Enbrel Lawsuits

The arthritis drug Enbrel has been linked to an increased risk of fatal infections, incluing tuberculosis and fungal infections. In May 2008, a “black box” warning was added about the risk of tuberculosis. In September 2008, the FDA added information to the “black box” warning about the risk of potentially fatal fungal infections, which were often going undiagnosed.

STATUS OF ENBREL LAWSUITS: Potential for legal claims are being evaluated for individuals diagnosed with tuberculosis before May 1, 2008 or who died as a result of an infection.

MANUFACTURERS: Amgen, Inc. and Wyeth

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OVERVIEW: Enbrel (etanercept) is a Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) Blocker, which was approved in 1998 to treat various auto immune disorders, such as Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, plaque psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and juvenile idopathic arthritis (previously known as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis). It is administered as an injection given either by the user or a caregiver.

There are three other TNF blockers currently approved in the United States, Remicade, Humira and Cimzia. When all uses are considered, including indications that Remicade is not approved for, Enbrel is the most widely useed TNF blocker.

ENBREL TUBERCULOSIS RISK: In May 1999, information was added to the warning label about a possible risk of serious infections, including sepsis, which has caused a number of deaths. In April 2008, this information was added to a “black box” which was more prominently displayed on the label.

The “black box” warning also included information about cases of tuberculosis associated with use of Enbrel injections. The FDA and manufacturers indicated that healthcare providers should screen their patients for latent tuberculosis before prescribing Enbrel.

Tuberculosis, also known as tubercle bacillus or TB, is a deadly infection which commonly attacks the lungs (pulmonary TB), the central nervous system, circulatory system, bones, joints or the skin.

Symptoms of tuberculosis could include:

  • Chest Pain
  • Coughing Blood
  • Fever, Chills or Night Sweats
  • Appetite Loss or Weight Loss
  • Fatique

ENBREL CANCER SIDE EFFECTS: In June 2008, the FDA released an early communication about an ongoing safety review involving Enbrel and a possible association with the development of lymphoma and other cancers among children and young adults and an Enbrel black box cancer warning was added in August 2009.

At least 30 reports of childhood cancer were received by the FDA involving the use of TNF blockers. Other medications indicated in this early communication were Humira and Remicade.

Approximately half of the cancers seen in all children and young adults taking TNF blockers were lymphomas, including bother Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which is a cancer of cells in the immune system. Lymphoma is not a recognized complication of JIA (Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis) or of Crohn’s disease. Other cancers reported included leukemia, melanoma and solid organ cancers.

ENBRAL FUNGAL INFECTIONS: A number of users who were receiving TNF blockers, such as Enbrel, have experienced fungal infections, such as histoplasmosis, blastomycosis and cocciioidmycosis. In several of these cases the infection resulted in death.

In September 2008, the FDA issued an alert to healthcare providers to provide new information about the risk of Enbrel fungal infections. At that time the agency also indicated that new information will be added to the Enbrel black box warning to ensure that doctors and consumers are aware of the risk, especially for those who live in or visit areas where fungus is prevalent.

Unfortunately, many cases of fungal infections from Enbrel go undiagnosed by doctors, since the symptoms are similar to the flu. Symptoms could include cough, fever, fatigue, loss of weight, sweating and shortness of breath.


  • LouisOctober 7, 2024 at 1:49 pm

    I am being treated for lymphoma after taking enbrel.

  • VickieApril 19, 2024 at 10:43 am

    In December of 2001 I suffered a stroke in my lower occipital lobe and lost the middle of my left peripheral vision permanently. I did not have high blood pressure or any blockages anywhere. All arteries were clear. I was taking Enbrel injections for rheumatoid arthritis

  • JohnDecember 17, 2023 at 9:35 pm

    After years of Emmel injection, I develop Hodgkin lymphoma and heart disease. I had no idea that these were the side effects. No one ever told me about it and now I’m basically crippled due to the chemo treatments. I wonder if anyone is suing them I would love to take part in it, if only to save other people from the complications and pain that I went through

  • BrittneyJuly 22, 2023 at 10:08 am

    My mom died in 2013. She was diagnosed with kidney cancer in 2011 and her doctor said it was because of the Enbrel injection she was taking for rheumatoid arthritis.

  • PatriciaMay 16, 2023 at 11:30 pm

    Well I start using Enbrel for sever RA, since 2018 and just been diagnosed with Lynphoma cancer. How could I even cross my mine to use a medicacion that will developed cancer. Now all I can said I rather suffer pain and not have cancer.

  • JayMarch 15, 2023 at 5:27 pm

    Suffering with RA for a long time, Enbral was prescribed which I took for many years. Everything seemed fine as I had been warned of possible issues from Flu, Shingles, pneumonia, all of which I took proper precautions by getting immunizations. I was also warned about possible infections so I have been very careful with any cuts and scrapes to ensure cleanliness. July of 2021 found me in the em[Show More]Suffering with RA for a long time, Enbral was prescribed which I took for many years. Everything seemed fine as I had been warned of possible issues from Flu, Shingles, pneumonia, all of which I took proper precautions by getting immunizations. I was also warned about possible infections so I have been very careful with any cuts and scrapes to ensure cleanliness. July of 2021 found me in the emergency room suffering from Septic Shock. This resulted in bilateral metatarsal and metacarpal amputations as well as CKD for the rest of my obviously shortened life. The infliction was named Capnocytophaga which is a result of dog saliva making contact with shaving rash on my neck. Nowhere on any literature involving Enbral lists the family dog as a loaded gun but 80% of all dogs carry the bacteria in their mouths. FDA should re-evaluate the warning that Enbral carries as it gives NO WARNINGS to pet owners.

  • NenaAugust 13, 2022 at 4:35 pm

    I send my condolences to those who lost love ones from this drug enbrel. From reading alot of the stories people shares gave me alot more understanding and knowledge about taking enbrel and serious this drug is. Now I've made the decision to stop taking this drug and hopefully my next check up I won't be getting any bad news.

  • RebeccaMarch 21, 2022 at 9:10 am

    I am going to start a case against Enbrel. I began treatment before there were even prescription medications on TV. The side effects have now become terminal with me after going through the CNS side effects, fungal infections, TB, skin cancer which has spread below my waist and much more. Lack of communication with doctors and continued treatment despite side effects is not acceptable! I can only [Show More]I am going to start a case against Enbrel. I began treatment before there were even prescription medications on TV. The side effects have now become terminal with me after going through the CNS side effects, fungal infections, TB, skin cancer which has spread below my waist and much more. Lack of communication with doctors and continued treatment despite side effects is not acceptable! I can only continue on a pain control regiment and pray for more years without additional joint replacements and fusions in my back. Which has 18 screws so far. I have been unable to work as a Registered Nurse since 2007. I feel as though my future and identity have been stripped of me! I own land that I have always planned on building my last house on but did not plan on it for me to die in. I have a grandson I would love to see graduate from high school and even see get married! My income on disability is barely enough to purchase medications and food with. Renting a house as my son and his family live in my house in Indiana.

  • RebeccaMarch 21, 2022 at 8:41 am

    I was started on Enbrel injections as soon as it was FDA approved. No tests were done prior to and nothing was monitored. I began having central nervous system effects and was being tested for MS continuing on Enbrel. Then I contracted hystoplasmosis, which developed into tuberculosis. This was treated for 2 years with 2 different drugs and taken off Enbrel. I now have a terminal interstitial lung[Show More]I was started on Enbrel injections as soon as it was FDA approved. No tests were done prior to and nothing was monitored. I began having central nervous system effects and was being tested for MS continuing on Enbrel. Then I contracted hystoplasmosis, which developed into tuberculosis. This was treated for 2 years with 2 different drugs and taken off Enbrel. I now have a terminal interstitial lung disease blastocytosis with many other side effects including the newest of squamous cell carcinoma. I have had lymphadenopathy and many lymph nodes removed thankfully benign so far. No more biologics for me. All other forms of treatment cause pneumonia and infection immediately. My RA is very severe and I now have a total hip replacement and 18 screws in my back. Only to live out my time on a pain control regiment. Enbrel took my life. I am an RN and had my life ready to work with the red cross in my retirement. Now I cannot even walk to the mailbox!

  • KeniaJanuary 31, 2020 at 1:41 am

    Start using Embrel on February 2018, few weeks later feel sick, call my Dr. tell my Dr. Embrel is not working for me. Got sick again , call her she tell me that I need to give a chance to Embrel, I believe her , I decided to continue until November 2018, I don’t know why I listen to her, when she never wants to listen to me,, in January 2019 pneumonia, very sick, I’ll get better , in May same symp[Show More]Start using Embrel on February 2018, few weeks later feel sick, call my Dr. tell my Dr. Embrel is not working for me. Got sick again , call her she tell me that I need to give a chance to Embrel, I believe her , I decided to continue until November 2018, I don’t know why I listen to her, when she never wants to listen to me,, in January 2019 pneumonia, very sick, I’ll get better , in May same symptoms again, in October a pain in my left side, Lung cancer, “. 3 months today that I had my sergury!!! Please do not used Embrel, this medication is very dangerous, I don’t have no idea about all this side affects!!! If I know what I know now I will never use this medication. First flu symptoms, stiffness, fatigue, exhausted like never before, my feet and part of my face swelling, my eyes, I’m 57 years old female only with Rheumatoid arthritis and high blood pressure, never smoke in my life now we all this sickness!!! Please read before you used any of this medication..

  • DominiqueJanuary 23, 2019 at 12:20 pm

    I have Psoriatic Arthritis and began on a treatment of Humira which after a year no longer worked. I was given Enbrel which helped a great deal with the relief of pain and swelling of joints. After a year on the medication I began having abdomen pain and my pain came back with the swelling of joints. I felt as if I had a bladder infection which I have never had. Went to a Urgent Care and sure en[Show More]I have Psoriatic Arthritis and began on a treatment of Humira which after a year no longer worked. I was given Enbrel which helped a great deal with the relief of pain and swelling of joints. After a year on the medication I began having abdomen pain and my pain came back with the swelling of joints. I felt as if I had a bladder infection which I have never had. Went to a Urgent Care and sure enough was diagnosed with a Bladder Infection. After a week with no relief I sought the help of a Urologist. Who very quickly scheduled me for a Cystoscopy and there it was Bladder Cancer. The reason of my bladder infection was due to the stalk of the tumor had blocked and pertruded from my uretha out of my body. I was immediately scheduled for surgery to remove the tumor and a month later was scheduled for a complete Hysterectomy. At the time of the Hysterectomy a Bladder Sling was put in place to help my bladder. Within months the Bladder Sling broke and embedded into my Bladder. I am 4 years into Bladder Cancer and have to have a Cystoscopy every 3 months due to having high grade Carcinoma. Went I went to see my RA doctor and told him when I was first diagnosed with Bladder Cancer was told to immediately stop the Enbrel. I have never been followed up by my RA doctor, never. I suffer great pain every day and have had 5 major surgeries due to my Bladder Cancer. On my last visit my Urologist seems to think a new growth is beginning. I have taken the BCG treatments which nearly brought me to my knees. Never was I informed of the possibility of any Cancer from Enbrel. Today its the fight of my life.

  • DanaMay 6, 2018 at 11:55 am

    My mother thought- we ALL thought- Enbrel was the answer to her prayers. Her incredible pain due and progressive damage due to RA literally stopped in it’s tracks. Not three years later she was found to have stage 4 ovarian cancer. All genetic tests for cancer genes were negative. All of them. Her injections were regularly in her abdomen area. Before she died, we talked about what risks people t[Show More]My mother thought- we ALL thought- Enbrel was the answer to her prayers. Her incredible pain due and progressive damage due to RA literally stopped in it’s tracks. Not three years later she was found to have stage 4 ovarian cancer. All genetic tests for cancer genes were negative. All of them. Her injections were regularly in her abdomen area. Before she died, we talked about what risks people take in order to stop chronic pain. She said the didn’t think twice about the black box warning. Now she was most likely dying well before she would have. We’ll never know, but it’s a good guess. Even her oncologists agree. There are ways to manage RA without dying. It is an awful, painful way to live. Living with cancer is an even worse. She firmly believed she injected into herself- that she gave herself cancer while stopping the RA. She said if she had to do it over again? Oh my gosh. No. No, Enbrel. Please dear people, think long and hard about using this drug. If life is truly unbearable, if you would rather be dead than live with the pain you’re in- well, that’s horrific and I am truly sorry. My family, my mother’s doctors- everyone she’s spoken to about this believes it’s a ticket to death. You’ve simply got to weigh whether or not your life has gotten to the point where it’s not worth living. Then and ONLY then should you take this poison. That’s what it is- poison. Best of luck. I’m so sorry for everyone’s losses that I’ve read about here. Know there are others who feel your great sorrow.

  • KevinJune 6, 2017 at 4:06 pm

    It's horrible to read all the deaths associated to this drug. I can't believe this is still being prescribed. I was just prescribed this and will not start. I'm 38 and have Psoriatic Arthritis.

  • JOHNApril 20, 2017 at 1:00 pm

    Not long after my FIRST injection of Enbrel, I started getting joint swelling in my ankle the size of a golf ball. Then the veins in my arms turned RED and my arms were painful. My spinal pain was NOT relieved at all. I notified my Rh. and she was shocked by the reaction I had and notified NIH and FDA. I never had another dose of this FAMILY of drug again. I just started CBD cream on my hands and [Show More]Not long after my FIRST injection of Enbrel, I started getting joint swelling in my ankle the size of a golf ball. Then the veins in my arms turned RED and my arms were painful. My spinal pain was NOT relieved at all. I notified my Rh. and she was shocked by the reaction I had and notified NIH and FDA. I never had another dose of this FAMILY of drug again. I just started CBD cream on my hands and it is a miracle relief.

  • MichaelMarch 20, 2017 at 12:04 am

    I was on the original drug study for Enbrel in April 2000 and taken off in December 2000, because my hands and feet were tingling or asleep. The rheumatologist said nothing about the side effects. I immediately had an MRI, went to the Mayo clinic and UT Southwestern in Dallas. Sure enough it caused or exacerbated MS. Then, caused severe depression where I pleaded to take my life. This drug causes[Show More]I was on the original drug study for Enbrel in April 2000 and taken off in December 2000, because my hands and feet were tingling or asleep. The rheumatologist said nothing about the side effects. I immediately had an MRI, went to the Mayo clinic and UT Southwestern in Dallas. Sure enough it caused or exacerbated MS. Then, caused severe depression where I pleaded to take my life. This drug causes horrible side effects unknown by the patient. I originally took it for RA and psoriasis.

  • TerryJanuary 29, 2017 at 9:04 pm

    My names terry just a to give people a Waring about taking enbrel I took it for around 9 months and I ended up seriously ill in hospital with liver failure I was put on the organ list for a new liver I asked for a liver biopsy and the results from this came back as drug induced liver failure I nearly lost my life I just want people to be aware of how serious a drug enbrel is and it can cause serio[Show More]My names terry just a to give people a Waring about taking enbrel I took it for around 9 months and I ended up seriously ill in hospital with liver failure I was put on the organ list for a new liver I asked for a liver biopsy and the results from this came back as drug induced liver failure I nearly lost my life I just want people to be aware of how serious a drug enbrel is and it can cause serious infections be carefull any one using this drug word of advice don't take it.

  • LindaJanuary 12, 2017 at 3:01 am

    I've taken Enbrel off and on for about a year now. I have RA and in the past was diagnosed with SLE and Sjogren's Syndrome. The first time I took Enbrel, I developed pneumonia approximately one month after taking my first shot. I spent a week in the hospital and was so scared that I was going to die, I swore off this and all other drugs like it. However, the crippling pain of RA resurfaced and aft[Show More]I've taken Enbrel off and on for about a year now. I have RA and in the past was diagnosed with SLE and Sjogren's Syndrome. The first time I took Enbrel, I developed pneumonia approximately one month after taking my first shot. I spent a week in the hospital and was so scared that I was going to die, I swore off this and all other drugs like it. However, the crippling pain of RA resurfaced and after a failed three month run on Simponi Aria, I returned to Enbrel. For close to six months now I've been in and out of the hospital, to surgeons, and to breast cancer specialists for a tumor in my milk duct, breast pain and swelling, and bleeding from my nipple. Just got news that there's no cancer present (after surgery which has left me with a three inch long scar and loss of sensation). Took my first shot today after two months off (was in sooo much pain from uncontrolled RA) and breast started hurting almost immediately. Also, I am guessing I gained ten to fifteen pounds in water weight and I have puffiness around my eyes...worried about kidneys now. And tonight, I'm wheezing. Feel terrible. Very dangerous drug.

  • TerrieSeptember 29, 2016 at 10:46 pm

    My husband has been on Embrel now for over 5 years. We just got the results of his skin biopsy and he has a rare form of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma on his head. We are just starting the process of cancer staging. His dermatologist took him off the Embrel and stated that they believe it is the cause of this rare cancer. He has been faithfully doing his labs and check ups. I'm sickened by the fact [Show More]My husband has been on Embrel now for over 5 years. We just got the results of his skin biopsy and he has a rare form of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma on his head. We are just starting the process of cancer staging. His dermatologist took him off the Embrel and stated that they believe it is the cause of this rare cancer. He has been faithfully doing his labs and check ups. I'm sickened by the fact that the manufacturer of this drug hasn't warned people that taking this drug might kill them with strange/rare forms of cancer. It's not okay to sell something as a medication when the adverse reactions/side effects are worse than the illness. We don't know his prognosis yet. I'm praying that I don't lose my best friend. He was receiving treatment for AS (ankylosing spondylitis).

  • RaymondAugust 11, 2016 at 4:23 pm

    I have been taking embryo for two months just this weekend I have experienced drop foot Just wondering if any other patients have experienced this?

  • amandaAugust 9, 2016 at 10:27 pm

    ive been on enbrel for a month and ive gotten sick EVERYTIME i take my shots, the night of my shots i get sick, goes into the next day. im so sick right now. my stomach hurts so much, i feel nauseous, my forehead feels on fire, i cant eat. never hungry. i hate enbrel. gonna call my rheumatologist tomorrow and tell him im done with the biologic drugs, methotrexate did not work, not gonna be a guin[Show More]ive been on enbrel for a month and ive gotten sick EVERYTIME i take my shots, the night of my shots i get sick, goes into the next day. im so sick right now. my stomach hurts so much, i feel nauseous, my forehead feels on fire, i cant eat. never hungry. i hate enbrel. gonna call my rheumatologist tomorrow and tell him im done with the biologic drugs, methotrexate did not work, not gonna be a guinea pig no more. my husband went to store for chicken soap. im so sick.

  • DonnaJune 25, 2016 at 5:39 pm

    I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and have been taking Enbrel for over 12 years now. Have NEVER felt like it has helped a lot with the pain I experience, but now I have Cysts on my Pancreas and Chronic Pancreatitis. I just had a Biopsy of the fluid inside the cysts to check for Cancer. Will not receive results for at least one week. I feel the Enbrel is the cause of my health problems.

  • RubyApril 28, 2016 at 5:12 am

    See below. I want to join any class action law suit that might be in the works as it regards Enbrel.

  • FranJanuary 13, 2016 at 6:46 am

    How do you reply to some one on the above list. I would like to reply to Lorraine, from Oct 9, 2015.

  • DS ChicagoNovember 20, 2015 at 10:54 pm

    My wife and I were married for over 25 years but once she started taking enbrel she got relief from arthritis but she also had tremendous changes in personality. None of our family wishes to deal with her. It's been sad. She told me her thyroid is destroyed. Anyone see this occurring after taking it? My marriage is now done. Sad.

  • T?B.November 8, 2015 at 10:19 pm

    If you wouldn't mind sharing, why was your daughter given Enbril? My husband has a horrible case of psoriatic arthritis and has had zero relief from Methotrexate. His sister has done relatively well (so far) on Enbril. After reading this blog, we are not willing to gamble his life. Thank you all. It must be incredibily painful for you to share; it is certainly painful to read.

  • AUDREYOctober 27, 2015 at 4:39 am

    Audrey I took Enbrel for 2 years developed Amyloidosis, when though years of being a very sick woman finally ending up having a stem cell transplant, now wear a pacemaker and def. because of the damage it has done to my heart.. am a very lady lucky to be alive. I think that my illness should have some compaction from the company that made the horrible medication.

  • BarryOctober 25, 2015 at 4:40 pm

    In 2012 I was diagnosed with an ADEM caused by Embril. My Brain swelled and I almost died.I tried for 3 years to sue them but it is hard. I met some people along the way that had bad experences with the drug, one lady went blind as it attacks the optic nerve, Good luck with your lawsuit. Barry

  • SallyOctober 12, 2015 at 6:15 am

    I took Enbrel right after for my RA. After on Enbrel for years in got the side effect Hogkin lymphoma 2009. After a year of chemo I ended up with painful nerve damage from my knees down. Savings were gone fighing this and on going medical bills and pain killers just to be able to walk are expensive.

  • LorraineOctober 10, 2015 at 1:03 am

    I am a 44-year-old and I've been on Enbel for over 10 years for psoriatic arthritis. Recently diagnosed with lung cancer requiring removal of right upper lobe of my lung

  • FrancesSeptember 30, 2015 at 4:14 am

    I am a 68 year old women. I have had RA since I was a teenager. I have been on the drug Enbrel for over 10 years. In May of this year it was discovered that I had a carcinoid tumor ,quite large in the top lobe of my right lung. It effected two of the lymph modes. IT continued to worsen. Sept 11,2015 I was admitted to the hospital in Dallas Tx. After 2 weeks I had a surgery removing the top 1/3 o[Show More]I am a 68 year old women. I have had RA since I was a teenager. I have been on the drug Enbrel for over 10 years. In May of this year it was discovered that I had a carcinoid tumor ,quite large in the top lobe of my right lung. It effected two of the lymph modes. IT continued to worsen. Sept 11,2015 I was admitted to the hospital in Dallas Tx. After 2 weeks I had a surgery removing the top 1/3 of the right lung and 5 lymph nodes. It was a carcinoid tumor. I am at home now. I feel that the drug company should be more responsible about the drugs they sell to the public, or they should be liable for the problems they cause, and the financial problems it causes for families.

  • CherylSeptember 29, 2015 at 9:23 pm

    2013 I filled out a form regarding joining a class action suite for Enbrel. I haven't rc'd anything response. I had a shot of Enbrel 2-2012, within 10 Hours I was in the ER with my kidneys failing, liver Shutting down and my blood count was 4. Taken by ambulance to Covent Hospital Put on dialysis for 3 months and in the hospital for 5 weeks. Blood transfusions, terrible bout with diarrhea, in [Show More]2013 I filled out a form regarding joining a class action suite for Enbrel. I haven't rc'd anything response. I had a shot of Enbrel 2-2012, within 10 Hours I was in the ER with my kidneys failing, liver Shutting down and my blood count was 4. Taken by ambulance to Covent Hospital Put on dialysis for 3 months and in the hospital for 5 weeks. Blood transfusions, terrible bout with diarrhea, in diapers, just very hemiliatiting. My life was hanging for 48 hrs in the ICU. My husband had to drive many miles to visit me .

  • RubyAugust 27, 2015 at 7:11 am

    My disabled veteran and now deceased husband first used Bextra for over two years and his RA got worst. He was then put on Enbrel and went downhill from there. Several calls were made to the Enbrel hotline about what to do. He was always told to stop taking the Enbrel meds but not longer than two days and to continue taking them. Each time he was told to see his RA doctor, which he did. Colds, chi[Show More]My disabled veteran and now deceased husband first used Bextra for over two years and his RA got worst. He was then put on Enbrel and went downhill from there. Several calls were made to the Enbrel hotline about what to do. He was always told to stop taking the Enbrel meds but not longer than two days and to continue taking them. Each time he was told to see his RA doctor, which he did. Colds, chills, fevers, skin discolorations and burn-like discolorations of skin on his back, pains, swelling of joints, and finally, a horrible death of not being able to breath. Upon contact several contacts with Pfizer after getting their letter to discontinue use of the Bextra I was told that there were no lawsuits being considered for the state of Tennessee. I requested if any lawsuits comes up, I wanted to add my husband, Carliss E. Middlebrooks' name to their roster. Upon contacting several internet lawyers - no avail. I write these comments because I feel so bad I could get no justice for my husband after being feed both Bextra and Enbrel over a span of approximately 5 years. One of the prognosis was the "Steven Jeorge" syndrome - fully documented in his VA/RA doctor's file. When you are poor with no access to expensive legal services,nor can not afford the services, and the powers that be knows that you can do nothing, then you you have been forced to fail in your trying. My husband died in 2005 one day before his 55th birthday, leaving me with two sons (ages 18 and 16 in school) to raise. Both Enbrel and Bextra should have compensated each user of it deadly products. But for me and/or those who have no power, than you for at least letting me vent.

  • LillianJuly 22, 2015 at 1:23 pm

    I went back on Enbrel after a few years it worked miracles the first time around.I was off it for 5 yrs I guess,And this past Feb 2015 I tried the humara I only did 3 shots and stopped cause i was getting an unusual pain in my side of my hip,who knows if that was even connected to the Humara? So I went on Enbrel again May 2015 took it for 6 weeks. had the blood tests done and no TB But Found out[Show More]I went back on Enbrel after a few years it worked miracles the first time around.I was off it for 5 yrs I guess,And this past Feb 2015 I tried the humara I only did 3 shots and stopped cause i was getting an unusual pain in my side of my hip,who knows if that was even connected to the Humara? So I went on Enbrel again May 2015 took it for 6 weeks. had the blood tests done and no TB But Found out that my kidneys got lupus from the Enbrel my blood test never showed any signs of Lupus. did renal biopsy on me sent out to be read and they said the enbrel gave me lupus in my kidneys..I'm very scared I didn't realiize how much your kidneys function.I was in hospital for 3weeks all kinds of testing ,had to go around robins roost to take test because there are tests you cannot take no contrast or dye when your kidneys aren't working correctly I was told by my Kidney Doc that I'm one of the 5 cases that got Lupus in my Kidneys from Enbrel and that they are just practicing medicine on me because they don't have answers on how to treat it.I'm taking kidney meds to help break down what ever enters my kidneys with every meal, I was filled with 25 extra pounds of fluid when they released me from hospital its has been 4 weeks I can see my ankles again.They had to give me high dose predisone everyday it is going to take months of treatment monitering blood work for my kidney levels. Water pills to release all this fluid that built up..I'm on a no sodium diet and I'm only allowed a certain amout of liguid for the day.I cannot afford all the testing doctors office copays I think Enbrel you man up and take care of the damage their drug has caused me own it.I want to Sue them.I dn't want to loose my home over medical bills.I think Enbrel is responsable and they should pay. I'm a deeply sorry for those who have lost a loved one because of this drug..God Bless..

