Lap Band Side Effects Led To Additional Surgery in 60% of Patients: Study

About six out of every 10 people who undergo gastric Lap-Band surgery may experience complications that require additional surgery and nearly half may have to have the banding removed, according to a recent study by Belgian researchers. 

The researchers looked at patients who had received the Allergan Inc. Lap-Band over a period of 12 years and reported their findings last week in the Archives of Surgery. They found that nearly a third of patients who undergo the procedure, known as laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB), discovered that their bands had eroded the wall of their stomach over time.

The study used data from 82 patients who underwent LAGB surgery between January 1, 1994 and December 31, 1997. Researchers found that 61% suffered some kind of complications, usually major. Overall, 28% were found to have suffered Lap-Band erosion, and just under 50% had the band removed within 12 years. Overall, the Lap-Band recipients lost about 43% of the excess weight they carried before undergoing to procedure.


The researchers said that the lap band erosion, complications, and an overall lukewarm satisfaction rating by the patients in the study led them to determine that Lap-Band side effects lead to relatively poor long-term outcomes for LAGB.

Allergan has criticized the findings, saying that a 2010 Lap-Band study in Surgical Endoscopy found only a 12% complication rate among nearly 3,000 patients who had the bands implanted in 2001, which was the year the FDA approved the Lap-Band for use in the U.S. The company said that the study focused on the beginning of LAGB surgery, before doctors became experienced with the procedure.

According to Allergan, more than 500,000 people worldwide have received the Lap-Band and said both the band itself and LAGB surgery have changed since the subjects of the Belgian study received their bands.

The new study comes less than a week after the FDA announced that it was expanding the approved use of the Lap-Band to include people who were less obese.


  1. joan

    Hello fellow failed lapband patients. I had the band surgery in May, 2007. Hurt like Hell for a few days, then it got better. Lost 35 or 40 pounds. Went for a fill when I thought I was eating too much. Vomitted everything after that and went back and got some fill removed. Much better, no weight lost, but I never went back to get the band filled again. For the next 7 years, I gained weight, then would go on a diet and lose the weight. Just like I had done all my life without a band!! I never lost all the weight I needed to lose, but I felt okay. Then, in Feb. 2014, began have pain when I ate right in the center of my stomach where the band was, increased vomiting, horrible acid reflux. My doctor sent me to a Gastroenterologist and he sent me to Houston to a bariatric surgeon where an EGD revealed the band had slipped down lower on my stomach. That same day my bariatric surgeon removed the band. Lots of pain for two or three days, but getting better every day. I must follow a low sugar and low carb plan, much like a diabetic diet or I will GAIN all the weight back. Everyone I know who has had their band removed gained all the weight back and more. Pray for me. All of you will be in my prayers, too.

  2. Deanna

    My name is Deanna. I am a 44 year old who had the Lap Band in 2010. I read Carols comment. I too went to the eye doctor with vision problems. My doctor said I had Dry Macular Degeneration. My band is in the process of being removed. I have been vomiting, sever abdominal pain, back pain, cramping sensation on my port side when I lay on that side and nasua to the point where I can barely eat. I’m awaiting my insurance approval for removal. What’s up with this?

  3. Amanda

    After spending the last hour and a half reading every single comment on this board – all I can say is WOW. I absolutely love how people are willing to sue Allergan because they either didn’t follow their dietary guidelines, their surgeons were quacks, or they had underlying genetic conditions. Tell me again how all of those items are Allergan’s problems? Why sue Allergan if you were not properly taking care of yourself for a surgery YOU ELECTED to have? Having a lap band is a 50/50 split relationship. It will do its part – but you have to do yours as well. Seems to me there was nothing more than an overload of minimal education on this.

    I have had similar instances to many on this board from the tightness in the chest – to mild vomiting – spitting up – food not staying down, etc. These have all been due to the fact that I was not doing my part. I was either eating too fast, not chewing enough, eating foods my body just could not handle anymore, or not taking my vitamins like I should have.

    Your band tightness changes every single day and factors like stress, the weather, and even caffeine intake can affect the tightness in the band. I agree that erosion can become a factor – but the majority of the stories on this board are screaming that uneducated people thought they were going to get a quick weight loss fix and didn’t do their part for their weight loss journey. Its a weight loss TOOL not a end all fix.

