgery done,due to my bladder being dropped,and causing me problems,leaking when sneezing and various othe things.He said in someone my age(34) I would be crazy not to do this surgery.He does not advise using the mesh,only the sling,unless the sling did not hol[Show More]I actually have a question and for some advice.I saw a urologist for the 1st time yesterday,and he advised after examaning me to get this surgery done,due to my bladder being dropped,and causing me problems,leaking when sneezing and various othe things.He said in someone my age(34) I would be crazy not to do this surgery.He does not advise using the mesh,only the sling,unless the sling did not hold,he said he usually does not put the mesh in if you are younger.

  • MariaApril 7, 2009 at 5:40 am

    I had the Bard/transvaginal mesh surgery for bladder prolapse in July 07,six monthslater started having pain in my pelvis,sex became painful,I tried toignore thepain as I have 3 kids under 6 and an autistic son, as time went on the ,esh worked its way down in pieces,in Feb of 09 when my husband could feel thehard mesh he forced me to goto my ob,found out the mesh had eroded,was in pices adhered [Show More]I had the Bard/transvaginal mesh surgery for bladder prolapse in July 07,six monthslater started having pain in my pelvis,sex became painful,I tried toignore thepain as I have 3 kids under 6 and an autistic son, as time went on the ,esh worked its way down in pieces,in Feb of 09 when my husband could feel thehard mesh he forced me to goto my ob,found out the mesh had eroded,was in pices adhered to different organs,emergency surgery 2 days later,5 day hospital stay,went home with a cath bag for a week,bagis out and I'm voiding allll the time,this defective mesh has ruined thelastyearof my life,I have not been able to go back to work,have not had sex in manymany many months and my husband isvery agitated although he knows its not my fault,it has caused marital strife.my ability to be a patient kind mother has deteriorated tothe point family members have been helping out daily with my kids,my nerves are that shot.I have contacted a lawyer and the company directly who made the mesh,been told theyare settling out of court,not sur ewhat road I'll tak ebut I amdetermined to be compensated,not enough trials were done or theywould have seen the mesh erodes,anyone who has this problem needs to be compensated,call a lawyer,or find out from your Dr. the comapny who madethemesh andn the specific mesh used and contact them and see if they are willing to settle out,there IS a class action suit as we speak but it could drag on for years and I want compensated NOW!I'll let everyone know my out come,please dont passive,it's your body you trusted professionalsl to repair,if you'vehad the mesh erosion,you qualify for compensation...............

  • kscApril 3, 2009 at 12:51 pm

    Is it possible that we can unite?I don't know where to turn for answers?If the FDA comes out with a warning like this,it is obvious we have something to worry about.I worry every day about LONG TERM.I'm in my fiftys,what about when I'm seventy?This material will be old.Will it fall apart?Will it get moldy?Will it cause infection? Can anyone help? I had a miniarc sling placed in 2007.The dr. tol[Show More]Is it possible that we can unite?I don't know where to turn for answers?If the FDA comes out with a warning like this,it is obvious we have something to worry about.I worry every day about LONG TERM.I'm in my fiftys,what about when I'm seventy?This material will be old.Will it fall apart?Will it get moldy?Will it cause infection? Can anyone help? I had a miniarc sling placed in 2007.The dr. told me they were very safe.He stated they didn't have any problems with slings at all. I

  • SharonMarch 29, 2009 at 12:51 pm

    I had obturator transvaginal tape procedure in 05. I started having pain in 07 and it escalated, also bladder infections. Had a cystoscopy by urologoist who said the tape had not pentrated my bladder and was very defensive about the TVT procedure and did not give me any explanation for my symptoms. I am going to another doctor. Bottom Line: I was pressured into this procedure by my gynologist w[Show More]I had obturator transvaginal tape procedure in 05. I started having pain in 07 and it escalated, also bladder infections. Had a cystoscopy by urologoist who said the tape had not pentrated my bladder and was very defensive about the TVT procedure and did not give me any explanation for my symptoms. I am going to another doctor. Bottom Line: I was pressured into this procedure by my gynologist when I had to have a hysterectomy and I regret ever having this done and am very angry and upset.