  • LauraJuly 19, 2015 at 5:07 pm

    I took embrel for 2 yes I started having chest pains an breathing problems ..test after test results where a growth in lung ...I also started having Brown crusty spots break out all over my body ..... My lung is still being watched to make sure the its not cancer growing inside my lung....the groth in my lung is on the artery that supplies oxgen to my heart.....with ra as you know the immune syste[Show More]I took embrel for 2 yes I started having chest pains an breathing problems ..test after test results where a growth in lung ...I also started having Brown crusty spots break out all over my body ..... My lung is still being watched to make sure the its not cancer growing inside my lung....the groth in my lung is on the artery that supplies oxgen to my heart.....with ra as you know the immune system is weak already so when I catch cold it feels like I'm dying from heart attack...... Ahghhhggggg .....can't win for losing....

  • DavidApril 18, 2015 at 8:07 pm

    I am a fast track patient with Enbrel who has been rudely ripped away from the drug. My understanding that after the drug was sold in Amgen that the ingredients were slightly changed. I have not had a chance to confirmed yet but I will in time. Some even go far as too say that it is nothing more than cocaine. I disagree. I am suffering from a rare form of rheumatoid arthritis. No drug is perfe[Show More]I am a fast track patient with Enbrel who has been rudely ripped away from the drug. My understanding that after the drug was sold in Amgen that the ingredients were slightly changed. I have not had a chance to confirmed yet but I will in time. Some even go far as too say that it is nothing more than cocaine. I disagree. I am suffering from a rare form of rheumatoid arthritis. No drug is perfect and physicians are only practicing. Patients have so undiagnosed problems often researchers and physicians miss most often by poorly trained lab workers. Enbrel is a modern day drug and in my opinion still too new to criticize the problems. Everyone who takes drugs as far as know are warned about the potential side effects. better to try than just roll over and play day. I was sad to see immune who created the drug sell it. Big business bought the drug and lots of patients, many of us younger, I was 37 when I went on the drug will lose for what we went on the drug for. I am sorry for the loss of life for many who wish to blame Enbrel. we can only hope the FDA and other government scrutinizing agency will take long look into the overall performance of the drug on a variety of illnesses before eliminating Enbrel from the market.

  • DebbyMarch 7, 2015 at 12:38 pm

    Regarding death of my daughter dx with Legionella Pneumonia 12/30/13 while taking Enbrel. She was a healthy 32 yr old female body builder. Presented at Allen Presby Hosp Er with complaints of Flu like symptoms. She questioned ER Dr. regarding Enbrel Injection due that evening. Was intstructed by ER Dr. to continue injections and was found 24 hrs later unresponsive. All staff at Presby ICU was shoc[Show More]Regarding death of my daughter dx with Legionella Pneumonia 12/30/13 while taking Enbrel. She was a healthy 32 yr old female body builder. Presented at Allen Presby Hosp Er with complaints of Flu like symptoms. She questioned ER Dr. regarding Enbrel Injection due that evening. Was intstructed by ER Dr. to continue injections and was found 24 hrs later unresponsive. All staff at Presby ICU was shocked at her untimely death due to current state of well fittness. I informed all her attending Phys of the event in their ER but was ignored I'm sure due to liability. This has been an extremely difficult year. Her death should have been investigated more throughly by Allen Presby at Allen Tx. I can't help but believe that they were more concerned about the legal ramifications regarding that ER visit.

  • RonaldFebruary 19, 2015 at 6:51 pm

    My wife took Embrel for along time and got non small cell lung cancer in July 2014, and passed away on January 14, 2015.

  • GaryOctober 9, 2014 at 12:03 pm

    My wife was diagnosed with RA. In May of 1999 were went to Duke University for treatment, at the time she was started on Enbrel. We did not know much about the drug and it did help for a couple of months. But in July 1999 she was admitted to UAb in Birmingham, Al. Hosp., where she lay in a coma and on life support for 69 days and nights. Finally it became to much for her and she passed on Sept. 29[Show More]My wife was diagnosed with RA. In May of 1999 were went to Duke University for treatment, at the time she was started on Enbrel. We did not know much about the drug and it did help for a couple of months. But in July 1999 she was admitted to UAb in Birmingham, Al. Hosp., where she lay in a coma and on life support for 69 days and nights. Finally it became to much for her and she passed on Sept. 29. It was was not until years later that the potential for this type of death came to my attention. Is it to late to file a lawsuit against Enbrel she suffered for 69 days.

  • ivyAugust 23, 2014 at 11:27 pm

    I've been hearing the commercial for enbrel and never really noticed what the side effects was until my mom passed from pancreatic cancer. My mom was always, faithfuly going to the Dr for check UPS. The only thing she had was the psoriasis and was prescribed this shot. Literally she went from healthy to deathly ill over night. Was first told after many test they were unsure what she had. Then afte[Show More]I've been hearing the commercial for enbrel and never really noticed what the side effects was until my mom passed from pancreatic cancer. My mom was always, faithfuly going to the Dr for check UPS. The only thing she had was the psoriasis and was prescribed this shot. Literally she went from healthy to deathly ill over night. Was first told after many test they were unsure what she had. Then after going to Cooper the cancer was discovered but it was to late. She already was at stage 4. She was diagnosed September 2012 and passed April 3013. I'm so sick of these Dr prescribing meds and not telling you the whole story all the side effects. If i knew i was going to lose my mom from this i would have never aloud her to take this shot

  • MattJuly 28, 2014 at 4:48 pm

    My father Paul M. Vaughan MD, MPH age 63 died in April of 2014 from Advanced Mucinous Adenocarinoma of the lungs..... The man never smoked a cigarette in his life and began taking Enbrel 2 years ago for his Rheumatoid Arthritis. This drug is pure poison and should be taken off the market. The man stood no chance and living in Pittsburgh surrounded by the Best Doctors in The World he was left with [Show More]My father Paul M. Vaughan MD, MPH age 63 died in April of 2014 from Advanced Mucinous Adenocarinoma of the lungs..... The man never smoked a cigarette in his life and began taking Enbrel 2 years ago for his Rheumatoid Arthritis. This drug is pure poison and should be taken off the market. The man stood no chance and living in Pittsburgh surrounded by the Best Doctors in The World he was left with no cure for this extremely rare 1 of 3 reported cases in the Pittsburgh region over the last 25 years. To say these risks are minimal or rare maybe a nice way of saying we don't care about the people taking this drug, I just need my Corporate Jet washed before I leave for Dubi. The case studies on this drug I believe are flawed. The statistics for Malignancy make no sense when you read all of the above stories of fatal out comes from this drug. And to think Phillip Morris is not allowed to advertise smoking but Enbrel can advertise a death sentence is ridicules. My father made sure his Rheumatologist performed all the proper tests before being prescribed this medication, alongside using the statistics given by Enbrel to analyze the risk of Malignancy and fell remarkably short of a cure, and most certainly lead him to an early death. Maybe if Phil passes away tragically, which I prey to god not, we may see some justice for All of the above. Big Pharma has a Big Fucking Problem and I will be damned if I let this go.

  • MICHAELJune 15, 2014 at 3:15 am

    My wife started taking Enbrel two months ago. She only took 4 injections when she started having shortness of breath. She stopped taking it but the damage was already in progress. She immediately went on 125 mg of predisone 3 times a day. Went on oxygen and bipap machine and finally had to go on life support. My wife lasted only 4 weeks and died recently. If you are considering taking this drug, [Show More]My wife started taking Enbrel two months ago. She only took 4 injections when she started having shortness of breath. She stopped taking it but the damage was already in progress. She immediately went on 125 mg of predisone 3 times a day. Went on oxygen and bipap machine and finally had to go on life support. My wife lasted only 4 weeks and died recently. If you are considering taking this drug, I would look into it more seriously.

  • JanetApril 6, 2014 at 12:23 am

    My boyfriend had rheumatoid arthritis since he was 32 years old. Around 2008 or earlier he changed doctors and this new doctor who was also a rheumatologist recommended Enbril to him. He started taking it in pill form but it wasn't working as well as it should so the doctor then recommended that he inject it in his system so it would work faster. In August 2012 he was diagnosed with 4th stage l[Show More]My boyfriend had rheumatoid arthritis since he was 32 years old. Around 2008 or earlier he changed doctors and this new doctor who was also a rheumatologist recommended Enbril to him. He started taking it in pill form but it wasn't working as well as it should so the doctor then recommended that he inject it in his system so it would work faster. In August 2012 he was diagnosed with 4th stage liver cancer and in February 2014 he died. I feel this drug Enbrel was the cause of his death. There should be a class action lawsuit for this horrible medicine which has taken too many lives already.

  • BarryMarch 16, 2014 at 3:44 am

    Enbril for all practical purposes killed me. I am 52 years old and the first week of 2012 was diagnosed with myelin damage in my brain. I became so daffy that I would get lost driving around my own street. in 2005 I had my IQ tested at it was 147. in 2013 I had a battery of cognitive tests and my IQ is now 94. from 147 to 94 in a matter of a few months. I have a BS and MS degree in Economics now [Show More]Enbril for all practical purposes killed me. I am 52 years old and the first week of 2012 was diagnosed with myelin damage in my brain. I became so daffy that I would get lost driving around my own street. in 2005 I had my IQ tested at it was 147. in 2013 I had a battery of cognitive tests and my IQ is now 94. from 147 to 94 in a matter of a few months. I have a BS and MS degree in Economics now I hardly understand it. All of this damage caused by Enbril. What happened to me has a medical name of ADAM. The folks that make Enbril do warn you about the rare side-effects, but they do not help you one bit with cognitive retraining. I wish I had never taken this drug !!!!!!!! Amgen ought to be embaresd by there lack of help for the few people who did suffer the rare side effects.

  • nickJanuary 12, 2014 at 3:13 pm

    My father developed lymphoma and lung cancer after using enbrel to treat his reumitoid arthritis. He died within a years time.

  • RickJanuary 6, 2014 at 3:25 am

    Waiting for my 3rd biopsy and 3rd specialist. Fungus of unknown origin in my lungs that has expanded 20 fold in the past 7 months alone. I've been on embrel now since 2001. It took 5-6 years to control my plaque psoriasis. Now I'm mystifying all the specialists in Kansas City. They don't know what they are dealing with. I've developed neuropathy and have severe chest pains. I've developed blurred [Show More]Waiting for my 3rd biopsy and 3rd specialist. Fungus of unknown origin in my lungs that has expanded 20 fold in the past 7 months alone. I've been on embrel now since 2001. It took 5-6 years to control my plaque psoriasis. Now I'm mystifying all the specialists in Kansas City. They don't know what they are dealing with. I've developed neuropathy and have severe chest pains. I've developed blurred vision in my left eye. At age 61 I'm already hearing the C word, TB, lung disease etc.. I've lost 40 lbs in the past 4 years without trying. My GP suddenly is acting as if he screwed up by not focusing in on my symptoms. He was too focused on cholesterol levels, blood pressure etc.. Now he's scrambling. I quit my injections in the last 30 days. I wish I hadn't looked at this medicine's warning as "for other people". Looks like I have a fight that only I will be able to fight. Embrel is a great medicine. It may also be a killer!

  • BryanAugust 5, 2013 at 1:13 pm

    I have been taking Enbrel for 7 weeks. Last week I started experiencing trigeminal neuralgia. This is the most painful condition on medical records and is also known as Suicide Disease. I stopped taking the injection about a week ago but have had two attacks since and am hoping the effects of the Enbrel wear off quickly. I started taking into be able to play with my children but it is not wort[Show More]I have been taking Enbrel for 7 weeks. Last week I started experiencing trigeminal neuralgia. This is the most painful condition on medical records and is also known as Suicide Disease. I stopped taking the injection about a week ago but have had two attacks since and am hoping the effects of the Enbrel wear off quickly. I started taking into be able to play with my children but it is not worth it. First this and what next?

  • DebJune 14, 2013 at 4:18 pm

    I'm 58 yrs. old and I took Enbrel for only six months as part of a clinical study in 2003. It worked like a charm on my RA ~ deformities almost immediatley started to straighten out, pain gone, I had the energy of a 16-yr-old!! At the end of 6 months the study was over and I discontinued the Enbrel cause I couldn't afford it. Approx. one year later a tumour was discovered on my lung. I successfu[Show More]I'm 58 yrs. old and I took Enbrel for only six months as part of a clinical study in 2003. It worked like a charm on my RA ~ deformities almost immediatley started to straighten out, pain gone, I had the energy of a 16-yr-old!! At the end of 6 months the study was over and I discontinued the Enbrel cause I couldn't afford it. Approx. one year later a tumour was discovered on my lung. I successfully underwent a lobectomy and it has been nine years now cancer-free. I now refuse to take any other immuno-suppresent drugs and am dealing with my RA with strong pain meds (morphine, 120 gr/day) and an anti-inflammatory. I have days with lots of pain but I prefer that to CANCER ~ lol!!!!! Now I await a class-action suit against Enbrel. Can't happen soon enough!

  • ElaineMay 8, 2013 at 10:47 pm

    My husband passed away from "multisystem " organ failure in Feb 2010. I have no doubt that his usage of enbrel caused his death

  • MarkMay 7, 2013 at 4:02 pm


  • TamelaApril 7, 2013 at 11:13 pm

    My brother got a couple injections of Enbrel for his severe psoriasis. A few months later we went on a cruise that we planned for over a year. After the plane ride his throat was swollen. After we boarded the cruise ship the ship doctor had him removed from the ship right away due to his throat swelling shut. The doctor in a hopital in Miami diagnosed him with Lymphoma. He returned home to a local[Show More]My brother got a couple injections of Enbrel for his severe psoriasis. A few months later we went on a cruise that we planned for over a year. After the plane ride his throat was swollen. After we boarded the cruise ship the ship doctor had him removed from the ship right away due to his throat swelling shut. The doctor in a hopital in Miami diagnosed him with Lymphoma. He returned home to a local hospital where he was life-lined to Hershey Medical Center. He was then diagnosed as Enbrel induced Lyphoma. He had a mass in his throat which wore a hole in his throat which was filling with infection. He was treated with chemo and had a feeding tube put into his stomach which was there for about 11 months until the hole closed. Since then he gets infections every couple of weeks in his legs. He has gotten Merca several times, staff infections, and severe leg pains constantly. Every little bump he gets that breaks the skin results in infections. He got a stomach infection which resulted in the doctor having to leave a huge hole in his stomach with a wound vac attached to it for 18 months until the hole finally closed. It has be a nightmare. Enbrel should not be given to people. It has been one thing right after another all from the time he was injected with Enbrel.

  • DeanFebruary 16, 2013 at 11:54 am

    I was diagnosed with moderate plague psoriasis all over my body just after joining the United Army in 1989 and started seeing symptoms of arthritic form of psoriasis in 1991. I was treated by the Army using steroid ointments and tar shampoos. After getting out of the army in 1994, continued treating my psoriasis using ointments and tar shampoo.. In 2005 I went to a private Dermatologist after se[Show More]I was diagnosed with moderate plague psoriasis all over my body just after joining the United Army in 1989 and started seeing symptoms of arthritic form of psoriasis in 1991. I was treated by the Army using steroid ointments and tar shampoos. After getting out of the army in 1994, continued treating my psoriasis using ointments and tar shampoo.. In 2005 I went to a private Dermatologist after seeing ads for Enbrel. I began treatments right away after being tested for TB as a precaution. Did a great job clearing the plaque psoriasis. However I began getting sinus infection regularly . After several infections my primary care Physician ordered a blood tests in 2006, then shortly referred me to an Oncologist that did further blood tests including a marrow biopsy. My official diagnoses of CML was announced by my Oncologist . I tried researching a connection of enbrel and my cml but just recently found the connection between the two, thanks Google for the help. I am on my second drug for the cml, first was Gleevic which makes me too sick, now on Sypycel 100mg, trouble now is I have gone from at a retail store, back to retail associate, from 50 hours a week , to 38 hours, then down 24 hours a week, to now struggling to even work 8 to16 hours. My primary care and I have discussed it probably time to apply for SSI, a decision I've put off the last couple years do to complete physical fatigue or nauseousness and recurrent sicknesses

  • AnnnemarieFebruary 1, 2013 at 6:49 pm

    I had been on Enbrel for Rhumatoid Arthritus for two years. Suddenly I am having consistent bouts of CHF Congestive Heart Failure. After seeing weakened heart specialists they tell me it is from the Enbrel and happens in 1% of the people using this drug. Now a I have a heart that does not pump like it did prior to taking Enbrel. They changed my RA medicine to Orencia- which side effect is pnuemoni[Show More]I had been on Enbrel for Rhumatoid Arthritus for two years. Suddenly I am having consistent bouts of CHF Congestive Heart Failure. After seeing weakened heart specialists they tell me it is from the Enbrel and happens in 1% of the people using this drug. Now a I have a heart that does not pump like it did prior to taking Enbrel. They changed my RA medicine to Orencia- which side effect is pnuemonia- which I have had twice in the past few months. This medicine took my quality of life away.

  • SarahJanuary 16, 2013 at 7:15 pm

    I am shocked & so saddened to see so many comments that are so similair to what I experienced with my father. We lost him this past April on the 3rd after he fought harder than I believed was possible. His health was great before he began the Enbrel injections,as I saw was so similiar to other posted comments. He began getiing infections so easily. Wounds that would simply appear & become [Show More]I am shocked & so saddened to see so many comments that are so similair to what I experienced with my father. We lost him this past April on the 3rd after he fought harder than I believed was possible. His health was great before he began the Enbrel injections,as I saw was so similiar to other posted comments. He began getiing infections so easily. Wounds that would simply appear & become so severe that they needed proffesional attention. They were constant. Then came the kidney cancer. It was removed & we thought it was contained. I am not sure to this day if it was or if the spinal cancer that was to follow was a seperate cancerous growth wrapped around his spine with 6 major tumors, The first surgery lasted 26 hours & required the implant of titanium rods since so much of his real body was cut away to remove as much cancerous growths as possible to help relieve pain & make walking easier. It was clear from the start that it was terminal but the option of surgey could possibly give him more time with us & more time having use of all his extremities. what a terrible choice to make,they were also clear that the surgery itself could paralyze him or he could possibly not make it through the operation itself. My Daddy was a fighter,he wanted to watch his 3 grandsons grow. It made him so angry,sad & frustrated that he couldn't play with them doing things like sports(playing catch),wrestle,go whale watching,go on hikes or so many things. He lasted 4 years longer than the Drs ever imagined. They got to a point were they were trying to learn from hin how to treat the disease that would eventually kill him. He was extremely intelligent & always needed to learn all he could about anything that affected his life. He learned what things cancer did not like,what slowed its' progression,what they did like such as oxygen,sugar,protein ect. He stayed away from all those things,started following the Gersions' diet(a well known plan to fight terminal cancers). He started getting coffee enemas to clear his body of toxins(since your blood runs through your entire body every 3 minutes the caffiene dialted all the lower vessels to help the enema reach further up). Of course he had the enemas done proffesionally. He stopped taking the chemo pills after the first round because he felt so ill,got oral thrush & sores. His reason was understandable,"Why should I take poison to help fight a terrible disease that is basically poison itself?". He made juice drinks daily using specific fruits & veggies. He felt great! The rods snapped 3 times so he needeed surgery to replace them each time. The pain was always there & was mostrly unbearable. There was not a pain medication that could come close to touching it. Not to mention the million other pills he had to take daily. He could not lay down,it took him several hours to be able to function each day,he had countless"accidents" in regards to bowel movements & it was so embarassing to him! His pain medication was stolen on a few occasions & it was a nightmare to try & get them replaced. I set up a hidden camera to catch the person that was stealing them so the police knew it was true. He was lonely,sad knowing that there were so many things he'd never do that he had planned. He was only 59 when he passed away after something like a 10 plus year battle with this terrible disease. Not to mention how bad his rheumatoid arthritis itself had been for most of his life,deforming his hands & feet,arthritic nodes appearing all over,swelling,tendons snapping,being in so much pain that he was not pleasant to be around,conversations impossible,noise intolerable but he was afraid to be alone. He went through the 5 stages of death & dying,of course bouncing up & down from 5 back to 3. He fought to the last second & as his power of attorney it was gut wrenching to have to finally say okay,it is time,let's start the meds that would end his life within 24 hours. I knew his wishes were to fight no matter what but the last surgery to replace the rods in his back did something & he lost the ability to use his legs no matter how hard he tried. Due to the loss of mobility & lack of moving(especially in an understaffed nursing home where noone cares if you live or die,I can say that not as a distraught daughter but as a former employee of the exact nursing home) he threw a DVT(a blood clot in his leg),then a PE(a blood clot in his lungs),he had a reaction to heparin(a standard blood thinner) so they had to give him a much weaker one hoping to break up the clot. It was such a weak blood thinner that it would never have had any affect on the clots that were all over. The clots(which usually would kill a person instantly) were making it very hard to breathe so he was stared on a regime of steroids(he hated them & believed that they were to blame for things & made others worse but he needed them to breathe & was also put on 2liters of oxygen. The steroids made him become an insuline dependent diabetic & of course now that he was diabetic,nothing healed,it neber had before but now it was simply impossible. So,the bedsores,pressure ulcers,infections that came from the inside out,contracting MRSA(methaciline resistant staphalocaucus arius) which is basically an infection that is immune to any antibiotics known to man, Everyone who entered his room hafd to be gloved,masked,gowned,the whole 9 yards. It made him feel like a lepar,I cried every night & sporadicaly through out everyday. I still do! Since the surgery on his back required a cut from his tailbone to right under his neck & he has diabetes,it basically all turned to mush,as did all thr other wounds. the edema(fluid built up under the skin anywhere on the body) was so bad that his skin constantly weeped & felt so tight. All the antibiotics made him have uncontrolable bowel movements that were simply liquid. My Dad always prided himself on being super neat & clean & was mortified & sometimes sat in it for hours before anyone answered his call light. It was the brothers birthday on the 2nd. Just him & I spent the day up there making sure he was comfy,making that final decision(he had been pretty much in a sleep like state for 2 or 3 days) & just keeping things calm,quiet,soothing,playing his favorite music,each of us on opposite sides of his bed holding his hands talking slightly louder about fond childhood memories involving him,hugging him,rubbing his head. We would have to head out to the hall & sob seperatly or together once in a while. We kept the lighting dim,the curtains closed,except for the small opening I had made in the window to ensure his soul could leave that rechid place.The hospice women that assured me they would always be right there were nowhere to be found at the very end. The woman they sent knew nothing & messed up his meds so badly that I feel as though he passed away in severe pain,not to mention they did not get the correct order from the Dr to dry up his saliva so basically he died as if he were drowning,looking pannicked like he was trying to swimup out of a pool but it was impossible because it was his own lungs that were full of fluid. I had seen many deaths throughout my 12 yeasrs in the medical field & this was a bad one. I felt aweful for my little brother to have to see this. He was acting so brave but knew he was as scared as could be! I had explained to him all the different things that could happen when the end came & what could be helped,what bothered us more than him,got him books,pamphlets ect on what to expect & what he could do to feel helpful or what was just inevitable. It was as though he forgot it all. He was asking what that sound was that sounded like marbles rolling around in his chest & telling them to do something about it. He told my Da"Hey Da, you better not die on my birthday!",in a joking like,loving voice. He lasted until 2:31am so he did make it past his birthday. My brother was in such a state of confusion,I had to tell him that he was gone. I finally gave into my own feeling & plopped down on our make shit liitle bed & burst into tears.My brother came around crying too & hugged me so tight. We just cried hugging & rocking. We were both shocked that it was finally over. I hated the idea that I had to make the decision to either be selfish & have him come too scared,in pain & agony & unable to move or do what was right & just & give the go ahead to end his suffering. IT IS UNIMAGINABLE TO HAVE TO DECIDE WHEN IS THE LAST TIME YOU WANT TO HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH YOUR OWN DADDY! I did not like the hospice team from the start,they seemed to want to start the meds to end his life the day they met him,they rush you far too much,especially when you are already in such a state of overwhelming confusion. So,it was over. But,the biggest thing that stuck out to me was that on his death certificate cancer was not the main cause of death but an infection down his spinal cord was, Now if this was my experience & there is so much I left out becauuse look how long this already is,imagine what he went through! Oh,he also had a bout of pericaditis(severe inflamation of the sack surrounding his heart) so it turned it into basically leather making it hard for his heart to pump. That is another condition that usually kils people. It was all aweful & robbed him,my siblings & I as well as his grandchildren of so so amy years of happiness,memories & life. My heart goes out to others who have dealt with this. This drug is aweful!

  • PennyJanuary 4, 2013 at 2:06 am

    My husband started taking Enbrel Feb 2012. He was a heavy drinker which he admitted to his derm. He experienced extreme fatique. He was hospitalized in June 2012. He was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis. His liver enzymes had been monitered with his annual check-up for several years prior. Two years prior since he was having a gall bladder removed his liver was biopsied and was negative for cirrhosi[Show More]My husband started taking Enbrel Feb 2012. He was a heavy drinker which he admitted to his derm. He experienced extreme fatique. He was hospitalized in June 2012. He was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis. His liver enzymes had been monitered with his annual check-up for several years prior. Two years prior since he was having a gall bladder removed his liver was biopsied and was negative for cirrhosis. He died August 2012. I believe Enbrel had some connection to the cirrhosis. It all happened so fast after he started the injections.

  • IRVINGDecember 30, 2012 at 5:45 pm

    i had a stroke caused by a bleed. my right side is affected. an article in the miami herald december 25.2012 about a dr. giving one injection of embrel to stroke victims with great results in curing the effects of the stroke with one injection. please advise of any history of the use of embrel for stroke

  • JacquelineDecember 23, 2012 at 9:41 am

    My husband just turned 54 years old in September and a week later was diagnosed with Glioblastoma Stage 4 brain cancer. My husband has RA and Sjogrens and started taking Enbrel about a 1 1/2years ago it might also just be a year, the way things have been going I just can't think anymore. My husband had brain surgery and 2 weeks later started chemo and radiation. We are now in a waiting stage. We w[Show More]My husband just turned 54 years old in September and a week later was diagnosed with Glioblastoma Stage 4 brain cancer. My husband has RA and Sjogrens and started taking Enbrel about a 1 1/2years ago it might also just be a year, the way things have been going I just can't think anymore. My husband had brain surgery and 2 weeks later started chemo and radiation. We are now in a waiting stage. We will take another MRI in about 3 weeks to see if the cancer has diminished,although it is a very aggressive cancer with a poor diagnoses. I'm am starting to wonder if there is a correlation between Enbrel and the tumor. This drug has not been on the market to long and it seems as though every other commercial is on Enbrel, Humera, or another drug that is wrapping up millions by the minute.

  • danaDecember 17, 2012 at 6:49 pm

    I am currently 54, and I have had RA for nearly 20 years now. I have taken Enbrel for about 11 years now. I am also a teacher and have been during the entire time I have taken the injections, Over the past three years I have been sick much of the time due to my lowered immune system. I seem to catch everything my students have, but I am grateful to be living in a time a drug like Enbrel is avail[Show More]I am currently 54, and I have had RA for nearly 20 years now. I have taken Enbrel for about 11 years now. I am also a teacher and have been during the entire time I have taken the injections, Over the past three years I have been sick much of the time due to my lowered immune system. I seem to catch everything my students have, but I am grateful to be living in a time a drug like Enbrel is available. I was given the opportunity to teach due to Enbrel, I have not to be a spectator in life. Up until this past year I have jogged with this disease. I was told during the summer to trade in my treadmill for an elliptical, so I do. I am now faced with finding another job choice or retire.. I am just grateful for the years I have had were I was able to function as well as everyone else......... I am sorry to hear about others who have had serious issues... Enbrel also pays for the majority of my co pay for my drug, and I and thankful. Despite being sick over the past three years more often than not with stomach bugs,I am happy for the years I had...because I love teaching, The makers of Enbrel didn't give me this horrible disease, they made it easier......