  4. Kayla

    In 2009 I had my lapband surgery. Throughout the years I have had mild pain in my port area and in my shoulder where my “gas” pains from initial surgery first started. I will say I ate correctly, exercised everyday, and felt great when I was not having a pain. I would just deal with it when it happened. I lost 113 pounds and started looking sick and the pain was getting worse. I went a little over 3 years without having it filled because I was still losing weight and probably from working at it and putting in my 50%. I will have to say the pain never stopped but only got worse. With the pain getting worse so did the vomiting which started abruptly and kept going everyday for a year. Since I am stubborn and just sucked it up and dealt with the pain because when I wasn’t hurting I felt great I never went to the doctor until March 2013 and he told me I was highly malnutrition and needed it to be loosened so I did what I was told and started eating more and gaining some of my weight back. I then got pregnant and only gained 20 pounds with my baby and lost it all when I had her. In the mean time of all this going on the pain continually gets worse and more often. It is limiting my breathing at times and my port still sticks out when it happens, it is also moving towards my back area. I will be getting this checked out as soon as possible. I just wrote this all to say even though you take care of yourself and put in your 50% to help the band out there are still complications so just because something goes wrong does not mean you are not doing something right. I am not ready to sue just yet but if I have to pay to have it removed I will.

  5. Adele

    I loved my lap band…until it developed a leak back in 2005. Lost 70lbs with careful diet and exercise. I live in New Zealand and insurance wont pay for a replacement. Gutted

  6. ilene

    I almost died from my lap band and yet cannot find a lawyer willing to take on case. My lap band was inserted June 2010. In October started feeling pain left flank area. Was in emergency room and even had a hospital stay and all they said was that I had pneumonia. Finally a gastroenterologist (my saviour) decided to perform an endoscopy only to find the band had eroded into my stomach. I was then scheduled for removal. I spent one month in hospital. I had developed peritonitis, collapsed lung, a raging infection, etc. And since then still living life of he’ll. Have uncontrollable diarrhea . Have had to have a sacral nerve stimulater implanted in me but exact cause of diarrhea remains unknown but it all started at same time. Now I find out there are some stitches still remaining in my body which will probably require further surgery. Some days I m also taking about 16 Imodium tablets together with several other meds that the doctors have given me to try to control the diarrhea. Plus living in diapers and having to be embarrassed all the time. Why can’t anyone help me try to find some justice??

  7. Wendy

    I had the lapband in 2006 and by 2009 it slipped and I was sick often because I could not afford to get it out, I also had to get a blood transfusion and they never figured where the blood loss was from. My blood has never been right since. I live in sunny Florida and I have a vitamin D deficiency. I had the band removed in 2012 in an emergency situation I complained of severe pain, I knew that was the only way I could get it removed. They said my stomach was 3 times its size from being swollen. No wonder I was always sick. I feel better then ever today but my blood count is never normal. I am always afraid I need a transfusion because the only sign that I needed It was tiredness which I always am. My stomach never feels right I’m sure there is some kind of damage but I haven’t had insurance to find out. I have kept a lot of my weight off but not all of it. I just wonder how many people have needed blood transfusions that have had the lapband !!

  8. Verlynne

    I had the lap band 9/07. I did ok and lost weight until the beginning of 2012. I couldn’t get anything to go through. I went in and had it completely emptied, but I still could not eat. I had an upper GI and my surgeon assured me that it looked good and everything was fine. Well, I wasn’t going for that, so I got in with a GI and he did an endoscopy that showed a severe erosion. I went in for surgery the following week. It was suppose to be a simple fix. Remove it and stitch up the hole. I went home the next day. 2 days later I had high fevers and a disgusting smelly drainage from the JP drain. I went in for a CT and it showed that it had opened and I had peritonitis. I went back in for surgery the next day. It took 5 hours for the surgery. They had to give me blood transfusions and medication to bring my blood pressure up, remove a piece of my liver due to infection and then the nurse jokingly told my husband “she kept trying to stop breathing on us” and laughed about it. I was in the hospital for a week having CT scans almost everyday, because it continued to leak. They placed a PICC line and I was on TPN and could have nothing to eat or drink for 4 weeks while it “scarred over” and quit leaking. Not only was I on nutrition through the PICC line, but I was on heavy antibiotics 3 times a day. I had several surgical incisions and one of the drains ate through my skin and left a big gapping hole that had to be packed twice a day.
    That was just the surgery part. I have suffered almost daily with the aftermath of this. My stomach (or what we call my scar) hurts most of the time. I had a bowel obstruction 6 weeks after the surgery and ended up having iron transfusions to bring my levels back up to normal. Now this is just the physical pain I deal with and just the tip of the iceberg. The emotional and psychological pain is more detrimental and I suffer from severe depression and anxiety, due to the “dumping syndrome” that was suppose to be temporary. My surgeon takes no responsibility and says it is my fault, that I must have been taking Ibuprofen while I had the band. Well I am an RN and I’m not an idiot. I never took Ibuprofen because I knew what could happen. I am so angry that they said there was a 2% chance of erosion and now I am hearing that it is more like 50% chance. Also, I’m sure it didn’t help that his office staff more than once over-filled my band and had it completely closed off.
    To end my rant, let me just say THE LAP BAND SUCKS! When are we going to get justice for the pain and suffering we have endured trying to better ourselves! I am ruined!