  • lisaMarch 19, 2009 at 5:29 am

    I meant I had to have a colonoscopy and the colon rectal surgeon said that the only treatment if the mesh erodes through the bowel is a colonostomy. Sorry I made a mistake in the last posting.

  • LisaMarch 19, 2009 at 5:19 am

    I had an Apogee and a Perigee graft placed in July of 2006 for bladder prolapse , rectocele and entrocele repair. I have had to have 5 surgeries since to remove as much of the mesh that my doctor can I also had to have a hysterectomy due to the mesh problems now my Dr. thinks the mesh is erroding through my rectum. I have had chronic pain, painful intercourse not only for me but also for my husban[Show More]I had an Apogee and a Perigee graft placed in July of 2006 for bladder prolapse , rectocele and entrocele repair. I have had to have 5 surgeries since to remove as much of the mesh that my doctor can I also had to have a hysterectomy due to the mesh problems now my Dr. thinks the mesh is erroding through my rectum. I have had chronic pain, painful intercourse not only for me but also for my husband the mesh cut him during intercourse, painful bowel movements pain in my buttocks at the site where they pull the arms of the graft, and also pain in my hips. I am on pain killers that are no longer helping that much had to go see a colon- rectal specialist had an MRI and have to have a colonostomy all due to this mesh I will NEVER have any other mesh put in my body or wish this on even my worst enemy. I have not been able to find an attorney to help me I have called several but they say there is no class action suit and the manufactors of these products are hard to get anything from because they are so protected and they all want to go after the DR. my new doctor say that the Dr. may be at 10% fault but probably 90% the mesh company.

  • Shirley E.March 6, 2009 at 1:51 am

    In response to Judy from December 19, 2008, I had this surgery about 5 years ago. The hip pain I had from the time I woke up after 5 hrs on the surgery table. They said it was my sciatia from laying on my back so long on a hard table in an awkward position. That pain was so terrible I could hardly move. It lasted day and night for about 6 weeks. and every once in awhile returns but not like that b[Show More]In response to Judy from December 19, 2008, I had this surgery about 5 years ago. The hip pain I had from the time I woke up after 5 hrs on the surgery table. They said it was my sciatia from laying on my back so long on a hard table in an awkward position. That pain was so terrible I could hardly move. It lasted day and night for about 6 weeks. and every once in awhile returns but not like that bout. Stiff upper lip, you will make it through.

  • DianneFebruary 24, 2009 at 10:37 pm

    I had a rectocele surgery 2 years ago --after the first one I thought i had strained and did some damage while having constipation issues --went to the dr and had another surgery to repair the mess that I had --went to get the stitches out and found out that i have what feels like a mest wire that has been cut with sharp edges inside my vagina --I am sick about this mess --has anyone else out ther[Show More]I had a rectocele surgery 2 years ago --after the first one I thought i had strained and did some damage while having constipation issues --went to the dr and had another surgery to repair the mess that I had --went to get the stitches out and found out that i have what feels like a mest wire that has been cut with sharp edges inside my vagina --I am sick about this mess --has anyone else out ther experienced this ??

  • kscFebruary 17, 2009 at 9:12 pm

    Someone please tell me what to do.I had a sling put in in August 2007.I'm so scared thinking about what is going on with this thing inside me.I had a miniarc sling.I've called two lawyers ...both said they are involved in different sling lawsuits. With this warning from the FDA I want some help.My urologist has never seen me since this was placed. I don't know where to turn.

  • jackieFebruary 9, 2009 at 4:21 am

    women, get a good attorney right now!! I am crippled now and the metal in the mesh has given me lupus!! I have been to the ER's at least monthly since the awful thing was put in May 2007. the worst part, my doctor at loma linda just let the damage keep going and going and only removing the last half of that sling 5 months ago. DO NOT let your doctor take this lightly....my life is destroyed and[Show More]women, get a good attorney right now!! I am crippled now and the metal in the mesh has given me lupus!! I have been to the ER's at least monthly since the awful thing was put in May 2007. the worst part, my doctor at loma linda just let the damage keep going and going and only removing the last half of that sling 5 months ago. DO NOT let your doctor take this lightly....my life is destroyed and live on pain killers plus with the lupus now I am fighting for my life. I never imagined the destruction something like this could do to your body. Listen to your body and if you feel something isn't right, find a doctor who will take care of you. God Speed to you in pain.