  • Ma rianneNovember 28, 2012 at 10:17 am

    I was on enbrel in 2007 and had severe infection, which I had never had previously or since I stopped Enbrel for my ra. I was able to cancel my hysterectomy surgery date within3 weeks of stopping enbrel. I developed breast cancer since then and had to have a mastectomy although i had no history of 1 st degree relatives with cancer. Now my rheumatologist wants to put me on arava as i had an ana[Show More]I was on enbrel in 2007 and had severe infection, which I had never had previously or since I stopped Enbrel for my ra. I was able to cancel my hysterectomy surgery date within3 weeks of stopping enbrel. I developed breast cancer since then and had to have a mastectomy although i had no history of 1 st degree relatives with cancer. Now my rheumatologist wants to put me on arava as i had an anaphylactic reaction to humira. Im scared to death (pardon the pun) of getting cancer again! I would rather be in severe pain than die in my 50's.

  • sidneyNovember 27, 2012 at 3:32 am

    Hi started enbrel i had only one shot n i have bad stomache pains,tired and chest, n respitary infection and skin rash ..i have ra i feel worse than ever i cant rest i feel very diffrent.i want to know if anyone has had this side affects ? I dont want enbrel any more i dont want to see my ra doctor anymore i have been seeing him for 7 years ...im so worried

  • Alicia and HankNovember 19, 2012 at 4:15 am

    Our daughter, Victoria, was diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis when she was 18 months old. We tried many medications to relieve her knee and ankle pain. Finally, our doctor suggested trying Enbrel. My husband and I researched the Enbrel to find that Enbrel had many horrible side effects. We brought that up to the doctor but she told us that companies have to list every possible sid[Show More]Our daughter, Victoria, was diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis when she was 18 months old. We tried many medications to relieve her knee and ankle pain. Finally, our doctor suggested trying Enbrel. My husband and I researched the Enbrel to find that Enbrel had many horrible side effects. We brought that up to the doctor but she told us that companies have to list every possible side effect and that doesn't mean that Vicki will get it. She also told us that the drug will help her. We were very skeptical but spoke with a nurse friend of ours who told us that she took Enbrel for her psoraisis. With hope that our daughter could have some relief and walk without pain, we took a chance on Enbel. We were hoping and praying that the drug would be a miracle and it was for awhile. Then Vicki started burning fevers and got very sick. Vicki was on Enbrel for about a year when we found out that she might have leukemia and the doctor took her off the drug. What was supposed to be leukemia was then Hodgkins or Lymphoma. We went through 6 months of sleepless nights trying to find out what was wrong with our daughter. Went to other doctors who then told us that she has Macrophage Activation Syndrome (MAS), whis is now in remission. We have been in and out of hospitals for about 4 years. Presently she has hemolytic anemia and neutropenia. Vicki is now taking a case study drug to control her disease. We have been hospital free for a few years now and monitor Vicki's blood every few months. We cringe every time we hear or see the word "Enbrel."

  • JoseNovember 12, 2012 at 5:02 pm

    On June 6 of 2012 I went to Boca Raton Florida , to see a Dr. Edward , because he had invented a treatment for back pain, with an injection of Enbrel Etarnecept Anti TNF Treatment, today is October 3 2012, i have very bad symptoms, tingling, numbness on my arms and legs dizziness , nausea, jaw pain,pain in my eyes, it Sucks ! He charge me 5000 dollars, and told me that more than 3000 patients have[Show More]On June 6 of 2012 I went to Boca Raton Florida , to see a Dr. Edward , because he had invented a treatment for back pain, with an injection of Enbrel Etarnecept Anti TNF Treatment, today is October 3 2012, i have very bad symptoms, tingling, numbness on my arms and legs dizziness , nausea, jaw pain,pain in my eyes, it Sucks ! He charge me 5000 dollars, and told me that more than 3000 patients have had the treatment, that the worse thing that could happen is that it did nt work. I regreted so much ! I spent more than 15000 in the last 3 months to find out whats happening to me, because i call the drs. Office but he dosent answer the phone or returns the calls. I just did a blood test call Biophysical 250, which suppose to tell me if anything is wrong, i cant wait for the results, i will have them on October 16, this test its 3400 dollars, i will post the results when i get them. But we should all get toguether and put a law suit against this Dr. And the company that makes this drug which is so dangerous.

  • BarbaraNovember 7, 2012 at 10:02 pm

    I started Enbrel injections once a week about 5 months ago. About 4 weeks ago I started having flu like symtoms, rapid heart beat, coughing up mucus, lymph nodes swollen,very tired, lite headed. I thought I had the flu. I seen my Dr. I was checked for the flu. Did not have the flu. The Dr. said it was side effects from the Enbrel. I'm having blood test done, and I'm waiting for results. She's test[Show More]I started Enbrel injections once a week about 5 months ago. About 4 weeks ago I started having flu like symtoms, rapid heart beat, coughing up mucus, lymph nodes swollen,very tired, lite headed. I thought I had the flu. I seen my Dr. I was checked for the flu. Did not have the flu. The Dr. said it was side effects from the Enbrel. I'm having blood test done, and I'm waiting for results. She's testing me for Lupus and lymphoma, also checking for heart problems. I have phsoriatic arthitis. I'm off the Enbrel right now until I know whats wrong. Very concerned!

  • KathyNovember 6, 2012 at 4:42 pm

    This is in response to Michael. I am so sorry about your wife and hope your pain lessens for you in time. My comment is dated July 12, 2012. My mother started taking enbrel and our family truely believes enbrel had everything to do with her immune system weakening, causing a chain reaction of her organs shutting down. She loved life to the fullest and is missed so much everyday! My dad is still al[Show More]This is in response to Michael. I am so sorry about your wife and hope your pain lessens for you in time. My comment is dated July 12, 2012. My mother started taking enbrel and our family truely believes enbrel had everything to do with her immune system weakening, causing a chain reaction of her organs shutting down. She loved life to the fullest and is missed so much everyday! My dad is still alive and healthy and he feels the pain of her loss everyday. I read these storys and feel for these people. I am trying to understand the desparation of the patients that take it. My mother was not a complainer so we didn't realize how much pain she was in. She took Humara a few years ago and that did nothing! So she was desparate. There is more I could say, but the bottom line is she is gone and missed sooo much everyday. My prayers go out to you Michael!

  • KevinOctober 25, 2012 at 2:25 pm

    My very best friend was taking Enbrel. I explained the dangers of heart failure it can cause and all of the other negative side affects. She was only 42. I received a devastating phone call on September 29, 2012 that my dear friend passed away from heart failure and a horrible bleed out. She left behind 2 children and many many friends that loved her dearly. Enbrel killed my best friend.

  • steveOctober 15, 2012 at 8:53 pm

    i was on enbrel. blood count started going down. now i need blood transfusions every two weeks. been like this for years now. i was then diagnosed with pure red cell aplasia. blood disorder in bone marrow. not producing red cells.life really sucks right now.bad enough with ankylosing spondilitis. now this. also overloading with iron..ferritan...running up around 4-5 thousand (count)seems like[Show More]i was on enbrel. blood count started going down. now i need blood transfusions every two weeks. been like this for years now. i was then diagnosed with pure red cell aplasia. blood disorder in bone marrow. not producing red cells.life really sucks right now.bad enough with ankylosing spondilitis. now this. also overloading with iron..ferritan...running up around 4-5 thousand (count)seems like i am just waiting for inevitable..need advice..

  • CarolOctober 6, 2012 at 4:57 pm

    The Doctors state that Enbrel is not transferable to the spouse by bodily fluids. I really worry that is not true. Most prescriptions are, so how can Enbrel be any different?

  • MichaelSeptember 5, 2012 at 7:50 pm

    On January 28, 2012 my wife of more than 48 yearsLorraine passed away from multiple myloma (an incurable cancer of the blood) which was diagnosed in October 2007. She was only 67 years old. In her mid-30s my wife was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis whiich over the following years became more and more severe. While my wife was alive, she and I came to the conclusion that having taken Enbrel[Show More]On January 28, 2012 my wife of more than 48 yearsLorraine passed away from multiple myloma (an incurable cancer of the blood) which was diagnosed in October 2007. She was only 67 years old. In her mid-30s my wife was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis whiich over the following years became more and more severe. While my wife was alive, she and I came to the conclusion that having taken Enbrel for a number years earlier may have caussed her multiple myeloma. This conclusion was in part arrived at upon seeing Enbrel commercials on TV in which the makers of Enbrel stated that Enbrel (may/can, not sure of this term) lyphoma, other cancers, and blood disorders. Clearly multiple myeloma is both cancer and a blood disorder. To make matters worse my wife was among a small percentage of patients that did not get much relief from the medications she took including Enbrel. It is absolutely devastating to me to believe that the taking of Enbrel may have well been the original cause of her cancer and thus her death. I IF THERE IS ANYONE OUT THERE THAT EVEN HAVE REMOTELY SIMILAR EXPERIENCE WITH ENBREL I WOULD BE FOREEVER GRATEFUL TO HEAR FROM YOU Thank so much for viewing this message. Michael

  • jimSeptember 5, 2012 at 12:07 am

    skin issues, arthritis issues, neurological issues, pain, inflammation, all auto-immune issues. The only post I read here that had a good ending involves the man who claimed Enbrel caused him to become allergic to gluten, when he quit Enbrel because of these bad effects (and quit gluten) he got better after about a year. People, I've had many of the above symptoms from arthritis to MS. This is [Show More]skin issues, arthritis issues, neurological issues, pain, inflammation, all auto-immune issues. The only post I read here that had a good ending involves the man who claimed Enbrel caused him to become allergic to gluten, when he quit Enbrel because of these bad effects (and quit gluten) he got better after about a year. People, I've had many of the above symptoms from arthritis to MS. This is how it happens: infection from something (in my case dengue fever) that ignites the immune system, which becomes intolerant of gluten, immune reaction in the gut follows, leaky gut, bacteria and proteins to include gluten and lectins invade the bloodstream through the gut, all kinds of auto immune reactions ensue. It took me a few years to figure this out. I now eat no wheat or other foods I've become reactive to and I have my life back. No doubt Enbrel is very bad for you. It sounds like the immune suppression makes the original issue worse and your gluten sensitivity worse. But you don't need it. Do your research go gluten free, heal your gut, get off Enbrel. Google search "gluten, autoimmune disorders" Be well.

  • TrishaAugust 25, 2012 at 5:08 am

    My dad had plague psoriasis all over his body since I can remember and got the arthritic form of it about 5 years ago resulting in the 'wonderous' injections of enbrel. Now he is back and forth to the Mayo Clinic for Nephrotic Sundrome--a kidney type of disease where they leak a protein called albumin and causes you to retain water all over the body, plus many other hardships. After reading all of[Show More]My dad had plague psoriasis all over his body since I can remember and got the arthritic form of it about 5 years ago resulting in the 'wonderous' injections of enbrel. Now he is back and forth to the Mayo Clinic for Nephrotic Sundrome--a kidney type of disease where they leak a protein called albumin and causes you to retain water all over the body, plus many other hardships. After reading all of the other comments (horrifying, I feel for everybody here) I see that there aren't too many kidney problems, so I am not sure of a direct correlation. He is on a ton of prednazone now keeping the water weight off, but can't be on it forever. He also can't be off of enbrel either for he is able to move with it. I hate this.

  • JazraAugust 21, 2012 at 5:56 am

    at the age 13 i was diagnosed with JRA and was put on celebrex, with little to no relief. then Viox until it was recalled, shortly after my uncle died of heart failure after being on viox for years. since i was under age my parents had to sign a release to get me on the medication, meaning we could not sue for damages done. i now have a heart murmur. after that we decided to do the naturalistic re[Show More]at the age 13 i was diagnosed with JRA and was put on celebrex, with little to no relief. then Viox until it was recalled, shortly after my uncle died of heart failure after being on viox for years. since i was under age my parents had to sign a release to get me on the medication, meaning we could not sue for damages done. i now have a heart murmur. after that we decided to do the naturalistic remedies which helped more than the pharmaceuticals. now wait let me back up, when i was 13 they had me on ibuprofen 800 8 times a day and cortisone injections until they feared it would do more damage than the inflammation. needless to say after killing my stomach we had no other route. when i was 19 i had an abnormal pap which on the second biopsy was tripling in size each visit i decided to have my daughter rather than risk chemotherapy and lose that gift of life. after her birth my RA floored me, dropping my weight to 95 pounds and i was scared to even hold her, scared i would only hurt her, or fall with her. also worried that she wouldn't receive enough nutrients i did my best to gain weight. things seemed to be better until my first semester back at school i rapidly lost my sight, had an insatiable thirst for ice water and bathroom breaks every chance i had.... can you guess what was next? diabetes. after a year with a quack doctor that almost killed me treating me as a type II and blaming me for irresponsible management i did my research and caller her out on what could have been a lefty lawsuit and the loss of her licence. after finally getting to a specialist i spent the next year applying for everything available to get a pump, which has been a miracle to say the least. still far from perfect but manageable. then i was referred to a new RA as i had inflamation pockets so bad on the top on my wrists i could not write or type and my knees and ankle so bad i was missing class. exhausted, and sore beyond words. needless to say im an 24 now. and the worst part is the way people treat me like im faking it. like im lazy and looking for attention and sympathy. fuck that, being said politely more than anything i want to like a full and happy life. being able to have the freedom to be a single mom going to school and surviving without the monster of chronic health problems. i would not wish what i have on anyone. going through the ringers of pre-existing conditions and health insurance red tape. my grades dropping in school because its so small its not worthy of being on my plate of issues at hand. after seeing this new doctor i started enbrel, and then came the headaches. so sever i couldn't get out of bed. driving i would become faint and everything had white long and lazy tracers of light behind them. upon going to the university clinic they said my diabetes wasn't being managed properly and i was dehydrated. this persisted for months. torradol (no idea how that is spelled) was the only thing that would give me back at the least an afternoon and good nights rest. being an non narcotic anti-inflammatory and pain killer. they say it was non habit forming but if they knew the pain it relieved i would gladly have added it to my daily regime! then i was put on tryciclic antidepressants for what they called tension headaches. which i wouldn't be so stiff and sore if i didn't have RA. those knocked me out to the point of zombie Apocalypse, situation isolated to my bedroom only, where no alarm clock or phone call could wake me. i don't even want to mention how this is affecting everything outside the spectrum of health here but im sure one could imagine. so i offed those from my medicine cabinet. then came the tremors. resting tremors in my hands that i could not hide and violent tremors when i was moving. very embarrassing as i was studying Neruopsychology and covering neurological disorders that was covering symptoms while i was demonstrating them. i am a very stubborn and proud person so don't mistake it as a lack of concern and lack of fear. i do my best to hold everything together while my physical is falling apart around me. next came the dizzy spells and almost fainting to the point i was scared i was on the edge of a diabetic seizure. now i know that it is NOT my diabetes. and i have developed this reappearing thick tender to even the slightest breeze, feel like someone poured acid on me, rash almost feels stiff like a scab but burns if anything touches it. and back to the tremors are also accompanied by sharp shooting pains like when your limb falls asleep, but nor constant like a lightning bolt zinging in my body, in my fingers, down my leg, in my back and chest. these all happen on the little over six months on enbrel once a week shots i take. my last visit to my RA just last week reassured me that its not the enbrel but she is worried its neurological problems. ive noticed my kidneys are starting to hurt and more worrisome my breast have been tender. after reading all of these post fighting back the tears! im so sorry for all those who have lost loved ones and struggled through diagnoses i haven't the slightest clue of. my greatest fear is not being here to raise my daughter. like being a single mother in this country isn't hard enough. my fears were realized tonight in this comment area. never again will i take another enbrel shot. i would rather suffer the pain.

  • SunnyAugust 16, 2012 at 11:49 pm

    I have been taking Enbrel since it came on the market in the late 90's. I was even on a waiting list before I was allowed to get it because it was so difficult to make. I knew from the very beginning that the risk of other diseases was possible because Enbrel suppresses the immune system. I am shocked that so many of you did not read the documents that come with every shipment of the medicine. [Show More]I have been taking Enbrel since it came on the market in the late 90's. I was even on a waiting list before I was allowed to get it because it was so difficult to make. I knew from the very beginning that the risk of other diseases was possible because Enbrel suppresses the immune system. I am shocked that so many of you did not read the documents that come with every shipment of the medicine. I have had no side effects at all. In fact, my doctor stopped the Enbrel and tried Humira which caused me to go into such a flare up that I had to have a sterioid shot in my butt which caused my potassium to deplete and my heart to have problems. I am now back on Enbrel (15 years now) and have no problems except aging.

  • KimJuly 23, 2012 at 5:59 pm

    I took Enbrel for 18 months for severe plaque psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. I developed numbness and tingling in my legs. I called my family doctor and my dermatologist, and stopped taking Enbrel immediately. I now have Transverse Myelitis at T5 - I have numbness from mid-chest to the tips of my toes. You can see the atrophy of the spinal cord in my MRI. I'm pretty fortunate, though. It[Show More]I took Enbrel for 18 months for severe plaque psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. I developed numbness and tingling in my legs. I called my family doctor and my dermatologist, and stopped taking Enbrel immediately. I now have Transverse Myelitis at T5 - I have numbness from mid-chest to the tips of my toes. You can see the atrophy of the spinal cord in my MRI. I'm pretty fortunate, though. It seems most people with TM are paralyzed and in wheelchairs, and/or have bowel/bladder issues. The neurologist's diagnosis is idiopathic TM, but after doing some research and knowing that I took Enbrel I think it's really immunopathic TM. While Enbrel helped with the arthritis, my psoriasis never got a lot better. I knew there were risks, but this is still not right.

  • RichJuly 17, 2012 at 2:00 pm

    I started taking Enbrel in 2006 for severe plaque psoriasis. In 2008 I was taken to the emergency room with a suspected heart attack but was diagnosed with muscle strain and sent home with painkillers and muscle relaxers. The next morning I was again taken to the emrgency room with severe, constant back and chest pain. I was given a stronger pain killer and a heating pad to relieve the muscle pain[Show More]I started taking Enbrel in 2006 for severe plaque psoriasis. In 2008 I was taken to the emergency room with a suspected heart attack but was diagnosed with muscle strain and sent home with painkillers and muscle relaxers. The next morning I was again taken to the emrgency room with severe, constant back and chest pain. I was given a stronger pain killer and a heating pad to relieve the muscle pain. My cousin, a doctor, recommended I go back to the emergency room for an MRI for a spinal abscess. The hospital emergency room finally agreed and found a football sized, MSSA infection on my spine. I had 7 hours of surgery, including a partial vertebrae removal, to remove the spinal abscess. I was bed ridden for 4 months with a constant antibiotic pump in my arm. Went on for rehabilitation to walk again and now cannot lift more than 35 lbs, have constant leg and back pain and numbness in my left leg. During my recovery period I lost my business, my home, my wife had to take a job in another state to pay our bills and we had to file dfor bankruptcy. My doctors, dermatologist and neurosurgeon, attribute all of this to Enbrel. My dermatologist documented my case and submitted it to the folks at Enbrel. My neurosurgeon said that if I had waited another day or 2 for the MRI I would have been paralyzed or died from the infection.

  • KathyJuly 17, 2012 at 1:14 pm

    My mom was diagnosed with C.R.E.S.T. 25 years. She started taking Enbral in January of 2012 for the RA part of these diseases. She started getting sick and 4 months later passed away. She was a very active women for 74 years old. She went to the hospital feeling weak and tired and had a pain in her chest, and passed 10 days later. We believe Enbral had everything to do with her passing. Her pancre[Show More]My mom was diagnosed with C.R.E.S.T. 25 years. She started taking Enbral in January of 2012 for the RA part of these diseases. She started getting sick and 4 months later passed away. She was a very active women for 74 years old. She went to the hospital feeling weak and tired and had a pain in her chest, and passed 10 days later. We believe Enbral had everything to do with her passing. Her pancreas was inflamed, her potassium was high and she was anemic when she was admitted. Her blood vessels got inflamed and started leaking out into her body, her kidneys started shutting down, and she ended up drowning in her own blood. WE BELIEVE IT WAS CAUSED BY THE ENBRAL!! There is so much more to this aweful story, but the bottom line is we lost our mother and we believe it was caused by this aweful drug.

  • TeeJuly 8, 2012 at 11:07 pm

    I started Enbrel in Sept 2011. The morning after the first injection I had a mild heart attack. They put in a stent and gave me a bunch of drugs: lipitor, lisinopril, effient, carvedilol, aspirin. The cardiologist told me I can't get off any of them for two years, and never off lipitor. I also take synthroid for hypothyroidism. Then, last Sunday I did another Enbrel injection and the next mornin[Show More]I started Enbrel in Sept 2011. The morning after the first injection I had a mild heart attack. They put in a stent and gave me a bunch of drugs: lipitor, lisinopril, effient, carvedilol, aspirin. The cardiologist told me I can't get off any of them for two years, and never off lipitor. I also take synthroid for hypothyroidism. Then, last Sunday I did another Enbrel injection and the next morning had a mild stroke. Went to ER and they found nothing, but my speech, writing/ typing, and balance are impaired. I've not had either a heart attack or stroke before. I'm only 53, had RA about 8 years, am mostly a vegetarian, though I have smoked since I was 15. I'm going to see my primary care physician this week and get a referral to a neurologist. I'm also quitting the Enbrel. I'm pretty sure it caused the heart attack and now the stroke. It says in the paperwork they are a risk. though smoking is bad, I know. I'm going to quit again. Staying quit is the problem. I've quit Enbrel before but the RA came back. It does work for a lot of people but the side effects are too great. My God, reading this I know now that people have died from Enbrel. I've also read Eat To Live by Dr. Joel Furhman, which is about eating vegetables and fruits and beans, and avoiding oils and animal products. Very little bread and no cheese, which I love. But I will do it. I have to. Dr. Furhman adresses RA, saying that a "nutritarian" diet will reduce or eliminate the symptoms. To the person posting the mean comments about the people here, no, I am not making any money off Dr. Fuhrman's book. Just an RA sufferer who's had trouble with Enbrel, looking to see how many others are experiencing the same thing. I'll post againg here in a few months after I've been off Enbrel and on this diet.

  • JenniferJuly 2, 2012 at 4:57 pm

    My mother had rheumatoid arthritis and developed pancreatic cancer after using Enbrel. Her general practitioner seemed to think that the Enbrel had a lot to do with it. She passed away one month after the cancer was discovered.

  • MaryMay 13, 2012 at 2:59 am

    I read Mindys post about lower back pain and not being able to stand for more than 15 min, well I have taken Enbrel for 1 year and about 6 months ago, found the same thing, after standing for 15 - 30 min I would get back pain and muscle weekness and spasms I have to sit and rest my back muscles for a few minitues and then I can resume walking for a bit. I never had this problem before. I have deci[Show More]I read Mindys post about lower back pain and not being able to stand for more than 15 min, well I have taken Enbrel for 1 year and about 6 months ago, found the same thing, after standing for 15 - 30 min I would get back pain and muscle weekness and spasms I have to sit and rest my back muscles for a few minitues and then I can resume walking for a bit. I never had this problem before. I have decided to stop enbrel to see if I get better or not. So far Ive only been off the drug for 2 weeks and no change. I feel like a guinee pig with taking these drugs.

  • CarrieMay 8, 2012 at 12:12 am

    My daughter started taking Enbrel when she was 15 for Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis and two years later they found out that she had Acute Prolymelitic Leukemia (APML) She was in treatment with Chemo for 2 1/2 years. She is in remission but no one should have to go through something like this if it is not necessary. Please stop them.

  • MariaApril 27, 2012 at 7:30 pm

    A psychologist told me once, that people react with anger when you speak the truth they hide. My question is why doctors chose to hide information about Enbrel? My daughter also suffers from JRA. She is now 15 and on Methotrexate since January 2011, which was 5 months after the diagnosis. She is doing fine physically, yet psychologically the treatment is draining to anyone who suffers a bit of in[Show More]A psychologist told me once, that people react with anger when you speak the truth they hide. My question is why doctors chose to hide information about Enbrel? My daughter also suffers from JRA. She is now 15 and on Methotrexate since January 2011, which was 5 months after the diagnosis. She is doing fine physically, yet psychologically the treatment is draining to anyone who suffers a bit of intelligence. We are doing everything to get healthy to eventually get rid of highly toxic methotrexate. Why do doctors withdraw information about effects Enbrel can bring? And yes, ultimately getting angry with those who ask questions? Enbrel (not the doctor) is now calling our home wanting to speak directly with my daughter. Such is marketing under Enbrel.

  • LynnApril 24, 2012 at 3:35 pm

    My daughter was diagnosed with Juvenile Arthritis in 2006. She was put on Methotrexate and started showing improvements immediately. She did have an upset stomach every night and complained of mouth soreness, and she got the flu more often than she used to. After being on methotrexate for 6 months the Rheumatologist wanted to put her on Enbrel because he felt that she wasn't improving enough. When[Show More]My daughter was diagnosed with Juvenile Arthritis in 2006. She was put on Methotrexate and started showing improvements immediately. She did have an upset stomach every night and complained of mouth soreness, and she got the flu more often than she used to. After being on methotrexate for 6 months the Rheumatologist wanted to put her on Enbrel because he felt that she wasn't improving enough. When I asked him about the medication he told me nothing. All he did was had me the paper on what is was and the side effects. I read the pamplet and was extremely worried, but I filled the prescription and was going to start the treatment when she got strep throat. The next month I was going to start her on it and she got another flu before starting treatment. When we went to the doctors again and after doing some more research on Enbrel I started asking the Dr. questions. He was very rude and combative towards me. All I wanted was some information and advice. I could not understand why he was so upset with me for asking questions. He even sent in a case manager (we went to the Children's Hospital in Knoxville) because I guess he thought I was being negligent towards my daughter. He even wrote in my file that I was a "bad mother." ???? I don't understand how I can be a bad mother when I'm trying to get as much information as I can. I will be taking her to Vanderbilt in Nashville, but I'm worried they will try to force me to put her on Enbrel. I hope they are atleast willing to communicate with me instead of acting like gods.

  • LoriApril 19, 2012 at 3:36 pm

    Wow, sorry to hear about all the bad experiences but I must say this is a very small percentage. If you really do the research Enbrel has saved many more lives. I have severe RA. It's crippling and I'm bedbound without medication, within days of taking it I was out of bed and moving like once before. You take risks with any medication you take even over the counter Ibuprophen.