  9. Pam

    I had my band Realize placed in2007. The first couple of years were fine, but after that it all went down hill. I started developing a sever pain in my left should, chest pain, severe acid reflux, indigestion, and shortness of breath just as Kayla did. I got to the point that I couldn’t even get fluid down without it coming back up. I was worried the band had slipped so I had to pay $250 to visit to have the Dr. check it only to tell me it was too full so he removed a little bit. 3 weeks later I am back paying another $250 and he says oh I must not have removed enough we will take a little more. Well I finally had to call him crying because I was getting so sick that my throat was raw and I could not keep paying him $250 so he said, ok, well pay $100. When I went in he only wanted a to remove a little and I said, NO, empty it! I am still in pain. My shoulder is hurting so bad as I type this that I can barely stand it! But that is not the worse part. 9months ago I started having seizures! Now there is a link to the lap band damaging the Vargus nerve resulting in seizures. When I heard about this from my Dr. I searched and there are literally 1000’s of posts similar to mine of band patients developing seizures. I am now on Dilantin for the seizures and can not drive until I am one year seizure free. My last seizure was only one month ago and it was so severe that I was transported by ambulance which now has me left with yet MORE medical bills that I can not pay because like so many of us we can not afford medical coverage and if we can it will not cover these things! With ever seizure a person has, the damage a small piece of the brain. Had any of this been discussed or should I say disclosed, I would NEVER have done this!!! My life is forever changed now and no one wants to take accountability for these things. I am a single mother and no license means no job! I live in a small town with no public transportation and my commute to work daily is 60 miles each way! This band has destroyed my life under the pretense of bettering it!

  10. Sharon

    Well I have had my lap band for 4 yrs I do have a lot of trouble with it I vomit all the time i live with different types of pains all the time. I have losts 140lbs I weigh about 102lbs but I truly believe it not all the bands fault one we need to learn how to eat correctly. I dont regret having the band done I just wish I could find a way to fell better and get healthy again. I hated being fat. Just pray for me and lets hope for the best I truly believe I can get better

  11. MB

    Band in 2007, revision due to Dr putting holes in the tube while filling and I filling it. He would play guess where the port is and hit me with a huge needle until he finally hit it. Some visits it took up to ten try’s. Very painful. So after the revision, I never went back-I was afraid he would put holes in the line again so I just continued with the fill from the revision in ’09 till last month’14 when I could no longer swallow. I have no idea what changed but I was in so much pain- more than ever before. I could no longer ignore the pain because now I could not even swallow my saliva. After many different dr visits, tests and jumping through hoops with the insurance company I will finally be getting this piece of crap out of my body. I would strongly suggest to anyone considering the lap band to reconsider.

  12. Cynthiao

    I find it interesting that some of you feel that the tool called the band is only as effective as the person using it. Could you please enlighten me on how I misused my now removed band? It did not slip, I lost weight however, it had to be removed from my liver. Please tell me what I did that made the band adhere to my liver? If you are not aware of all the complications that can happen to people who use the tool the way they are supposed to, then please do not comment.

  13. frank

    I had my band removed in 2013..erosion very bad nearly died 3 days after by bad sepsis infection..however does anyone have the issue of no matter even if you of water you look like you are pregnant?? Stomach blows up ?? Thanks.

  14. Genevieve

    I had the lap band surgery 4 1/2 years ago. In August 2014, I started experiencing pain, nausea and vomiting x7 days. I was unable to keep anything down, including water, became severely dehydrated. I finally went to ER, where it was discovered that my band had slipped and was completely obstructing my stomach. The band was deflated, and I was then able to eat and drink. My insurance refused to pay for the removal. So since then, I have been dealing with frequent pain, nausea and vomiting that was effecting my daily life. It recently became so severe that I had to undergo emergency surgery to remove the band. My new surgeon informed me that the rate of failure for the lap band is 60%. I was never informed of these statistics. I would never have elected to have a procedure with such a high failure rate. Please help me!

  15. Hollie

    I had lap band march 2013. I still eat too fast..throw up
    I eat too much…throw up
    I can eat any type of junk food in problems
    I try protein first but it gets stuck and..throw up
    I really need help…

    I’ve lost about 30lbs total still have 50 to go but last night while laying in bed I had a sharp pop feeling from my port ares the a slight sting downward. no pain but I still feel an area of soreness by my port. I have apt for upper GI tomorrow morning.

    Anyone experience this/ any guesses?

  16. Alexis

    I had lap band inserted 2012 and almost 2 yrs later had pain in left flank and was weak. Went to er doctor stated that lap band eroded into stomach. I had emergency surgery for lap band removal 2014. I never had any side effects of band (i thought) prior to this.