  • CristineJanuary 28, 2009 at 6:18 pm

    I had the surgery 21 days ago,and after experiencing cramping,discharge and pain in my lower back and hip,I was able to get in to see a soctor.(Mine was on vacation) I was told the mesh had eroded thru the wall of my vagina.Doctor suggested I use the estrogen cream for a few weeks before we talk about surgery.But my thought is obviously my body is rejecting the material, so I would just as soon ha[Show More]I had the surgery 21 days ago,and after experiencing cramping,discharge and pain in my lower back and hip,I was able to get in to see a soctor.(Mine was on vacation) I was told the mesh had eroded thru the wall of my vagina.Doctor suggested I use the estrogen cream for a few weeks before we talk about surgery.But my thought is obviously my body is rejecting the material, so I would just as soon have it removed.I am just totally disgusted and freaked out about the whole thing!

  • sha shaJanuary 17, 2009 at 10:58 pm

    I just ran across this blog and with a shock realized that I was reading my mother's blog. All my life she has been the picture of health and vitality and to see this totally unnecessary problem arise from this surgery is heartbreaking. To all family members who care about their mothers, please read this and take note. Sometimes we don't do enough or care enough until it is too late. If I had rea[Show More]I just ran across this blog and with a shock realized that I was reading my mother's blog. All my life she has been the picture of health and vitality and to see this totally unnecessary problem arise from this surgery is heartbreaking. To all family members who care about their mothers, please read this and take note. Sometimes we don't do enough or care enough until it is too late. If I had really understood the severity of my mom's problem, I would have reacted much sooner to become educated on this and what I can do to help. I would have been much more supportive. It's critical that we help as much as we can by taking an active role in managing our parent's healthcare.

  • elizabethJanuary 8, 2009 at 3:22 pm

    I had an Op for Posterior Prolaps Feb 2008, also Mesh for Vaginal Vault. (To cut a long story short) I had a fall in June and have been in terrible pain and disscomfort since, surgeon was addament nothing would have moved,!! Eventually in August she agreed to loosen tape, another surgeon told me to be fair to me it was too tight !! It has given me no reliel anyway and after goung backwards and fo[Show More]I had an Op for Posterior Prolaps Feb 2008, also Mesh for Vaginal Vault. (To cut a long story short) I had a fall in June and have been in terrible pain and disscomfort since, surgeon was addament nothing would have moved,!! Eventually in August she agreed to loosen tape, another surgeon told me to be fair to me it was too tight !! It has given me no reliel anyway and after goung backwards and forwards for months to the hospital I still cannot SIT comfortably, and am in pain and disscomfort all the time. I'm still trying to get help, not giving up. I want my life back as I have had none for SEVEN months. Be very careful with this procedure , it speaks for itself !! If I could have my Prolaps back tomorrow i would. I,m 69 years and I too was very active, it is heartbreaking.

  • RuthJanuary 8, 2009 at 2:00 pm

    I had a Gynecare Prolift implant for prolapsed bladder performed in April of 2008. Following this surgery I was unable to void, so I was on catheter for 2 weeks. I began getting Urinary Tract Infections and have subsequently had 9 UTI's. I was put on self cath for many months. I started taking xanax for anxiety as I am extremely active and have never suffered this type of problem. I went to a[Show More]I had a Gynecare Prolift implant for prolapsed bladder performed in April of 2008. Following this surgery I was unable to void, so I was on catheter for 2 weeks. I began getting Urinary Tract Infections and have subsequently had 9 UTI's. I was put on self cath for many months. I started taking xanax for anxiety as I am extremely active and have never suffered this type of problem. I went to a urologist who performed a surgery and I am now off the self cath, but I am up 4 to 6 times per night to void and continue to get UTI's. The urologist told me I need a surgery to release the sling which may be too tight, and that this may cause incontinence. Then I would need a further surgery. This sling has caused me untold grief, and I would have lived comfortably with my prolapsed bladder if I had been told of the side effects.