  • noreenApril 19, 2012 at 3:48 am

    I am 59, have had RA for going on 5 years and am due to have hip replacement surgery. My surgeon wants me off Enbrel for 3-4 weeks prior and after surgery. My rheumatologist (who is also a pharmacist) says, no, only 1-2 weeks off before and after surgery or my RA will likely come back full force and will be more difficult to get under control. My surgeon fears infection, which can lead to a rea[Show More]I am 59, have had RA for going on 5 years and am due to have hip replacement surgery. My surgeon wants me off Enbrel for 3-4 weeks prior and after surgery. My rheumatologist (who is also a pharmacist) says, no, only 1-2 weeks off before and after surgery or my RA will likely come back full force and will be more difficult to get under control. My surgeon fears infection, which can lead to a really horrible outcome. I don't know how I'm supposed to sort this out. I'm not a medical person. Wondering if I should go to Mayo? Anyone else been through this?

  • DianeMarch 27, 2012 at 3:37 pm

    I was an active healthy 53 yr old woman. I did have mild psoriasis and joint pain. I told my dermotologist of my family history. My mother had severe psoiriasis and was crypled with rhuemetoid arthritis. The Dr. said Enbrel would cure me. He spoke very highly of it. I agreed trusted in him. I started in July. The shippment I recieved was left outside to long so it got warm. The Dr. even [Show More]I was an active healthy 53 yr old woman. I did have mild psoriasis and joint pain. I told my dermotologist of my family history. My mother had severe psoiriasis and was crypled with rhuemetoid arthritis. The Dr. said Enbrel would cure me. He spoke very highly of it. I agreed trusted in him. I started in July. The shippment I recieved was left outside to long so it got warm. The Dr. even provided me with samples to get me through til my insurance would cover the enbrel. I noticed relief within days. I started a great job everything was good. I saw the dr. 8-2-2010 got my refill. 9-27 I cancelled an appointment but, they still filled it. Oct. the dr. refilled it again without seeing me. In Nov. I saw my primary Dr. he said that I had a lumbar sprain and masked it with pain killers. Nov. 18 I had to call an ambliance to get me to the hospital with severe back pain Within 2 days I was in a coma. Just as all hope was almost gone with yet another effort of many Dr.s I began to come back. I spent 3 months in the hospita I had to learn to eat, breath and walk again. Now it's March and I am told that the infection is still in my system. I am a mother of 2 beautiful girls and a loving husband. Enbrel did't just hurt me it hurt our entire family deeply.

  • Mary LynneMarch 25, 2012 at 10:49 am

    I am also on Enbrel for RA. Rook Hydroxyquine before for a few years , worked moderately and I felt I had put off Enbrel long enough. Ihave now been on Enbrel for 9 months and have a terrible stiffness in my back muscles. Im afraid this has something to do with Enbrel but the RHUM doesnt seem to think so. This pain and stiffness started around the same time I started Enbrel. Conincidence??? It is [Show More]I am also on Enbrel for RA. Rook Hydroxyquine before for a few years , worked moderately and I felt I had put off Enbrel long enough. Ihave now been on Enbrel for 9 months and have a terrible stiffness in my back muscles. Im afraid this has something to do with Enbrel but the RHUM doesnt seem to think so. This pain and stiffness started around the same time I started Enbrel. Conincidence??? It is getting worse and dont know what to do??? If I stop I am sure I will flare bad!!! :(

  • SharonFebruary 18, 2012 at 12:31 am

    I am very sorry about all of the things I have read. I am sorry now that my husband and I did not research this medication much more thoroughly than we did before he started taking it. Did anyone remember paperwork talking about bleeding as a risk? I do but I did not save that paperwork after my husband started taking that medication. My husband started taking Enbrel in mid August 2010 and took[Show More]I am very sorry about all of the things I have read. I am sorry now that my husband and I did not research this medication much more thoroughly than we did before he started taking it. Did anyone remember paperwork talking about bleeding as a risk? I do but I did not save that paperwork after my husband started taking that medication. My husband started taking Enbrel in mid August 2010 and took it for about 6 weeks when he suffered strokes in his brain and bleeding in his lungs for which there was no medical explanation. He had no relief from the Enbrel and actually had decided to stop taking it right before he suffered the strokes. He had RA like symptoms and had tried all other RA medications and was given Enbrel with the hope that this would bring some pain relief. Not only did it not bring relief but I believe it had something to do with the strokes he had, which led to his death end of Sept 2010. There were too many things discovered in the hospital when he had his strokes that pointed to the only thing different had been taking this particular drug. I hope no one else experiences this. It has taken me over a year just to read all these comments. If you are reading these comments, beware of this drug.

  • MindyFebruary 11, 2012 at 6:17 pm

    I took 6 injections of Enbrel for my RA. It worked soooo well. My sixth injection, however, gave me cellulitis. I had to be hospitalized. I have an appointment with my rheumatologist next week. The cellulitis has cleared up, and I am awaiting new treatment options. But after reading some of these comments, I am scared. Since I've stopped treatment, I have had such severe back pain that I cannot wa[Show More]I took 6 injections of Enbrel for my RA. It worked soooo well. My sixth injection, however, gave me cellulitis. I had to be hospitalized. I have an appointment with my rheumatologist next week. The cellulitis has cleared up, and I am awaiting new treatment options. But after reading some of these comments, I am scared. Since I've stopped treatment, I have had such severe back pain that I cannot walk without a cane, and I need to stop and rest after being on my feet for more than 10-15 minutes due to excruciating pain and pressure in my lower back and weakness in my legs. I'm hoping it's due to my RA settling into my spine (I have a severe case), but after reading these comments, I'm scared....

  • Paul BJanuary 25, 2012 at 3:14 pm

    I have plaque psoriasis which my dermatologist prescribed Enbrel. In the summer of 2010, I developed severe pnumonia (spelling ?) which lead to three weeks of hospitalization, a thoricotomy, kidney failure, and ten hours of dialysis. The many doctors that helped me agreed that Enbrel's side affects on the immune system were a suspicious factor in my condition. Because of the amount of time I lo[Show More]I have plaque psoriasis which my dermatologist prescribed Enbrel. In the summer of 2010, I developed severe pnumonia (spelling ?) which lead to three weeks of hospitalization, a thoricotomy, kidney failure, and ten hours of dialysis. The many doctors that helped me agreed that Enbrel's side affects on the immune system were a suspicious factor in my condition. Because of the amount of time I lost from work with the recovery, I lost my job and have not been able to find another due to my expensive health conditions. Now health insurance is gone, unemployment is about to run out and my psoriasis is back and ugly as ever. Enbrel works but at what cost? Give serious thought to using this medication first.

  • AnneJanuary 21, 2012 at 1:48 pm

    On Enbrel now 4 years for Psoriatic Arthritis, with excellent results. Enbrel has given me my life back. Diagnosed 30 years ago at age 27 and suffered tremendously. My body was wracked with severe pain with every movement and I needed help with dressing , doing stairs, bascially everthing to do with daily living. I spent years with so much pain, stiffness,swelling and damage to all joints, wher[Show More]On Enbrel now 4 years for Psoriatic Arthritis, with excellent results. Enbrel has given me my life back. Diagnosed 30 years ago at age 27 and suffered tremendously. My body was wracked with severe pain with every movement and I needed help with dressing , doing stairs, bascially everthing to do with daily living. I spent years with so much pain, stiffness,swelling and damage to all joints, where most joints in both hands are now plastic or metal, and the elbows, shoulders, knees, hips ankles and feet had cortisone injections on a reular basis, plus numerous medications to try and ease the suffering. Enbrel has changed all that, I am pain free,and can move about like I did over 30 years ago, I finally feel like I am living again and enjoying life. I take Enbrel 50 mg autoinjector once weekly at home. Living comfortably even for a few years is worth the side effects risk for me.. I would not use Enbrel just to get rid of Psoriasis alone, but for those who have suffered long term for many yrs with difficulty walking, etc, this may be the drug for you, so choose wisely , the choice is YOURS to make!

  • MarkJanuary 2, 2012 at 1:11 pm

    My wife started taking enbrel due to severe plaque psoriasis sometime in 2006 - 2007. Throughout the years we noticed a change in her behavior. In 2009 my wife required hospilation due to severe mental decline that included paranoia, anxiety attacks and explosive mood swings. My wife has to this day continued with these issues all while still taking enbrel. This lovely wife and mother has turned i[Show More]My wife started taking enbrel due to severe plaque psoriasis sometime in 2006 - 2007. Throughout the years we noticed a change in her behavior. In 2009 my wife required hospilation due to severe mental decline that included paranoia, anxiety attacks and explosive mood swings. My wife has to this day continued with these issues all while still taking enbrel. This lovely wife and mother has turned into somebody we no longer know, her happiness has dissapeared. Is ther anyone else experiencing similar issues?

  • ELIZABETHDecember 27, 2011 at 6:34 pm


  • leigh anneDecember 26, 2011 at 7:26 pm

    i was diagnosed wiyh as and fibromyalgia and ra. my rhuemetologist is suggesting that i try enbrel and after reading all of these comments i will absolutely refuse to take it id rather deal with what i have an use the medications i already have(pain meds, meloicam,and muscle relaxers) than to risk getting another disease or cancer or infections or even death its crazy to try to make patients take [Show More]i was diagnosed wiyh as and fibromyalgia and ra. my rhuemetologist is suggesting that i try enbrel and after reading all of these comments i will absolutely refuse to take it id rather deal with what i have an use the medications i already have(pain meds, meloicam,and muscle relaxers) than to risk getting another disease or cancer or infections or even death its crazy to try to make patients take one med to fix something but will make you worse than how you started out it makes no sense

  • RebeccaDecember 24, 2011 at 1:33 am

    I have been taking Enbrel for years due to plaque psoriasis. In the past three years, I have had multiple hospitalizations because of acute pancreatitis. Doctors insist Enbrel is not the cause, yet no cause can be found. Yesterday, I was in so much pain that I went to the ER. I was diagnosed with NASH (fatty liver). I am still in severe pain and no MD will allow me to have pain medication. I [Show More]I have been taking Enbrel for years due to plaque psoriasis. In the past three years, I have had multiple hospitalizations because of acute pancreatitis. Doctors insist Enbrel is not the cause, yet no cause can be found. Yesterday, I was in so much pain that I went to the ER. I was diagnosed with NASH (fatty liver). I am still in severe pain and no MD will allow me to have pain medication. I am lost. Now I am reading that this will probably lead to cancer and who knows how long I will have to suffer from MD ignored pain. I'm 30 years old.

  • NickNovember 20, 2011 at 3:13 am

    ive been taking these shot for about a year or so and now im scared as hell! fml

  • DaiselNovember 19, 2011 at 12:38 am

    I was informed by my doctor to start taking enbrel about a month and a half ago, however, I did some research prior to deciding not to take enbrel. I am scared and do not even want to think of what could happen if I ever decide to take it. I am 23 years old with Rheumatoid Arthritis, and even though my doctor says that enbrel will make me feel "great" and more "normal" I refuse to take it and thes[Show More]I was informed by my doctor to start taking enbrel about a month and a half ago, however, I did some research prior to deciding not to take enbrel. I am scared and do not even want to think of what could happen if I ever decide to take it. I am 23 years old with Rheumatoid Arthritis, and even though my doctor says that enbrel will make me feel "great" and more "normal" I refuse to take it and these comments only justify my reasons not to take it. I already have a weak immune system as it is, I have mild anemia, and I think that I would most likely end up in the hospital somewhere if I was to take enbrel. I am sorry to hear about all those people who have taken enbrel and have passed away on it. It is such as sad thing to hear about.

  • HelenNovember 17, 2011 at 9:47 pm

    I have a friend that I care for and also care about after reading this page he and I are becoming very worried. He started on Enbrel the summer of this year and by taking Enbrel I have seen a huge inprovment in his movment. He is only 27 yrs old and after reading this site like I have already said we have become very worried. It is one of those things what is better? Quantity or quality?

  • JasonNovember 11, 2011 at 7:31 am

    my mother was diagnosed with RA in 1984, in 2004-2006 my mother was taking Enbrel I had no idea until this evening that Enbrel could be the very medication that caused my mother's death in Jan 2006. It is too late for me to pursue a lawsuit but I will most certainly warn people who have RA and are taking Ebrel as to please beware of the drug and it's potential to cause death. I miss my mother a[Show More]my mother was diagnosed with RA in 1984, in 2004-2006 my mother was taking Enbrel I had no idea until this evening that Enbrel could be the very medication that caused my mother's death in Jan 2006. It is too late for me to pursue a lawsuit but I will most certainly warn people who have RA and are taking Ebrel as to please beware of the drug and it's potential to cause death. I miss my mother and I'm very sorry that I link the two together too late.

  • CandiNovember 6, 2011 at 2:19 pm

    This is for Radames. The other side effect of my toxic shock syndrome resulting from Enbrel was atrial fibrillation which caused my heart to go into severe arrhythmia. I have been on medication to control the arrhythmia up until last week. I had periodic episodes of the arrhythmia up until just recently. I would say that there is a very good likelihood that your heart attack may have been cause[Show More]This is for Radames. The other side effect of my toxic shock syndrome resulting from Enbrel was atrial fibrillation which caused my heart to go into severe arrhythmia. I have been on medication to control the arrhythmia up until last week. I had periodic episodes of the arrhythmia up until just recently. I would say that there is a very good likelihood that your heart attack may have been caused by the Enbrel.

  • CandiNovember 6, 2011 at 2:08 pm

    I am planning a consultation with lawyers by the end of the year (see my post June 15). I will post later if anything comes from the meeting. As an addendum to my previous post, my skin is still relatively clear with only a few small (eraser sized) lesions scattered here and there after being off of Enbrel for 11 months. At this point the worst side effect that I have is the inability to walk with[Show More]I am planning a consultation with lawyers by the end of the year (see my post June 15). I will post later if anything comes from the meeting. As an addendum to my previous post, my skin is still relatively clear with only a few small (eraser sized) lesions scattered here and there after being off of Enbrel for 11 months. At this point the worst side effect that I have is the inability to walk without pain in my feet. Again, I feel that my good recovery has everything to do with my healthy diet. I wish more people were aware of the relationship between diet and illness/disease.

  • glendaOctober 30, 2011 at 11:53 pm

    i have been on etanercpt since 2001 i have rhumatoid arthritis i took part in the trial but have had constant urine infections and have been coughing and being sick since february loads of different antibiotics spiromatrys lung scan said i had 2 nodules and air in the avoli i am now on steroids bringing up loads of mucus the injection stopped all the pain i thought it was great but now my doctor [Show More]i have been on etanercpt since 2001 i have rhumatoid arthritis i took part in the trial but have had constant urine infections and have been coughing and being sick since february loads of different antibiotics spiromatrys lung scan said i had 2 nodules and air in the avoli i am now on steroids bringing up loads of mucus the injection stopped all the pain i thought it was great but now my doctor says it can cause lung disease and maybe should stay off it coz when cough improves slightly after 2nd injection comes back again

  • SteveOctober 4, 2011 at 9:06 pm

    I was on enbrel for 1 year because of plaque psoriasis and it cleared me up. It was on my legs, knees, elbows etc, About 10 percent of my skin. I couldn't afford it so I had to stop taking it and my psoriasis came back at least 5 times worse than what it was. I am covered with psoriasis and it is because of enbrel. It completely DESTROYED my life.

  • NancyAugust 3, 2011 at 5:24 am

    My son was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis 8 months ago his elbows are fused so he can't strighten his arms his right wrist is fused (can't bend) we think his ankles are fusing now he has trouble walking can't stand for more then 30 min without having to sit , he has it in his spine can bend and touch his knee's no further . He has been on Humera for 8 months has help withpain but that's it now[Show More]My son was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis 8 months ago his elbows are fused so he can't strighten his arms his right wrist is fused (can't bend) we think his ankles are fusing now he has trouble walking can't stand for more then 30 min without having to sit , he has it in his spine can bend and touch his knee's no further . He has been on Humera for 8 months has help withpain but that's it now the Dr wants to change to Embrel , I am afraid for him . My son just turned 21. Is there anyone else that has fused joints his Dr is just shocked how fast the arthritis is damaging his joints.

  • TerriAugust 2, 2011 at 12:14 am

    My Aunt was on Enbrel for 1 year and was diagnosed with brain cancer and died 11 months later. Now I have another friend on Enbrel for 3 years in the hospital with brain cancer.

  • RadamesJune 27, 2011 at 9:32 am

    Is there any relationship between the use of Enbrel and incidents of hearth attacks. In 2001 I was started in Enbrel to control the symptoms of my RA and in 2004 I had a hearth attack at 39. I wonder if the early hearth incident could have been caused by the use of the drug.

  • TheresaJune 25, 2011 at 4:30 am

    My mother just passed away on June 9th. In October of 2010 she was diagnosed with mucosal melanoma of the vagina. She had been taking Enbrel for about 2.5 years prior to this to treat psoriasis. She stopped taking the injections after the cancer diagnosis. . In December 2010 she had the tumor removed and endured 33 radiation treatments, only to learn this April the cancer had metastisied to the[Show More]My mother just passed away on June 9th. In October of 2010 she was diagnosed with mucosal melanoma of the vagina. She had been taking Enbrel for about 2.5 years prior to this to treat psoriasis. She stopped taking the injections after the cancer diagnosis. . In December 2010 she had the tumor removed and endured 33 radiation treatments, only to learn this April the cancer had metastisied to the liver, lungs, spine, and brain. She died 6 weeks later. I believe that Enbrel was the cause. Other than an occasional cold or flu, she was never ill. She died too young at 69, leaving 6 beautiful grandchildren.

  • JoAnneJune 22, 2011 at 11:07 pm

    I was wondering if anyone had filed a lawsuit against the maker of Enbrel? My husband was put on Enbrel for the treatment of psoriasis. The doctors had used all the other meds for psoriasis. He was on Enbrel for a year or so. Then he was diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma and was immediately taken off Enbrel. Before he was put on Enbrel, he was a very healthy 63 year old man who was still ve[Show More]I was wondering if anyone had filed a lawsuit against the maker of Enbrel? My husband was put on Enbrel for the treatment of psoriasis. The doctors had used all the other meds for psoriasis. He was on Enbrel for a year or so. Then he was diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma and was immediately taken off Enbrel. Before he was put on Enbrel, he was a very healthy 63 year old man who was still very active. He walked from 3-6 miles every day, rain or shine. I can't understand why this med is still on the market. Both my husband and I are afflicted with psoriasis. I was the first to be put on it after all other meds failed to control it. My story is different than my husband's story. I was on Enbrel for 3 or 4 years and my psoriasis cleared up completely then things began to change. I had a problem with my left shoulder after a fall in 2008. My humerus bone was deteriating and my rotator cup was completely gone. The doctors suspected Multiple myaloma and immediately took me off the Enbrel. I find it strange that when cancer is mentioned then the Enbrel is abruptly stopped. I was lucky, my shoulder did not have any cancer cells after a biopsy. My health has been bad ever since I was on Enbrel. And to this day I must be extremely careful about exposure to anything that may be going around. I spent 8 days in the hospital a couple of months ago and 8 weeks of antibiotics delivered through a pic line daily. The nurses taught my husband how to do this before they would let me leave the hospital. I believe that both his cancer and my autoimmune problems are directly due to the medication Enbrel.

  • candiJune 15, 2011 at 12:36 pm

    I agree with Kay about diet and nutrition. I started using Enbrel in 2002 as a test subject getting the drug approved for use against plaque psoriasis. I continued using it until Dec of 2010. I had asked my derm about cutting back dosage because my psoriasis was practically nonexistent. He told me not to because it could return even worse than before and would be difficult to treat. On Jan 3, [Show More]I agree with Kay about diet and nutrition. I started using Enbrel in 2002 as a test subject getting the drug approved for use against plaque psoriasis. I continued using it until Dec of 2010. I had asked my derm about cutting back dosage because my psoriasis was practically nonexistent. He told me not to because it could return even worse than before and would be difficult to treat. On Jan 3, 2011 I wound up in the hospital ER room due to severe septis infection which the doctors said was directly resulted from my suppressed immune system due to Enbrel. Thank God I was incredibly healthy at the age of 62 because I ate well and made sure that I consumed 15 fruits and vegetables each and every day. The doctors told my husband that if I survived I would probably lose my hands and feet because of lack of blood flow to the extremities. Now, 6 months later, I am almost fully recovered with only some pain in my feet and back. I have had more than one doctor tell me that my good health prevented almost certain death. I truly believe that good nutrition played a huge part in my recovery. Stay away from processed foods and fast food restaurants! Eat little if any meat and lots of fruits and veggies. Naturally, I would never recommend Enbrel to anyone, but understand that there are those of you who feel you can't manage your pain without it. What a choice to have to make. When the side effects are more devastating than the benefits, I feel that the FDA should step in and demand answers from the pharmaceuticals. We haven't decided whether will will file a lawsuit yet, but I will keep you posted in the future.

  • APOgleJune 11, 2011 at 12:06 am

    A lot of the comments are fetched out of thin air by hypochondriacs, and some who are out to gain profit, by selling their stupid diets, or unproved methods for RA. There are medical doctors who have studied and have had 4 or more years of special training in rheumatic disorders. Those are the physicians a person with rheumatic diseases should see. When you take enbrel read all the information pr[Show More]A lot of the comments are fetched out of thin air by hypochondriacs, and some who are out to gain profit, by selling their stupid diets, or unproved methods for RA. There are medical doctors who have studied and have had 4 or more years of special training in rheumatic disorders. Those are the physicians a person with rheumatic diseases should see. When you take enbrel read all the information provided to you in the box with the self deliverable medication box. Educate your self, or have the attending physician do it for you. The physician always warns you not to use the medication, when you are sick. And don't write stupid things, that show you ignorance.

  • MARKMay 24, 2011 at 4:09 pm

    I just started taking enbrel I just don't understand why the FDA has approved this if so many people are suffering these terrible side effects this is a very scary thing for me and now I don't know what to do this is my first week on the medication?

  • KayMay 24, 2011 at 8:22 am

    Hi, Ginny, My heart goes out to you. I am a former Enbrel user, now on Doxycycline AP (antibiotic protocol). There are doctors throughout the country who specialize in this treatment. Please check Roadback.org general discussion board. There is also a video of Dr. Thomas Brown discussing his theory of mycoplasma infection as the cause of arthritis. The book describing this protocol is by Henry S[Show More]Hi, Ginny, My heart goes out to you. I am a former Enbrel user, now on Doxycycline AP (antibiotic protocol). There are doctors throughout the country who specialize in this treatment. Please check Roadback.org general discussion board. There is also a video of Dr. Thomas Brown discussing his theory of mycoplasma infection as the cause of arthritis. The book describing this protocol is by Henry Scammel. Check out the comments on Amazon. Alkaline diet and checking for food sensitivities can help also. Good luck to you.

  • GinnyMay 14, 2011 at 8:26 pm

    I started using enbrel about 4 years ago, then they chnaged to Raptiva and back to enbrel I have psorisis and arthitis, I just found out 4 days ago my liver is enlarged and I have been faling a lot in my house, and my imune system is very low now. I was doing shots twicce a week and I stopped 5 months ago. I still get very itchy and have no energy at all. I am very concerened about my health now. [Show More]I started using enbrel about 4 years ago, then they chnaged to Raptiva and back to enbrel I have psorisis and arthitis, I just found out 4 days ago my liver is enlarged and I have been faling a lot in my house, and my imune system is very low now. I was doing shots twicce a week and I stopped 5 months ago. I still get very itchy and have no energy at all. I am very concerened about my health now. What happened to my liver and why do I keep falling so often. I was told that one of the effects of enbrel is liver dease. Now I am scared out of my mind since I was on it for more than 4 years. Now what do i do. Still have plaque and itch and enlarged liver , low imune system..This is not good at al. I have to have more tetst done on Monday to rule out anything else. I have Hepatitis also they found out which is also another cause from enbrel. What do I do now. I have no energy and going thru health issues now. When they changed to Raptiva it was a new shot suppose to be better than enbrel then they took it off market it causes cancer I took it for 1 year. I am so scared now . I noticed I can't be around anyone with a caold, as soon as someone is around me with a cold I get sick right away, that is my imine system bieng so low. What to do. This medication has made me Ill now and I noticed the changes a year ago and never realized it could have been the shots. How do I seek help thru a lawyer about my health now.Can someone advice me in what to do please? Thank you so much!! God Bless all that are on this medication.

  • KatrinaMay 10, 2011 at 6:52 am

    I have used Enbrel since Sept 2000; and I have not became sick , and I have pass all of my physicals this year. I can't say anything bad about the drug; its like I don't have Rheumatoid Arthritis. I can honestly say that Enbrel gave me my life. The life I had before I was diagnosed with RA.

  • DiannaApril 28, 2011 at 11:18 pm

    I am heart sick over the suffering this drug has caused. My mom used Enbrel for RA for 3 years before being diagnosed with oral cancer. After surgery & radiation to treat the oral cancer, she was diagnosed with lung cancer. After chemo & radiation to treat the lung cancer, doctors are now testing her for kidney cancer. She is positive that these cancers are all caused by the Enbrel. W[Show More]I am heart sick over the suffering this drug has caused. My mom used Enbrel for RA for 3 years before being diagnosed with oral cancer. After surgery & radiation to treat the oral cancer, she was diagnosed with lung cancer. After chemo & radiation to treat the lung cancer, doctors are now testing her for kidney cancer. She is positive that these cancers are all caused by the Enbrel. We've only had one doctor state that she felt it very well could have been the cause & this was not the Rheumatologist that prescribed it! Anyone have information about the link of Enbrel to any of these cancers?

  • ROYApril 26, 2011 at 5:49 pm

    Was on Enbrel 50 mg injectable for 8 years for psoriasis and noticed it clear it up to a point and then decided that I see many side effects and wante dto be removed from Enbrel. Dermo said that my psoriasis would get very bad if I stop but it did not! I now have DDD on the L5-S1 Disc of my lower back and nerve damage in my right leg causing me to be house bound and not able to walk. How do I prov[Show More]Was on Enbrel 50 mg injectable for 8 years for psoriasis and noticed it clear it up to a point and then decided that I see many side effects and wante dto be removed from Enbrel. Dermo said that my psoriasis would get very bad if I stop but it did not! I now have DDD on the L5-S1 Disc of my lower back and nerve damage in my right leg causing me to be house bound and not able to walk. How do I prove to Doctors that my problem is coming from the use of Enbrel. I never had any back or leg problems until I started using Enbre Thanks Roy

  • J FernandezApril 24, 2011 at 3:36 pm

    I have been taking Enbrel for about 6 1/2 years. I was diagnosis with ankylosing spondylitis at the age of 16. I believe Enbrel is a God send, it has given back my life. Sorry for the ones who have suffered more, because of Enbrel.