    I had a serious infection and became septic and almost died. A fistula developed where they put a J tube in to let my stomach heal. The incesion wAs infected and i had to have a wound vac for 5 months and I ended up on TPN for 4 months. I was hospitalized 7 times and had 5 surgeries and spent months in the hospital. Due to the fistula, food kept coming out of my side. I was out of work for 8 months. I’m still not able to lift much weight. I also had to have a skin graft to original incesion. I have horrible scarring and very lucky to be alive. So for those who want to comment and how we just need to do our part??? I feel I was not given proper information about the risks. The doctor indicated that there was a 1% risk of erosion and if there are problems “you just take it out.” What a joke. I contemplated taking my life because I had such poor quality of life, was in horrible pain with wound care and dragging around a wound vac machine then a TPN bag with a pic line. I finally healed but I feel that I now have a hernia where the incesion is and have delayed going back in because I can’t face another surgery. Doctors told me that would likely happen due to all the significant infection in the tissue at the incesion site.
    So do NOT get a Lap Band. Thank God I had an excellent team of doctors they saved my life.

  17. pmp

    Do not get a lap band….period.

    I am trying to get mine out now. I am so scared of what it has done to me.

    I have gas that will not leave my body all the time, and pain in my abdominal cavity so bad that it feels as if it is attached to my organs.

    Been trying to get it out for over a year, but had to fight insurance.

    I am getting it out in 2 days finally, and hoping they only find something minor.

    Ps. I lost over 100 pounds kept it off and did my part… for you jerks/

  18. Stacy

    How is there not a class action lawsuit against Allergan yet?? Patients were lied to…told the Band was a safe, effective alternative to major gastric surgery. It’s adjustable! It’s reversible! Very low complications, guaranteed for 50 years was what my surgeon told me.

    Six years later, my band is out after an emergency procedure due to prolapse. I spent 5 years with major acid reflux regardless of fill amount – to the point acid would leak out of my nose at night. Spent the last several months before removal vomiting and nauseated all the time. I had referred pain in back and shoulders, and often had back spasms that would lay me out.

    My new doctor (not the one who placed the band – he bailed and left town 3 months after my surgery despite promises of one year of free adjustments) says he has taken out twice as many bands as he ever put in.

    Allergan is still manufacturing these bands and people are still getting them, though at much lower rates. To date. I have paid over 20K out of pocket for the insertion, management and removal of my band… not to mentions years of suffering with the pain of the device. This has to stop. I consider myself an informed consumer, especially when it comes to my own medical issues. I would have NEVER elected to have a band had I known the true statistics on complications and failure rates.

  19. Gloria

    Had lap band in 2007. Did a belly flop 5 months ago and suffered a rectal sheath hematoma. Been hurting off and on in port area. Had an
    .EGD & CT & they say that it
    Show all in place but being it’s completely empty I wonder why I’m still having discomfort after a meal and glass of water. Bariatric surgeon recommending a revision but I take Coumadin for Atrial Fibrillation so I’m very hesitant. I would tell everyone out there thinking iof a lap band to STAY AWAY FROM IT!!!! Do a sleeve!

  20. Kristen

    I have been having severe pain in my stomach which seems to radiate to my ears. The ear pain becomes so bad I can hardly stand it. I try and eat healthy, but vegetables and proteins cause my pain to get worse. I become hungry and turn to whatever will go down and not cause pain, not worrying about the calorie content. I have lost 70lbs, since surgery in 2010, but am at least 70lbs from my goal weight. At this point I feel like I can’t live a normal life. When I try and eat decent food, I end up in pain or throwing up. Eat crap and feel so much better, but I know it will only cause weight gain. I am so frustrated! Has anyone else had the stomach pain with major ear pain?

  21. karen

    Im so frustrated……and concerned. First off I love love love my band. I was banded in Mexico in 2008. I have had great success. ..there were occasional incidents of feeling too tight and needing an unfill but for the most part we worked well together. In Oct i travelled to tun a 10 mile rin. After the race i was extremely tight and couldn’t get anything in….I needed water and food! When I got home I found the Dr who did my maintenance had shut down so I had to go to tge ER fir an u fill. They emptied my bandcompletely and things have never been the same. I went to a new institute today and they did the flouroscopy the barium just sat in my pouch….my band is empty no visible dialation yet movement tbrough the band is sooooo slow…….I have no feeling if restriction no reflux etc. I have fained back 15 pounds. I watch what I eat and exercise…I have a EDG scheduled in two weeks….im so bummed i miss my band working like it use too! Im considering revision to a sleeve but afraid that will fail too

  22. monica

    I had Lapband 3 years ago. I went from 250lbs to 142. I eat healthier now & think before I snack. I have not had any problems other than not wanting to eat at times because I feel guilty enjoying certain foods. I wear a size 6-7 & I’m very satisfied with my results.