  • Mommy2BoysJanuary 8, 2009 at 2:57 am

    At 32 years old, I had a total hysterectomy (for utuers prolapse) w/ AP Repairs (for rectocele & cytocele), TVT & bladder sling in Feb 08. Since then, I've had several bladder infections, painful sex, sometimes unable to have sex due to the pain, and the past month or so I've felt the old prolapses back. Also, I've had weird stabbing pains in my hipbone/pelvic area. They don't last long[Show More]At 32 years old, I had a total hysterectomy (for utuers prolapse) w/ AP Repairs (for rectocele & cytocele), TVT & bladder sling in Feb 08. Since then, I've had several bladder infections, painful sex, sometimes unable to have sex due to the pain, and the past month or so I've felt the old prolapses back. Also, I've had weird stabbing pains in my hipbone/pelvic area. They don't last long and but they hurt and they are getting more frequent. Until today, I had no idea that these recalls/warnings had been put out. I am now terrified that this is what is causing my problems...will be calling my doc tomorrow. Does anybody have these symptoms and know for sure that it is due to this mesh???

  • JudyDecember 19, 2008 at 5:44 am

    I had this surgery on September 2, 2008, and things were going along beautifully and was giving a clean bill of health. Doctor said I could resume normal sexual activity. Well the first time, my boyfriend and I tried it was like trying to put 10 pounds of potatoes in a 5 lb bag and the pain was awful. I called the doctor and they said that it happens and to keep trying. We did and it was not a[Show More]I had this surgery on September 2, 2008, and things were going along beautifully and was giving a clean bill of health. Doctor said I could resume normal sexual activity. Well the first time, my boyfriend and I tried it was like trying to put 10 pounds of potatoes in a 5 lb bag and the pain was awful. I called the doctor and they said that it happens and to keep trying. We did and it was not any better. I went back to the doctor on October 24th and he said Oh NO. He said my bladder was prolasping again, he had to cut out some of the mesh that we were feeling and he said I was his first failure. He said he wanted to keep an eye on it so I went back on November 24th and it had gotten a little worse. I returned today and he said it was still failing but was still attached and to keep using the Premarin Cream as it looked better this time. I have to return on January 22nd. After I started back to work at both my jobs, I noticed a terrible pain in my hip which I never had before the surgery. It had gradually gotten worse and it almost drops me to the floor when the stabbing pain hits. I asked him about it and he said it could have been from the fact that I was in surgery for 6 1/2 hours total as he had to remove scar tissue from my hysterectomy I had in 1990. This is the worst pain I remember by far in my life. Childbirth was not this bad. I am seeing an orthopedic doctor on Dec 23rd to see if he can figure out what is going on. Was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this complication? This has ruined my quality of life as I am a very active person.

  • LesaDecember 8, 2008 at 2:49 am

    I had rectocele and cystocele repair on Oct. 7th of '08...then had the repair , repaired 29 days later on the 27th. it is now the first week of December and I am still uncomfortable sitting upright and pieces of what look to be sututres are coming from my vagina. A little clump came out this morning and one stitch about a week ago. My husband has been checking out the AREA using a flashlight and n[Show More]I had rectocele and cystocele repair on Oct. 7th of '08...then had the repair , repaired 29 days later on the 27th. it is now the first week of December and I am still uncomfortable sitting upright and pieces of what look to be sututres are coming from my vagina. A little clump came out this morning and one stitch about a week ago. My husband has been checking out the AREA using a flashlight and now sees more sutures than he saw this morning. I freaked and cried...will call Dr. tomorrow since today is a Sunday....but this doesn't seem natural...altho I am not bleeding...

  • valerieOctober 27, 2008 at 8:11 pm

    I had vaginal repair using mesh 3 yrs. ago & have had constant vaginal pain since then which has not been diagnosed till this report came to my attention

  • melissaOctober 23, 2008 at 8:26 pm

    yes... i just had removal of mesh due to bladder sling gone bad. this has been the worst 7 months of my life. i am in physical therapy for my bladder and pelvic floor muscles. i would not recommend these surgeries to anyone!

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