  • kimApril 24, 2011 at 3:04 pm

    I started taking embrel around Nov 2010. Since January I have been having increased s/s of numbness and tingling in my arms which I attributed to work. In February 2011 Im woke up with sudden onset numbness on the right side of my face. I went to ER thinking I was having a stroke, was dx with Bells Palsy. This April 2011 I am now having severenumbness in bilateral legs and pelvic area. I am on emb[Show More]I started taking embrel around Nov 2010. Since January I have been having increased s/s of numbness and tingling in my arms which I attributed to work. In February 2011 Im woke up with sudden onset numbness on the right side of my face. I went to ER thinking I was having a stroke, was dx with Bells Palsy. This April 2011 I am now having severenumbness in bilateral legs and pelvic area. I am on embrel and fear that I am having side effects. I am making a decision to stop the embrel as i am having episodes of poor balance, bumping into walls when i think i am walking straight. Thoughts? RA appr in june

  • KayApril 9, 2011 at 1:49 am

    Hi Everyone, I posted my Enbrel story back in March 2010, but wanted to contribute something I've found that has helped me. The rheumy just looks at me like I'm some sort of nut and shakes his head, but I really think changing my diet has helped tremendously. Please reasearch a vegan diet and, more specifically, a mostly raw vegan diet. This has really helped me tremendously! If you do anything, [Show More]Hi Everyone, I posted my Enbrel story back in March 2010, but wanted to contribute something I've found that has helped me. The rheumy just looks at me like I'm some sort of nut and shakes his head, but I really think changing my diet has helped tremendously. Please reasearch a vegan diet and, more specifically, a mostly raw vegan diet. This has really helped me tremendously! If you do anything, stop eating dairy and meat. I've researched about "leaky gut syndrome" in which undigested particles of protein get through the intestinal wall and into the blood stream. Our bodies react to these particles in attack mode and create antibodies. Inflammation occurs which causes the pain and then deformity begins. Well, I'm simplyfing the process, but I have done some experiments with this where I can literally turn off/on the pain in some joints. I now eat TONS of green salads, banana smoothies with mangoes, blueberries, strawberries, whatever I have in the house with unsweetened almond milk. Just try to keep your body ALKALINE and eat clean. This will reduce the toxic load in your body and the inflammation and pain may reduce. Hmmm... reduce RA pain with nature's food or take a poison medicine with DEATH as a side effect? It's worth some reasearch time! 30bananas a day.com My heart goes out to all of you.

  • MaryMarch 28, 2011 at 8:40 pm

    I don't know how I stumbled on to this page. I am 49 and was diagnosed with RA in 1985 - I was 23 and had just had my first son. Chronic progression of course led me to Enbrel which I started before there was even enough to go around - I was on the first waiting list. I was able to quit taking Methotrexate, Plaquenil, Arava, Prednisone and Lodine I had been on for years. I have had a couple bo[Show More]I don't know how I stumbled on to this page. I am 49 and was diagnosed with RA in 1985 - I was 23 and had just had my first son. Chronic progression of course led me to Enbrel which I started before there was even enough to go around - I was on the first waiting list. I was able to quit taking Methotrexate, Plaquenil, Arava, Prednisone and Lodine I had been on for years. I have had a couple bouts of tooth infections and sinusitis requiring surgery, but other than that, I have not had any side effects. However, reading all of this is surely an eye-opener and scarey. I know it has given me my life, because the few times I've been off of Enbrel, in a matter of two weeks, all I can do is sit and cry - can't even pull a sheet over my shoulder. What kind of life would that be? I wonder how many people out there are like me - gained 10+ years of functional pain-free normal life? It does lower your immune system; but isn't RA and over-active immune system gone haywire? Doesn't it need to be lowered?

  • GayleMarch 19, 2011 at 2:01 am

    My friend Sherry took Enbrel for 2 years for RA. She had three bouts in 2009 of MRSA. Three weeks ago, Sherry went to emergency room for severe all over pain, and flu symptoms. Pain meds were given- go home rest. 5 hours later, incoherent, cant walk and to Er.again. renal failure, cirrosis of the liver, absesses in bowel. 104+ temp, inhabation... NECROTIZING FACIITIS! All tissure taken fr[Show More]My friend Sherry took Enbrel for 2 years for RA. She had three bouts in 2009 of MRSA. Three weeks ago, Sherry went to emergency room for severe all over pain, and flu symptoms. Pain meds were given- go home rest. 5 hours later, incoherent, cant walk and to Er.again. renal failure, cirrosis of the liver, absesses in bowel. 104+ temp, inhabation... NECROTIZING FACIITIS! All tissure taken from left arm, chest, back. Now in the burn unit, cant breath on her own, will be there for 6 months before physical therapy can be tried. Survival possibilities 20% or less. we wait and Pray. Enbrel is one bad drug. I am sorry for your losses and your pain is close to my heart. Denea, I will pray for you and your family. IF Sherry lives her life will be forever changed and some how I know that to be face to face with God might be the blessing, Gayle

  • DeneaMarch 15, 2011 at 4:20 am

    My father died Jan 18th from Enbrel. That is what his autopsy and death certificate say. He had a lung infection which nobody ever found. This spread through his body and he complained of back pain. SEVERE back pain. He went to the hospital and to a workmans comp dr they told him he pulled a muscle gave him opiates and a steroid med pack. HE did not pull a muscle. The muscle and tissue from his mi[Show More]My father died Jan 18th from Enbrel. That is what his autopsy and death certificate say. He had a lung infection which nobody ever found. This spread through his body and he complained of back pain. SEVERE back pain. He went to the hospital and to a workmans comp dr they told him he pulled a muscle gave him opiates and a steroid med pack. HE did not pull a muscle. The muscle and tissue from his middle back to his lower back were ROTTING away. His organs were shutting down and rotting while he was still alive. He went paralyzed shortly before death. I thank god he went paralyzed so that the god awful pain he must have been in went away. I try everyday not to be mad at him for taking this medication. His body was 93% covered with psoriasis. He was a 44 year old man, he was taken far too soon and this medication took him from me and his grandkids. Realize that when they say this medication can kill you they mean it.

  • LauraFebruary 21, 2011 at 11:36 pm

    I took Enbrel in 2005 for a severe outbreak of psoriasis. Shortly after taking the medication, I developed double vision. The same day I went to the ER and had an MRI. The test indicated I had a 1 cm spot on the lower part of my upper brain stem. I was immediately referred to a neurologist in fear it was cancer. Within days I began having intense headaches, my speech slurred, and I started h[Show More]I took Enbrel in 2005 for a severe outbreak of psoriasis. Shortly after taking the medication, I developed double vision. The same day I went to the ER and had an MRI. The test indicated I had a 1 cm spot on the lower part of my upper brain stem. I was immediately referred to a neurologist in fear it was cancer. Within days I began having intense headaches, my speech slurred, and I started having night sweats. I endured more MRI's and a spinal tap. The spot could not be biopsied due the spots location and the neurologist placed me on Dexamethosone and other medications to suppress my headaches and hopefully decreasie the mass in my brain. I was terrified. I had two young children and had always been healthy other than the skin disorder. Eventually the mass shrunk and my symptoms improved. The neurologist concluded that it was an infection and could not find any cause for it other than the Enbrel. Although the double vision left, I still have problems seeing things up close which I hadn't had a problem with before. I feel lucky I'm alive and am glad I immediately stopped taking Enbrel. I still fear, however, that it may come back or has cause some other illness that I am unaware of at this time.

  • lyndyFebruary 14, 2011 at 10:31 am

    I want to thank everyone for sharing the exp/tragedy abt taking enbrel or their loved ones had taken it and died from it. I just started to take Enbrel for abt two weeks. My friend begged me to stop this drug after I shared with him some of my symptoms. He guarantee me that I will suffer from heart attack or stroke and die or sit on a wheel chair. I started to get minor headaches, runny nose, the[Show More]I want to thank everyone for sharing the exp/tragedy abt taking enbrel or their loved ones had taken it and died from it. I just started to take Enbrel for abt two weeks. My friend begged me to stop this drug after I shared with him some of my symptoms. He guarantee me that I will suffer from heart attack or stroke and die or sit on a wheel chair. I started to get minor headaches, runny nose, then severe pain on my left arm.I called the Enbrel and they said no patient had reported this symptoms so I thought that pain just happened. I then started to feel the pain on my right thing.I try to hold the pain back and didnt report to the Doctor. Last night I felt sick and neasea. I could barely finish a small bow of soup and had to take a rest. I almost threw up and when I got up, I almost lost my balance and fell.I m a healthy person.I work out and dance 7x a week.I hardly get a cold or flue. I am hoping my skin will clear up and I m ignoring those symptoms. Certain part of my skin is cleared up. I still have psoraisis on my back and butt eventhough it mild compares to most people. I am hoping it will get better w/i three months. I m sorry again for those or their family members suffered some kind of infection and illness. I pray for all of you.

  • DeenaFebruary 4, 2011 at 5:11 am

    My husband was 44 years old and suffered from severe psoriasis. He was 93% covered when he started Enbrel injections. He did the injections for approx. 1 year and then went off. The psoriasis came back and he again started the injections. After approx. 4 months, he developed back pain, which he thought was from a miss step at work. He went to the ER and was given pain meds and sent to a Workers Co[Show More]My husband was 44 years old and suffered from severe psoriasis. He was 93% covered when he started Enbrel injections. He did the injections for approx. 1 year and then went off. The psoriasis came back and he again started the injections. After approx. 4 months, he developed back pain, which he thought was from a miss step at work. He went to the ER and was given pain meds and sent to a Workers Comp. health clinic. They gave him steriods and sent him home to wait for an MRI. Two days later, he was paralyzed from the neck down, intubated and in renal failure! 14 hours after being admitted to ICU, he died. We do not have the autopsy report yet but the doctors have told us he died of Sepsis which caused multi-organ failure, which was from and infection caused by Enbrel. While the psoriasis was really bad, he did not want to die from the "treatment'. We are talkiing about a healthy, active 44 year old man with a skin disorder! He didn't have to die. Please, if you are taking this drug and it is not a matter of life or death, please rethink your choice. Discuss your choice with your doctor. My husband did not think he was going to die from this medication. He thought it was some sort of miracle drug because it actually cleared his skin up. So now his skin is clear and he's dead. That's too high a price to pay.

  • GladysFebruary 1, 2011 at 11:29 pm

    I don't know if it's my age or what, but i've been taking Enbrel for almost 7yrz now. I have been getting sicker, but also have been taking more precautions. I am well aware of the side effects and they are easy for me to work around. But reading all thse comments, they make me want to tell you my story and then maybe you will see why I chose to NOT have a lawyer review and contact me. I just had [Show More]I don't know if it's my age or what, but i've been taking Enbrel for almost 7yrz now. I have been getting sicker, but also have been taking more precautions. I am well aware of the side effects and they are easy for me to work around. But reading all thse comments, they make me want to tell you my story and then maybe you will see why I chose to NOT have a lawyer review and contact me. I just had my son in June 2004. A few hours after giving birth, I felt whole body pain like I've never experienced. I complained about it, but it was pushed aside. Two weeks later, I was in so much pain I couldn't hold my own son. I went to the ER and was told I was suffering from Post Pardom (sp?) Depression and that it was common in new mother's. I was given a placebo that did nothing for my pain. Finally I went to anther Dr. out of network. He took a lot of blood samples and called me a week later. I had full bodied Rhuematoid Artheritis. I went through lots of tests, x-ays, pain meds, steriods, all with a baby on my hip. He kept me going. I would look at him and think, I'm not going to let history repeat itself. My mother had RA. Playgrounds and parks, she was a spectator. I wasn't gong to let that happen with my son. I wasn't going to be a spectator in his life. I began Enbrel in Oct. 2004. My son was 4 months old. It was that December that I realized that I had been off the steriods long enough to see that Enbrel was working for me. I did everything the Dr.'s said. My son's going to be 7 this year. I'm going to be 29. I have a cpl of crippled toes, but I can still keep up with the best (him). When he was 2, they said that my feet and ankles would be so crippled, I would have to walk with a cane. I told my rhuematologist, how am I gonna keep up with him in a cane? You gotta be on 3 kinds of stupid to tell me that in front of my son! I'm still getting around on my own. Like I said in the beginning, I am getting sicker as the years go by. Little sinus infections have turned into pnuemonia over the years. I've had more sore throats than I can count. And i'm a pro at hiding from the Dr.'s hahaha. But you know what? I am well aware of the risks. And if anything tragic does happen to me, at least I can say, I was not a spectator in my son's life. I participated. I was there. And no matter how great the pain is to me and other's around me, at least they can say I laughed and smiled all the way through. I am well aware of the side effects of Enbrel. I have been using it for almost 7 years. And if I get cancer tomorrow, you won't see me suing the company. Especially when the medication has kept my RA at a stand still all these years. But to everyone else, do what you gotta do to get your paper and retribution. I for one am thankful.

  • RichardJanuary 17, 2011 at 6:10 pm

    I took enbrel for approximately 2.5 years for arthritis and psoriasis. My dermotalogist recomended that I change to humaria and I was on that medication for approximately 2.5 years. I retired from the Department of corrections and my psoriasis improved greatly and I stopped taking any injectable medication for psoriasis and or arthritis around February of 2007. I have now August 2010 been diagno[Show More]I took enbrel for approximately 2.5 years for arthritis and psoriasis. My dermotalogist recomended that I change to humaria and I was on that medication for approximately 2.5 years. I retired from the Department of corrections and my psoriasis improved greatly and I stopped taking any injectable medication for psoriasis and or arthritis around February of 2007. I have now August 2010 been diagnosied with: pancreatic cancer, this has spread to my stomack, kidney, liver,small and large intestine just to name a few areas of infection. Cancer does not run in my family and I can not think of any other reason for this deadly condition other than enbrel and or humaria. I was in perfect health for most of my adult life other than the arthritis and psoriasis. I think I would rather have the skin condition and pains from arthritis than this killer cancer I have now. I don't want to sound as sour grapes as the enbrel and humaria treatment help greatly with my psoriasis and arthritis conditions but I do not recall being informed about side effects of cancer prior to starting the treatment. I was told of many side effect to include TB but we my doctor and I did simple blood checks and annual TB testing to keep that under control.

  • JulieJanuary 15, 2011 at 2:42 am

    Does anyone know if there is a class action suit against the drug company

  • CarrieDecember 28, 2010 at 3:04 pm

    Started Enbrel in May of 2006... had a pulmonary emboulism in March 2006 due to an accident (most likely that or poor hospital care). Took about 5 months for it to start working. In April 2010 developed Polymyositis. Stopped Enbrel immediately. Went on huge doses of steroids and Lyrica, and CellCept. My doctor feels Enbrel caused the Polymyositis which weakens large muscle groups and involves tre[Show More]Started Enbrel in May of 2006... had a pulmonary emboulism in March 2006 due to an accident (most likely that or poor hospital care). Took about 5 months for it to start working. In April 2010 developed Polymyositis. Stopped Enbrel immediately. Went on huge doses of steroids and Lyrica, and CellCept. My doctor feels Enbrel caused the Polymyositis which weakens large muscle groups and involves tremendous nerve pain. We hope it is an isolated incident. Weaning off steroids still and have cut back Lyrica. Please be careful everyone.

  • SandraDecember 16, 2010 at 4:31 pm

    My experience with Enbrel ended with OPEN HEART SURGERY after 3 months of infections that would not go away. Sure could use a lawyer.

  • EisyDecember 12, 2010 at 8:13 am

    I took Enbrel for severe plaque psoriasis and painful psoriatic arthritis in 2006. Thrilled to be on something that finally "worked", I was on Enbrel for almost three years. I became pregnant while taking Enbrel. I went to the emergency room four months into my pregnancy and was told there was no heartbeat. Then they told me that it was a molar pregnancy and that I had developed cancer of the plac[Show More]I took Enbrel for severe plaque psoriasis and painful psoriatic arthritis in 2006. Thrilled to be on something that finally "worked", I was on Enbrel for almost three years. I became pregnant while taking Enbrel. I went to the emergency room four months into my pregnancy and was told there was no heartbeat. Then they told me that it was a molar pregnancy and that I had developed cancer of the placenta. I was told that I could not get pregnant for a year. During this time I became unbelievably depressed, never had another child like I had wanted to. After the cancer, my immune system was so repressed that I developed double pneumonia, tested positive for tuberculosis and before that I had numerous ear infections that caused a hole in my eardrum. To this day I have permanent hearing loss. I am writing this to let those of you who praise the positive effects of Enbrel to know that any of these stories posted here CAN HAPPEN TO YOU TOO. Watch out when you hear the monotone roll-off of multiple symptoms when you're listening to a television ad. These side effects CAN happen to ANYONE at ANY time during their treatment. Of course it's great when symptoms start clearing up and I am in no way debating the fact that these drugs do help with the symptoms of RA, psoriatic arthritis, etc. because they surely do "work". But if side effects include DEATH, CANCER, INFECTION, do not doubt the severity of these "side effects" They are indeed real. Is your life worth losing because the FDA doesn't care about you or your side effects? I've been involved in a class-action lawsuit with the makers of the drug for years now and the FDA just informed the attorneys that there is no link between Enbrel and cancer. Absolute corruption here! There are so many cases of sudden cancers and infections and tuberculosis that should blow the FDA out of the water! But no. They are there to "protect" us. Yeah, right.

  • JOHNDecember 3, 2010 at 2:38 pm

    Enbrel is just another example of the ignorance and arrogance of the FDA and Wyeth. The won't admit that the quacks are the Allopathics(doctors and Pharmas) who continue to poison people, lowering their Immune System, even risking other diseases and death in many cases. The American public are being treated with drugs from an Industry which is corrupt and greedy. They refuse to admit that herb[Show More]Enbrel is just another example of the ignorance and arrogance of the FDA and Wyeth. The won't admit that the quacks are the Allopathics(doctors and Pharmas) who continue to poison people, lowering their Immune System, even risking other diseases and death in many cases. The American public are being treated with drugs from an Industry which is corrupt and greedy. They refuse to admit that herbs, vitamins and minerals, greens, correct waters, etc work towards correcting the Immune System. I recovered from Chronic Melanoma because I took a protocol recommended by my Holistic Nutritionist. No side effects and I am cleared of melanocytes!!

  • donnaNovember 28, 2010 at 1:52 pm

    Hi i just stared taking embreal for my ra so far no side afects but i do get brusing from it you people are scaring me this

  • EthelNovember 23, 2010 at 5:27 pm

    I started ENBREL in November 2009 started to fall then in April couldn't climb the stairs.Dr took muscle Biopsy found out I have POLYMYOSITIS.I later had a migraine like headache.He took me off the Enbrel.I am not albe to walk with out a cane.I know the Enbrel had something to do with it because he stopped it right away.I just thank God for each day.Since june2010my life is changed.

  • CindyNovember 14, 2010 at 11:19 pm

    My son was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis Feb 2010. Dr perscribed Humira. He took 3 shots and broke out in small red spots. Humira was stopped. He then broke out with psoriasis on his arms and chest. Embrel was started and the psoriasis spread quickly all over his body. He took 7 shots of embrel. He has psoriasis on 95% of his body now. He has never had this nor anyone in my family until t[Show More]My son was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis Feb 2010. Dr perscribed Humira. He took 3 shots and broke out in small red spots. Humira was stopped. He then broke out with psoriasis on his arms and chest. Embrel was started and the psoriasis spread quickly all over his body. He took 7 shots of embrel. He has psoriasis on 95% of his body now. He has never had this nor anyone in my family until the Humira. The Embrel caused a worse outbreak after the 7 injections. I called Embrel and they told me in some rare cases the Embrel worsens this condition. He is now seeing a specialist who says in all his years he has never seen this before nor this severe. My son is 28 years old. The psoriasis is so bad it bleeds and hurts so bad he cant close his hands to make a fist. He sleeps very little because of the pain from the places all over his body. New places are breaking out daily. He is on another type of medication now that makes all his body feel like it is on fire. Anyone else ever had this happen??

  • MikeNovember 13, 2010 at 12:50 pm

    I used Enbrel for 1 year. I experienced headaches for several months, and eventually double vision and MS sypmptoms and severe migraines. Thankfully I have almost recovered my vision, but still have some difficulties. Be careful if you take this drug.

  • LeslieNovember 11, 2010 at 2:48 pm

    This post is for Michelle the RN who posted on 8 November 2010. I've had RA for 11 years. You write in your post you wish you could contact every person adversly touched by Enbrel and offer them an alternative solution to their physical pain. What a better way to start by posting some of those alternative solutions on this post! Or, is it because you are not an MD and the real solution is for [Show More]This post is for Michelle the RN who posted on 8 November 2010. I've had RA for 11 years. You write in your post you wish you could contact every person adversly touched by Enbrel and offer them an alternative solution to their physical pain. What a better way to start by posting some of those alternative solutions on this post! Or, is it because you are not an MD and the real solution is for each one of us to take an active role in our health and discuss all options with our MD.

  • TraciNovember 8, 2010 at 7:02 pm

    I took Enbrel for over a year for autoimmune vasculitis and then stopped because my sinusitis wouldn't clear up. EIGHT months later, no longer on Enbrel, I developed invasive pulmonary aspergillosis niger (black mold fungus common to the U.S. southwest) that spread to my brain and nearly killed me. Doctors later told me I had been in grave condition. Prior to me being hospitalized and intubated[Show More]I took Enbrel for over a year for autoimmune vasculitis and then stopped because my sinusitis wouldn't clear up. EIGHT months later, no longer on Enbrel, I developed invasive pulmonary aspergillosis niger (black mold fungus common to the U.S. southwest) that spread to my brain and nearly killed me. Doctors later told me I had been in grave condition. Prior to me being hospitalized and intubated in the ICU, I had had NO lung or breathing symptoms; only complaint was a bad headache and feeling flu-like. A dangerous fungal infection CAN spread through your body without warning if you are immunosuppressed or were previously on drugs like Enbrel. Treatment continued for six months and recovery took a year.

  • MichelleNovember 8, 2010 at 7:09 am

    Enbrel suppresses your immune system, plain and simple. It is difficult to fight any disease, illness or infection with a suppressed immune system in our toxic environment. I have been a nurse for 33 years and have seen this in the ICUs I have worked in and in the ER where I currently work. I wish I could contact every person adversly touched by Enbrel and offer them an alternative solution to t[Show More]Enbrel suppresses your immune system, plain and simple. It is difficult to fight any disease, illness or infection with a suppressed immune system in our toxic environment. I have been a nurse for 33 years and have seen this in the ICUs I have worked in and in the ER where I currently work. I wish I could contact every person adversly touched by Enbrel and offer them an alternative solution to their physical pain.

  • JackieOctober 31, 2010 at 11:00 pm

    I want to thank ALL of you to sharing your stories about Enbrel...I am 60 and recently diagnosed with RA...Have the pain, hate the prospects with RA.....But those prospects aren't nearly as awful as the suffering discribed above....thank you for your honesty and suggested Alternitives....I'll be trying those and NO ENBREL for me!!!!!

  • elizabethOctober 15, 2010 at 10:59 pm

    I was on Enbrel for nine years and developed a cough. I have been diagnosed with severe cronic asma . I never drank or smoked in my life.

  • SusanneOctober 4, 2010 at 6:05 pm

    My husband began taking Enbrel for RA in the spring of 2004 and was diagnosed with lymphoma in Oct. 2008 - less than 2 months after the black box warning. He died in March 2009 at the age of 63. We were told at the cancer center that his cancer was caused by Enbrel. Although in 2004, we thought it was a miracle drug because we thought it gave him his life back, I now realize it is a drug from H[Show More]My husband began taking Enbrel for RA in the spring of 2004 and was diagnosed with lymphoma in Oct. 2008 - less than 2 months after the black box warning. He died in March 2009 at the age of 63. We were told at the cancer center that his cancer was caused by Enbrel. Although in 2004, we thought it was a miracle drug because we thought it gave him his life back, I now realize it is a drug from Hell. Had we known the adverse effects, we would have searched for alternative treatments and not been so blindly led by his physician. We were lulled into thinking that because his RA was responding to the Enbrel, that everything must be alright - when in fact, it was causing havoc beyond belief. No patient should have to endure what he did before his death. If considering this medication, ask yourself - are the risks worth it or is there something else that may be less risk? For us, the risk was not worth the cost we paid. I cannot change what happened, but I will do whatever I can to inform people about this hazards of this drug.

  • TommySeptember 30, 2010 at 6:18 pm

    I was diagnosed with RA in May of this year. I have taken six Enbrel injections so far and the injections seem to be working and I have experienced no side effects whatsoever. I had a long talk with my primary physician before taking and he says that I am young enough and healthy enough that I should not have any problems with taking Enbrel. I am 35 years old and would like to continue taking t[Show More]I was diagnosed with RA in May of this year. I have taken six Enbrel injections so far and the injections seem to be working and I have experienced no side effects whatsoever. I had a long talk with my primary physician before taking and he says that I am young enough and healthy enough that I should not have any problems with taking Enbrel. I am 35 years old and would like to continue taking the medicine because I can see that it works but reading these comments makes me wonder if I should just quit while I am ahead or continue taking Enbrel and hope nothing goes wrong. I will surely speak with my doctor again about this issue.

  • marySeptember 30, 2010 at 1:10 am

    Suzanne, visit kickAS.com or SSA in alternative treatments. AS can affect the ribs, as well as just about any where else. SSA has a list of all that can be affected...

  • SuzanneSeptember 29, 2010 at 12:52 pm

    I have been taking Enbrel for 3 years to treat Ankylosing Spondylitis. For a little while now I have been considering coming off the treatment. Recently after a mamogram and U/S it was determined the pain in my ribs was from arthritis.I have a sense that we don't know what's really going on yet. I just wonder with increasing black box warnings that the pro's don't outway the cons. I am researching[Show More]I have been taking Enbrel for 3 years to treat Ankylosing Spondylitis. For a little while now I have been considering coming off the treatment. Recently after a mamogram and U/S it was determined the pain in my ribs was from arthritis.I have a sense that we don't know what's really going on yet. I just wonder with increasing black box warnings that the pro's don't outway the cons. I am researching alternative and nutrional ways to control systemic inflammation. All this information just isn't good. I'm 42 with 3 children and am inclined to trust my instinct. Any advice on alternatives would be great.

  • ParisSeptember 22, 2010 at 2:32 pm

    I have read over a hundred posts today. I am torn whether to continue with my treats. I too was diagnosed with a cancer. Squama cell cancer of the rectom. It's been almost three years and i'm truly blessed. IT has not returned. My psoriasis soooooooooo painful and sore. The Embrel does make it better. I've been off Embrel for about 4 weeks and the psoriasis is getting in full bloom. I had [Show More]I have read over a hundred posts today. I am torn whether to continue with my treats. I too was diagnosed with a cancer. Squama cell cancer of the rectom. It's been almost three years and i'm truly blessed. IT has not returned. My psoriasis soooooooooo painful and sore. The Embrel does make it better. I've been off Embrel for about 4 weeks and the psoriasis is getting in full bloom. I had to stop for TB test and Insurance approval. It seem that so many people end in tradegy. But what are we to do, live in pain so bad that you can't stand it, or take the meds that end life quicker..........WHAT SHOULD WE DO!

  • SusanSeptember 22, 2010 at 2:58 am

    Dawn, I did read somewhere that Enbrel users may contract MS but it also said that the symptoms usually subside when Enbrel use is discontinued. I hope that happens in your case.