  23. Diane

    I had my lap band put in October of 2007. I was the “poster child for lap band surgery”, saying that I did all the things right. I lost 60 + lbs and felt good. About 4 years later, I started to have some issues. I ached all over, kind of like a flu like symptons. My primary doctor sent me to a rheumatologist and she did testing and xrays and gave me some meds for arthritis. About the same time I began having discomfort in the area of the port as well as the lap band area and lots of indigestion. I tried to alter my diet away from anything acid or spicey, but the discomfort continued. The body aches continued as well. The rheumatoligist said that I had all the symptoms of RA but the blood work said no. She changed the meds and said that they should help. There was some releif with the meds she gave me. Within 3 mos I developed severe bladder pain. It was so bad that I went to the ER. they tested and found no infection but gave me urinary tract medication. The pain never went away. I visited the ER two more times with the same resutls. I traveled back to my home state and my primary physician and he sent me to a Urologist. They said that they could help me with a neurol stimulator. Two surgerys later I had the stimulator and it began to give me some releif. The urologist also sent me to a PT to help relieve the bladder spasms. That was the most embarrasing thing I have ever had done. I will not go into detail but I had to have my pelvic floor massaged 12 different times. All through this I am still hobbling around like an old person with my joint pains and still having drastic mood swings from the pain medication. Much to my dismay I began gaining weight and put on 25 lbs in 3 months.The stomach pains increased and I finally went back to my surgeon and he told me that all these things that I have been going through could be due to the lap band no longer working and doing its job.We discussed the options and decided that it needed to be removed. So , last week I had it removed. I am still very sore and bruised and still have the other symptioms. It may be too early since surgery to make a judgement. I will see him again tomorrow. In the mean time I will be praying for positive results.

  24. Lisa

    I lost a 100lbs im8yrs out have not gain any weight back I continuously work out 4 days a wk watch my diet
    My only complaint is heart burns and can not eat beef nor pork nor bread

  25. Sue

    I had lap band in Sept 2014 and so far I’ve lost 64 pounds. I’ve read the comments on this page and I’m amazed that some of you have had problems. This was the easiest surgery and by doing my part and watching what I eat my results have been good. I have had reflux problems but I’ve learned not to eat for 2 hours before I go to bed and that seems to have solved that problem. Yes I have eat too fast at times and thrown up, but I’ve learned to chew, chew, chew… food and eat very slow. If I don’t eat slow my food will get hung up and my face will be seeing the toilet soon…….I think this whole process is a learning event and we each have to learn each day how to deal with the issues and find ways to prevent the problems. I’ve had no pain, no erosion to my stomach and no problems. The weight seems to have slowed down so I’ve got to start excising. There are many things I can no longer eat such as white meat of chicken, pork, bread, rice, noodles, etc and of course my portions are like a small child but I am glad I had it done. I was a size 28 and I’m down to a 16-18 now. Looking forward to that size 8-10!!

  26. Lori

    I am A RN who had a lap band and paid for it myself. After nine years I just broke down and had it removed I was tired of the pain I would have in the last 2 years. I was tired of eating and being in compliance and yet I would still have issues. I had many complications this last 4 months and finally decided it had to go. I can tell you the s/s are real. I can tell you that I was never sat down and told about the complications all I was told is if there was a complication it would be no issue getting it removed and it was covered. Wrong??? I think we all should take up our concerns and have a class action. No wonder our health care is high because the manufacturer failed to teach or inform the community of the product.

  27. Lisa

    I had the band put in on Nov 2010. I have been having chronic left flank pain for over a year & have also been having trouble with fills ect. my Doc took all of the fluid out & will not refill it and I was trying to get it out but they said I have to get 6,350.00 to get it removed, that is my part they said. I have had MRI, Ct scans & ex-rays to see where the pain is coming from but they just said my esophagus was to big & that’s when he took out the fluid. they said my back is causing the side pain, but I do not think that correct. I have tenderness where the port is & where the band is. I am always in pain it ranges from a 5-12 on the pain scale. I can not get anyone to help me dig & find out the problem. I am out of money & I sure do not have the 6,350.00 to get it out. I feel so agitated and I am so tired of hurting all the time. I have lost 160 lbs but I have gained like 45 lbs back due to the problems that I am having.

  28. Joanne

    I had my lap band done 5 years ago. I didn’t loose much, my dr. stated that I would only loose up to another 50 lbs on top of the 38 that I lost before hands. I lost a lot of faith in myself, and stopped going to fills. I had fill removed before my first hip replacement, and never went back. I still throw up daily, and I have some serious pain in my port side. I’ve gained my weight back, had my second hip replaced, and don’t do any exercise anymore. I want mine removed.