  • DawnSeptember 18, 2010 at 4:22 am

    I just wanted to share something brief with everyone so you would be made aware: It's not completely 100% possitive yet, but it just about is, but I am believed to have Multiple Sclerosis. I sure have all of the symptoms and I am SO sick! Anyway, I couldn't swear to it yet but I've been doing a lot of research and I've learned that it's a good chance that it could have happened caue of the Enbr[Show More]I just wanted to share something brief with everyone so you would be made aware: It's not completely 100% possitive yet, but it just about is, but I am believed to have Multiple Sclerosis. I sure have all of the symptoms and I am SO sick! Anyway, I couldn't swear to it yet but I've been doing a lot of research and I've learned that it's a good chance that it could have happened caue of the Enbrel! I was amazed at how many other people out there were experiencing the same symptoms as me, and some had the diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis Well that's it, I just thought you all should know about this.

  • IvaniaSeptember 17, 2010 at 12:34 am

    My husband started on Enbrel on January of 1999 for Rheumatoid Arthritis and was on Enbrel until January of 2006. He was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis in 2003. He stopped using Enbrel because he always said Enbrel made his lungs sick. He was diagnosed with a fungal disease called Aspergillosis in January 2007. I could go on for days talking about Pulmonary Fibrosis but all I want the world[Show More]My husband started on Enbrel on January of 1999 for Rheumatoid Arthritis and was on Enbrel until January of 2006. He was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis in 2003. He stopped using Enbrel because he always said Enbrel made his lungs sick. He was diagnosed with a fungal disease called Aspergillosis in January 2007. I could go on for days talking about Pulmonary Fibrosis but all I want the world to know is that Enbrel took my husband's last breath away. That devastating disease took the life of my husband, father of 3 and grandfather. I am not going to rest until Enbrel taken away from the market. Noone deserves to go through what my husband went through.

  • rjlAugust 31, 2010 at 8:24 pm

    Does anyone have information on Enbrel and kidney cancer?

  • BeaAugust 27, 2010 at 7:07 pm

    I've been taking enbrel since 2003. Before enbrel, I was in severe pain, could not walk or use my hands. Yes there are side effects, but who wants to live in a wheelchair? Who wants to cry everytime someone touches you or you need to get washed or dressed? Anytime you take any medicine it can cause trouble, but in the case of RA, you have NO CHOICE. Right now the enbrel has stopped working for me[Show More]I've been taking enbrel since 2003. Before enbrel, I was in severe pain, could not walk or use my hands. Yes there are side effects, but who wants to live in a wheelchair? Who wants to cry everytime someone touches you or you need to get washed or dressed? Anytime you take any medicine it can cause trouble, but in the case of RA, you have NO CHOICE. Right now the enbrel has stopped working for me. I hope my RA doctor steps me up to Humira, yes even with all the possible problems it can cause. I don't want to live this way,in constant pain. Frankly, it's not living. I live with my son or I would not be able to live alone. He would never sue the drug companies for something I agreed to take. He knows it is the drugs, with or without side effects, that have given me some kind of a life and has reduced the pain to a level I can live with. You all need to stop complaining and face the facts...without these new drugs many of us would have no life at all. Cancer is a risk with lots of over the counter drugs...so may I suggest you take nothing...and end up in a nursing home...it's your choice...take responsibility for it. No one gave you RA, so it's up to you..grow up people.

  • PatriciaAugust 4, 2010 at 11:27 pm

    I feel bad about writing in on one hand because I am not in as bad shape as some of you are and yet I know how hard it has been dealing with my situation; so I know some of you have it so much worse. But this has helped me see that there is a problem with these drugs and it is definitely not just me. I also hope that by all of us sharing our experience that other people might have a little more [Show More]I feel bad about writing in on one hand because I am not in as bad shape as some of you are and yet I know how hard it has been dealing with my situation; so I know some of you have it so much worse. But this has helped me see that there is a problem with these drugs and it is definitely not just me. I also hope that by all of us sharing our experience that other people might have a little more information to make decisions about the medicines that they take. And even if you are not having trouble with enbrel or the other similar drugs at this time, be sure to go off of enbrel if you get an infection – also ask your doctor to check to see if your immune system is low. I am now 60 years old and I took enbrel for 5 years without any problems. I started taking enbrel for psoriasis in 2003. It was really bad in my scalp, on my legs, and beginning to be on my arms and torso. When I started taking it in 2003 they did not warn me - maybe they did not know yet - about the infection risks. It cleared the psoriasis up in my scalp and mostly on the rest of my body, but not on my legs - which I could live with. But in 2008 I got a sinus infection and it just would not go away. It caused a horrible coughing. My GP knew I was taking the enbrel but I guess he did not realize that it caused those problems. And I did not have an appointment with the Dermatologist until later in the year. After several months of antibiotics and not getting any better, my GP sent me to an ENT, pulmonologist, and allergy/asthma doctors; After about 8 months one suggested that I stop taking the enbrel. I then had a sinus surgery; more antibiotics and the cough and sinus infection would not go away. A year ago they finally did a culture of the sinuses and found that I had a staff infection (not mersa). More antibiotics, another sinus surgery and I still had the staff infection in my sinuses. About 9 months ago they found that my immune system was low and that was one reason that it would not get better, so I am now on an infusion of vivaglobin – blood plasma with antigens to build up my immune system. I give it to myself 2 times a week – it takes about 2 hours each time. I still have an infection; my cough is better - still there because of the drainage. I am now starting on a nebulizer for the sinuses that I will do 3 times a day – 5 minutes each- for 3 weeks. It has 3 meds that you put in it that will go directly into the sinus area. One is for the staff infection and one is for a pseudomonas aeruginosa infection and a steroid for the swelling. This sounds very promising since the antibiotics go right to the sinuses. So I have been dealing with this for 2 years and it is still on going. I don’t know how much enbrel had to do with my problems with sinus infections and coughing – but I do feel like there is a correlation, especially after reading some of your remarks.

  • ThomasJuly 30, 2010 at 4:47 pm

    I took Enbrel for almost 2 years for mild psoriasis before i became very sick. I was out from college for a year and half withdrawing from enbrel. when i finally got off enbrel, my psoriasis was 10 times worse and all my joints were swollen and I was blacking out some days from the nausea and fatigue.my mother witnessed me blacking out one day and said it look like i had a seizure or a heat strok[Show More]I took Enbrel for almost 2 years for mild psoriasis before i became very sick. I was out from college for a year and half withdrawing from enbrel. when i finally got off enbrel, my psoriasis was 10 times worse and all my joints were swollen and I was blacking out some days from the nausea and fatigue.my mother witnessed me blacking out one day and said it look like i had a seizure or a heat stroke. It felt as if someone was pulling razer blades over my body for months. My skin was paper thin and would tear from the slightest resistance. I became allergic to gluten and all Genetically modified foods and processed foods. For several months before and after stopped taking enbrel i was battling cysts, hives and other infections and rashes on top of the now pissed off case of" head to toe" psoriasis. I suffered from vomiting and bleeding as well. I could write more, but i'm afraid it would gross you out. over a year later, my stomach is still inflamed but i am recovering well. I lost 40 pounds over this year and now weigh 125lbs. I think overall I dodged a bullet and was lucky. I barely remember coming off this drug in May 09, there are a few months around that time that are blurred memories. I'm almost positive that enbrel messed up my memory for a few months around the time i was really sick. Im so sorry to hear about the people that died from this horrible drug. My heart goes out to you all. My hope is that people will read this and spread the word about Enbrel. I hope it saves at least 1 more person from using this drug.

  • michaelJuly 21, 2010 at 12:45 am

    i was diagnosed at an early age after seeing at least 8 dr,s that i had ankylosing spondylitis ,psoriatic arthritis, been taking enbrel since it first got approval. having a high pain tolerance out of necessity . lately i noticed intense itching on my lower legs hands and forearms then bleeding with an orange like substance at an attempt to heal.then i noticed my hair is falling out at an alarm[Show More]i was diagnosed at an early age after seeing at least 8 dr,s that i had ankylosing spondylitis ,psoriatic arthritis, been taking enbrel since it first got approval. having a high pain tolerance out of necessity . lately i noticed intense itching on my lower legs hands and forearms then bleeding with an orange like substance at an attempt to heal.then i noticed my hair is falling out at an alarming rate,im 55 and always full hair also hair on my legs started falling out. now ihave had a nasal-sinus infection i cannot get rid of pieces of my throat yellow in color can be scraped off literally with a sterile instrument can barely swallow

  • PhillisJuly 16, 2010 at 12:52 am

    One of the side effects of Enbrel in rare cases is serious nervous disorders and/or seizures. I was diagnosed with RA in 1986 at the age of 28. I am now 52. I have been on various kinds of drugs for the RA over the years. I have also been on Remicade, Humira and Enbrel. After only being on Enbrel for 1 week in 2004, I ended up in the hospital 4 days suffering from what they call partial seizu[Show More]One of the side effects of Enbrel in rare cases is serious nervous disorders and/or seizures. I was diagnosed with RA in 1986 at the age of 28. I am now 52. I have been on various kinds of drugs for the RA over the years. I have also been on Remicade, Humira and Enbrel. After only being on Enbrel for 1 week in 2004, I ended up in the hospital 4 days suffering from what they call partial seizures. I had never had seizures before in my whole life. I now have to be on Dilantin daily as a result. There are times I still have a seizure even on my Dilantin. I also developed a bacterial infection in my lungs. My health has went way down hill ever since. Before a seizure comes on my head hurts, vision goes blurry, I have shortness of breath, numbness, tingling and burning sensation in my arms. Then I feel like someone has sat on my chest. Then comes the involuntary muscle control of limbs. I don't always remember all of this. Of course they didn't have me continue with the embrel. Now I'm having the lower back pain and disk starting to buldge. I only take today for the RA Methotrexate and Mobic. I'm scared to take anything else. Has anyone or someone you know had this happen to them as a result of ENBREL? If not, there should be a class act lawsuit. I also reported this to the FDA.

  • KayJuly 12, 2010 at 3:59 pm

    I am a 53 year old female have been taking enbrel for over 6 years i have been suffering with horrible muscle pain that i was told is Fibromylgia i have devolped a rash to almost every antibiotic on the market and the last few days I have been so tired I can't get out of bed and my throat feels like strep throat but what can I do can't take any meds for it. I am going to a allergist tommorrow hope[Show More]I am a 53 year old female have been taking enbrel for over 6 years i have been suffering with horrible muscle pain that i was told is Fibromylgia i have devolped a rash to almost every antibiotic on the market and the last few days I have been so tired I can't get out of bed and my throat feels like strep throat but what can I do can't take any meds for it. I am going to a allergist tommorrow hopefully he will find a antibiotc that i will be able to take I am so scared I know my immune system is shot and i will never make it to live to be very old if anyone can offer some advice I would appreciate it.

  • JosephJuly 5, 2010 at 1:35 pm

    I was on and off Enbrel for the last 5 years. I was given it to treat Psoriasis. I never had RA or was diagnosed with RA. About 12 months ago I started to experience extreme pain in my lower joints and in ankles. I am in so severe pain currently I can hardly walk and limp like I am 70 years old (I am 45). I am in so much pain I can't take it anymore. I lost my insurance about 10 months whe[Show More]I was on and off Enbrel for the last 5 years. I was given it to treat Psoriasis. I never had RA or was diagnosed with RA. About 12 months ago I started to experience extreme pain in my lower joints and in ankles. I am in so severe pain currently I can hardly walk and limp like I am 70 years old (I am 45). I am in so much pain I can't take it anymore. I lost my insurance about 10 months when my insurance (Blue Cross Blue Shield) went from 600 per month (for just my wife and I) to over 1000 per month. I don't know where to turn.

  • KathyJune 22, 2010 at 10:00 pm

    Like April, I have had VERY low levels of Vitamin D. I took Enbrel for about 8 years? I think. I have been off of it for 2+ yrs. I think that I am having neurological problems now. I have A.S. I have been disabled for 2+ years. When I quit Enbrel, I was Soooo sick. Bed ridden for 2 months, then mostly bed ridden for 2 more months. I have been very ill. EXTREME fatigue, exhaustion.

  • TiffniJune 7, 2010 at 12:52 am

    First off let me start by saying that I am so incredibly sorry for everyone's loss, whether it's the loss of a loved one or loss of your health as you once knew it. I was diagnosed with RA in 2005. Unfortunately the meds my doctor had me on simply weren't working for me. They couldn't understand why my RA was so aggressive. Who know's, right? I was in the military so I'm almost positive it w[Show More]First off let me start by saying that I am so incredibly sorry for everyone's loss, whether it's the loss of a loved one or loss of your health as you once knew it. I was diagnosed with RA in 2005. Unfortunately the meds my doctor had me on simply weren't working for me. They couldn't understand why my RA was so aggressive. Who know's, right? I was in the military so I'm almost positive it was the stess of being a soldier. Needless to say, I was put on Enbrel in 2008 (I think) Immediately after I was given my first injeciton I experience lower back pain that was absolutely worst than giving BIRTH! I didn't really begin to connect the two because my RA was controlled immediately after my first injection. After about two years of going to an accupuncturist, physical therapist and a chiropractor there was still absolutely no gain in the race for relief. I have found that I suffer from a bulging L5 S1 discs. Crap! Right? I know. So I then developed Sciatica. UNBELIEVABLE! So now the doctors want to perform emergency surgery within the next 5 days because not only do I have Sciatica, I also have a dropped foot. So now I'm tripping over everything in sight. With that being said, I went home and bought an inversion table. That helped me tremendously with my sciatica. Within about 5-10 mins of hanging upside down the sciatica was complete alleviated. My scheduled surgeon did not believe me and I was asked to come back to the hospital so that they could check my sciatica and dropped foot, and to their surprise it was completely gone. Seriously! OK, so back to the lower back pain. I noticed I only had pain when I took my Enbrel. The doctors told me that in their opinion, it didn't make any sense. So I called the makers of Enbrel and asked if they had any complaints of low back pain and of course the answer was no. However, I am the one taking the medicine and know how my body responds to it. Since being diagnosed with RA I have learned to listen to my body. I am no longer taking Enbrel and guess what NO BACK PAIN! For those of you who are dealing with chronic inflammation, I am now taking Rheuma Shield for my RA and it works beautifully. ( I got mine from my accupuncturist office, but I'm sure you can order it on line) I take one at night so that in the morning I'm not experiencing any pain. I have completely cut out all red meat and pork and I make sure I take my vitamins( One A Day For Women, Omega 3 and Absolute Amino Acids(with Vit C and Vit B6)) I tell you, Being Diagnosed with RA may have been a blessing for me as I have become very health conscience as a result. God Bless! Remember knowledge is power and it's inhumane to keep it to yourself. I pray that we all learn to rely on our own conscience and if it doesn't feel RIGHT then somethings WRONG!

  • evelynMay 28, 2010 at 6:58 am

    i was diagnoised with ra and oa (arthritis) and through the years i was on every type o antinflamatory going. when embrel came out in 1999-2000 my dr put me on embrel. i found it worked wonderul on my arthritis but ound that my immune system was not working well. first let me say i worked in a hospital setting and no mater how much i washed my hands and took other preautions i kept getting inf[Show More]i was diagnoised with ra and oa (arthritis) and through the years i was on every type o antinflamatory going. when embrel came out in 1999-2000 my dr put me on embrel. i found it worked wonderul on my arthritis but ound that my immune system was not working well. first let me say i worked in a hospital setting and no mater how much i washed my hands and took other preautions i kept getting infections ater infections the most inections that i had at one time was 18 and was hospitalized a total o 19 times or treatment. one time when i was so sick at home and elt like i was going to die, i drove to the emergency room. in my persistance the dr in the hsp called my personal dr and he decided tp do a blood culture. in 3 days my dr called me up frantic for i was sepic. every time i had trouble with these infections i was out o work or months at a time and was able to bounce back to go back to work. 4 years ago i got the infections going on a rampage again but this time was not able to bouce back. i am not able to go back to work and now trying to get social security disability i am 55 yrs old and my life as i know it is over thanks to embrel.....is there a class action law suit against embrel? i would be included

  • paulMay 27, 2010 at 10:28 pm

    hi i have been on enbrel from the start i was there guinea pig,i have severe JRA and iam now 32 at the start of taking enbrel it was a wonder drug it was great to get rid of my constant pain i was depressed,but after taking it for 10 years i think the drug is slowly wearing off as my pain is coming back in bouts,one day iam fine the other i cant get out of bed,i had to have steriod injection becau[Show More]hi i have been on enbrel from the start i was there guinea pig,i have severe JRA and iam now 32 at the start of taking enbrel it was a wonder drug it was great to get rid of my constant pain i was depressed,but after taking it for 10 years i think the drug is slowly wearing off as my pain is coming back in bouts,one day iam fine the other i cant get out of bed,i had to have steriod injection because my pain was so severe but how long is that going to last i dont know can anyone help?

  • SandraMay 20, 2010 at 1:09 am

    My husband has been on Enbrel for ten years and was dizzy and sick almost every day. It really helped his RA but now he has developed lewy body dementia and I believe this drug Enbrel caused it.

  • RachelMay 15, 2010 at 10:41 pm

    Ever since my husband has been injecting Enbrel, I have felt ill. He and I are, of course, sexually active, and I'm wondering if I am getting the side effects from his bodily fluids? I'm frightened and feeling worse all the time. Has anyone else had this happen to them?

  • DebbieMay 6, 2010 at 11:26 pm

    My brother-in law was on EMBREl for about two years to treat his Psorriasis. He started having severe back pain and was diagnosed with osteomyletis of his spine,which is a bone infection. Due to the infection he had about seven spinal surgeries within six weeks. He became quadriplegic and had to have a colostomy, bone from a donor put in his neck and a filter of some sort for blood clots. He also [Show More]My brother-in law was on EMBREl for about two years to treat his Psorriasis. He started having severe back pain and was diagnosed with osteomyletis of his spine,which is a bone infection. Due to the infection he had about seven spinal surgeries within six weeks. He became quadriplegic and had to have a colostomy, bone from a donor put in his neck and a filter of some sort for blood clots. He also had to have a feeding tube put in. I can barely stand to tell this story we are all devistated. My brother- in-law had to go to a nursing home, and by this time he developed three pressure sores and many surgeries to clean them up. He would go back and forth to the hospital for MRSA, and complications from that. finally by month seven he was sent to hospice with a blood clot and sepsis. We lost him three days later. My sister is a 55 year old widow strugling to just keep a roof on her head, not to mention, his grand children are suffering his loss. He passed away February 2010. Please be carful with the choices that you make on your healthcare.

  • TiffanyMay 5, 2010 at 4:10 am

    Im supposed to start embrel tomorow and Im scared so bad, Im 27 and have Psoriatic Arthritis. I dont want to die but I want to be there for my kids too. I cant do anything very fun. :/

  • bethMay 3, 2010 at 3:57 am

    I am a 42 year old female completly healthy until diagnosised w/ RA at the end of Feb 2010. My Dr. put me on enbrel. The first shot went well. I felt great. The second shot I started to feel out of breath and my heart rate was very fast. Within 3 days of my second shot i was in the hospital w/ heart failure and had open heart surgeryand was put on a right and left heart pump. I am lucky to [Show More]I am a 42 year old female completly healthy until diagnosised w/ RA at the end of Feb 2010. My Dr. put me on enbrel. The first shot went well. I felt great. The second shot I started to feel out of breath and my heart rate was very fast. Within 3 days of my second shot i was in the hospital w/ heart failure and had open heart surgeryand was put on a right and left heart pump. I am lucky to have been at a hospital that could do the surgery that I need. I am home now and recovering. It is believed that my heart failure was due to the enbrel. Has this happened to anyonr else?

  • TraceyApril 25, 2010 at 11:35 pm

    I am almost 53 years old. I have been on embrel for about 5 years now.I have Rheumatoid arthritis. I seemed to be doing quite well firstly on the embrel, but in 2007, i had to have an ankle replacement due to my mobility was so bad, i felt so wellfor a while, Then started back on embrel again, and I am just going downhill, I am having to have a carer now, i cant do cooking, very difficult to wash[Show More]I am almost 53 years old. I have been on embrel for about 5 years now.I have Rheumatoid arthritis. I seemed to be doing quite well firstly on the embrel, but in 2007, i had to have an ankle replacement due to my mobility was so bad, i felt so wellfor a while, Then started back on embrel again, and I am just going downhill, I am having to have a carer now, i cant do cooking, very difficult to wash myself as my joints are so badly inflamed. I now have been told i need a right elbow replacement, and then a left one to follow, also my right knee needs one also. I forget to mention i have lost so much hair. I have just got a hair piece. I feel what has this Embrel done to me. I used to be so happy love life and get out and about but now i hardly venture anywhere. I had had methatrexate but was so ill, i am now on Arava to go with the embrel. I am so concerned about these side effects. I went on embrel because i was told it slows down the deformity of the joints how can this be when i am having more replacements. I must state also i was diagnosed with this disease at age 40, in my eyes, so therfore it can be in the eyes, i saw a comment before someone said impossible but i can confirm that was how i was diagnosed.With strogens disease also dryeyes and mouth. I am not sure about Embrel, I just want to stop it completely.Ijjust want my life back and stop this fatigue and tirdness.

  • VickieApril 25, 2010 at 1:59 am

    I am 55 years old. About 10 years ago I was diagnosed with Rhuematoid Arthritis. It came on suddenly with a virus. It jumped from paralyzing pain in one wrist one day , then switched to the other one the next day. That day it moved to my feet, my knees , red spots by joints, extreme fatigue and then laryngitis. Took several months to diagnose until I could no longer dress my self. Was then pu[Show More]I am 55 years old. About 10 years ago I was diagnosed with Rhuematoid Arthritis. It came on suddenly with a virus. It jumped from paralyzing pain in one wrist one day , then switched to the other one the next day. That day it moved to my feet, my knees , red spots by joints, extreme fatigue and then laryngitis. Took several months to diagnose until I could no longer dress my self. Was then put on usual dose pack, nsaids and then Arava. Shortly after that on Enbrel. With in one week I could get up out of a chair without help, walk normal and almost snap my fingers. After about a year and a half , I had a stroke in my occipital lobe. I lost middle of my peripheral vision on left side permanently. No medical reason they could find. No high bp, no plaque in arteries , nothing. Rhuemy, Internist and Neurologist say 99.9 percent sure was Enbrel. No proof, but we know it was that drug.

  • wendyApril 20, 2010 at 6:06 pm

    I was digagnosed with RA two years ago, about five months ago i was put on enbrel and now i have psoriasis, i have one disease and becasue of a medication that i am told helps with most people( in my case did not help at all) i end up with this skin problem too. I realize it has several side effects but most medication do and doesnt usually really happen. after reading all these comments i almost [Show More]I was digagnosed with RA two years ago, about five months ago i was put on enbrel and now i have psoriasis, i have one disease and becasue of a medication that i am told helps with most people( in my case did not help at all) i end up with this skin problem too. I realize it has several side effects but most medication do and doesnt usually really happen. after reading all these comments i almost feel stupid for complaining over something so small but it is just another life changing problem that i do not want. i am so sick of being told this medication will help and it doesnt and causes more harm. i am truly sorry for all the above people it is sad and just wrong that you have all been thru so much more and so much heart ache.

  • KimApril 10, 2010 at 2:50 am

    I am 48. I broke out with psoriasis when I was 12 after a strep infection. Went thru years of coal tar tx, my mom putting a solution of oil and alcohol in my hair nightly to loosen the plagues, etc. The only time it went away was during my 2 pregnancies. Then 5 years ago a friend told us about Enbrel. I went to the derm after not going for years due to frustration. She gave me Enbrel. It wa[Show More]I am 48. I broke out with psoriasis when I was 12 after a strep infection. Went thru years of coal tar tx, my mom putting a solution of oil and alcohol in my hair nightly to loosen the plagues, etc. The only time it went away was during my 2 pregnancies. Then 5 years ago a friend told us about Enbrel. I went to the derm after not going for years due to frustration. She gave me Enbrel. It was a miracle drug. My skin was great. About a year ago I started having some palpitations, shortness of breath, and decreased stamina. Went to the doctor was told it was most likely menopause. I think it is the Enbrel has done something to my heart. I have run 2 marathons, 6 half marathons and would now struggle to finish a 5k. Nothing else has changed. I don't smoke, I exercise regularly, eat right. I am just sad that when I started the Enbrel- heart failure was not listed as a side effect.

  • RaziaApril 6, 2010 at 6:37 am

    My derm has recommended starting treatment of plaque psoriasis with enbrel - but after reading the blogs on this site...i am not so sure. she also had suggested this new drug stelara but it has only fda approved for 1 year and the long term results are unknown...having psoriasis your immune system is already compromised... so i am seriously having second thoughts.

  • ScottApril 4, 2010 at 7:38 am

    Sorry this is a long one, but I have years of info to relate. I've had plaque psoriasis for 22 years, starting at age 26 like my father, but my case is much worse than his was, at times covering up to 25% of my skin including the palms, foot soles, face and hands, lower lip and nasal openings. It's painful under my disfigured nails. I used so much topical cortisone cream that my body became sat[Show More]Sorry this is a long one, but I have years of info to relate. I've had plaque psoriasis for 22 years, starting at age 26 like my father, but my case is much worse than his was, at times covering up to 25% of my skin including the palms, foot soles, face and hands, lower lip and nasal openings. It's painful under my disfigured nails. I used so much topical cortisone cream that my body became saturated with it, giving bone pain whenever applied after that. I tried methotrexate, increasing the dose to 20 mg with massive body rushes, nausea and hair loss, and 50% symptom relief, so I stopped. I started Raptiva like my dad was taking, but got instantly ill like the flu so stopped. Coal Tar seems to work best but is very messy and stinky, and is becoming harder to get due to increased legislation. My heel was broken in multiple pieces from a car accident, and I decided to take Enbrel before my surgery to be pro-active against psoriasis under my cast and maybe invading the surgery site and getting PA or who knows what. I took the injections for about 6 mos. which reduced my psoriasis about 70% so I stopped, fearing such an extreme drug was worse than the limited relief, and feeling the $1500/mo billing to my HMO was an obscene burden on society. After stopping the shots, the psoriasis exploded all over my body with pimples like measles spots all over, the pimple whiteheads hard like fingernails that would not push out and just get bigger, which I believe is pustular psoriasis. I have to painfully scratch these heads out with my nails and immediately apply the coal tar like crazy to keep them from spreading horribly bad very fast. I also since have facial Melasma, which is dead skin building up around my eyes, cheekbones and mouth, which can only be removed with Azaleic acid daily with only partial success. The psoriasis is now extremely aggressive in my ears and I am losing this battle, with both my ears completely blocked for 4 days about 5 weeks ago and now one is hearing about 20%, the other less than 75%. I KNOW these changes in my Psoriasis are results of Enbrel permanently changing my skin's physiology for the worse. I have been off Enbrel for 12+ months and these new symptoms continue. Reading the comments on this site I realize there may be much more problems to come. Taking Enbrel was a huge mistake, and I recommend to all: avoid it if they can. By the way, my dad took Raptiva for 5 years and then got diagnosed with bladder cancer and had bladder reconstruction surgery, dying 5 miserable months later in September 2008 with unexplained Hemolytic Anemia and uncontrollable infections at the surgery site. Shortly after his death, Raptiva was taken off the market. The bottom line seems to be that short-term symptom relief with these drugs is a long-term killer. I'm afraid to see what will happen to me next. Honestly, if at some point I get so ill that I believe I am more of a burden than a benefit to my family, I will take myself out. With a continuous family history of 90+ years longevity and no cancer, my dad made it to 70. His mother is still alive and well at 93 with no medications, his brother 75 and strong. I am 48 and slender, no gray hair and virtually no wrinkles, but will be lucky to get another 10 years. I don't believe researchers are interested in finding cures when they can charge $1500/mo for treatments and bribe lawmakers to legislate away historically proven competitive alternatives like Coal Tar, which a few years ago was required by California to PROVE IT DOESN'T CAUSE CANCER or be banned as hazardous, something that Enbrel could NEVER do. Some years ago a study showed that even coffee caused cancer in lab animals at extreme doses, and they're not talking about banning it, or tobacco outright either, both with no clear medicinal applications. The sick, sad world of big business...