  29. WD

    What I read here is lack of communications to the medical professional, from the device manufacturer. Most of the time a Medical Device Manufacture will over look issues of complications, reported issues get “watered down” in the medical profession due to Insurance companies greed. I had a Allergan lap band installed in 2008, I lost about 120 LBS I kept in contact with surgeon with regular visits. I maintained a comfortable weight, I was careful of what I ate. No Pork, chewy Beef like most steak or roasts. I started having bad chest & shoulder pains in Feb 2015 my General Doc, thought I was having Heart issues, I landed in the hospital checked over top to bottom. There was no heart issues except a small Aneurism that could have been there for many years, it did not explain my blood count and fatigue and pain. I scheduled a EGD and Colonoscopy, but could not get in right away. Finally my GP stepped in a pushed to get it done sooner, as I was getting sicker by the day. The Gastro Doc when down the throat and at the end of my esophagus, found the lap band hanging in my stomach in a very difficult location(according to the surgeon) from that point on the surgeon who had installed the band kept in continuous contact. He explained that we needed to get it out and repair the damage to my stomach, but my Insurance company said NO Way that was bariatric surgery and they would not cover it. As I was getting sicker and sicker and very weak, frantic phone calls to the Insurance company resulted in continuous denial, even though the Dr. Insisted I was in danger of dyeing. Finally the Surgeon admitted me to the hospital thru the emergency room, started feeding me antibiotics and 2 days later it was removed. I spent the next 2 weeks tied to a Pic Line feeding me and the next 4 to 6 weeks getting my strength back to a level I could tolerate. I ask all of you who are considering some type of weight loss DONT GET THE LAP BAND. I am also in amazement why our Government continues to protect the thieves, Medical Device Companies and Hospitals and Insurance Companies. They hide behind their over paid legal staffs, who manipulate the law to their advantage. They deprive us, the individual opportunity to recover the losses and the damage to our own personal health. I say we collectively form group that can effectively prevent these, so called Health Care Companies and Hospitals and most of all the Insurance Companies, who form our healthcare laws in the veil of Lobbyists who cheat steal and Bribe their way for their own benefit.

  30. Nicole

    I had the band put in in 2010… had good, steady results for 18 months or so. I would have periods where nothing at all would go down but it would typically right itself without much intervention. My DR. had challenges with my port and the fill procedures (always having to try multiple times and that was painful).

    I became pregnant in 2012 and had all the fill removed (my doctor even asked me why I was doing that?). Had a healthy pregnancy, no percieved lapband issues at all. I ended up having her in 3/13 via c-section and after delivery I noticed that I didn’t have an appetite at all and after a few weeks I was unable to even drink sips of water without getting sick. I went back in and they told me the band (not the port) had flipped over and there was no way for food/liquid to enter my stomach. We scheduled surgery (he wouldn’t do it as emergency so I had to wait another week) and it was removed. He left the port in place however. Now I am awaiting a call back because I told them that the port is causing me a ton of pain now.

    I paid $34k out of pocket for the band and nothing to show for it. A decision I regret every single day. And none of the initial weight loss has remained.

  31. LB

    Embarrassed and scared. I had the Realize Gastric Band inserted in 2009 in attempt to prevent advancement of newly diagnosed medical issues. As with all of you, it was my decision to have the Lap Band procedure, hoping for a healthier and better quality of life. Like most of you, had I known the hidden secrets and complete disclosure of the potential harmful complications, I would have never had the procedure. I have developed multi-medical issues, among some mention in previous comments, lost only 35 lbs. and no band fluid for over 1 year. Following the physicians and dietary instructions, still allowed for progression and new development of complications. The
    last EGD revealed additional issues, I was instructed to have the band removed as soon as possible.
    Approximately, 1 year ago I contacted a Law Firm regarding initialing Class Action procedures. They declined, even though the Medical device manufacturers had been subpoenaed by the U.S. government regarding medical complications. Most of us consented for the Gastric Lap-Band procedure, not all for cosmetic reasons, but in attempted to gain a healthier life style. By no fault of ours, the complete information relating to potential complications were not fully disclosed to us. We were not allowed to make a more informed decision, thereby, causing us greater harm then what was presented by the manufactures and doctors. File a complaint with the FDA (www./

  32. Susan

    Is there a lawsuit yet ? 3 yrs my baND has been removed and I’m in a lot of pain on my lower left side . It’s almost impossible to get into a bariatric doc Help the thousands affected by this piece of junk. Join Failed Lapband group on fb .. we need to be heard

  33. Vikki

    I had my band in 2009 my weight was 15 stone two weeks ago I got quite sick I was not able to get enough food or liquids to stay down I was dehydrated and developed a urine infection + chest infection my weight then was 7 stone 2 lb and I had been that for the last two years , hospital decided that they were going to deflate my band to allow me to rehydrate and get some nourishment, I was a little concerned about this, but then agreed this was my health after all two days later I had gained a stone swelled like a balloon legs abdomin and now I only eat salad I don’t crave crap food yet I swell even more and hospital say it’s nothing to do with my band been deflated, Friday this week I had a ct scan and barium scan just waiting results I feel like I’m 6 months pregnant its mad and I feel huge anyone else had the same problem.

  34. Joyce

    Banded in 2008 , was fine went from 200lbs to 140 lbs in 5 yrs, Problems with port had that replaced in 2014 then went to 120lbs. Past 6 mths steady weight gain upto 140 again MD has ordered Bariun swallow. When band is filled I feel pressure in back could this indicate erosion?

  35. Luis

    I had the lap band done in 2010 and I was about 300lbs and with diet and exercise I am now 160. But since I got the surgery I have had my gull bladder removed, bowl obstruction surgery (which I almost died from last year) and recently I found that my lap band was eroded and an emergency surgery had to be done. The surgery was suppose to be about an hour long but 3 hours later the dr. said that from the lap band being eroded it caused a big hole in my stomach. I was in the hospital for 3 days with pain meds and antibiotics. I am still in a lot of pain but I have to go see surgeon next week…

  36. rklewis2

    2015 Banded after a BIG Seminar Commercial & Push by a local hospital..14 months of insurance requirements/$1000’s in other Dr appointments..(?)check-list (or).”preparation”…no Medical Professional ever/never noticed the “European statistics-whom no longer recommend it” & “already have Years ahead of us data”…neither was I told. After surgery no restriction felt. 3mos. Post op SEVERE GERD, 2+ year(s) of reoccurring respiratory (Weight loss center shoved self help/try harder/loosen it up/drink more water) compliance was there 100%. So was MISERY. infections/wheezing/SEVERE asthma. So these Past 6 mos. (lived on Protonix-Carafate-Antibiotics) 😩 miserable life. Nature pathetic MD / Internist checked blood toxins; EXTREMELY high SILICONE toxins; i was told it was inert/safe/and would never decompose; so why am I toxic? Dystonic neuro symptoms began past two weeks. Severe spastic hand/foot/back muscular uncontrollable hurtful embarrassing problem. Just completed 3-MD visits GI-Pulmo-ENT (erosion of Band probable) (Lung damage from stomach acid)(probable infection IN the BAND itself). Okay Now I have to Trust the Same clinic that ignored my pleas to Remove it; Fix my stomach/liver/esophagus.,,You have to DIG to find the European research. Good luck but find the truth before you put your body through it

  37. john

    I am 61 years old and had a lapband put in September of 2014 I lost about 75lbs. The company that did the procedure and also did maintenance went belly up. My primary physician does not handle them either. Anyway the port that they put under my skin to do the fills I am thinking it moved as it is not in the the place they put it in and I am having abdominal pain at times. Any suggestions let me know

  38. judy

    I am 55 and had my lap band done maybe 10 years ago and had it removed 2 years later. I couldn’t drink or eat without anything including water getting stuck. I wanted it out but the only way was to convert to a sleeve.
    fast forward 2019 I currently have Barrett’s disease and have never felt healthy again. I am afraid of developing cancer of the esophagus. I didn’t loose much weight because doesn’t help anyone that is a picker, Im not one that eats large meals. I don’t think it’s the sleeve but the implant that has caused all my issues. When I complained to the surgery and told him I was going to see a GI doctor he insisted I see him I want to ick myself. I was complaining to him AFTER ALL LIQUID WAS REMOVED FROM LAP BAND THAT FOOD AND WATER AND ANY LIQUID WAS GETTING STUCK. He did an endoscopy and told all was great but I noticed he must have done something because food wasn’t getting stuck anymore but I asked what did you do did you find anything wrong and he denied it. I had the conversion done anyway I wanted that thing out of me. After removal food began to get tuck again I never went back to the surgeon and proceeded to see a GI doctor and they stretched my I guess opening and labeled me as having Barrett’s disease. Why is there anything being done to protect people this implant should not be done to anyone else. I would love to stand in a court room and point the finger. I did everthing right but that implant never worked just cause complications …….I have compromised my health and I am crossing my fingers it doesn’t get worse but seems to be. I am schedule next week for another UPPER GI AND I AM CROSSING MY FINGERS..

  39. Wendi

    I want to see how everyone else is doing who had their lapband removed…I had mine put in in 2011 and had it removed in 2015. I want something else. I loved the band but had to have it surgically removed in 2015. It cost me $35,000 in hospital bills. I lost 178 lbs and have gained 40 back.

  40. Angie

    I had my lab band replaced 4 times ! Very painful vomiting, acid refulx, IBM, hernia and esophagus erosion ..