  • BruceApril 1, 2010 at 8:06 pm

    In February of 2009 I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. In March 2009 I found out that it was lymphoma cancer. In September of 2008 I had congestive heart failure. I have been using Enbrel since the beginning and was the first patient in the area to use it. I have had RA since I was 30 years old. I am now 59.

  • keithMarch 24, 2010 at 7:57 pm

    just wondering if anyone had heart failure issues with enbrel? my very healthly 42yr old wife ended up on heart pumps and a vent after only a few weeks on enbrel. she is coming up on 2 weeks in icu, but doing much better now off enbrel... the doctors did say just today they found i think 38 similar cases of accute cardiac distress from enbrel.

  • DianneMarch 23, 2010 at 5:40 pm

    When I first took Enbrel in combination with Methrotrexate for psoriatic arthritis symptoms, I believed it to be a miracle cure. The severe swelling and pain I had been living with as a result of my arthritis was finally being cured and I was able to walk and function again. I remember how happy I was. I remained on the medication for years. However, over the past two years, I developed sympto[Show More]When I first took Enbrel in combination with Methrotrexate for psoriatic arthritis symptoms, I believed it to be a miracle cure. The severe swelling and pain I had been living with as a result of my arthritis was finally being cured and I was able to walk and function again. I remember how happy I was. I remained on the medication for years. However, over the past two years, I developed symptoms that my doctors started scratching their heads about: night sweats, deep depression, painful arthritis flare ups out of nowhere that were more severe than anything I've had in the past, mood changes, weight loss, memory loss, confusion, bone density loss, etc. I was tested for perimenopause, but the results came back inconclusive. I stopped taking Enbrel completely 6 months ago, and my arthritis symptoms have come back with a vengeance, but the night sweats are decreasing some. I still can't absorb vitamin D at all and have to be tested for this every three months. The saying "If it's too good to be true, it probably is." runs through my mind every single day.

  • KayMarch 19, 2010 at 2:54 pm

    I was diagnosed with RA in 2009 and my rheumy prescribed Enbrel and wanted to "treat aggressively" to avoid any damage. I took 8 injections and with each subsequent injection, the medicine became less effective. I also developed an internal head tremor. When I researched this medication, I became horrified and angry with my doctor that he did not discuss other treatments. He wanted to try other an[Show More]I was diagnosed with RA in 2009 and my rheumy prescribed Enbrel and wanted to "treat aggressively" to avoid any damage. I took 8 injections and with each subsequent injection, the medicine became less effective. I also developed an internal head tremor. When I researched this medication, I became horrified and angry with my doctor that he did not discuss other treatments. He wanted to try other anti-TNFs, and I refused. Methotrexate gave me mouth ulcers (stomatitis), which told me my body was reacting negatively to this poison. I read the book by Henry Scammel which discusses Dr. Thomas Brown's research into infectious causes of autoimmune diseases. I am now on Doxycyline 200 mg/day and Naproxen for inflammation. I had to endure the "eye rolling" of my rheumy, but I think he knew I would find another doctor if he didn't prescribe the antibiotic. Please do your own research. Check out the Roadback.org chat board and ASK QUESTIONS! It's YOUR body.

  • CarolynFebruary 23, 2010 at 8:31 pm

    After trying every ra drug that came before enbrel, I reluctantly started it. That was January 2005. In summer of 2008, I got a terrible pain in the stomach area and under my left breast. It turned out to be fluid around my left lung, and after numerous tests and biopsies, I was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma. It was a terrible shock to me. I underwent six very agressive chemo treatments,[Show More]After trying every ra drug that came before enbrel, I reluctantly started it. That was January 2005. In summer of 2008, I got a terrible pain in the stomach area and under my left breast. It turned out to be fluid around my left lung, and after numerous tests and biopsies, I was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma. It was a terrible shock to me. I underwent six very agressive chemo treatments, and now have a year left on rituxan treatments. I was one of those people that never smoked, drank or was overweight. My dad died young from smoking cigarettes, so I was always a healthy person until ra. I only took a 25mg. injection of enbrel every other week, that was to cut costs, and I was praying it would be healthier too. That did not work for me, so to everyone out there, please be careful what you take. Sometime pain and suffering may be better!!

  • LindaFebruary 17, 2010 at 6:49 am

    took enbrel for 5 years, had surgery Dec 11 to remove a tumor on my left lung.....I'm sure it is from taking embrel.My body could not stop the cancer cells from developing.

  • AnthonyFebruary 15, 2010 at 6:24 pm

    I was given Remicade and developed throat cancer. Don't let them give it to you or your loved ones!

  • DONFebruary 13, 2010 at 1:31 pm

    taking enbel for 13 years for psoriatc arthritis 3 months ago had a cancer tumor removed from bladder going for a scope test in bladder in 1 week to see if there are anymore tumors if so doctor wants me to have keymo ??????

  • AnneFebruary 11, 2010 at 7:51 pm

    Released from hospital yesterday after 10 days of intense anti-biotic and anti-fungal therapy for what was originally suspected to be staph infection. It started in my elbow as bursitis and spread to all tissues throughout body. Infectious desease control team concluded it's insidiuos and rapid rampage is directly linked to Enbrel. This and other products like it should be removed from the market [Show More]Released from hospital yesterday after 10 days of intense anti-biotic and anti-fungal therapy for what was originally suspected to be staph infection. It started in my elbow as bursitis and spread to all tissues throughout body. Infectious desease control team concluded it's insidiuos and rapid rampage is directly linked to Enbrel. This and other products like it should be removed from the market ASAP!

  • TraciFebruary 6, 2010 at 6:08 am

    I took Enbrel on and off for several years for autoimmune vasculitis. It worked like a miracle at first, but then began wearing off quicker and we had to up both the dose and the frequency. Eventually I stopped taking Enbrel. Eight months later, after being rushed to the ER unconscious, I was finally diagnosed with invasive pulmonary aspergillosis niger, a common black mold fungus in the Southw[Show More]I took Enbrel on and off for several years for autoimmune vasculitis. It worked like a miracle at first, but then began wearing off quicker and we had to up both the dose and the frequency. Eventually I stopped taking Enbrel. Eight months later, after being rushed to the ER unconscious, I was finally diagnosed with invasive pulmonary aspergillosis niger, a common black mold fungus in the Southwest U.S.. (I live, however, in an urban area.) In the ICU, I was kept sedated while the doctors battled my sepsis (multiple organ failure, muscle breakdown etc.) and discovered that the fungus had also spread to my brain. It took nearly a year of taking anti-fungal medicine and regaining strength to get better. Doctors said I had been in "grave" condition. My recommendations? Before you go on any immunosuppressant, be checked for infections/fungus, get all vaccinations including flu and pneumonia, stop eating raw meats/seafood/eggs, and begin practicing germ avoidance. If you become very ill while on immunosuppressants, your doctor should be suspicious of possible fungal infection and treat with antifungals until the lab results come back. I have been advised never to take any immunosuppressants, chemo, or prednisone again. Too bad the stronger black box warning by the FDA came one year after I nearly died.

  • MattFebruary 6, 2010 at 5:27 am

    My dad (approx 70 years old) was prescribed embrel and took it for approximately 1 year. He developed MRSA about 2 years ago. This past week he was diagnosed with Trigeminal neuralgia (TN). I think we knew that infections could result but no one ever mentioned that MRSA was the most common ! (we had no idea how serious the infections can be). I also believe very strongly & with certainty t[Show More]My dad (approx 70 years old) was prescribed embrel and took it for approximately 1 year. He developed MRSA about 2 years ago. This past week he was diagnosed with Trigeminal neuralgia (TN). I think we knew that infections could result but no one ever mentioned that MRSA was the most common ! (we had no idea how serious the infections can be). I also believe very strongly & with certainty that the Trigeminal neuralgia is directed related to Embrel. TN is a neurological disorder brought on by the deterioration of the myelin sheath protecting certain nerves. It has been put on record that Embrel can definately cause neurological problems...including deterioration of the sheath protecting the nerves. Certainly it would have been nice if we knew more about this earlier. While it's been noted that TN is somewhat treatable (we'll see), it does cause very sharp/electric shock type pain in the face and has also been labled "the suicide disease". And what about his other nerves ? I hope you do not get it. After reading this page (I believe a lot of the conditions reported on this site/post are probably a result of taking Embrel), I'm shocked that this product has not been taken off the market - could part of this be that the drug companies are supporting our government the way they are? Everyone was begging for this product to come out sooner and now look... I don't have RA (yet, & I pray that i don't) and am sympathetic with the sufferers out there as you deserve to have good medicine and treatment, but I feel that good pain relief and going back to traditional medicine is the best way for RA. Keep your potassium levels and spirits up and ask your doctor about alternative medicines. I will continue to read the posts here.

  • IngridFebruary 2, 2010 at 2:57 am

    47 year old female, started taking ENBREL for my RA when other meds did not work. Started 11/05, by 5/06 I had severe anemia, new onset atrial fibrillation, endometrial hyperplasia (pre-cancer), had hysterectomy in 11/06. Had more heart problems due to the atrial fib. Was scheduled to have ablation and stage 3 NHL was found on the CT scan. Did R-CHOP chemo for 6 rounds. One day after finding [Show More]47 year old female, started taking ENBREL for my RA when other meds did not work. Started 11/05, by 5/06 I had severe anemia, new onset atrial fibrillation, endometrial hyperplasia (pre-cancer), had hysterectomy in 11/06. Had more heart problems due to the atrial fib. Was scheduled to have ablation and stage 3 NHL was found on the CT scan. Did R-CHOP chemo for 6 rounds. One day after finding out I was in complete remission, my heart gave out due to the chemo drugs. I had cardiogenic shock and was very fortunate to survive. Had to have pacemaker/defib put in. I am SURE all these problems are due to my taking ENBREL for 6 months.

  • DaveJanuary 22, 2010 at 9:38 pm

    Diagnosed with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. People from work had a hard time dealing with the way my husband looked so we saught help and was prescribed Enbrel. Last may Dave was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. 7 grueling months later his Pet and Ct show no sign of disease. probable cause ENBREL. try other stuff first. Dave was able to get over his cancer but others are not so fortun[Show More]Diagnosed with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. People from work had a hard time dealing with the way my husband looked so we saught help and was prescribed Enbrel. Last may Dave was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. 7 grueling months later his Pet and Ct show no sign of disease. probable cause ENBREL. try other stuff first. Dave was able to get over his cancer but others are not so fortunate... Its so bad that a medicine that gave him such relief had to almost kill him...

  • JenniferJanuary 20, 2010 at 10:43 pm

    My mom started using Enbrel for Psoriasis then developed Leukemia. After many rounds of Chemo and months in the hospital, she died on April 1, 2009. I just know this is related to Enbrel.

  • BrendaJanuary 20, 2010 at 1:25 pm

    I am 51. I have RA which did not respond to even high doses of methotrexate, so my Rheumatologist put me on Embrel. It worked really well for my RA, but after about a year, I started having infections. I would quit taking Embrel until the infection cleared up, then after a dose of Embrel the infection would come right back or another one would develop. In effect, I wasn't getting any benefit f[Show More]I am 51. I have RA which did not respond to even high doses of methotrexate, so my Rheumatologist put me on Embrel. It worked really well for my RA, but after about a year, I started having infections. I would quit taking Embrel until the infection cleared up, then after a dose of Embrel the infection would come right back or another one would develop. In effect, I wasn't getting any benefit from the drug at this point. Also, I lost my ability to run a fever when I get an infection, which not only severely inhibits my ability to fight infections, it makes it almost impossible to be diagnosed with one since the first thing health care providers do is take a temp to screen for infection...no temp, no infection. I had a tooth infection that swelled the right side of my face to double its normal size with no fever, and the ER doc was reluctant to diagnose an infection because I had not fever. My PC has seen this enough times to finally believe me, but I have to keep telling other health care providers and they just don't want to bellieve it. After Embrel, I went on Humira for a month, but had to stop because I was developing severe allergic reactions to it. Since then I have been on Remicade with just a few minor side effects, but I would rather find a treatment form that does not list other major illnesses and/or death as its possible side effects. Anyone have any suggestions?

  • loraJanuary 19, 2010 at 11:27 pm

    I was diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis July 2008. In six hours time I became paraglegic. I was on Enbrel approx 2-3 yrs...weekly injection. I was not aware that neurological disorder could mean a healthy person could become paraplegic in six hours. I have psoriasis since age 12 and psoriatic arthritis age 29. Over the years my small joints (fingers, toes) have become mutated. Reumatologist[Show More]I was diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis July 2008. In six hours time I became paraglegic. I was on Enbrel approx 2-3 yrs...weekly injection. I was not aware that neurological disorder could mean a healthy person could become paraplegic in six hours. I have psoriasis since age 12 and psoriatic arthritis age 29. Over the years my small joints (fingers, toes) have become mutated. Reumatologist suggested Enbrel. Transverse Myelitis is a very rare neurological condition. I have always wondered if anyone else had a similar story. I see that they do. What I have is very similar to MS, only without recurring attacks.

  • RyanJanuary 18, 2010 at 3:48 am

    Susan- Ive had RA for the past year and a half and the anti-biotics did absolutely nothing for me except mess up my stomach badly. Id never reccomend them to anyone for Ra treatment.

  • rdizzyJanuary 18, 2010 at 3:43 am

    Linda- you cannot get arthritis in your eyeball.

  • RachelJanuary 17, 2010 at 6:43 am

    I have psoriatic arthritis I was in so much pain I couldn't move my hands. I tried other medications before my doctor put me on Enbrel after a few weeks I felt great started going to the gym 5 days a week. Nine months later i was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, no cancer runs in my family and my symptoms only occur it 20% of cancer patients. I was immediately taken off Enbrel and told they would [Show More]I have psoriatic arthritis I was in so much pain I couldn't move my hands. I tried other medications before my doctor put me on Enbrel after a few weeks I felt great started going to the gym 5 days a week. Nine months later i was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, no cancer runs in my family and my symptoms only occur it 20% of cancer patients. I was immediately taken off Enbrel and told they would not prescribe it for me again. My cancer was caught early and at 45 I had to have a mastectomy I am doing well now but my arthritis is bad I can't stand it. I would never go back on Enbrel is does cause the reoccurrence of cancer.

  • LeslieJanuary 6, 2010 at 5:20 pm

    I statrted taking Enbrel in 1999, for Psoriatic Arthritis. In 2008 I was diagnosed with Stage III Melanoma. The canver was removed along with 22 lymph nodes, and then a year long interferon treatment. Now the doctors will not prescirbe Enbel because they say it will bring the cancer back... so I am receiving no treatment and am in a lot of pain. I am wondering if others have had this happen?

  • AprilJanuary 6, 2010 at 3:40 am

    Hi. I was 24 yrs old when I started taken enbrel. It had just come out and I was not responding to NO other treatments, that was around 2000 or 2001. It was my wonder drug and I didnt have any side effects that I remember being worth me coming off of enbrel. I was like anybody else, you wouldve never thought I had RA. Believe me before enbrel I had knee surgery's etc. PAIN! is all I can say. In th[Show More]Hi. I was 24 yrs old when I started taken enbrel. It had just come out and I was not responding to NO other treatments, that was around 2000 or 2001. It was my wonder drug and I didnt have any side effects that I remember being worth me coming off of enbrel. I was like anybody else, you wouldve never thought I had RA. Believe me before enbrel I had knee surgery's etc. PAIN! is all I can say. In the early part of 2006 I notced a wart like thing on my elbow and tried to treat it. Time I saw my Rheumy I had several other places with small sore like things. He then thought it may be a good Idea to change to Humria, I agreed but thought it was odd seeing that I had been on enbrel for like 9 years and had never had any problems! That was not a good idea though I started taking Humria and it just exploded everywhere! I was pulled from that and was told that he thought that I was having a reaction to the TNF agent in them. I was then put on Orencia b/c it did not have the TNF agent in it, it worked off T-cells. My Rhuemy and my Dermatoligist worked on clearing me for 2 years! You name it and I tried it and nothing would work! THey were Very puzzled and finally told me I was in a small group of people who had done the same thing and because of that there was no research. I ooked like a leper and hurt and bleed it was the worst time in my life. Now the odd thing is what cleared me was something that shouldve hurt me, Remicade. It has the same TNF agent but for some reason it worked. It was the last straw, i had been on many things by then for my RA and my new Psoriasis condition. I agreed to try the Remicade under the agreeance that I would be put in the hosptial if I even looked like I was devloping a new spot. But it worked! I was thrilled and thought that my life was gonna go back to my normal! My skin cleared and is still mostly clear I do have scars that look like burns but the real isue is how my health is still out of control. I am almost 36 yrs old and in the last 2 years that I have been cleared I have had many other issues I feel is related to enbrel. My skin cleared but the rest of me has not. I now have Glacoma, and they think I have breast cancer. I was told by my surgeon too have double mastectomies, and that i could never really fight a cancer. Oh and I dont absorb vitamin D anymore my level is a 13. I am dark skinned, have a tanning bed and a pool so it is not from a lack of light. I would love to talk to anyone that is having the same problems. Thanks April

  • FrankJanuary 5, 2010 at 3:41 pm

    I am very interested in this issue, I suffer with severe Rheumatoid Arthritis and take various different medications to alleviate the pain, In 2006 I was advised by my consultant to try a new medication ie Embrel (Etanercept) and after a number of medical checks started with the drug which I administerd myself. After 5/6 months I collapsed at home with severe abdominal & back pains. I was taken to[Show More]I am very interested in this issue, I suffer with severe Rheumatoid Arthritis and take various different medications to alleviate the pain, In 2006 I was advised by my consultant to try a new medication ie Embrel (Etanercept) and after a number of medical checks started with the drug which I administerd myself. After 5/6 months I collapsed at home with severe abdominal & back pains. I was taken to hospital by emergency ambulance and ended in intensive care for 3 weeks with Acute Pancreatis. The Doctors blamed everything for this illness other than Embrel. I am convinced Embrel was the cause of my illness as I had never had any problems with my stomach in my life I was 65 at the time of my collapse. I now do not drink alcohol at any time and follow a strict dietary regime and have not taken Embrel since my collapse. Interestingly I had pointed out to the Doctors prior to going on this medication information that indicated there was a problem with this treatment but I was advised that everything was alright.

  • JamieDecember 29, 2009 at 1:40 am

    My husband was diagnosed with AS in January of 09. He is 30 years old and seems to have the body of a 70 year old. His onset of AS was very sudden and abrupt. He was immediately put on Enbrel by his rheumatologist. He has been on it for almost a year now. He also suffers from reflux (not related to the Enbrel) and takes Nexium twice a day. Last month we had to take him to the ER due to sever[Show More]My husband was diagnosed with AS in January of 09. He is 30 years old and seems to have the body of a 70 year old. His onset of AS was very sudden and abrupt. He was immediately put on Enbrel by his rheumatologist. He has been on it for almost a year now. He also suffers from reflux (not related to the Enbrel) and takes Nexium twice a day. Last month we had to take him to the ER due to severe abdominal pain. They did a MRI and noticed thickening of his intestinal wall and started talking Crohn's disease. His gastro then did a colonoscopy and said he had suffered from Ischemic Colitis. Basically his colon was dieing due to loss of blood. Our question was why? We then went to a hematologist and they did tons of blood tests. Ruled out cancer, Crohn's and any clotting disorders, but revealed his triglycerides were too high, and LDLs/HDLs were off the charts. Also, for the last month and a half he has developed a severe skin problem. It orginally started on his hands and has now spread to his entire body. It starts with the development of a pustule and then it pops and the skin dries out and peels and goes away, but more pustules keep appearing. Today a dermatologist tells him he thinks he has Pustular Psoriasis!!!! WILL THIS EVER STOP???? Reading these previous blogs scares the crap out of my husband and myself and makes us want to stop the Enbrel. All we can think is that all the weird conditions he keeps getting are due to the Enbrel. Prior to Decemeber of last year he was a perfectly healthy 30 year old man and now we just don't know what to think. Has anyone else developed or seen this similar problems after being on Enbrel?

  • BradDecember 17, 2009 at 8:24 am

    Just a heads up regarding dosage. My wife and I experimented with her Enbrel dose before getting pregnant and found that she could take just one 25 mg shot every other week with the same effect as two 25 mg shots every week. That's one quarter the prescribed dose. You may be able to save a lot of money if nothing else. Of course the drug company makes a lot more if you just take the massive dos[Show More]Just a heads up regarding dosage. My wife and I experimented with her Enbrel dose before getting pregnant and found that she could take just one 25 mg shot every other week with the same effect as two 25 mg shots every week. That's one quarter the prescribed dose. You may be able to save a lot of money if nothing else. Of course the drug company makes a lot more if you just take the massive dose they recommend.

  • TerriDecember 7, 2009 at 12:29 pm

    After 8 injections of Enbrel I developed extreme pain and stiffness in muscles of left leg, couldn't walk without a cane as leg would "give out" and I feared falling. Went to E.R. and a doppler showed I had a cyst behind my knee. I had arthritis pain before and this was not acting normal like usual arthritis pain, muscles in entire leg cramped and got stiff. Used Enbrel 2008-2009 8 doses.

  • VinnieNovember 20, 2009 at 8:22 pm

    My wife took Enbrel for several years for RA. A few years ago she caught a cold that went from sniffles to full-blown strep pneumonia with high fever in just a few days. She was taken to the hospital and died later the same day from septic shock and heart failure. I was told her body couldn't fight the infection, likely because her immune system was so suppressed. When I informed her GP of her [Show More]My wife took Enbrel for several years for RA. A few years ago she caught a cold that went from sniffles to full-blown strep pneumonia with high fever in just a few days. She was taken to the hospital and died later the same day from septic shock and heart failure. I was told her body couldn't fight the infection, likely because her immune system was so suppressed. When I informed her GP of her death, he told me that he'd heard of these types of septic shock cases occurring more frequently with Enbrel patients. This was prior to the newer "upgraded" infection warnings being issued in 2008.

  • SusanNovember 19, 2009 at 9:48 am

    I was diagnosed with RA in Jan 2006 and I was severe. Overnight onset and joint damage occuring rapidly. I was horrified by the RA drug choices available. A research of RA on the internet revealed a number of causes that have been shown to put RA in remission when the cause is dealt with. My rheumy didn't buy it and was angry when I asked for a "safer" treatment approach which had been practic[Show More]I was diagnosed with RA in Jan 2006 and I was severe. Overnight onset and joint damage occuring rapidly. I was horrified by the RA drug choices available. A research of RA on the internet revealed a number of causes that have been shown to put RA in remission when the cause is dealt with. My rheumy didn't buy it and was angry when I asked for a "safer" treatment approach which had been practiced for 50 yrs by Dr. Thomas M. Brown. He found bacteria in the synovial fluid joints which he believed were triggering the RA. The bacteria were CWD (cell wall deficient) so not the kind you could knock out with 2 weeks antibiotic. He treated with low dose tetricycline drugs with minocin being the best. This method is incredibly safe and has a 70% success ratio yet rheumatologists today ignore that treatment. I chose it and found a rheumy who believes in infectious causes to auto-immune illnesses. Perhaps the reason you guys have had adverse reactions to the Enbrel is because it allowed the CWD bacterias in you to flourish causing subsequent illnesses. Study up on infectious causes to auto-immune disorders. Psoriaris is an exception here. It is believed to be a fungal based illness.

  • KarenNovember 8, 2009 at 10:09 pm

    Went on Enbrel for severe pustular psoriasis in September 2006 after 8 months of mtx not working. Felt great thought it was a miracle. In the past year was diagnosed with arthesclerosis high cholesterol had my gall bladder removed, a sphincterectomy on my dialted common bile dutc, NASH, was taken off Enbrel the beginning of July 09 have had a low grade fever since, joint pain that is unbearable,[Show More]Went on Enbrel for severe pustular psoriasis in September 2006 after 8 months of mtx not working. Felt great thought it was a miracle. In the past year was diagnosed with arthesclerosis high cholesterol had my gall bladder removed, a sphincterectomy on my dialted common bile dutc, NASH, was taken off Enbrel the beginning of July 09 have had a low grade fever since, joint pain that is unbearable, need MRI on my shoulder for severe pain and inmobility. exhaustion, had to quit my job, had a spot on my left templar lobe, have muscle termors and the 6 specialist have no idea what is wrong with me. CT scans MRI's and numerous blood test and no real answers. Need info on withdrawal sysmptoms.

  • CarrieNovember 2, 2009 at 6:34 pm

    My daugther started taking Enbrel when she was 15 years old for JRA she took Methotrexate along with it. We were never informed of a cancer side affect and in March of this year she was diagnosed wth Leukemai. APML to be exact. She is in remission but it has been a hellacious year. They said that Enbrel was not linked to the drug until after she started taking it so that is why we were not inf[Show More]My daugther started taking Enbrel when she was 15 years old for JRA she took Methotrexate along with it. We were never informed of a cancer side affect and in March of this year she was diagnosed wth Leukemai. APML to be exact. She is in remission but it has been a hellacious year. They said that Enbrel was not linked to the drug until after she started taking it so that is why we were not informed. I think that there should be a law that anyone that takes a medication if new information is found like this they should have to send out a warning to all of the people that are taking it. It is ridiculous that they do not.