  41. Milea

    I got my lap band 2013 and it has been nothing but problems from the start. I stay sick daily. Food gets stuck in my throat and it is so painful. I now get pneumonia 3 to 4 times a year and I almost die everytime. I told my doctor to put the device in and he says everything is fine I am just over eating. I barely eat anything and yet I’m still gaining weight. I have a vitamin D deficiency so I now have to take a vitamin d pill weekly. My stomache stays sore to the touch daily. Most days I cant even get out of bed. I cant get the device removed because I cant afford it. I dont know what to do anymore.

  42. Thomas

    I had lapband surgery 2008 around the end of 2010 I started having vomiting and real bad stomach pains. While On my way! To funeral in California in Dec. 2013 we had to stop in El Paso at an emergency room. There they had to remove my lapband. Ever since I’m still

  43. Leah

    I had my LapBand surgery in 2012 and had horrible complications within a year. I had problems even keeping liquids down and both food/liquid would come up most times without a warning; this made dining-in with family mostly thing of the past. I had horrible stomach pains much of the time that was finally bad enough in 2015 it was removed. The doctor whom did the surgery was VERY rude, had threatening demeanor, told my husband that by him supporting the removal (after witnessing all the suffering) that he (my husband) was gonna kill me and slammed the door so loudly everyone in office stopped; also was complaining as he was going down hallway. He mentioned some sort of percentages so my health was never the concern. We immediately filed a formal complaint with his office manager but never had resolved it; also learned he’s had to take anger management classes twice, once due to treatment of staff and second due to treatment of patient. He was also good at missing the port and stabbed stomach twice like it was nothing.
    About 7 months after removal is when REAL horrific pains began. One day while tending my veggies I bent over and my stomach literally twisted/flipped in half like it was a mop being rang out. It was and is the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced in my life. After that I called doc and went in and was told probably lipomas and underwent another surgery to remove 3 of them however the twisting continued. It was just if i tied my shoes, then can’t reach from right to left or it flips to point now I don’t do or make MANY movements to avoid flipping; coughing while laying back even triggers it now. When i say excruciating I cannot speak, move, breath deep and must cry in silence laying there. It used to take about 15 mins to flip back and stop hurting however now they last way longer actually flipped then once flips back the pain lasts upwards of 30 mins.
    I’ve been sent to diff docs and now sent to a different bariatric surgeon because I’m being told this is occurring most likely due to severe scar tissue where band was placed. Now this new place says I need sleeve surgery to correct issues caused by LapBand and have been pushing over 2 years now for me to have done. I got almost through 4 month process and just had real bad feeling that didn’t set right with me. I mean my life has been a nightmare caused by a bariatric surgery so why would i not be scared of yet a second.
    My overall health has greatly declined since having both the install and removal of the LapBand. I have had several appointments and surgeries. I weigh more now than I did when it was done and these Lipomas that formed after removal are now EVERYWHERE and causing issues with how bad and widespread they are. There are now lumps some size of an orange in stomach. If I had to guess there’s at least 100 lipomas ranging from pea size to orange. No one doctor seems to care as I steadily get worse. I been getting shoved around from doc to doc since 2015 with no resolve. I hardly leave home and in bed most of the time sick. The constant daily nausea and discomfort are horrific at times. Not sure if in any way related but I magically now suffer with diverticulitis, colitis and had precancerous polyps found/removed at last colonoscopy none of which I’d ever had before removal. I’m afraid this is going to kill me far too young. I’m getting worse and worse, swelling and lumps and all else including a rapidly worsening heart condition as pain seems to cause it to act up bad when not controlled. I’m in pain management but that’s a joke. For folks like me whom have multiple painful issues, fused spine, 2 blown knee replacements well we’re screwed as we’re on meds for life and normal dosages don’t cut it. My pain doc is VERY aware that meds help with only 40% of pain.
    Sorry this is so long I’m just trying to be thorough being I’ve not seen anything about stomach flipping/twisting from other LapBand people so I feel alone in it, and have no clue what to do. I know for fact more surgery to come and I’m SO tired of stomach issues and pain.
    Thanks for listening,
    Leah “Nikki W.

  44. Joseph

    My wife had her lap band put in in 2008 and bye 2017 she had to have it removed because she had gerd for the previous five years. Come to find out she also have an ulcer where her stomach had eroded and really never recovered and just passed away today at 66 years old

  45. Thomas

    Hiatal hernia

  46. Lori

    I had the lap band in 2011. My surgeon (retired now) was very experienced with lapbands and trained it for the manufacturer. I just found out I am having lots of stomach issues with the band and need to have it out and probably need a bypass. I was not even notified of the large amount of complications this has caused others so I could have it checked. I just found out all the problems with these bands. I’m pretty upset about this. I can’t find the class action against the manufacturer. Can someone point me to the class action suit for the manufacturer for putting out this bad product. If there is no class action, why not?

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