  • JaimeOctober 10, 2009 at 8:33 am

    I started out by taking injections of gold in 1987,I was diagnosed with R/A in 1986 which got worse as time progressed. By 1995 it got so bad i had to retire from my job as a correctional officer, after 22 years of service at Folsom state prison. My rheumatoid Artheritus continued to get worse and my rheumatoligist recommended taking Humera which i took, on his advice because he is one of the bes[Show More]I started out by taking injections of gold in 1987,I was diagnosed with R/A in 1986 which got worse as time progressed. By 1995 it got so bad i had to retire from my job as a correctional officer, after 22 years of service at Folsom state prison. My rheumatoid Artheritus continued to get worse and my rheumatoligist recommended taking Humera which i took, on his advice because he is one of the best in the Sacramento area. I took the Humera injections for several months and started to break out in hyves on my legs real bad. My rheumatolagist immediately told me to stop taking it and i did. Upon my next visit with him he said there was a new injectable drug on the market called Enbral and strongly recommended i start it's use which i did, as i recall this was in approximately 2002 or 2003 I will have to check with him to make sure of the date i started. At any rate i started the injections twice a week and continued to do so until June of 2009 when i went to a protologist with what i thought was hemroids. He did a biospy and found i had Squama cell cancer of the rectom. He had me get a pet scan as soon as he could get it ordered and when i got it i found out i had non-hodgkins lymphoma which totally floored me. I then had to take chemotherapy for 4 months, and still have 33 treatments of radiation to go throughfor the squamas cell cancer starting Oct 26th 2009. Obviously my rheumatologist told me to stop taking Enbrel as it was the cause of my lymphoma cancer. I immediately stopped taking the Enbrel and will never take it again as i strongly feel it was the cause of not only the lymphoma but the squamas cell cancer as well. I also ended up in the hospital with a blood clot in my right leg and an irregular heart-beat which is most likely attributed to the Enbrel as well. Seems like all the things that have gone wrong with me in the last couple of years is related to the Enbral injections i was taking. Beware people these injections can certainly cause a lot of trouble for a lot of people. I really think i would rather be crippled than have cancer of two different kinds in my body and now fight for my life. I hope this message will open up people's eyes about the use of Enbral and other drugs on the pharmacutical market. a lot of times we are in so much pain we don't think to check into the side affects of the things we put in our bodies, unfortunately when they first put this drug on the market they didn't warn us of the side affect of cancer... had that warning been given to me I feel quite confident i would have elected not to have taken it.

  • jessicaOctober 9, 2009 at 3:57 am

    i stared taking enbrel may-09 starting about the middle of sep-09 i lost felling on left side of body then now im numb from about my breast down & very stiff my left hand & arm are so numb & stiff i can't use them .they did mri & found 3 lesions on my spinal cord & it's inflamed,dr said it was from the enbrel.

  • ShebaOctober 6, 2009 at 8:05 pm

    I have been taking enbrel since 2002 and did not have any problems that i knew of until april 2007 was diagnosed with kidney stones,diverticulitis,etc because no one could find anything wrong. In dec 2008 it was determined that a had a spinal tumor pressing against my nerve causing me back pain.stomach pain and leg and foot numbess causing me the inability to drive since 11/08. I had a spinal lam[Show More]I have been taking enbrel since 2002 and did not have any problems that i knew of until april 2007 was diagnosed with kidney stones,diverticulitis,etc because no one could find anything wrong. In dec 2008 it was determined that a had a spinal tumor pressing against my nerve causing me back pain.stomach pain and leg and foot numbess causing me the inability to drive since 11/08. I had a spinal laminectomy Jan 09 and was told i would have been paralyzed if it went undiagnosed. I have lost feeling in my feet that i wil never get back. i have back pains,muscle spasms and my story sounds similar to alice. Could this be enbrel related l

  • C. FischerOctober 2, 2009 at 1:52 am

    I started using Enbrel for RA and Psoriasis in 2002. I stopped in 2006 when I started having problems with my balance. I went to a neurologist who said I had MS after having n MRI and showing lesions on my brain and spinal cord. Several of the Neurologists that I have spoken to have said that they are seeing more and more paitients who are diagnosed with MS after taking Enbrel shots.

  • DanaSeptember 10, 2009 at 2:41 am

    My identical twin sister took Enbrel for over 5 years and thought it was the "wonder" drug. IT KILLED HER, She had a fever on 7/4/09 and after two swabs, was sent home. After the fever persisted they admitted her because her blood gas was low and her white blood cell count was high. Unable to find the infection, she was later diagnosed with the Influenza A virus. After almost one month in ICU her [Show More]My identical twin sister took Enbrel for over 5 years and thought it was the "wonder" drug. IT KILLED HER, She had a fever on 7/4/09 and after two swabs, was sent home. After the fever persisted they admitted her because her blood gas was low and her white blood cell count was high. Unable to find the infection, she was later diagnosed with the Influenza A virus. After almost one month in ICU her lungs collapsed she died on August 4, 2009 at the age of 45. (The ICU doctor did mention Pancreatic failure). Although Enbrel cleared her psoriasis when nothing else could, it killed her. Please advise others to use caution and see an infectious disease specialist at the onset of any and all fevers. The doctors did not take her off enbrel after it was too late and she could not fight the virus.

  • markSeptember 9, 2009 at 5:21 pm

    mark took double the recommended dose of enbrel with the approval of enbrel themselves and he was diagnoses with a cancerous tumor on his kidney. the doctors directy relate it to the use of enbrel. He was only 32 and had to have part of his kidney removed. This was after taking enbrel for only two years.

  • JohnSeptember 8, 2009 at 2:47 am

    My Aunt recently passed away from wound infections she was not able to fight due to the destruction of her immune sytstem from taking Embrel . Does anyone else have experiences around Embrel and catastrophic supression of the immune system? Yes the warnings talk of issues but how can one predict an infection yet to come which will not heal because of the effect of the drug? While the drug gave my[Show More]My Aunt recently passed away from wound infections she was not able to fight due to the destruction of her immune sytstem from taking Embrel . Does anyone else have experiences around Embrel and catastrophic supression of the immune system? Yes the warnings talk of issues but how can one predict an infection yet to come which will not heal because of the effect of the drug? While the drug gave my Aunt diminsihed pain from her Reumatoid Arthritis it also gave her a false sense of security and created an issue lieing in wait to complicate simple problems into becoming critical issues.

  • KellySeptember 2, 2009 at 10:32 pm

    I took Embrel for 2 yrs. I have had AP for 22 yrs. I got MS from Embrel. Now I have so much to tell! I am sick all the time, I have lost so much weight, so so much more! Then they gave me Raptive, it helped more than anything. (I also take other things) They just took it away from me without even a warning(warnings said could have withdrwls) I guess it killed a few people(that is all they told me)[Show More]I took Embrel for 2 yrs. I have had AP for 22 yrs. I got MS from Embrel. Now I have so much to tell! I am sick all the time, I have lost so much weight, so so much more! Then they gave me Raptive, it helped more than anything. (I also take other things) They just took it away from me without even a warning(warnings said could have withdrwls) I guess it killed a few people(that is all they told me) now I am getting worse everyday. Not including other things I keep getting diagnosed with. I am looking for info or help. I have no money! This is a very long life story! If you have similar story or info respond, maybe we can talk & exchange info..

  • JudithAugust 31, 2009 at 2:15 am

    Like Mark,I have been on Enbrel for 5 years and would like to get off. I feel great most of the time with occasional flareups and bouts of iritis uvitis(very painful) and has left my vision impared in one eye. I would like to hear what others use for RA when they go off Enbrel

  • judyAugust 24, 2009 at 9:13 pm

    I took Embrel for about 2 years. I was diagnosed with kidney cancer in December 08 and had my kidney removed. I had strong suspicions that Embrel caused the cancer. I am going to follow this because I never had any problems other than RA. If the FDA knows this stuff can cause cancer why would they allow it to be distributed.

  • MarkAugust 24, 2009 at 4:19 pm

    I've been on enbrel for 5yrs . My RA is in remission I feel great and lift weights and walk 2 miles every day. I'm 56yrs old and would like to quit taking enbrel. My Dr. won't even discuss this with me. I'm worried about side effects and my future health. Would like to hear from anyone with info to help me make a decision

  • ItchymanAugust 15, 2009 at 3:09 pm

    Two years ago I was enrolled in a 24 week double blind research study for a NEW psoriasis drug (Ustikenumab). The other drug used in the study was Enbrel. After the Enbrel drug ended, I was given TWO injections of Usti and all of my lesions disappeared. However, after on 2 months of relief from psoriasis, it came back with a vengence and continues now after 2 years. Like to know if ANYONE else pa[Show More]Two years ago I was enrolled in a 24 week double blind research study for a NEW psoriasis drug (Ustikenumab). The other drug used in the study was Enbrel. After the Enbrel drug ended, I was given TWO injections of Usti and all of my lesions disappeared. However, after on 2 months of relief from psoriasis, it came back with a vengence and continues now after 2 years. Like to know if ANYONE else participated in this clinical study and if they experienced similar or worse conditions. I tend to believe that Enbrel exacerbated the few psoriasis lesions I had before the study, and causing other organs to fail and trigger the severe psoriasis, OR another skin disorder similar to psoriasis. Four derms say NO and keep giving salves and gels and UVB. The new drug (Usti) is being held up by the FDA due to patent issues and lawsuits. This may be a blessing, but who KNOWS?

  • JagdeshAugust 6, 2009 at 1:02 pm

    After using Embrel for about 2 years. I started to get headaches, dizzyness and loss of balance. I also started to get rashes on my head and face. Ihave seen numerous specialists and I was finally diagnosed with Lupus after a Dermatologoist too a biopsy of the rashes.

  • jeremy gAugust 5, 2009 at 9:49 pm

    hello, I have been taking enbrel since early 2005 almost 5 years , I was having trouble urinating so they checked my kidneys, well they found a tumor , I just had the tumor removed from my kidney , and it was cancer , the docter said i was lucky it was caught early, I am only 39, its crazy , I have a bad feeling that its from the enbrel , and I am afraid to start it again, but my life is so miser[Show More]hello, I have been taking enbrel since early 2005 almost 5 years , I was having trouble urinating so they checked my kidneys, well they found a tumor , I just had the tumor removed from my kidney , and it was cancer , the docter said i was lucky it was caught early, I am only 39, its crazy , I have a bad feeling that its from the enbrel , and I am afraid to start it again, but my life is so miserable without it, its a hard choice. i feel like giving up...

  • JulieJuly 8, 2009 at 2:44 pm

    I injected myself twice a week for four and a half years with Enbrel to treat psoriasis. I considered myself very healthy. May30th 2008 I found a large mass on my neck and a few days later was diagnosed with lymphoma, and six months later congestive heartfailure. I am 47,currently cancer free but, not sure what my future holds.

  • DavidJuly 3, 2009 at 5:33 am

    1. we all went to our doctors because of pain and fear of what was happening with our body, we all wanted help any thing that would help. 2. Embrel came along, it seemed to work for most of us, I took it for years, minor sideaffects. 3. all these other problems are poping up, trigerd by embrel? 4. I know if I continued in pain, lack of movement and no desire to live before I took embrel. it gav[Show More]1. we all went to our doctors because of pain and fear of what was happening with our body, we all wanted help any thing that would help. 2. Embrel came along, it seemed to work for most of us, I took it for years, minor sideaffects. 3. all these other problems are poping up, trigerd by embrel? 4. I know if I continued in pain, lack of movement and no desire to live before I took embrel. it gave me years of pain free living. at age 55 I know if it isn't AR that kills me some other form will, If one has to die let it be painless. I know it does not sound right, untill you hurt so bad you wish death as the only way out of the horrible pain, Embrel at the time was not a bad chance. I knew I had MS 10 years ago, they pulled me off embrel, in one month pain is back as strong as it left me three years ago. I have told my family no wheelchairs or bed ridden for this guy, put me to sleep. My biggest fear is if I past AR or MS on to my childeren.

  • Leasa T. (again)June 22, 2009 at 9:23 pm

    I just wanted to add one more thing. In March 2009, I had my wisdom teeth come in. I am 40 yrs.old. I had to have them removed one by one due to severity (impacted). I had major complications with the first two, they became dr sockets which would not heal. Finally, I had the 3rd one removed in March 2009. IN 24 hours, I was in Intensive care fighting for my life. I was diagnosed with "Ludwi[Show More]I just wanted to add one more thing. In March 2009, I had my wisdom teeth come in. I am 40 yrs.old. I had to have them removed one by one due to severity (impacted). I had major complications with the first two, they became dr sockets which would not heal. Finally, I had the 3rd one removed in March 2009. IN 24 hours, I was in Intensive care fighting for my life. I was diagnosed with "Ludwigs Angina." which is a severe infection which caused your airway to close. I spent 9 days in ICU and then went home for a month with a PIC line in my arm to have my husband administer IV antibiotics for 4 weeks, twice a day. Just wanted to add that to the scenario.

  • LeasaJune 22, 2009 at 9:18 pm

    I have been on Enbrel twice now. I find these postings interesting however, I do not see my specific situation. I began taking Enbrel for severe psoratic arthrits in 2007. After only a few injections I began having very bad night sweats. In three weeks time I tested positive for TB. I had to go off the drug and do 9 months of INH therapy. Because I have tried all other forms of medication an[Show More]I have been on Enbrel twice now. I find these postings interesting however, I do not see my specific situation. I began taking Enbrel for severe psoratic arthrits in 2007. After only a few injections I began having very bad night sweats. In three weeks time I tested positive for TB. I had to go off the drug and do 9 months of INH therapy. Because I have tried all other forms of medication and nothing else worked, the doctor at the CDC had my doctor put me back on Enbrel. I have only been on it for 2 weeks now, and I am questioning whether or not I have made the right choice. If you ask your doctor (which I have) I have gotten 7 different responses. Some of them say ABSOLUTELY NEVER TAKE AGAIN, and the others tell me that I will be fine. I cannot take INH again, and will always test postive for TB now, but I worry what will happen if I am diagnosed again with TB. I believe there is one other form of treatment but I was told that my immune system may not react to the medication. So what happens if I contract TB again and there is no available medication to treat me?

  • JenniferJune 22, 2009 at 6:21 pm

    I've been on Enbrel for about 18 months for RA. I now have tremors, headaches, fatigue and an MRI found 2 spots on my brain. Now my Neurologist wants me to have a Spinal Tap to check for cancers and more likely MS. Could this really be the Enbrel? I was a teacher and have 3 young kids. I can't teach anymore which makes me so sad. Just my daily life leaves me completely exhausted and in bed before [Show More]I've been on Enbrel for about 18 months for RA. I now have tremors, headaches, fatigue and an MRI found 2 spots on my brain. Now my Neurologist wants me to have a Spinal Tap to check for cancers and more likely MS. Could this really be the Enbrel? I was a teacher and have 3 young kids. I can't teach anymore which makes me so sad. Just my daily life leaves me completely exhausted and in bed before 9. My husband is getting frustrated with me. I just turned 38. I'm afraid to go off of the enbrel because it does help my RA.

  • FrankJune 11, 2009 at 11:26 pm

    My wife was taken enbrel for three years and after a year and half battle with cancer she past away on Dec 2007.Because her imune system was shot she could not fight the cancer which had a 90% cure rate .

  • VickiJune 1, 2009 at 12:11 am

    I feel my fathers pancreatic cancer has a direct correlation to enberl medication.

  • MarkApril 30, 2009 at 2:22 pm

    Susan had Lupus. In Approx. February of 2006 Dr Thomas Oven of Binghamton NY started her in Enbrel. Although the pain and inmobility caused by her Lupus was greatly reduced. Susan began a steady decline in health. In August of 2007 she developed Cellulitis resulting in an extended hospital stay. Her health became a constant battle. She developed Shingles. Followed by kidney stones and later Salmon[Show More]Susan had Lupus. In Approx. February of 2006 Dr Thomas Oven of Binghamton NY started her in Enbrel. Although the pain and inmobility caused by her Lupus was greatly reduced. Susan began a steady decline in health. In August of 2007 she developed Cellulitis resulting in an extended hospital stay. Her health became a constant battle. She developed Shingles. Followed by kidney stones and later Salmonella. She also developed urinary tract infections. By December she had open sores in her mouth and covering her body along with her hair falling out. In February of 2008 we seeked out a second opinion from another Rheumatogist in Syracuse at the urging of her regular Doctor. Dr Hong Yu also of Binghamton NY. The doctor in Syracuse told us they never give Enbrel to Lupus patients and wanted her to start on Orencia instead. Susan went off the Enbrel and was to wait 6 weks before starting Orencia. Before the 6 weeks were up, on the weekend of March 8th & 9th Susan developed Flu like symptoms. She steadily got worse. An ambulance was called around noon on March 11th. Susan died in route to Lourdes Hospital in Binghamton NY. Her cause of death was listed as CARDIAC ARREST/RESP FAILURE/HYPOXEMIA/SEPSIS AND DEHYDRATION.

  • lindaApril 25, 2009 at 7:03 pm

    just want to share, i mean though enbrel has helped me so much, but don`t want to stop taking it, unless i keep getting sick, but so far haven`t had to go back to the hospital from taking enbrel but just when i had mrsa (mercer staff infection) i know i can still keep getting mrsa, but what has helped me so far to, i take a little travel size bottle of lysol with me eve[Show More]just want to share, i mean though enbrel has helped me so much, but don`t want to stop taking it, unless i keep getting sick, but so far haven`t had to go back to the hospital from taking enbrel but just when i had mrsa (mercer staff infection) i know i can still keep getting mrsa, but what has helped me so far to, i take a little travel size bottle of lysol with me everywhere i go, and when i have to use the bathroom, plus i take hand sanitizer with me, so i try to be careful around germs, they are every where, exspecally in the stores to, but just don`t know what to do about enbrel from what i`am reading like i said, in my other posts up here , so far for now i will continue taking it till i can`t anymore as long as it is still helping me, cause when i go off it, when i`am sick with a cold i have to, then i have infumation in my eye (arthritis) till i get back on it, then it clears up, so i lose either way it seems like,

  • lindaApril 25, 2009 at 3:08 pm

    i have psoriasis arthritis, i`ve been taking enbrel for about 3 years now, it has helped me alot, except i still stay sore 24 seven though, sore everyday, but the shot helps some, but i get sick with a cold easy now, and have had mecer staff twice, in the hospital the first time with it, other then that i have no other probblems with enbrel, so far, seems to help, if it want for enbrel [Show More]i have psoriasis arthritis, i`ve been taking enbrel for about 3 years now, it has helped me alot, except i still stay sore 24 seven though, sore everyday, but the shot helps some, but i get sick with a cold easy now, and have had mecer staff twice, in the hospital the first time with it, other then that i have no other probblems with enbrel, so far, seems to help, if it want for enbrel i would be in a wheel chair right now,

  • ChrisMarch 27, 2009 at 7:04 pm

    My father had RA ( rheumatoid arthritis ) and had been on Enbrel for at least a year, last december his overall health deteriorated. He experienced fatigue, weakness, chest pain, the night sweats, and at the end of december he was hospitalized. They treated him for pneumonia ( what they thought he had ), multiple organ failure, breathing treatments and had a tube in his mouth ( feeding tube, etc )[Show More]My father had RA ( rheumatoid arthritis ) and had been on Enbrel for at least a year, last december his overall health deteriorated. He experienced fatigue, weakness, chest pain, the night sweats, and at the end of december he was hospitalized. They treated him for pneumonia ( what they thought he had ), multiple organ failure, breathing treatments and had a tube in his mouth ( feeding tube, etc ). this lasted close to 3 weeks, when they decided to do a tracheostomy to help him breathe, 3 days after that they said pretty much nothing can be done. In essence, every time they cleared up an infection another one emerged. To this day they never even looked for a fungal infection and IMHO Enbrel is the root cause for his death. Before these symptoms, he wasn't in perfect health, but he was coming along well. Has anyone else had similiar experiences with a loved one?

  • SharonMarch 21, 2009 at 3:59 pm

    My sister has psoriatic arthritis and has been on Embrel for some time. She is now in the hospital with Acute Pancreatitis. Are there other cases out there?

  • ChristinaMarch 1, 2009 at 4:12 am

    I know this is not so bad compared to some of these stories but I started taking Embrel and had only been taking the injections for about 3 or 4 months when I got a MRAS staph infection. I stop taking the shots right away..but needless to say it has been almost 3 years and I still get staph infections. I have been put in the hospital 3 times, have had too many to count cut out and have had close t[Show More]I know this is not so bad compared to some of these stories but I started taking Embrel and had only been taking the injections for about 3 or 4 months when I got a MRAS staph infection. I stop taking the shots right away..but needless to say it has been almost 3 years and I still get staph infections. I have been put in the hospital 3 times, have had too many to count cut out and have had close to 250 actual infections(most times more than one at a time)! The doctor tells me that because of the Embrel and getting the MRSA while taking the shots, my immune system will never be the same. I am in my twenties and will suffer from these the rest of my life...and that the staph infections are very serious and could one day kill me. It was not worth it to me to have clear skin and then have to deal with very painful, horrible thing. I now have several scars and I am in pain most of the time! And to make things worse, when my psorisis came back, it came back much worse!!!

  • aliceFebruary 27, 2009 at 4:24 pm

    Im 53., was taking enbrel for about three years or so. julyof 2007 started having back pain. After many tests and finally becoming paralyzed from waist down end of August. Emergency room led to back surgery to remove mass pushing on spinal cord at T10 T11. Time at rehab to learn how to walk again . Very frustrating and scary. Am walking with help of cane. Am disabled now. Was this a fluke or [Show More]Im 53., was taking enbrel for about three years or so. julyof 2007 started having back pain. After many tests and finally becoming paralyzed from waist down end of August. Emergency room led to back surgery to remove mass pushing on spinal cord at T10 T11. Time at rehab to learn how to walk again . Very frustrating and scary. Am walking with help of cane. Am disabled now. Was this a fluke or was it the medicine? Any other stories out there close to mine?

  • PattyFebruary 27, 2009 at 1:03 am

    My husband has been taking Enbrel for 4 years for his RA. He was first diagnosed with interstial lung disease last year, the Enbrel was reduced and we were told his lungs had cleared up. He again started taking the Enbrel 2X weekly. About a month ago I noticed his breathing sounded strained, he went through several tests which indicated his interstial lung disease has returned and today was diag[Show More]My husband has been taking Enbrel for 4 years for his RA. He was first diagnosed with interstial lung disease last year, the Enbrel was reduced and we were told his lungs had cleared up. He again started taking the Enbrel 2X weekly. About a month ago I noticed his breathing sounded strained, he went through several tests which indicated his interstial lung disease has returned and today was diagnosed with tuberculosis.

  • JackFebruary 18, 2009 at 12:54 am

    My mom contracted pancreatic cancer from enbrel and she is going to die in 1 week and the doctor who gave it to her would not talk to her when she called for help tanks

  • KimFebruary 13, 2009 at 5:02 pm

    My husband had been taking Enbrel for about 3 months for psoriasis. He was injecting Enbrel into his stomach as directed by his dermatologist. During his 3rd month, he started having tremors in his hands and his tongue. He lost his taste and was having dry mouth along with thick white saliva. He has also been experiencing intense stomach cramps. He reported symptoms to his doctor and they tol[Show More]My husband had been taking Enbrel for about 3 months for psoriasis. He was injecting Enbrel into his stomach as directed by his dermatologist. During his 3rd month, he started having tremors in his hands and his tongue. He lost his taste and was having dry mouth along with thick white saliva. He has also been experiencing intense stomach cramps. He reported symptoms to his doctor and they told him to quit taking the medicine. He is still having these symptoms. He was ok before he started taking this Enbrel.

  • BonnieFebruary 7, 2009 at 3:27 am

    Please let me add how sorry I am for all of your losses and illnesses. It makes what I have seem not soooo bad.........

  • BonnieFebruary 7, 2009 at 3:23 am

    I was injecting enbrel for about two years for my RA and posorisis. I had a very bad cold and just happened to mention to my Dr. that my lymph glands in my groin and neck were swollen.After my exam it was discovered that my glands under my arm and everywhere were swollen. I was sent to a cancer Dr. right away. After two different biopsy's from my grion and underarm it was determined I did not have[Show More]I was injecting enbrel for about two years for my RA and posorisis. I had a very bad cold and just happened to mention to my Dr. that my lymph glands in my groin and neck were swollen.After my exam it was discovered that my glands under my arm and everywhere were swollen. I was sent to a cancer Dr. right away. After two different biopsy's from my grion and underarm it was determined I did not have cancer.I then started to have tremors. First my hand then my head then my whole body. I also would experience internal treamors. Now I am on medication for that...which I will have to be on for the rest of my life...............Who Knows??????????

  • chrisJanuary 21, 2009 at 12:51 am

    I started using Enbrel for RA in 2001. It worked. Later, 2006, I was diagnosed with Non-Hogkins Lymphoma. Cause - Enbrel?

  • MaryJanuary 11, 2009 at 12:37 am

    My husband used Enbrel for several years for rheumatoid arthritis, injecting it into his stomach twice a week. He became very ill in the spring of 2006, and doctors did countless tests to determine the cause. Just days before he died, they discovered that he had stomach cancer. I really believe that the Enbrel was responsible. I'm looking for a class action lawsuit.

  • Jackie FletcherDecember 24, 2008 at 3:09 pm

    My father started using enbrel early 2006 and then in 2007 starting having blood problems and was diagnoised in February he had AML which is a form of Leukemia. He passed away on June 27, 2008. I believe this stemmed from a use of enbrel.

  • hughDecember 17, 2008 at 7:14 pm

    my wife used embrel in 2005 she was later diagnoised with chirrosis of liver she was in the hospital april 13 till april 22 2008 she was diagnoised with blood comtionating she passed away july 25 2008 i fell it was from embrel because she had hepatis when she was put on embrel

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis Drugs Do Not Increase Cancer Risk According to New Research : AboutLawsuits.comOctober 29, 2008 at 4:57 pm

    [...] research suggests that Enbrel, Remicade, Humira and other biologic TNF-blockers widely used to treat rheumatoid arthritis do not [...]

  • FDA Investigates Possible Association of Enbrel, Humira and Remicade with Lymphoma Cancer in Children : AboutLawsuits.comSeptember 5, 2008 at 6:41 pm

    [...] among children. The agency is investigating reports of children and young adults using Remicade, Enbrel and Humira who developed lymphoma and other [...]

  • Humira Lawsuits : AboutLawsuits.comSeptember 5, 2008 at 3:24 pm

    [...] In June 2008, the FDA released an early communication about an ongoing safety review involving Humira and a possible association with the development of lymphoma and other cancers among children and young adults using the TNF blockers. At least 30 reports of childhood cancer were received by the FDA involving the use of TNF blockers. Other medications indicated in this early communication we[Show More][...] In June 2008, the FDA released an early communication about an ongoing safety review involving Humira and a possible association with the development of lymphoma and other cancers among children and young adults using the TNF blockers. At least 30 reports of childhood cancer were received by the FDA involving the use of TNF blockers. Other medications indicated in this early communication were Remicade and Enbrel. [...]

  • Remicade Lawsuits — AboutLawsuits.comJune 5, 2008 at 3:39 pm

    [...] States, and has been used by more patients world-wide than the other medications in the same class, Enbrel and Humira, combined. It is a blockbuster drug for the pharmaceutical giant, Johnson & [...]

  • Enbrel side effects could include risk of serious infections, tuberculosis — AboutLawsuits.comMay 10, 2008 at 6:19 pm

    [...] Enbrel (etanercept) is an injection prescribed for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, plaque psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and juvenile idopathic arthritis. It is marketed and sold by Amgen, Inc. and Wyeth, and was originally approved by the FDA in 1998. [...]

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